Chapter 31- A complete mess
It's been over a month, since Stephen found out that I was pregnant again. I've been really thinking about this pregnancy. I'm not sure if I even want another child again so soon. I mean, yeah I want to have a family and have another child in the near future. But I'm really not ready to take care of two babies right now.
Don't get me wrong I adore Liam, but he was a lot of work on his own. If I just up and threw a new born into the mix, then I would be really struggling. Yes, Stephen helped out when he could, but he was constantly busy with work and his new business.
I knew I wasn't ready, and I knew what I had to do. I felt horrible for the decision I was about to make, but I needed to focus on Liam for now until we were actually ready to have another baby. I knew I had to have a talk with Stephen, and he wasn't going to be too happy about it.
Currently, we were back in Barcelona because Stephen was now officially making his own clothing line. I was really proud of how far he has gotten. But at the same time he was overly busy now. That's why I knew this was the best decision for us. Once, everything died down a little then maybe we could think about having another child.
I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, I was making Cuban chicken and black bean rice bowls. Stephen wanted us to eat more healthier foods. He was trying to get back into his daily routine. I guess, since he's been with me he hasn't really been doing his daily workouts.
Turning off the oven I take out the chicken, grabbing the bowls I measure the rice. Adding a fist size portion of rice, I put them into two bowls. Within five minutes I have dinner ready, putting a aluminum foil around Stephen's bowl I place it onto the counter.
Grabbing my bowl I walk into the living room, Liam was in his walker watching some children's show. I could honestly say he was a good baby, he did have his days but overall he was wonderful.
About two hours later, I had feed Liam and changed his diaper. He had fell asleep so I put him in his crib. Hearing the front door open, I knew Stephen was home. The front door closes, and his footsteps grow near. Turning my head, I see him walk into the living room. He smiles at me, and plops himself down next to me.
I wanted to be as happy as him, but I wasn't. I felt stuck. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to make him happy, but I also wanted to be happy too. I knew it was time to talk to him about my decision. As much as I didn't want too. I had too.
"Elijah?" I mumble.
"Yes?" He answers, looking at me.
"We need to talk." I sigh.
"Look, if this is about the whole ordeal about me being busy. I can'-" He begins to say.
"No. This is about me being pregnant. Look, I'll just get straight to the point. I can't do this Stephen, you have so much going on right now. I'm trying my best to be the best mother I can to Liam. He's not even one years old yet. How can we think about bringing another child into this world, if I'm not even use to raising Liam yet? I'm sorry, but I want to get an abortion." I frown looking down.
I could already feel the the tears welling up in my eyes. I knew Stephen was mad, but I couldn't look him in the eyes. I felt so bad. I really didn't want to do this, but I knew I couldn't do this. It wasn't the right time to have another baby. We just needed to focus on Liam for now.
"Abortion?! Are you fucking insane?! I'm not letting you kill my child. We created this baby together, and now he or she is growing inside you. Do you really...I can't!" He yells angrily.
"........Stephen? Please, Liam is sleeping.." I whisper.
"Don't fucking Stephen me! Time after time I've been trying to make you happy. We're fucking married for fucking sake! Look, I don't want to talk about this anymore." He barks.
"No! Stephen, this is my fucking body! I was scared when I had Liam. I'm just now learning how to be a mother. You have a lot going on right now. It's not enough that you don't even have time for your own son sometimes. What happens when I have this baby?huh?! I'm going to be the one struggling to take care of them." I argue back.
"What are you trying to say?! That I'm not here for you and my son?! I've been trying to come home to be here for you two. I'm working my ass off for us. What do you think I'm doing?! Huh?! I'm not out there fucking partying! You're still that fucking insecure woman I met!" He fumed.
Hitting a very sensitive nerve, I look away from him. He was a fucking jerk. Why did I even bother marrying him? He had no remorse for my feelings or what I wanted. He never tried to actually talk like civilized adults. He always wanted to argue about everything like he dictated our entire life. He only did what benefited him.
"Amor..?" He sighs.
"Don't! Don't fucking touch me!" I scream.
Getting up from off the couch, I walk towards the stairs. Walking up the stairs, I hear Stephen follow behind me. Getting to Liam's nursery, Stephen grabs my arm and spins me around before I can open the door.
"Listen, I'm trying my best to make a better life for us. Soon, I will be home more, but until this shop can run on it's on I can't do anything. I want our marriage to work, but you can't keep doing this. You can't keep running away when your scared. That's why I'm here. I'm your fucking husband. I'll always be by your side no matter what, but when it comes to killing our child I can't. I don't believe in that shit." He defended.
"I understand that Stephen. But I'm not running away...I just think it's not the right time for us to have another child. I can't do this on my own, and you have to understand that." I counter back.
"And I know. But your not getting an abortion. That's my child growing inside of you, and I refuse to let you hurt him or her. We're not discussing this anymore. End of story!" He growls.
"F.u.c.k y.o.u!" I scream angrily.
"You think I'm going to listen to what you want?! This is my body, Stephen. I sound like a freaking broken radio player repeating this. Your suppose to be my husband. How can you not understand where I'm coming from?" Pulling my arm out of his hold, I walk towards our bedroom. He walks behind me, and closes the door behind us once we're inside.
"You knew when we first started dating that I would hardly be home. Just because we're married now doesn't mean it's any less different. I have a hectic job, ____. You knew what my job entailed, so what's the problem now? I'm trying to make money for us now that it's not just the two of us anymore. I don't know how much more you could ask for." He chided.
"I knew that. I married you because I love you. But your always arguing with me when I try my best to just talk to you. I understand your anger with me right now, and I know you disagree with my decision of having an abortion. But you also have to understand we can't do this right now. Elijah, please understand. Having another baby is just going to be a whole mess." I argue.
"So, now your saying our child will be a burden on us? This is one of your flaws. You don't think about other's feelings. Your always claiming I don't paid any attention to your feelings, but when I do you just up and flip the switch on me. Do you not want to be in this marriage?! Is this what I'm going to have to deal with everyday?" He sighs.
Not wanting to talk to him anymore, I walk pass him and out of the room towards Liam's nursery. I didn't want to fight with him anymore. All I wanted to do was have a normal conversation with him. I knew he would be upset about it, but there was no need to argue about it. I just wanted him to understand where I was coming from. Why couldn't he understand that?
Two weeks later, me and Stephen haven't been talking. He's been home for a week now which was quite surprising. I was still angry with him, and thought about going to the clinic by myself on many occasions. But in the pit of my stomach I knew I would regret it. Even though I was mad at my husband, I didn't want him to be upset. I was willing to compromise, but that was only if he was willing to talk like civilized adults.
Stephen had went out and took Liam along with Pablo. I had the house to myself, and I was going to take full advantage of that. I decided to text Kyla. I hadn't hung out with her in a while. I had talked to her last month. She had broke things off with her boyfriend, and was just now focusing on school.
You: Hey! Wyd?
Bestie💕: Home.
You: Let's hangout.
Bestie💕: Your home?
You: Yeah.
Bestie💕: I'm coming over.
You: kk. See you soon.
About thirty minutes later, I hear a knock at the front door, walking out of the kitchen I head towards the door. Opening up the door, I see Kyla standing there. Letting her inside I close the door behind her, and we both head towards the living room. Both taking a seat on the couch, she turns in her seat facing me.
"So? Where's Stephen?" She asks.
"He took Liam out with him. He's been a jackass." I sigh.
"Why?" She questioned.
"He's mad at me, because I found out that I'm pregnant again." I say.
"What?! Y-your p-pregnant again?!" She asks bewildered.
"Yeah. I found out last month. I really didn't want to tell anyone. Stephen and I had an argument two weeks ago. I wanted to get an abortion...I don't think we're ready to have another baby." I explain.
"An abortion? Are you crazy?! He's right to be mad at you. You should be lucky your carrying his child." She hissed.
Was she okay? Not long ago she despise Stephen, and now she was on his side. Something wasn't right, but I wasn't going to overthink things. Maybe she was only agreeing with him, because she didn't agree with my decision. But then again why would she say that I should be lucky I was carrying his baby? Odd.
"I understand why he's upset. He has every right to be. It's his child too, but we're not in a situation where we should be having another child. Liam is not even one years old yet." I sigh.
"I don't understand you. Stephen is an incredible man who has accomplished so much, and yet your still unsatisfied." She grumbled.
What? Was she really serious right now? It's like her own perspective on Stephen had did a 180. Was she not the girl who hated his guts before? Was she not the girl who stood up for me when it came to him? I was simply confused. Was she feeling okay today?
"Okay...what's going on with you?" I question crossing my arms over my chest.
"Me?Haha...funny. You have a freaking amazing husband that does everything for you. Before you two were even married he still did everything for you. What more could you ask for?!" She says harshly.
"I don't know what your issue is, but don't put that shit on me! If something is bothering you then tell me. That's what friends are here for. Is it abo-" I begin to say.
"My problem is you! It's always been you. Friends?! If it wasn't for me being such a great friend, you would have never been with Stephen!" She lashes out.
"Me?! What the fuck are you talking about?!" I argue back.
"You really want to know?! That time you wanted me to meet him for you. I was tempted to tell you he was a fake. I was going to keep him for myself. How could I not. Look at him the man is a god with the personality to match. But you and your stupid bitchy insecure self couldn't stop whining. But in the end he would always wine up back with you. I hated how he would run back to you, and you would just fuck him over again. But I'll tell you one thing, that time we were in the gym together we did fuck. I fucked your man, but he was too much of a man to leave you. He regretted it afterwards, and you know what he did text your sorry ass." She hisses angrily.
"What?!" I scream angrily.
Standing up from the couch, I look down at her. I could see the cocky smirk that was edging at the side of her lips. I couldn't believe I had called her my best friend. She was just like the rest of those girls dying to get Stephen's attention. But what I couldn't believe was the fact that, if what she was saying was true. I didn't want it to be true, and hoped it wasn't, because if it was. I wanted a divorce.
"Get the fuck out!!" I scream.
"Not until Stephen comes back!" She yells.
"Get the fuck out Kyla!" I scream even louder.
Hearing footsteps nearing the living room, I see Stephen pushing the baby stroller. He goes to open the hood of the stroller, but I stop him.
"What?!" He barks.
"You slept with this slut?!" I angrily ask. Looking between me and Kyla he groans in annoyance.
"Why the fuck would I sleep with your friend?" He questions angrily.
" I don't know, Stephen. The whore claims you two slept together. Did you sleep with her that time you two went to the gym together?!" I ask again.
"You know we had sex Stephen! Just fucking tell her!" Kyla yells.
"No! Are you fucking delusional?! Yes, we hung out together before, but I had no interest in you. I only hung out with you, because you were my wife's friend. Why the fuck would I stoop low like that?!" He fums angrily.
"Your a fucking liar!" She cries angrily.
"Get the fuck out Kyla or I'll call the police!" I roared.
"Fuck you! You'll never be good enough for him. Go a head get an abortion. Your whole marriage is going to come crumbling soon. When your ready you know where to find me." She scowls. She gets up from out of her seat, looks at Stephen and then leaves out the door.
Overwhelmed with everything I fall onto the floor, and sob hysterically. I couldn't believe all this time I thought she was my friend. She never cared about me, all she ever cared about was Stephen. She was jealous. I should have known that from the start, but I was too blind to see it. Feeling arms wrap around me, I cry even harder.
A few minutes later, Stephen had put Liam to bed. I laid in bed staring absentmindedly at the wall, my eyes sting from crying. I felt so empty inside. All the hurtful things she had said about me really hurt.
She was someone I had trusted, and someone that was like a sister to me. I felt like I had no one. Feeling the bed dip in behind me, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. He places his head onto my shoulder, and pecks my cheek.
"I'm sorry, mi amor. I've been really selfish, and I know your feeling like shit right now. But if you think this decision is right, then I'm going to try to support you on this. I don't want you to hate me for holding you back. I still disagree with it because that's our child, but I need to learn to stop arguing with you. I need to be more supportive." He sighs.
".........You really slept with her didn't you?" I ask lowly.
"No.." He answers.
"Then why are you all of a sudden wanting to be supportive of my decision, Stephen?" I question. Turning around in his hold, I look into his green eyes.
"Because I thought a lot about it today when I was out with Liam. You were right. We need to spend time with him, and just focus on him. Plus, he's not even one years old yet. Maybe when he's five or six we can think about having another child. I don't want you to have this baby, because I made you. I want you to be happy too." He smiles weakly.
"Really?" I ask puzzled.
"Yes. And trust me I never slept with Kyla. Amor, I had no interest in her even when I first met her. All I could think about was being with you. It's always been you. That's why we're together now, because even when we were dating and would break up we always end up back together." He expresses.
"I know. And I love you, Elijah. I'm sorry for putting you through so much. I've been a complete mess." I frown.
"No, matter how much issues we go through as a couple. We'll always get through it together. I'm in love with you. And I think it's time we show the world that." He smiles.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Let's officially have a wedding." He says.
"You're sure your ready for that?" I smirk.
"Of course, but the only thing I'm excited for is our honeymoon." He winks.
"I couldn't agree with you more." I smile.
"I love you, mi amor" He pecks my lips, wrapping his arms around me.
"I love you too, Elijah." I mumble against his lips.
"Elijah?" I say.
"Hum?" He questions.
"I want this baby. I want us to be a family...even if we struggle I don't care as long as we're together" I sniffed.
"Don't cry, amor. No, matter what decision you make I'll support you until the very end." He says. Wiping my fallen tears, he pecks my lips again.
"You're so beautiful. I promise, I'll try my best to keep you happy. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be a failure to you anymore, and I don't want to argue. You and Liam deserve the best. So, I think it's time to sell this house." He smiles. His green eyes were shining with so much love, and admiration.
"Sell it? Why?" I question confused.
"This house has good and bad memories. But there's more bad memories then good ones. And we don't need that negativity anymore. If you want we'll buy a condo near the city. We'll spend most of our time in London anyways." He explains.
Wrapping my arms around him, I nod my head. This is why I love this guy. He was my everything. And I knew we were slowly growing as a couple. Stephen had matured so much, since we've been together. I could tell he was really trying to make this relationship work.
Within a few weeks, our house was sold and we had bought a condo near Stephen's Agency. It wasn't too big but it was just right. It didn't really matter, because we were on our way back to London tomorrow. As for the whole Kyla ordeal, Stephen had changed both our numbers, and had blocked her from all our social media's.
We had also started planning our wedding, we had sent out the invitation already. We had planned on getting married next month here in Barcelona. I thought Spain was a better fit for us since this is where we had officially met.
Plus, it was home to Stephen, and it meant a lot to him. I had planned an appointment in New York to go dress shopping with my mom, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law. My little brothers were flying out from LA to London, and staying with Stephen and his family. I was officially happy to see things getting back on track. Hopefully, everything will go well.
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