Chapter 30- Secret

It's been two months, I wouldn't say everything was a mess but it was quite overwhelming. Since, I was the wife of Stephen James Henry, I had to go to a lot of events with him now. The amount of popularity that Stephen was gaining was crazy.

Since, he opened his shop a lot of fans have been coming by, and he has become constantly busier. It didn't pacifically bother me, but it was the news that I had surprisingly found out about.


A month earlier, Stephen had took me to his shop. He was leaving later to go to Italy for an event. He wanted me to see how the business was going. I already knew it was doing well.

His shop was called "Elijah Tattoo & Barbershop". The place was amazingly designed. It had this white, and black modern feel to it. It was just fresh and clean cut.

It was currently located in Barcelona, Spain. We were on vacation for a week, but I was heading back to London later while Stephen went to his event.

"It looks beautiful! I love it" I smile.

"I'm glad you love it." He smiles back.

Two hours later, we sat in our living room, I watched a movie while Stephen did some work on his laptop. I was feeling a little spontaneous today, lately I've been feeling like doing things that were out of my comfort zone.

Moving towards Stephen, I wrap my arms around his neck. Slowly I kiss along his neck, which causes a groan to escape his lips.

"Amor, I have to get this done before I leave" He groans.

" need you." I purr seductively.

Removing his attention from the laptop screen, he looks up at me.

"Really?" He huskily asks.

I could already tell he was as turned on as I was. His green eyes had this dark lustful tint to them.

"Yes..I'm feeling a little spontaneous today." I wink at him.

Closing his laptop screen he gets up from off of the couch. Without so much as a warning he picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Where to my lady?" He whispers.

"The backyard" I giggle like a school girl.

"Mmm..I like how you think, Mrs. Henry." He smirks.

I wasn't afraid of anyone watching us or catching us in the act. Our backyard was secure, no one and I mean no one would see us.

But the thrill about it, was the fact that I was able to try new things with my husband. And he was okay with it. He didn't judge, and he was willing to try new things especially when it came to sex.

When we get out to the backyard, he gently places me onto one of the lounge chairs. It didn't take us much time to strip our clothes. Moving in between my legs, he spreads them even wider. Holding both legs onto his hip, he slides right into my already dripping heat.

Moving his hips, he thrusts into me at a steady pace. Capturing my lips, he wastes no time in exploring my mouth. His tongue tangles with mine. He kisses me with want, and hungry. Speeding up his thrust, he starts to slam into me at an alarming pace.

"Fu-Yasss!"I cry out.

All I could hear was our skin slapping together, my wetness, and his moans. The amount of pleasure I was receiving was overwhelming. I knew at this rate I wasn't going to last any longer.

With him briskly pulling out of me, and slamming back into me. I could feel how deep, and raw he felt inside of me. I wanted everything from him. Digging my fingers down his back, he groans loudly into my ear.

"Fuckk! You like how my cock feels inside of you!" He pants through his every thrust.

All I could do was answer him with a moan, I was to far gone too answer him with words. My body was trembling underneath  him. Feeling his cock pulsate inside me, I knew he was close. But I knew he wasn't going to break before I did. Stephen had too much stamina.

Feeling like I was about to cum, he pulls out of me without warning. Whimpering from the lost, I glare at him.

"Get on all fours! Before I change my mind" He demands.

He knew I liked it rough, especially when he took charge. Being obedient I do as he says. Moving back he leaves me some space to move. I turn onto my stomach, and raise my ass up in the air. Feeling his warm hands on either side of hips, he rams right back into my wanting pussy.

Doesn't take me long to fall apart as he roughly thrusts into me. With this position I could feel how deep he was inside of me. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Arghhh! Fu-I'm..." I cry loudly.

"That's right baby let everyone know who's pussy this is" He groans.

Stephen dirty talk was my undoing, he knew just what to say. He knew I loved it when he talked dirty to me. It was such a turn on when it came to him.

"Yassss, Yassss Daddy!" My body shakes, and trembles underneath him as I cum hard. With one final hard, and deep thrust he cums inside of me. Collapsing on top of me, I could feel both of our hearts pounding erratically in our chests. His cum oozes out onto my inner thigh, and I'm sure onto the lounge chair but I didn't care.

"Fuck! That was fucking great" He smiles against my shoulder.

"It was" I smile.

When we get our breathing back to normal, he slowly eases off of me. Picking me up bridal-style he takes us both back into the house for a quick shower.

Four hours later, we were at the airport getting ready to head our separate ways. Even though I knew he was coming back, I was still going to miss him.

"Well...I'll see you in three days, amor." He says pecking my lips.

"Okay. I love you." I frown hugging him tight.

"I love you too, mi amor" He pecks my lips one last time, before we head our separate ways. Watching him leave, he disappears into the crowd of people. Heading towards my gate, I look back one last time. I knew he was long gone, but it still hurt being away from him even though I knew he would be back in a few days.

*End of flashback*

It crazy how one crazy moment turns your life upside down. I mean, I love my little family but was I really ready to be a mother again so soon. I had found out a few days ago that I was pregnant again.

Liam wasn't even one yet, and I was already having another baby. It was honestly going to be hard having two little ones running around.

I haven't told Stephen, I had planned on telling him tonight. We were going out tonight to celebrate his sister's birthday. Of course, Liam along with Pablo were staying with his parents. But this time they were coming over to watch them for the night.

Lounging around the house I play with Liam, while he tries to walk in his walker. He was still too young to walk, but he was trying. Stephen was on his way home, he had called a few minutes ago. Honestly, I was kinda nervous to tell him. I mean, I knew he would be happy but I didn't know how I felt.

Hearing the front door open, I hear Stephen's footsteps. Jumping up and down in his walker, I hear Liam laugh. This was a daily occurrence, it's like he knew when his father was home.

Guess you can say he was a daddy's little boy. He loved his father. Walking into the living room, Stephen spots Liam in his walker. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he was to see his father.

"How's my little boy?" He picks Liam up from out of his walker. He tricks him, which causes him to laugh. Kissing his cheek repeatedly, Liam squirms in his arms.

"Elijah! Don't trickle him too much." I say worriedly.

"Don't worry, mommy he's fine. Right my cutie?" He smiles pecking Liam's cheek.

Getting up from off of the floor, I walk towards the kitchen. Hearing footsteps behind me, I knew Stephen was following behind me.

"So, what are you wearing tonight?" He smirks.

"Nothing. If it was up to you." I scowl at him.

"Haha..if I could keep you home I would. It's my sister's birthday. So.." He smirks smugly.

"Your lucky our son is here." I glare at him.

Six hours later, I had done my makeup and picked out a black lace dress. I knew my husband wasn't going to be happy what I was wearing, but I wanted to look sexy.

Walking out of our room, I stop in my tracks. Fuck. Who was this fine ass guy? Stephen looked so fucking hot in red. He wore a red long sleeve shirt with a zip, that was designed on the right side of his shirt.

He had black jeans on, and a pair of matching red sneakers. His brown hair was slicked back, and gelled. He just looked so sexy. Now, I really wanted to stay home, and let him fuck the daylights out of me.

"See something you like?" He smirks.

"Fuck! Do you think your sister will be mad if we took long?" I ask, walking towards him.

"As appealing as that sounds, Mrs. Henry. We can't my parents are downstairs." He says, getting up from off of the bed.

"....fine." I pout.

"Haha...your so fucking gorgeous." He smiles, pulling me towards him.

Pecking my lips softly, he wraps his arms around my waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him closer towards me. I could tell he was turned on, and he was trying to hide it.

"Oh Elijah...." I whisper

"Yes, amor" He answers.

"I don't think we should leave yet. Your little friend tells me otherwise." I smirk.

"Fuck! Baby don't start" He groans.

"Stephen!" We hear his mother call from downstairs.

"Your lucky mommy dearest saved you.." I whisper, working my hands down the front of his jeans.

"Your bad. I'll get you later. Remember that." He warns through gritted teeth.

"I look forward to it, my sexy husband." I wink, moving out of his hold on me.

I just enjoyed teasing Stephen when I knew he was turned on. I found it rather amusing watching him squirm, when he couldn't do anything about his situation forming in his jeans.

It took us fifteen minutes to get to the club, we found his sister, her friends, and his brothers in the V.I.P area. The music was booming throughout the whole club, It was like party central in here.

Everyone was enjoying the music. It has been a long time since I've been clubbing. Not to mention, I really haven't had time to hangout with Kyla.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When the whole rumor about Stephen and his ex hit the fan, she just completely disappeared. She knew it was a lie, but she wasn't very fond of Stephen.

I didn't understand why, because at the end of the day he was still my husband. She was going to have to eventually deal with it. He was going to be in my life forever weather she liked it or not.

Taking my seat near my sister-in-law, she hugs me, and hugs her brother. You could tell she was happy to see him. It's been a while since we all hung-out, especially Stephen and his siblings. It was good to see them all together to celebrate their sister's birthday.

"So, how has my brother been treating you?!" She asks over the blaring music.

"Good!" I answer back.

"That's great. How's my cute little nephew?! I have to go see him! I haven't saw him, since my parents last babysat him! I miss him!" She smiles.

"He's really good! He's getting bigger and bigger everyday! You should come over! You could even stay over sometime! We have guest-rooms!" I tell her.

"Maybe next Saturday!" She smiles.

Looking to my right, I see Stephen and his brothers taking shots of vodka. There were about five different bottles of liquor on the table. I knew by the end of the night, he was going to be pissy drunk off his ass. I guess, my little secret would have to wait until tomorrow. It was fine though.

"Here take a shot" Stephen mutters, handing me a shot glass.

"N-no! I'm fine, baby. You just have fun. I'm not drinking tonight." I smile weakly.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he eyes me warily. I knew Stephen could see right through me. Getting up from out of his seat, he grabs my arm and excuses us.

He takes me to a quiet room in the back of the club. In fact, he knew the owner of the club. He was a DJ after all so he had access to most clubs.

Pulling me into the room, he closes the door behind us. Taking a seat on the black sofa, he stands in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's going on?" He growls.

"Nothing! Just because I don't want to drink doesn't mean anything." I scowl.

"It means something." He counters back.

"Oh my goodness! Fine! You really want to know!" I yell angrily.

"Yes!" He answers back.

" I'm...I'm fucking pregnant, Stephen okay?! Your happy now!" I sniffed.

Looking up into his green eyes with watery eyes, I could see the shock wash over him. I didn't know weather he was happy or upset. I was starting to feel nervous now.

"Your p-pregnant?" He repeats, like he doesn't believe me.

"Yes?" I answer unsure of myself. He was making me feel like I was crazy.

"When did you find out?" He asks curiously.

"A few days ago.." I answer sheepishly.

"A few days ago?! You didn't think to tell me. When were you planning to tell me? Huh?! Here we go again with you pulling this bullshit with me!" He grits out angrily.

"Stephen! Don't start! I was going to tell you tonight. But I didn't want to ruin the party, so I was going to tell you tomorrow." I frown.

"Fuckk! You didn't think to tell me when you found out. I'm your fucking husband! Why are you even trying to hide this from me?!" I could tell he was mad at me, but he had to understand I was going to tell him. I tried to tell him many times, but keep chickening out.

"Baby please..I wasn't trying to hide it from you. I was going to tell you I swear." I plead with him.

"Don't! I need a break. When your actually ready to talk to me. Then you know where to find me. For now go home. You shouldn't be here it's not safe for you." He barked.

"Elij-" I began to say.

"I . said . go . home!" He growls.

Sighing I get up from off of the sofa, and head towards the door. Following behind me, I hear him take something out of his jean pocket. And I knew it was his phone. I wasn't trying to hide this from him.

I was going to tell him, this is not how he was suppose to find out. Feeling overwhelmed I feel my tears stream down my face. I'm sure I looked like a hot mess. Walking back into the crowd I cover my face. I felt so embarrassed.

My emotions were just overwhelming me. I felt bad for not telling him when I found out, but I was scared. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a mother again so quickly.

Finally, outside I stand at the side of the club. Stephen stands next to me on his phone. I knew he was sending a car over to come pick me up. I feel the tension between us, and I didn't like it one bit. I didn't want to argue with him. When he's off of his phone, he puts it back into his jeans pocket.

"I called a car to come pick you up." He mutters blankly.

"Elijah pl-" I try to say again.

"Enough! We'll talk about this tomorrow." He sighs.

"I love you.." I tell him, but he doesn't reply back.

When the car arrives the driver opens the door for me. I look at Stephen, but he doesn't even bother to look at me. With my emotions fucked up right now a stream of tears roll down my face. I didn't care if anyone saw me. I wasn't even embarrassed enough to care.

Without a care I get into the car, I turn my face towards the window as I sob. Feeling someone get into the car, I hear the door close. Turning my head I see Stephen sitting next to me. Grabbing me he pulls me up against his chest. I sob into his chest as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, amor. You did nothing wrong." He whispers.

The drive home was long, but we eventually made it there. When we got home everyone was fast asleep. We went up to our bedroom, and closed the door. Changing out of our clothes, we changed into some pajamas.

Stephen had texted his sister, and apologized for us leaving. He told her something came up, but promised to take her out during this week. Getting into bed, Stephen pulled me against his chest. Snuggling my back into his chest, he wraps his arms around my waist. Pecking my cheek, he leans his head onto mine.

"I'm not mad at you for being pregnant. I was mad because, you held a secret from me. I'm your husband, amor. I thought we would be honest with each other. I'm sorry though. I shouldn't have yelled at and made you cry. I love you so much." He confesses.

"I know. I'm sorry too for hiding something from you. I promise I'll never hold any secrets from you again. I love you too, baby" I mutter.

"I promise we'll talk tomorrow. Let's get some sleep" He whispers.

With his warmth I drift into a deep sleep. I didn't know what I wanted, but I wasn't sure about this pregnancy yet.

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