Chapter 25- Lies
Lately, I've been having these strange feelings. Kayla had told me it was nothing, that I was probably over-thinking things. But I thought otherwise. Stephen has been constantly busy again.
This time was different though, because he had a trip to Europe at the end of the week. I wasn't to thrilled about that, but what could I do. It was part of his career. We were still staying in the condo, while the house was getting fixed. I had fun picking stuff for the house.
I knew once it was finished, that it would be our dream house where we could raise our baby. Sitting in the living room, I stroll through my phone. I was looking at all the comments on my instagram.
Since I've became public Stephen's fans, have been commenting about how we met or how could I get someone like him. It really didn't bother me, because I didn't care what they said. All that mattered was that me and Stephen were getting married and we were having a baby. Those were the only two things on my mind.
Hearing the door open, I look towards the hallway. Stephen walks into the living room looking all dressed up. He was wearing all black. His shirt, jeans, shoes, and leather jacket were black. His brown hair was gelled back, and he looked like he was wearing foundation.
"Had another photoshoot?" I ask looking up at him.
"No. I have a gig to go too. I just came back home to get a change of clothes." He walks out of the living room, and into our bedroom.
I get up from off of the couch, and follow him into the room. Why did he need a change of clothes? I found it very odd that all of a sudden, because of this one particular gig he needed a change of clothes. Something wasn't adding up. And I was going to find out what was going on.
Walking into the room, I find him putting his stuff into a duffle bag. I sit on the bed holding my stomach. Since, I've been getting bigger it's been harder to do daily activities including sitting down. My stomach looked like a basketball.
"Elijah?!" Ignoring me he continues to pack his stuff. He goes into our attached bathroom to get his bathroom essentials I guess. Sighing I close my eyes trying to calm myself down. I didn't understand what was suddenly going on with him.
We were totally fine a week ago. He was still doing everything to make me happy, and making sure I was well taken care of. All of a sudden a few days ago, he just suddenly changed. And I didn't understand why. We haven't had any type of fight or disagreements. So, I couldn't pin point what the issue was.
"Stephen James Henry!! If you don't tell me what's fucking going on. I will not let you leave this apartment!" I yell.
I was getting tired of his bullshit. I wanted to know what was going on with him. Was he having second thoughts? Or was he not ready to be a father? Either way he was going to have to deal with it. I was stuck with him for life weather he liked it or not. We were having a baby together.
Walking back into the room, he leans against the bathroom door frame. I could tell he wasn't happy. He looked really irritated. But did I care? No. He was going to tell me why he was acting this way.
"I've told you, ______. I have a gig to go too." He grits out.
"I'm not talking about your damm gig! I'm talking about how you've been acting lately." He leans off the door frame, and walks towards me. Standing in front of me, he looks down at me.
"Why are you being delusional?" I look up at him in surprise. I couldn't believe how he was acting. What did I ever do to him? Everything was fine before, and now it's like it took a turn for the worse.
"A week ago everything was fine. Then all of a sudden you changed. What did I do Elijah? Huh?!" I yell frustratedly.
"Everything.." He says.
At that moment I knew I was going to cry, so I turn away from him. I didn't want to cry, and I wouldn't show him any weakness. I just didn't understand why Stephen was acting like this. We were getting married in a few months.
We had traveled to London two months ago. Our families got to meet each other, and everyone got along with one another. Then we were having a baby in three more months, so I couldn't understand what was bugging him.
Sighing I look back at him, I couldn't read his emotions. His eyes held no emotion at all. I really just wanted my Stephen back. I wanted the guy that was excited, and happy about our wedding and pregnancy.
"Do you want to call off our engagement, Elijah? B-because if that's what it is. Then I'm okay with that. Just be in your son's life. That's all I'm asking for." I say as my voice cracks. I so badly wanted to cry, but I didn't want too.
Moving away from me, he grabs his duffle bag stuffing the rest of his stuff in there. A part of me knew what was going on already. I felt like he had cheated on me from the start.
He had lied to me. This is why his ex kept coming around. He never told her to leave him alone. Because he was with her all this time.
I was so stupid to think I was good enough for him. I was even dumb enough to get him tattooed on my body. Stephen never loved me. All he ever wanted was to have sex with me, and throw me aside afterwards. It was never meant to get this far. He knew he was in too deep now.
He had knocked me up, so the only thing left for him to do was ask me to marry him. I was just some dumb girl that he went too far with. I was just messing up his image.
Getting up from off the bed, I grab the lamp on the nightstand and throw it. It crashes slightly near his head, but breaks against the closet door.
Turning around he stares at me in complete shock. He couldn't believe little old me would even do something like that. But he was so wrong.
Coming out of his state of shock, he tries walking towards me. But I stop him in his tracks. I didn't want him near me anymore. I had declared that I really did hate him this time.
He had hurt me so many times, and claimed I was crazy or overreacting. But in reality I wasn't. I was just blinded by how much I loved him. I couldn't deal with another heart break.
"Stay away from me, Stephen!" He stands there glaring angrily at me. He didn't have the right to be mad. I did.
"Are you cr-" He begins to yell, but I cut him off.
"Yes! I'm crazy for ever being with you!" I scream.
"What?!" He outbursts.
"I know why you've been acting strange. It's been in front of me this whole time. You've been cheating on me with your ex, since the beginning and you've lied to me about it" I walk out of the room into the living room.
I grab my phone from the couch, and unlock it. I go into my contacts to call Kyla, before I could Stephen snatches my phone from out of my hand. Looking up I glare at him.
"Give me back my phone!" I yell.
"What, so you can fucking call your sidekick to save you?! This isn't her problem to be solving. It's our problem that we should be fixing together." He angrily says.
"Together?! So, we're together now? I thought I was the problem. Let's just make this easier for the both of us. I want to break up." I turn around to walk away from him, but he grabs my arm turning me back around. He drags me with him into our room. Slamming the door shut, he pushes me onto the bed.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about. You blow everything out of proportion. I've been trying my hardest to make you happy, and give you everything. But it's like nothing ever satisfied you." He says.
"What are you talking about?! I do appreciate every little thing that you do for me. Why would I ever stupidity tattoo you onto my body? huh? I'm I that unappreciatable towards you?! Do you freaking think I would go through all of this trouble because I don't love you or appreciate you? I'm scared, Stephen. I never planned on having a baby or getting married. I'm doing this because I freaking love you and I want to be with you. But if I'm making you so unhappy, then let's make this easier for the both of us. And break up. I don't want anymore heartbreaks from you. I've had enough to last me forever. All I ask is for you to be in your child's life, because it isn't his fault we didn't workout." I explain.
He sits on the other side of the bed with his hands on his face. We stood in silence for a few minutes. Sighing he turns around to look at me.
I look into his green ords, and I knew what he was thinking. I really wanted to cry my eyes out, because I knew how hard it was going to be living without him.
"I never cheated on you. I didn't until a week ago. She was at my photoshoot, and sh-" He begins to explain, but I cut him off.
I didn't want to hear any details about what happened. My heart yet again felt like it shattered into a million tiny pieces. It felt heavy, and I thought I was going to lose it.
At that moment my whole world went black. I slowly feel my body go limp. I knew this type of stress wasn't good for me or the baby.
Some time later, I woke up feeling sore and slightly nauseous. I slowly open my eyes, sitting up a little I look around. Looking around I notice I'm in a hospital room. I go to move my hand, and see I have an IV. I was really confused. I had no clue how I got here.
Interrupting my thoughts, the door to my room opens, and in comes Stephen. Kyla follows behind him as they walk in. Shutting the door, they notice that I'm awake. Kyla is the first one to rush over towards me.
"How are you feeling?" She asks. She sits on the edge of my bed, looking at me worriedly.
"I'm fine. What happened?" Feeling a little confused about what happened. I didn't remember much, but arguing with Stephen about something.
"Someone, I won't say who caused you stress. You were really stressed out, and blacked out. I'm happy your okay, but you need to rest. You can't stress anymore or you might cause an emergency C-section." She explains glaring at Stephen.
Laying back down I look up at the ceiling. I was starting to remember what happened. I was angry with Stephen, because he's been acting funny for two weeks.
I wanted to know the reason behind it. And I was surprised to find out that he had actually cheated on me. I should have knew it would happen eventually.
I was so heartbroken that I actually got myself sick. I had risked my baby's health in the process too. But it wasn't my fault it was all Stephen's fault. He caused me this stress, and he was the reason why I was in the hospital in the first place.
Looking behind Kyla I glare at Stephen. My hate for him was slowly coming back now. How dare he do this to me. He meant everything to me, and he made me believe we were actually going to be a family. Feeling my body shake from pain, I close my eyes to keep my tears from shedding.
"_____,What's wrong? Your shaking." I hear Kyla say. I feel her embrace me in a tight hug.
At that exact moment, I broke down, I couldn't stop myself from crying. I was sobbing, so loudly someone would have thought that someone told me some horrible news.
But it was true I was told bad news from someone I thought that loved me. He had broken my heart yet again, and this time there was no way I would ever forgive him. I never wanted to see Stephen again. I didn't care if I was carrying his child. I wanted nothing to do with him at all.
If it came to seeing his child he could send his manager to pick our son up. I didn't want to see his face. It was enough I would have to see his face, everytime I looked at our son. But it wasn't his fault his daddy was a lying cheating son of a bitch. I sigh pulling away from Kyla. Wiping my face of my tears I look down.
"Please, tell him to leave. I don't want to talk or see him." I whisper to Kyla.
"What?!" Stephen yells.
"Step-" Stephen moves Kyla off from the bed, opening my room door he pushes her out. Slamming the door shut, he looks back at me. I stare at him in astonishment.
"Fuck Kyla! This is our issue. I only called her to let her know." He yells angrily.
"Don't you raise your voice at me! It's your fault I'm here. Your a liar! All of this was a lie. I want nothing to do with you anymore Stephen James Henry!" I scream angrily. Walking towards me he stops at the edge of my bed.
"Weather you like it or not. Your having my son. We may have not worked out as a couple, but we can be adults about the situation. We're going to be parents." He grits out glaring at me.
"Ha. I'm moving back to New York with my mom. I don't want to even be near you. Let alone have my son be around a liar for a father!" I spat out.
"Try it! I will take you to court for full custody. So, try it _____!" He yells loudly.
Tears stream down my face. I couldn't believe the way he was acting towards me. I really didn't mean any of those things. I was just angry with him for even cheating on me.
I loved him with all of my heart. I didn't want to give up on us, but I could already tell he had ended our relationship once he cheated on me with his ex.
I cover my face with my hands weeping. I was in so much pain. I hated this feeling. I knew there was no way I could live without him, but I had to be strong and try to be an adult for my son. He needed his father in his life too. But I really did need to move back to New York. I needed to be with my family.
Feeling my bed sink in I feel Stephen remove my hands from my face. Cupping my face he stares into my eyes with a pained expression on his face.
He knew he was wrong for what he was putting me through. And I knew he felt even more guilty for putting me through this while I was pregnant.
"Look, we both said stuff we didn't mean. I'm sorry. I know you won't forgive me ever, but I am sorry. I cheated on you, and I should have been loyal to you. But I can't turn back time to undo what I did. I wish I could, but I can't. I just hope that we can at least try getting along for the sake of our son. He deserves both his parents." He explains. Removing his hands from my face, I look down at the bed sheets.
"Your right. I can't forgive you. I can even say I hate you, but I won't for our son's sake. I just hope that you won't hurt him too." I say finally looking up at him.
Sighing he breaks eye-contact with me. He knew how badly he hurt me, and he knew there was no hope fixing what he did. But I knew I couldn't keep my son from his father that would be selfish of me.
"Just know you have no say over where I go. Right now for my benefit I need my family now. So, I'm moving back home." I add.
"As long as I'm able to see my son. We won't have any issues." Nodding my head, I knew we came to an agreement.
Two weeks later, I had given my job a two weeks notice, and I somewhat packed up my things. I still haven't told my mom about my current situation. I had planned to tell her about everything face to face instead.
I was still currently sharing the condo with Stephen. We had stopped the renovations for the house. The workers were currently fixing the house to Stephen's likings.
He still planned on having a baby's room for when he had our son. And a guest room in case and I quote 'when I want to stay over' there was no way in hell I was going to want to stay at his house. All he was to me now was just my son's father. We weren't lovers, or friends anymore we were just co-parenting.
Sitting in the living room I text Kyla. She was really upset that I was moving back to New York. She even tried persuading me, but I was set on moving back.
I had no reason to stay anymore. I was leaving this Friday which was in five more days. Feeling the couch sink in, I look to my side to see Stephen sitting beside me.
We had this awkward silence thing going on between us. We just had nothing to say to each other anymore. Our relationship was over, and we didn't leave things on the right terms. Looking back down at my phone, I ignore him completely. The more I tried to ignore him, the more I felt his stare.
"What?!" I say irritated.
"I love you." looking up at him, I stare at him in confusion. What the hell was he talking about. He ended things when he cheated on me. So, what did he think I would jump back into his arms, because he said three simple words to me. He must be out of his mind to think that.
"Fuck you! How dare you say that! You messed up not me." I scream hysterically. Tears well up in my eyes, and I look down to hide them from him.
"I know. You have every right to hate me. But I fucked up. I thought I could live without you, but I can't. Just seeing the house today made me realize how stupid I was for ever hurting you. I can't make you forgive me. But I want to try earning your trust and love back. I'll do anything mi-" He explains, but I cut him off.
"Don't! I can't give you another chance, Stephen. I just can't. You've hurt me way too much. Just go be with your ex I'm sure she'll be thrilled" I go to get off from the couch, but Stephen grabs my arm.
"I don't want her. I want y-" Without thinking I slap him across the face. I was tired of his stupid lies, and his sweet nothings that got me no where. He was a liar and a no good cheater.
"I hate youu! I always will, and you have to live with that thought for the rest of your life. I won't blame the baby, because it's not his fault I made the mistake of being with you. I dedicated myself to you even got you tattooed on my body because I loved you so freaking much. Now, I'm left with the remainder of your lies. Once, this baby is born I'm definitely removing you from my life. If it has nothing in regards to our son, I want nothing to do with you." I say through fallen tears.
Looking down he releases my arm letting me go. I could tell I hurt him. But I didn't care, he needed to feel at least some of the pain he put me through. I stand there looking down at the man I use to love. But I knew that was a lie. I still loved him to the point I would do anything just to see him smile. But I wasn't giving into my need to make him feel better. It was time that I took care of myself.
"I'm going to bed." I walk out of the living room into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. I get into bed throwing the sheets over me. I close my eyes as tears stream down my face. I love him...
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