Chapter 23: Georgia (Part One).

Sorry for late update, but now here it is so enjoy! :)

Misha picture ----->


Day 1.

'Sis please don't go I miss you" Zay cried 100 times. I rolled my eyes at him. I knew he is going to miss me because we never leave each other before.

"Zay, it's only for 5 days and I'll be back." I said taking my bag to car. He was following me everywhere I go. On other hand Dad plays cool. He only tell me, 'he want me to go out and engage with people and know how to work out of city'. He is sending his bodyguard Imran Bhai with me. He is one of the best bodyguards of Dad. He works with us from 5 years.

"But you didn't go away from me before. Plus it's not only 5 days. Its whole 5 DAYS" he emphasize 5 DAYS.

"Zayan Why are you behaving like a child? Grow up she's going for work not on vacations." Dad scold him as he comes to us.

"I am proud of you Misha, you handle all my business very well." he patted my head.

"Thanks Dad" I smile and turn to Zay who was sad and looking down.

"So, when Awards ceremony is held?" Dad asked getting my attention. He is talking about award ceremony of best company 2014.

"Next year in July. Passes will be sending to us 1 month before." I answered his question. He nodded, he was about to say something when I got a message from Rayyan.

'We are running late. Come fast


Why he always in hurry? I look at time... Shit... I was late.

'On my way


I reply and put it back in my bag. I hug everyone, say my goodbyes and leave with Imran Bhai. When we reach airport I saw Rayyan and some other workers waiting for us.

"Sorry for making you all wait". I apologize to them as I approach to them. They give me its-okay look and we walk to check in.

We reach Georgia in 2 hours. All flight we were talking about designs. He wants to make some changes in it but first we have to look at site area. We were walking to exit point of airport when we heard someone calling.

"Rayyan!" a familiar voice call him from behind us. We turn around and saw her. Why she can't stay away from us?

"Soha?" I heard Rayyan whisper. She come to us and threw herself at him for hug. I look away and turn to look everyone, they were already gone expect Imran Bhai. He stayed behind me. What she is doing? She didn't have any manners. She is such a shameless girl. She was wearing tight blue jeans with tight white T-shirt.

"Rayyan we were waiting for you outside." I try to break her from him. She quickly pulled away and finally notice me.

"Hey Misha, how are you?" she faked smile. I give her a tight smile.

"Aasalam-o-Alaikum, I am good. How you're doing?" she smirk and looked at Rayyan, who was frozen.

''I'm absolutely fine now." she answer looking at him. I clench my fist. How could she-

"It was nice meeting to you Soha. I don't want to be rude but we have to go now." he interrupted. She fake pout.

"Okay, but before going can you give me your number. I will call you later and could go out together?" she give him filtery smile. That is too much. He was about to say something but I step in.

"Rayyan we were late everyone is waiting for us" I said calmly and try not to sound mad.

"Wait you two were together?" she almost shouted. I raised my brows at her.

"Yeah for business. He is my client now" I inform her with a stay-away-from-him glare.

"Oh, but Rayyan you can work with my Dad. He hired some excellent architectures." what's her problem? Why can't she just go away?

"Thank you so much for giving me your suggestion but Misha's design were perfect" he said and all of a sudden he become serious "Now if you excuse us so we can move on" he finished in annoyed. She was shocked and stood there as we left. I mentally laugh at his respond.

We went hotel. Receptionist give us our room keys and wish us a happy vacation but before going Rayyan talk her about something, I wanted to listen but I couldn't, it would be bad. He book one floor for everyone. My room is in between Imran bhai and Rayyan. I sigh and enter in my room with my bag and closing the door behind me.

I put my bag aside. I took a view of my room. It was a big room with cream walls and a king size bed in middle and big LCD in front, a dresser on right side, some couches. A small balcony where we can see a good view of city.

I take a look at time its Isha Salah. I quickly fresh up, did wudu and pray Isha. I sat on bed with my laptop and check stocks. My phone buzz beside me indicating me of a new message. I pick it and see a message from Dad.

Dad:You arrive there safely?

Me: Yes Dad. I reply shortly.

Dad: Good. Take care of yourself.

Me:Dad you don't have to worry. I am fine and Imran bhai is also here. And don't forget to take your pills and tell Zay I will call him tomorrow.

Dad: Okay I tell him. Take care, Allah Hafiz.

Me: Allah Hafiz.

I heard a knock as I put my phone down. I sigh and get up to open it. Imran bhai is on door, calling me for dinner. I walk with him down in their restaurant. Rayyan and other workers were already there. I take my seat and start eating.

"Miss Ali?" I look up and saw Rayyan looking at me.

"Yes Mr. Asif" I raised an eye brow.

"We have to visit site tomorrow morning at 10. So please don't be late" he smirked. As he said I boiled with anger and tighten my grip on spoon.

"Mr. Asif I never get late to my work. Don't worry I'll be there on time" I said through my teeth and start eating my food again. I was angry on him. How dare he calling me a late person? He know very well I don't get late on doing anything.

We finish our dinner, said our goodbyes and head back to room. Imran bhai is always with me, wherever I go. I prepare myself for bed. I keep changing my sleeping position but didn't get into sleep. I get up, went in balcony and sit on chair which is already there.

It was little chilly outside not much. I was thinking what Dad and Zay were doing now? I close my eyes and recall my day. Saying goodbye to Dad and Zay. Talk in flight. Incident on Airport between Rayyan and Soha... Soha? What happen to her? Is she tried to get involved with Rayyan? The thought of Rayyan with her scaring me. Did he really go to her? He leaves me once again? I don't want him to leave for her. I need him.

'Once again? He is not with me right now' A pair of hot tear rolled down to my cheek. I didn't realise I was crying.

'Don't cry for someone who didn't deserve you. Remember he said he didn't want you in his life. Move on Misha, you can't live like this only because of him.' my inner told me.

"I have to move on. I couldn't live like dead person. I want to feel alive. I think Dad is right I should go on business trips and meet other peoples.

From tomorrow, everyone see new look of mine. That look, they didn't even see it before. And this time I am not gonna change myself for anyone. This is my promise to myself"

Day 2.

"We have to break it and build it like you want but this will took a year " I said as we all take a look of site area. Everyone agree with me.

"Yes Ma'am, I agree but I don't think we made it in one year. This took another half year to make it luxurious" one of my worker said. I nod my head in agreement. He's right. This place is very huge. I can calculate how many yards it is by only seeing it.

"You're right Scott." I agree with my worker.

"But I want it ready in one year. That's final." Rayyan said sternly. This guy have some problems with him. Can't he look the place how huge it was?

"Mr. Asif I am afraid to say that but my workers can't do it only in a year."I argue.

"Miss Ali I think I already announce my final decision" he said.

"Sorry to say but we can't work with you. You can see someone else for this project."I said and turn to leave.

"I am not giving this to anyone else. I want your company to do it. I pay you double for it" I heard his business tone. I turn around on cross my arm in front. I was on high of my temper. 

"Mr. Asif this is not about money. It's about my workers I can't tell them to work here for whole one year without any leaves or staying away from their families." I paused. "Please don't think everyone is like you. Like you always stay away from your family." Hard looks on his face make me realise of I said. Shit I've to apologize.

"Rayyan I didn't me-" he cut me by holding his hand up.

"It's fine Miss Ali. I understand what you're trying to say. Back to topic you can take how much time you want to build it. I only want to see it ready by your company." He said and turned around to walk away. We all resume back to tour.

Everyone went back to hotel. I was feeling starving I insist Imran bhai to join me for lunch. First he argue but then agree. We were sitting in restaurant nearby hotel and waiting for our order. I was looking out of window soon I heard something like cracking. I look down back at our table and saw Imran Bhai hand clenched into fist. I look up at him but he was looking at somewhere else. I follow his gaze and saw a man looking at us.

He was looking older than me but younger than Imran Bhai. He had black hair. His eyes were light brown. He was wearing a pair of jeans with checkered shirt and thick frame glasses. He was observing us. Imran Bhai stood up and start walk over to him but I stop him. 

"Bhai!" I call him. He turned around and gave me a questioning look.

"Leave it." I said with a shrug. He look at that guy than back at me and give me a nod sitting back on his place but still staring at him. Our order came. We start eating in silence. I glance at that guy to see if he was there but he was gone. I let out sigh in relief.

"You know who was he?" Imran bhai ask suddenly causing me to jump in surprise.

"No. Leave him bhai." I said. He nodded and we continue to eat.

We go back to hotel in our rooms. I pray afternoon prayer and do some work on my laptop. Soon my phone starts buzzing.

"Hello?" I answer without checking caller ID.

"Sis. Where are you? You didn't call me. I was waiting for your call. Dad says you call me in morning but you didn't." I heard Zay panicked voice. I forget to call him this morning.

"Sorry Zay I was busy. But I am free now. How are you?" I asked and open my email on my laptop.

"I am fine. How are you?" I heard him sighing.

"Good. What's up?"

"Nothing... Feeling bored." He answer in bore tone.


"You're not here. Who I tease? Who I make fun of?" he is crazy.

"Zay you will never change will you?"

"No. If I change than who do these things to you?" I could imagine him smirking on other line.

"You have point."

"I know. I am smart" I cough dramatically and laugh when I heard his groan.

"Zay I have to go. I am getting another call. Bye take care. Give me Salam to Dad." I quickly said when I heard beep telling someone's calling.

"Okay. You too take care." With that he hung up and I receive incoming call.

"Hello?" It was Unknown number.

"Misha Ali?" A harsh voice from other line speak.


"I have a gift for you. Collect it from reception" who is he? How he know my name? how he know where I am? Is this any kind of prank?

"Who are you?" I asked. I want my answers 

"You don't have to know who I am." He hung up. It's weird.

I quickly dial receptionist number and asked her did anyone leave something for me? She said she just receive a packet for my name. I told her to hang on I am coming down. I get downstairs in lobby to receptionist. She handed me a white box with note on top. It says.

'For Misha Ali. This is beginning of new game. Just wait and watch.' No name? No nothing? Only threaten note?

I take it to my room and open it. I was shocked. How he get these? There were things of my past. Pictures of me and Rayyan. The bracelets he gives me. Our first Date picture. And many gift he give me on my birthdays and valentines and friendship days. There is another note in box.

'This is only teaser my love. I can do it many more. I will show it to your father. I am sure he doesn't know anything about this. And I will do it if you didn't give me what I want.'

I know who did this. I don't give him anything. I pick my mobile and dial his number. After few bell he answer.

"Hello?" His voice is sleepy.

"Rayyan. Come in my room right now" I shouted. Anger controls my mind.

"Misha? What happen? Are you okay?" He panicked. Why he is reacting this way? Is he doing some kind of drama?

"In. My. Room" I said through my teeth and cut the call.

I take photos in my hand and see it. All my heartbreaking memories come back. How he lie to me. How he break my heart. He reject my love. How he throw me out of his life. How he do this to me? I was his best friend.

My thoughts were broken by a knock. He is here. I open it and saw him. His hair was in a mess. He was wearing a pair of t-shirt, trouser and slipper. His face was full of worries. He was sleeping? This time? I let him in.

"What happen? Are you okay?" He asks once he came in.

"Shut up just shut up. How could you do this? I never thought you go this low." I shut him up. He looked at me confused.

"What you're talking about?" He asked confused. Wow!

"I don't know how you react this way like you don't know what I am talking about." I said. He again looked confused. I take him in.

"See it" I throw picture at his face. He picked it all and saw it. I saw his expression he was shocked as me.

"And what about this note?" I show him notes. He snatched it from me and read it again and again.

"Who send this?" He asked as he took more photos on my bed with a box. I was surprised by his question.

"You" I answer in one word.

"What? I didn't do this". He snapped.

"You do this." I snapped back.

"How can you say it?"

"Because its you're handwriting" I show him notes once again. I know his writing style.

"Yeah it's my handwriting but I swear I didn't do this. You think why would I do this? I don't have any reason." He defend himself.

"You mean you didn't know anything about this?" He shook his head in 'no'. I was about to say something but cut it off by a phone ring. I check it and freeze on my spot.

Who is he? How he know about me and Rayyan? How he know about my past? Many thoughts were roaming in my mind.

"Who is it Misha?" Rayyan voice snapped me out from my thoughts.

"Its him" I show him my phone.

"Answer it and put it on speaker" he ordered. I nodded and do what he said.

"Hello my love" that harsh again came in my ears. I saw Rayyan he was red with anger.

"H-Hello?" I stuttered and scared. Who is he? What he want?

"You like my gift love?" He chuckled.

"W-who are you? What you want? How you know about him?" I asked referring him as Rayyan 

"Easy my love. I answer you're all questions, when we meet." He laugh and cut the call. I shot on bed.

I was trapped. A guy is black mailing me. The important question is how he found these stuffs? I put it in my secret box. Did he break in my house?

"Misha don't worry we will find out who is he and what he want." Rayyan kneeled in front of me.

"Don't worry? A guy I didn't even know is black mailing me and you're saying don't worry? My life was messed up. And this only because of you. Thank you so much Rayyan for what you've done." I said sarcastically.

"Misha I am so sorry but that was only a bet. And believe me I didn't mean it. I was also trapped in Zaheer and Hassan plan. I didn't even know they were using me." He half yelled. I look up at his face. What he's talking about? They use him?

"They use you? You mean to say they have some reasons behind it?" I asked. He didn't answer and look away.

"Answer me Rayyan" I raised my voice.

"I can't. I can't tell you." He whisper and get up to leave.

"Don't you dare to leave from here" I stop him and gladly he did. He dead on his track. I get up and walk in front of him. I want answers. Why he did this? Why he said he was trapped? He was used? I am sure he asked them why they did.

"Now tell me Rayyan. What was the reason behind all this? Why they bet you to date me? Today I don't let you walk out without answering me." I said sternly. He still didn't answer.

"Rayyan tell me. Okay, I promise I don't get mad on what you say" I assure him.

"Okay. I tell you but only if you agree to friends with me again." He asked. He is smart. He knew if he told me everything I still didn't friends with him again.

"No." I answer shortly.

"Then I also don't tell anything" he said and turn to leave.

"Okay. But I think about it." I said.

"I tell you when you give me your answer. Good day Misha. Don't worry everything will be alright" he said and leave.

What the hell was that? He wants to deal? One thing is clear he know everything. I think when he knows he was used that's why he asked me to friends with him again. How I do this? I mean the person I love can't be my friend. If I became friend with him, I can't stop myself in falling for him again. He is the only one I need the most this time. Argh! This is not helping. I want to talk someone. Waniya... She will help me. I dial her number.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum Misha" she said as she picked it.

"Walaikum Assalam. Waniya I need your help" I said sitting on bed.

"What kind of help?" She asked.

I take deep breaths and tell her everything about the blackmailer, and what Rayyan said and ask me. She listens without interrupting.

"What you want to do?" She sighed and asked again.

"I don't know. I want him back but not like this. I want him to be honest with me if he wants me back. I know he never ever do that." I said truthfully and put my head on soft pillow and stare up at ceiling.

"Then go for it."

"What you mean?" I asked confused creasing my forehead.

"I mean, take promise from him not to lying you again and you will be friend with him again"

"Waniya you don't understand what I want mean" I said with a sigh. 

"Look Misha I know you very well. I know this is not the reason you don't want him. Tell me the real reason." She knew me very well.

"I don't know to friends with him." I answer. I am not lying. I don't want him as my friend again.

"What you mean?" She asked confused. Clearly she doesn't understand what I am trying to say.

"See I told you, you don't understand what I want"

"Tell me" she demanded.

"Okay take it like this. If you and Atif were best friends and what Rayyan did to me if Atif do will you be friends with him again? And if he asked you to friend with him again will you do this?" I try to make her understand.

"No. I won't be friend with the one who I like or I love" now she get it.

"Now you know what I mean?" I asked.

"Yea. Give him a chance maybe he also wants you like you want him?"

"This will never gonna happen Waniya."

"Try it. If it work than go for it. If don't then back off." She said.

"I can't. If I go back with him I definitely fall for him again and he won't like last time. And honestly I don't know if I can take this or not." I tell her. I was scared for losing him again.

"Listen to your heart Misha. You don't want any advice or suggestion. Remember Do what you're heart says. Okay?" her words make me feels good.

"Okay. Thank you"

"Anytime girl. Okay listen I have to go. My soon to be mother in law is here for jewellery shopping."

"Okay. Give my Salam to everyone there. Allah Hafiz"

"Allah Hafiz" she said and cut the call.

I sigh and stare back to ceiling. I don't know what time it is. It look like I have been in my room like full day. I look at right and glance out of window and surprised it was dark outside.

I missed Asar and Magrib prayers. I quickly did wudu and start praying. I make dua for get everything better in my life. Why always me? Why this always happen to me? Didn't I have any right to be happy? I want someone who cared about me who want to spend time with me. When I will get all this things? I finish my prayers and lay on bed for some sleep. I slowly shifted into sleep but a knock appear on door and interrupted my sleep. I get up and open it.

"What?" I said rudely rubbing my eyes. I don't like anyone to come between me and my peaceful sleep.

"Misha its dinner time. Come down in restaurant." I look up and saw Imran bhai with gun.

"Bhai what's this?" I asked pointing to gun. 

"This is for your safety Misha" he answered in his professional tone. I start thinking did he know someone threaten me?

"But bhai, I didn't get any type of threat" I lied. I know it's bad but I can't tell him anything. If I do he tell Dad and then he maybe kill Rayyan.

"I know but the guy who we saw earlier shall come near you next time. I tell Ali sir about it he said to give you protection."

"Ok bhai."

"Come fast I am waiting for you here" I nodded and close the door. I quickly change into tights and long Blue shirt with my hijab and get down with Bhai. When we reach there we saw everyone already seated. I look at Rayyan. He head was down and looking at his untouched food. No one is sitting next to him. I think I should tell him my decision. I know he can't give me what I want but at least I know why his friends do this to him and why they drag me in this. They also bet him to another girl of college.

I close my eyes and took deep breaths. I open my eyes and walk to the chair next to him. I was about to take my last step toward it when I heard a familiar voice. I turn and my body starts heating with anger.

"Rayyan what are you doing here?" Soha said and take seat next to him. This girl really doesn't know the meaning of manners. What she's doing here? Did Rayyan call her after our fight? No they didn't even exchange their numbers. He look up at her shocked.

"We were staying here" he said looking at me..

I take two more steps back and sit next to Imran Bhai. I quietly start eating my food. I didn't even look up I know they both were talking but I didn't dare. I know if I do I must be fail to keep my tears back.

"And what are you doing here?" Rayyan Asked her.

"I am here with my friends" she said.

"Okay" he said shortly. I could feel his eyes on me. I know he was thinking I am getting jealous and you know what Yes I am.

"You wanna join us?" She asked.

"Um... No I am fine here" she laugh.

"Come you will enjoy our company" she said and stand up.

"Come on" she insist. I look at Rayyan he was shaking his head in 'no'

"Come" she grip his hand and make him stand. I look their hands and my heart clench and a pain short in my chest. She dragged him with her. I was still looking at their hands.

Now that's it. I can't take this anymore. I tell Imran bhai I am done with dinner, but he can take his time. I stood up and leave for my room. I get back in my room and slam the door behind me as hard as I could. I could feel my tears leaking from my eyes.

He clearly didn't want me in his life. If he do then he said no to her. I sit on floor and pull my knees to my chest and cry hard. I know if I get him back then I don't want to lose him. But what can I do?

'You want to him fall for you Misha. And I know you will be successful in that. He also loves you. Remember how he take care of you when your Dad was in hospital? That shows he do love you' my heart says.

I waiting for my mind to say something but it didn't. Maybe they both agree with it but if he do he can say it. He know I still do but he didn't.

'You remember you tell him that you hate him? Plus you know how he is? He didn't say anything about his feeling. You Misha... You have to make him speak. You make him to confess his love for you'  

"If that he feels. Then I will do it. I make him to confess me. But how?" I asked my heart.

'Friends with him again' my heart reply.

"Okay. If it works and he confess. Then I am ready to do it. It is start of a new game Rayyan Asif"

Now I make my mind. I will be friend with him again but with some condition. I really hope this will going to be work. Tomorrow morning will be the best morning.

Day 3.

This day ruining our plans to visit site area to start planning from where we should start. Today when we woke up we saw raining outside.

I love rains. I want to go out but Imran bhai say no to it. He doesn't want anyone to come near me. The guy we saw yesterday is here. We saw him when we go for breakfast this morning. Imran bhai strictly says I don't come out of my room if I want anything I simply call him.

Now I was waiting for Rayyan. I call him like 20 minutes earlier and tell him I want to talk to him he say he will be here in 10 minutes. Because he was sleeping as usual. This guy sleeps too much. But I have been waiting for him from 20 minutes. Why he's late?

Knock knock.

He is here. Suddenly I feel nervous. I took deep breath and rub my sweaty palms. I get up and open door. He was standing there wearing dark blue jeans with white button shirt. His hair is spike up. He was looking like he is going somewhere.

"Come in" I let him in.

"So what you want to talk about Miss Ali?" He said in professional voice. He thinks I call him to tell him about his project.

"I... I will be friends with you again" I told him looking down.

"What?" He sound surprised. He take a step toward me.

"I will be friends with you again" I repeat myself.

"You really mean it?" He asked taking a step toward me again. I nodded.

"Yes" I look up at him. He was looking down at me.

"Happy Friendship Day Misha" he surprised me. He was holding a beautiful bracelet written friends on it.

"You remember?" I asked in surprise. We used to make wear each other friendship bracelets written friends word on it.

"Y-yeah" he scratches back of his neck. This mean? This mean he plan all this?

"You plan this?" I asked directly I don't care if he get mad.

"No.. I was just...." He trailed off.

"I was just what Rayyan?" I yelled.

"I was just going to ask you for that. And this bracelets. I have 3 more bracelets which I brought for you on friendship day when we weren't friends." He said. I relaxed. If he plan all this I swear I cut his head.

"But I didn't have any friendship band right now." I look down feeling guilty. I didn't even buy bands on friendship day for him. But he does. He really wants me to be his friends.

"Don't worry I have another one." He took out another bracelet and gave it to me. It was same bracelets with friends written on it. I took it from him and make him wear it.

"Happy Friendship Day Rayyan" I wish him smiling at him.

"Happy Friendship Day Misha" he also wish with same smile and put it on my right hand.

"Remember our rules?" He asked. I nodded. I remember what we say when we do our little friendship ceremony.

"I promise, I never hurt you. I promise, I never fight with you. I promise, I never lie to you. I promise, I will be always there when you need me. I promise, I never let anyone to break our friendship. I promise, I never keep any secrets from you. I promise, I help you. I promise, I will always be by side of yours.

Happy Friendship Day!"  We recite our rules together.

We stand there in silence. I didn't say anything nor he. I knew I want my answers but I can't ask him now. If I do he must be upset.

"So..." We both start same time. I chuckle and shake my head.

"You first" I said. He nodded. I saw him taking deep breaths before starting.

"I am so sorry Misha. I don't want to do all that, but Zaheer and Hassan trap me in their plan."

"What type of plan?"

"He wants to..." He started but cut it off by phone ring. He take his phone out and check the caller ID. He looks nervous.

"Who it is?" I asked. I never saw him like this.

"Soha." When he said I wish if she was in front of my eye I could slap her. 

"Pick it." I said trying to not to sound mad.

"Hello?" He answered his call.

"Rayyan!" She shouted. I could hear it because when Rayyan answer he pulled his phone away from his ear.

"Soha what happened?"

"Rayyan you must be here an hour ago but you're not. Where are you I also check your room but you're not there" she shouted again.

What the hell. He was going to meet her? I thought he dress like this because I call him but no he's meeting with that bit*h.

He looks nervous. I could tell he was thinking about some excuses. I can help him with that. I take his phone with his hand and put it on speaker.

"Mr. Asif please put your phone down. You're here for meeting." I said in my professional voice. He looks relieved a bit and I give him reassuring smile.

"Soha. I will talk you later. I am busy right now" Rayyan said and cut the call ignoring her protest.

"Thanks Misha" he said.

"No problem" I said shrugging and we get back in silence. 

"So... Anymore phone calls?" I asked. He shook his head in 'no'. I was thinking if I should tell him about that guy?

"Rayyan. Someone is following me." I blurt without thinking anymore.

"What?" He shouted causing me to put my hands on my ears.

"Calm down Rayyan" I try to calm him down. But he starts pacing in room. 

"Calm down? Dam it Misha. Someone is following you. Someone is black mailing you about your past and you're saying calm down" He yelled.

"So why this is affecting you? He is doing this to me not you." I yelled back

"Yeah. He is doing this with you but it because of me. It is about me. You're past is connect with me Misha." He raised his voice more. I didn't say anything. Because what he say is true.

"Listen Misha we both are together in this. We both face everything together. Okay?" I was lost in my own words. I could only shake my head in yes.

"Good. Now take some rest" he said in soft voice which he always uses when I was sad.

"Okay" I answer quietly enough to hear him. He nodded and turned to leave.

"By the way Misha?" He stopped and turned around. I give him questing look.

"Thank you for being my friend again. I really Miss you in those 3 years." He said sincerity in his voice.

"Me too Rayyan" I said with same sincerity. He smile and leave.

I feel myself relaxed. I never feel like this relax in 3 years. I want to scream that my best friend is back but I couldn't. I tell Waniya about this but not now. I feel sleepy. I change into comfortable cloths and lay on bed to sleep peacefully.

Day 4.

Today I woke up happy. I know it sound like stupid but I just feel like it. I am so happy for getting him back in my life. Our task for today is start working on site area. My workers are ready for their work and I have to guide them.

When we arrive at site area everything was settled already. The table, chart, design. I guide my worker to start work from back which used to be parking area. It will be build in back of the place. All day went like this, guiding and make it correct which is going wrong, me and Rayyan also do some fun with other peoples. Imran bhai was also surprised to see me like this carefree. When we get back we all were very tired. I feel a little sick but fall asleep.

Its 5 pm we I woke up. I head to bathroom, did wudu and pray Asar Salah. I was feeling bore. It has been 4 days in this room and on site area. I decide to go on shopping. I tell everyone to do what they want, and tomorrow will be there off from work.

I and Imran Bhai were going on shopping alone but Rayyan decide to come with us. We went to near mall. Me and Rayyan were laughing and doing fun while Imran bhai giving us weird look. Rayyan went in trail room to try a pair of shirt and jeans. I was looking some more jeans when I heard Imran bhai voice from behind me.

"You know him?" He asked giving me an annoying glare. Why he's annoyed?

"Yes Bhai. He's my college friend" I answer his question with a small smile.

"Oh" he let out relief sigh. I turn my back to him.

"What you think?" I asked. What he think about us?

"Nothing. I just... Um... I thought he must be flitering with you" He said nervously.

"No bhai. We were only best friend" calling him best friend hurt a bit but its okay. I can take this until he confess to me.

"How I look Misha?" I heard Rayyan voice from few steps away from us. I look at him up and down. He was just looking awesome. White t shirt and blue jeans fit him perfectly.

"You look good" I comment smiling. I've been smiling many times since this morning.

"Don't you think it's incomplete?" He asked looking in mirror. 

"Incomplete?" I raised my eyebrow. Honestly I agree with him. Something is missing in it. I look around and saw a leather jacket which look good on it. I get it and make him wear it. It was black in color. He look back himself in mirror and looks happy to see it. It gave me a cue of liking it. When we were young and we go on shopping together I always buy clothes for him because he always get confused on choosing something on his own.  

"Complete" I stated happily. He was looking more awesome than before.

"Thanks Mishu. You always know what's missing" Rayyan said smiling. It's hurt when he say I always knew what's missing. Yea I always do but he doesn't even think what's missing in me. I give him a small smile and look through some more cloths.

We continue shopping like 2 hours before heading back to hotel. We ate dinner down street in some restaurant. I prayer Magrib and Isha Salah and try to get some sleep but couldn't I feel more sick than earlier. I take my favorite book out and start reading may be this will distract me and I fall asleep. I haven't herd Zay or Dad since yesterday. I thought them calling but refused when I check the time. Its 11 pm they must be sleep. I make my mind to call them tomorrow.

Day 5.

Today is our last day here. Everyone is enjoying outside and I am inside feeling sick. I didn't tell anyone about my sickness. They must be thinking I am sleeping but I am not. I didn't get proper sleep last night. I didn't go down for breakfast.  Its 1 pm and I am still in my room. Our flight was of 11 pm. I feel like thrown up, flu, cough. When I feel a little better I pray Zuhur Salah and get back to bed sniffing cause of flu. Soon I fall asleep.

I woke when someone bang on my room door. I feel sick I didn't want to get up. I sigh and try to get up but ended by falling back on bed. Few minutes when I heard Imran bhai and Rayyan shouting my name I get up with all energy which left in me. I unlock it and turn back to leave not bothering to ask why they were here. I heard their footsteps from behind me.

"What happened to you Misha? Are you not feeling well?" Rayyan asked concern way and sitting on edge of the bed.

"No. I am absolutely fine. See" I said sarcastic cough.

"Yeah. I can see that" he said rolling his eyes.

"I will call doctor."Imran Bhai said taking his phone out.

"No! Bhai I am fine, it's just little Flu and Cough nothing much. I will take some medicine and will be alright" I said coughing and snuggling more into blanket.

"Imran Bhai can you bring a strong black coffee for her?" Rayyan asked Imran bhai and go to my bag for pills. He knew where and why I keep them with me. He nodded and left to bring coffee. Rayyan take the pills out and walk to me with a glass of water.

"Here your pills" He said giving it to me. I mumble thanks and take it from him and swallow it. I immediate feel better.

"Better?"He asked I nodded slowly.

"Why Misha? When you know you get sick when you go another place or eating different food then why don't you take your pills on time?" He lectured me with a sigh.

"Sorry" I mumble and lie down again.

"Misha your coffee" Imran Bhai said entering in room with a cup of coffee.

"Thanks Bhai." I give him thanks smile and take a sip from it. Perfect.

"Drink it and sleep for some time. We will be back when it's time to leave from here. In case you didn't feel well we take you to doctor." Rayyan said sternly and get up to leave.

After Rayyan and Imran Bhai leave. I managed to go into deep sleep. When I woke up I feel a lot better, it has been only possible because of my pills which Rayyan give me.

Now, it's time to get back to my homeland. All flight me and Rayyan were doing funny things like acting of someone, Singing, telling jokes and stories.

I also notice my worker look at me with weird expression and I know why. I was all because of Rayyan. My workers didn't see me like this before or maybe I didn't even go on business trips.

After telling Rayyan that I am ready for being his friend, I also see myself changing. My old side is coming back. When I feel free to do things which I want to.

I was lying if I say I am not happy with this. Of course I am! I am so happy to get him back in my life. As a friend but I knew one day... one day he confess me what he wants to. And that day would be the most happiest day of my life.


Assalam-o-Alaikum Readers, I hope you all are doing good. 4 k readers? I can't believe. Thank you so much for reading it. Please Votes, Comments, Share.

Next Chapter will be in Rayyan pov. and it will be updated on any day of next week. 

Remember me in your prayers. Thank You Once Again.


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