Chapter 11 - Big step

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the front door opening. "____! How was your night with Stephen?" Kyla's voice echoes throughout the suite. I groan burying my head into something hard. My head shoots up, and Stephen is nakedly sleeping next to me.

Getting up slowly I grab the sheets at the end of the bed. I drape​ it over his body, and scurry towards my draw. I grab a baggy shirt, and a pair of panties.

I will take a shower later when she leaves. Walking into my room she stops in her tracks. A smirk spreads across her lips. I roll my eyes walking back towards the bed.

"Look, what we have here. How was he?" She teases.

I glare at her crossing my arms over my chest. Stephen was right there, I couldn't just tell her that.

"Okay..I'm just kidding." She frowns.

"Where were you all of last night?" I ask sitting down on the bed.

She leans on the door frame looking up at me. "I met some guy. I've been seeing him since I've been here. So, to make a long story short I was with him." I had to tease her back, a small smirk curls up on my lips.

"Don't make that face. So, what if I slept with him!" She scoffs rolling her eyes.

I burst out into a fit of laughter, Kyla looked like a red tomatoe. "Shut up! You had sex with your sexy model boyfriend. So shut it!" She glares.

I stop laughing once I hear a huskily English voice. Turning my head I'm met with green eyes. "Your right. And it was good." He had this goofy grin on his sexy face. My cheeks grow hot, and a shiver runs down my spine.

"Haha. Bet it was. Well..don't break my friend. I need her tomorrow." With that Kyla closes my room door behind her. I glare at the door, but my face is soon turned to Stephen's. His hands were holding my face. He smiles at me, and with that he pecks my lips.

"Morning, beautiful." He whispers.

"Morning, handsome." Removing his hands from my face, he pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling him. I smile down at him, placing my hands on his chest. Grabbing the sheets he drapes it over us.

"Steph-" Cutting me off his cock enters me. I moan laying my head on his shoulder. He thrusts his hips upwards into me. "Shit!" He hisses.

Picking my head back up I attach our lips together. He hungrily kisses me, his tongue piercing hitting the back of teeth. He sucks on my tongue, his tongue coaxing mines in a dance. I cry out in pure pleasure, when his cock spills his seed deep inside me.

"Fuckk!" He groans. My walls clench tight onto his cock milking him dry. I moan feeling both our arousal mixed deep inside of me. Both our breathing coming out like pants, his chest arising up and down erratically.

I peck his lips sucking on his bottom lip. He groans smacking my ass, I squeal loudly at the impact. "Haha..I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" He whisper huskily.

" felt so fucking good." With that he smacks me again this time harder. The sting vibrates towards my pussy. His limp cock still buried deep inside me.

A few more minutes of messing around, and we're still in bed. Stephen had a photoshoot later, so I was trying to spend as much time with him as possible.

"Where do we even go from here? I mean I'm only here until November." I frown.

He grips my chin making me look up at him. "What do you want?" I look deep into his green orbs, and wonder how life with him might be like. I mean we have only been dating for almost two months now, but that wasn't enough to up and move in with him.

I did love him and that was much obvious. I still couldn't tell him that, but it was killing me not letting him know.

I needed to start my own life, and move out of my mom's house. I was 23 years old, I should really start thinking about making myself happy. But wouldn't that break my mother's heart? This would be short notice for her. Especially since she had no idea I was even talking to Stephen in the first place.

I knew she would gladly accept him into the family. My mom never judged anyone, if I was happy then she was happy for me. But leaving the Bronx, and all that I known to travel with my boyfriend and live in his day to day life. That was a lot of pressure.

But I was willing to risk it all. I wanted to be in this relationship with Stephen, and give it a try.

"Um..That's a big decision." I sigh.

"You know if you want to stay, I'm willing to help you build a life here with me" He assures me.

Stephen was really sweet, he was humble and smart. The whole edgy look, and the tattoos along with the piercing was him being artistic. His body was his canvas. Modelling wasn't something he thought he would get into, since he was in football before. In London I had learned soccer was called football. I found everything fascinating about him.

The guy was unique, after getting to know him more. I saw he was quite shy. I found it adorable. He was a big softy, but he had a rough side to him too. I could just spend a whole day talking to him. I smile burying my face into his chest. I really loved him.

"Stephen?" He caress my back holding me close to him.

"Hum?" He answers.

"I-I love you." My heart pounded repeatedly in my chest. I didn't know what he was going to think. It felt so nerve racking to be the first one to say 'I love you'.

His body tenses underneath me. It was almost like his heart stopped beating. Moving cautiously out of his embrace, I look up into his face. His expression is hard to read. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. But I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"S-Stephen, it's okay you don't have to say it. I just wanted to get that off my chest" I mutter.

I look down biting my bottom lip. Was I hurt? A little. But I couldn't make him say it back if he didn't mean it.

"I do love you. But I didn't think you felt the same way." Looking back up I meet with his soft green eyes. Pulling me close he kisses my lips, and I kiss him back smiling.

A month later, I had made a huge decision. My mom had taken the news quite good. She was shocked at first, and then upset. But she knew I had to take this course in my life sooner then later and be happy. I had officially moved to Barcelona, Spain. I was staying with Stephen for now, but I was working on getting my own place and a job.

Kyla was so excited to see that me and Stephen were working out together. She insisted that me and Stephen move in together so we could have mixed babies. Her words not mine. I looked at her like she was insane. Me and Stephen were just getting in the hang of this whole couple thing.

Since, the first time we met we haven't had sex. He was always doing his thing, and I was always looking for work. We were both hardly home, but a few weeks ago I got a job working at Victoria Secret in the lingerie section at some mall.

It was great pay, and I knew I could save up enough money to get my own place soon. But for right now I wasn't complaining.

Stephen's place was beautiful. The furniture, the decor, and just the house itself was fresh and clean. It just had this homey feeling to it, regardless of the manly touch to it.

Stephen's room was pure black, but it was nice. I loved the attached bathroom in his master suite. I wouldn't mind putting it to use. Wink, wink. But I knew that wasn't going to happen no time soon.

Today, I was just lounging around the house. Stephen was out doing some photoshoot for a clothing line. I sat in bed with one of Stephen's shirts on. It was baggy a little, but it covered my thighs. It stopped at my knees which made me comfortable.

I text Kyla on my phone, we hadn't talked in weeks. She was still staying at the hotel, and she too was planning on staying here. She was hoping to start a new life here, and maybe attend college too. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to work and get my own place.

Living with Stephen was great, but we were just dating for now. Moving in together was a big step. We did love each other, but I couldn't imagine us living together as of right now.

Bestie💖: So, how's life living with Stephen? 😏

You: Nothing like that. 😑 It's great.. But..

Bestie💖: But what? Something happen? I'll kick his ass. Just let me know, and I'll be over there in a minute.😤

You: lol..nothing like that. Slow your roll chica.😂

Bestie💖: lol okay, okay. So tell me. What's going on?

You: ...Well. We haven't had sex since the day we met each other. Am I wrong to feel some type of way? 😩

Bestie💖: Oh. ____? Your not wrong for feeling that way. to him about it. I'm sure he'll understand. But know he's busy with his career. He's around the clock 24/7. A model and a DJ..😎

You: 😞 I know. I will.

Bestie💖: Kk. TTYL. Love ya. And stop moping around. Talk to him.

Sighing I get out of bed, and make my way downstairs. Stephen's dog Pablo jumps on my leg playfully. I smile bending down to pet his head. He was such a cute fury little chow chow dog.

Getting up I walk into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator I grab a bottle of water.

Sipping on the water, two arms snake their way around my waist. Being startled I choke on the water, splitting the rest out onto the floor. All I hear behind me is a deep chuckle. I roll my eyes knowing that it's Stephen. Finally catching my breath, I turn around to see him trying not to laugh at me.

"Elijah?!" I had started calling Stephen by his nickname a couple of weeks ago. I liked the ring to it, and thought why not.

He stops laughing, and walks closer to me closing the gap between us. "I'm sorry, babe. I just had too." He smiles. I knew he still wanted to laugh at me, but he was hiding it.

He pecks my lips embracing me in a hug. I return the hug burying my head into his chest. "Elijah? We need to talk." I mumble. He pulls away slightly looking down at me.

"About? Something happen?" I bite my bottom lip looking down. He grabs my chin making me look up at him. "No. Nothing happened. But I want to talk to you about something." He nods his head, entertwining our hands together.

He pulls me along with him towards the living room. We sit on the couch facing one another, I lean against the armrest.

"So.." He utters. Looking up from my hands I meet with his intense stare. "Um..Well. I know we've both been busy and all. And this sudden change was a big step for us, but..Is there something wrong?" I bite my inner cheek nervously avoiding his eyes.

All I hear is a sigh from him, and he moves closer towards me taking my hand into his. "Is this about us moving in together? Because I told yo-" Cutting him off I shake my head 'no'. "Ugh..No. It's not about that. I told you I was just going to stay here until I save up to-"

Cutting me off he pushes me back onto the couch kissing me hard. One thing I learned about Stephen is he hated conflicts. He would always tried hard to resolve the issue.

Kissing him back I wrap my arms around his neck. His tongue plunges into my mouth, his tongue tangling with mine.

His left hand goes behind my head, deepening the kiss. Closing my eyes I moan against his lips, his right hand goes over my cloth breast. Fondling my breast he squeezes it, and pinches my nipple through my shirt.

"Uh!F-Fuckk!" I moan. Pulling away from the kiss he sits back up. I open my eyes looking at him. Both of us panting. When we get our breathing steady, he meets my gaze. A smirk edges at the corner of his sexy lips.

"You don't play fair!" I scoff. I knew he was trying to avoid the issue. He really thought I wanted to argue about me living here permanently again. But that was the least of my worries right now. I wanted to know why we weren't having sex.

I mean I wasn't trying to sound desperate, but it's been a month and six days since we had sex. I knew the day we met we went at it like a bunch of dogs in heat. But was I bad for wanting to be intimate with my man? I don't think I was.

"You should know me, babe. I hate arguing with you. I told you before I would help you build a life here with me." I knew he wanted me to stay and live with him. But I didn't think that was a good idea.

There was always what ifs. Like if we didn't work out, at least it wouldn't be awkward living with each other. I could have my own place if we didn't work out.

"I know, but that's not what I wanted to talk about. I want to know why we haven't since we met?" I look down biting my bottom lip embarrassed.

"Haha..because we've both been busy. And we talked about this last time remember?" He smirks. I wanted to wipe that smug smirk off his sexy ass face. He knew I refuse to go on birth controls.

There were always side affects, and I heard a lot of horrible things about them. But Stephen being Stephen insisted that I do, because he didn't like using condoms. I thought he was crazy at first.

I actually did refuse to have sex with him again. Having him raw inside me felt good, and his pull out game was on point. But I wasn't trying to catch anything. Boyfriend or not he was pushing it.

I did think about it, and I was still a little iffy about it. We did have a scare that day we had morning sex. I was late by a week, and it scared me to think I might be pregnant this early on in our relationship.

Thankful though my period had came. I was so relieved to know I wasn't pregnant. I mean I did want kids, but not this early on in our relationship. We just actually started being a couple.

"Birth control? No, out of the question." I cross my arms over my chest glaring at him. He just laughs shaking his head. He knew I was stubborn. He finally calms down from his laughing fit.

"Then I guess your getting pregnant." He smirks grabbing my arm. I swat his hand away getting up from the couch.

"As if. Your really pushing it, Elijah." Getting up he grabs my arm again, and pulls me into his embrace.

"I know. And I'm just playing with you, mi amor." A shiver runs down my spine. Did he really just say what I thought he did? The mixture between his accent, and the huskiness to it. It was such a turn-on.

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