Ch 43- Change


The feeling that makes one feel the worst, filling the heart with all sorts of negativity, shaking up the inner self trust.

The feeling, one might not wanna choose, immediate or late, but truth's a great leveller, love it or hate.

The feeling- Of the guilt, in itself a great destroyer but yet the greatest teacher, offering the key lessons and takeaways, for the one who chooses to consider.

The feeling, often related to be the one which perturbs and breaks, but if seen, though it disturbs it awares one of it's mistakes.

And the ones who endeavour to correct those mistakes, are those who achieve the success. Success, be of the form material piece or the mental peace.

Everyone craves success, Everyone makes mistake, who doesn't? But what defines one is their approach after the mistake.

Regret while sitting back crying over the mistakes done, which doesn't change anything!


Regret with your actions, making every mistakes count; Upgrading yourself with a new and better version working on each mistake, which might still not change anything but surely a-new-thing.

Now, the choice is entirely yours, Regret or Reget.

Kanishka chose Reget. Reget-what she had lost, Reset-no matter the cost.

You know he doesn't wanna look at you right?

A sharp seething pain, is what Kanishka experienced when her mind repeated Karan's words mocking her for the umpteenth time in past some minutes.

Her heart felt unusually heavy in her chest, throbbing with a passionate pain. A pain burning even more inflamed with each image her mind put forth before her eyes of a hurt Aman whose red eyes blinking back his tears, displayed just enough of how hurt and dismantled he felt that moment of her.

Every replay, felt ripping her heart into pieces building up a heavier weight of the searing guilt every moment which felt crushing deep within her, making it difficult for her to breathe calmly.

The reminiscence of everything left wretched tears flowing down her cheeks unparalleled. The muffled sobs wracked against her chest, the world front of her eyes was turning blur, but she continued driving as fast as she could biting on her quivering lips, until she reached the park.

Getting down the cycle, locking it with the cable lock she was about to barge inside quickly when her leg ceased movement pausing abrupt in the air, being questioned one last time by her mind repeating Karan's words

You know he doesn't wanna look at you right?

Closing her eyes shut, blinking back the tears clearing her blurred vision and as such her thoughts, she opened her eyes which shined with a brand new determination altogether as she murmured answering to herself

"I know, but I wanna and I'll"

Sucking in a deep breathe, sighing it out heavily through her nostrils, she nodded gazing down standing still for some seconds before raising her head stepping inside the park. Running straight towards the sunset point, going through a bunch of bushes to reach the spot, reaching where her footsteps ceased automatically and a painful smile escaped her lips.

There stood Aman having his back turned towards her, running his hand on his hair which could be figured out easily from his raised elbow, while the other rested flat on the ground. Hearing the footsteps he smiled turning his head

"I fulfilled my promise loo--", his voice dried out as his eyes fell on Kanishka who was stood at a distance from him, making him look at her confused. Rubbing his eyes with his fingers, opening it to look back at her he made himself believe it wasn't a hallucination as all the time just her thoughts drifted in his mind wishing that he could see her, and now when she stood right in front of him he doubted if it was a mirage formed by his mind.

Getting up taking a step forward he thought the mirage would disappear, but when it didn't he rubbed his temple gazing down leaving a sigh speaking to himself

"Karan... Karannn... Karannn!!", Shaking his head calming his overspending heart under her spontaneous gaze he took a deep breathe closing his eyes opening after a moment gazing up at her not matching her teary eyes which begged for his attention, saying

"Why are you here?", Fresh set of tears formed in her eyes rolling down her cheeks as Aman didn't even look into her eyes asking this, piercing through all her confidence and courage she had brought together all this while. Her eyes lowered down ashamed, as she stuttered

"I-I'm here t-too--"

"Oh wait, I get it! I get why exactly you are here...!!", Aman let out a chuckle not letting her say anything more, causing her to look up at him who bitterly nodded his head looking around blinking the tears forming in his eyes before gazing down mounting his hands on his hips muttering in a deep voice

"I haven't apologized yet, have I? Of course, you are here!!", Aman stretched his lips wide forming a smile eyeing Kanishka who opened her lips to speak but ceased quivering in pain at his heartbreaking smile, tears coursing down her face as she shook her head at Aman who spoke teary eyed

"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry for hiding the truth all this time, I'm sorry for breaking your trust, I'm sorry for every trouble, every pain and tears I've caused", Kanishka felt her heart being stabbed with a knife constantly, being pushed deeper and deeper with every word she heard.

The sobs pouched through her quivering lips as hot tears welled up in her eyes, feeling every small hurt in his voice. Her bag which she was holding on from one of her hand slipped down with every word which sucked the energy out of her body, leaving her void but just the pain yanking in and out her chest.

"I'm sorry for hurting y---", the word remained stuck in his throat as he felt her body strike against his taking his breathing and heartbeats for a sudden involuntary pause.

His puffy red eyes blinked blankly feeling a pricking pain behind, letting the dam of his tears open, one which he had been holding within from so very long. Her hands were wrapped around his back while his remained loosely hanging in air unsure if to wrap around her back or not.

Her hair were touching his cheeks creating a tingling sensation but that moment all he could feel and hear was her heartbeats beating against his chest and her sobs as she pressed her head on his chest and shoulder. His lips parted to speak but he could barely speak a word when he heard her speak

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Aman!! If someone who should be sorry, then that's me! I've hurted you! But trust me, I didn't mean to hurt you, it was my anger which drove me crazy that moment. Please forgive me", Kanishka blubbed hugging him like her entire life depended on him.

Her heart yanking in and out of her chest, pulling back in like a yo-yo, over and over, feeling every bit of which Aman flinched his eyes closed. Rolling his lips inside he sucked on it curbing down his urge of breaking down, which no matter what he couldn't that moment as it would break her further.

His heart ached at her pain and his hands which struggled in the air before, now laid comfortably on her back stroking her hair soothingly, saying after a brief moment of controlling his heart and himself from shattering

"It's okay, it's okay!! Calm down! Stop crying!"

"How do I calm down?? It's all my fault, I shouldn't have slapped you, but I just couldn't stop myself! I couldn't bring myself to trust you after the way truth came out, I was really hurt, my trust was shattered. I was hurt, I was angry.

When you hit Harry, he fell down and started bleeding, he couldn't have handled any more blows, but you weren't in your senses to notice his condition and wanted to hit him more. I was scared, I was very scared, you had to be stopped immediately, Karan wasn't helping, and I had no other option but to stop you myself.

And in my anger, I slapped you! And told you what I shouldn't have! I really didn't mean, it was my anger and hurt self speaking, Please forgive me", Kanishka sobbed into his chest unceasingly, her hands clutching on to his hoodie behind while he held her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked his chest.

Sometimes the pain crushes you, leaving you incapable of everything, leaving you broken, both in and out. Exactly what, were the two undergoing but there was a calmness somewhere in their restless hearts. A peace, a soothing peace in each other's embrace, a gentle feeling that calmed their heavy breathes down, warming them and their hurt hearts effortlessly easy with every slow second.

Pulling apart after a brief moment of silence where the only thing exchanged was their heartbeats, Aman cupped her cheeks wiping her tears out from his thumbs, blinking back his own looking straight into her honest puffy red eyes which begged for his forgiveness, his trust, he spoke with his lips twitching

"I understand, I understand whatever you are saying, whatever you just said, but you don't have to be sorry for anything Kanishka. Trust me, I was never angry on you. Probably the way you reacted, anyone else would have been in your place would have reacted the same. Instead I'm sorry for lying, and for hurting you like this!"

"Aman please! I know you are hurt", Kanishka begged looking at Aman who shook his head shushing her continuing

"Listen! Stop crying! And try to understand! I'm not hurt, nobody hurts me but I myself do! I hurt everyone around me, I speak out those words which only hurts and triggers eveyone, you yourself know that very well. I have temper issues, I lose my control over myself when I'm angry, you saw it today! It can go even worse than this. And I can't change this, this won't change ever"

"You are right! You can't change this", Kanishka nodded blinking her eyes in affirmation taking Aman by a surprise whose hands lost grip on her face as he looked at her confused. Smiling confidently at him, she stated keeping her hands on top of his own which cupped her cheeks loosely pressing them softly

"BUT, We can! We can work on your temper issues, I'm sure we can get this over together!", The shine she held in her eyes saying it made him seal his lips and stare at her innocent eyes which led him to a belief that just got stronger with every second.

His heart repeated "Yes it's possible", grinning mentally his lips quivered to speak but fell shut instantly as his inner voice warned

No, Don't be silly! When Karan couldn't change you, how will she? You will hurt her again!

You will hurt her again!!

His mind repeated, engulfing over his pleading heart. Releasing a deep sigh closing his eyes for a quick moment, he opened looking into her eyes shaking his head gently muttering an uninterested "No" while uplifting his eyebrows not giving away much from his facial expressions.

Pulling away his hands beneath Kanishka's own, he stepped backwards moving away from her despite his heart yanking in and out crying aloud 'Yes, Please!'

Kanishka didn't see this coming, just before some seconds his eyes spoke a different story and now completely another altogether. It turned cold emotionless, unlike before as he stood eyeing into her eyes, leaving her in a fix.

Her lips trembled indecisively, her voice went numb. Perplexed her eyelids fluttered, gazing into his motionless unreadable eyes, demanding the reasons, the answer. The look which sent disgust shivers down his spines, wanting him to scream every bit of his feelings and fears out, state how much he loved being around her, how much he hated her tears but all he managed to do was play a smile on his lips.

He couldn't say it, no matter how much he tried, no matter how much his heart cried, his mind got better of him holding him back. He wasn't someone who could let out his feelings in open, share his pain or his fears, from a very young age he isolated himself away from everyone.

He learnt to keep it all inside, fight with his own self, and deal with each of his feelings and fears by himself. Initially he was forced to, later he chose to. Enduring the pain, sleeping through night after night without any anaesthesia of the false hope of the spring, it was the winter inside him which feared seeing the spring approaching from the window of her eyes.

A silence enveloped the surrounding, as none of them uttered a word. Leaves whirled in the eddies of cool breeze, one which was enough to send cooling shivers down their spine but that moment they were insensitive much to realise anything.

All Kanishka could feel was a weird pain which felt squeezing her heart out at the sight of his smile, the smile which betrayed his words. Her train of thoughts halted when a tiny drop of water falls right on her eyelashes, breaking through her gaze making her squeeze her eyes closed, shaking head gently.

Coming out of his trance, Aman jerked his thoughts away shaking his head running his eyes all around, he gazed up looking at the dark thick blackened clouds which was just starting to begin pouring down. Getting the hints of an approaching heavy downpour, Aman looked at Kanishka to warn the same but his eyes and lips remained glued at the sight in front of him, tucking a small yet bright smile on his face.

Kanishka's uplifted head faced the sky, feeling every single tender touch of the steady and soft drops on her face, each one of which curved her mouth into one of the most delicious smiles leaving Aman stupefied in awe of her smile capturing every look by his heart.

It seemed her prayers were answered. Every touch soothed her heart. Her thoughts didn't buzz anymore, her heart rate came under control, calmness spread over her mind, her pale skin glowing on its own, all just by a touch. Opening her eyes with a shine unknown, she looked at Aman speaking in a soft tone

"It's raining!"

"It is", Aman answered gazing elsewhere after a brief moment of silence of gazing into her gleaming eyes. The drizzling was slowly taking form of a heavy downpour, coming down heavier every second, realising which Aman eyed Kanishka who was shivering of the icy cold water but was barely caring about it facing up to feel the water continuing to enjoy the rain.

Taking off his hooded jacket Aman shook his head quickly keeping it over her shoulder who just watched him with wide baffled eyes, while he kept a poker face not meeting her eyes.

Shoving her stretched loose arms inside the jacket sleeves, he zipped up the jacket, looking straight into her eyes while pulling off the hood over her head

"Enough! Let's go before you catch cold", Kanishka mouth flung half open taken aback by his words. Her legs stood still watching him perplexed while he hanged his bag on his shoulders and took steps towards her own which was fallen at a distance having slipped out of her hand when she ran to hug him.

Picking it up neatly slinging it with one of the straps on one of his shoulder, he looked back at Kanishka and finding her still standing rooted on her place having not moved an inch watching him like she had never seen him before, he shook his head in disbelief. Rolling his eyes letting out a sigh, he returned back to her standing right in front of her staring into her eyes

"Come on, Hurry up!"

Before her subconscious mind could let her react or her lips could form a word, Aman grabbed her hand pulling her along with him and in a matter of seconds both were running. Kanishka's eyes remained on Aman while she followed him behind like a lost puppy, ready to go anywhere he takes holding her hand.

Reaching the outside of the park, Aman was off to a surprise watching Karan's cycle stand next to his own and looked around for him when Kanishka answered

"I came here on his cycle!"

Aman's eyes narrowed at her answer, with a creased forehead he gave her a 'What?' kinda look throwing back his wet hair behind looking between Kanishka and the cycle questioning

"You came here cycling?"

"No, I came here flying", Kanishka uplifted her eyebrows mounting her hands on her hips and then folding it across her chest looking at Aman who rolled his eyes rubbing the upper skin of his eyelids while she asked again

"You think I can't drive cycle?"

"In this kinda weather you will go home alone driving a cycle?", Asked Aman shrugging his shoulder raising his hands in bewilderment causing Kanishka to blink her eyes confused

"What's up with the weather!? I don't see a problem there!"

"Of course!! Of course!! Not being able to see the path ahead due to rain, isn't really a problem at last", Aman murmured to himself the last sentence moving his eyeballs to left and then to its right gritting his teeth looking around, dramatically nodding at her answer just when his eyes fell on Karan's cycle front tire which left him facepalming frustrated

"You can't drive this cycle--"

Before he could say a word further Kanishka stepped ahead moving near him not letting him complete yelling

"I can drive!! And I'll drive! You think a girl can't drive a bicycle? Do you think only you can drive-", her voice dried out in her mouth in a flash as Aman placed his index finger on her wet lips shushing her surging electrifying waves up her feet spreading through out her body.

Her eyes going smooth as she felt drawed into his cold yet caring eyes, which were frightening on one hand and so on another, was driving her heart crazy boring holes inside her with his look speaking in a calm tone

"Listen, I know very well you can drive! But driving a bicycle in these rain washed roads when the front tire is barely inflated is very dangerous!! And I'm not taking letting you take any such risks, do you get it?"

His mounted eyebrows and his wide determined eyes spoke enough how dead serious was he about it to Kanishka who just blinked her eyes in response. The affirmation he exactly waited for, and getting the same he let out a victory sigh speaking

"I am not letting you go home alone in this weather, so I'll drop you home myself on my cycle okay?"

His voice commanded, but his eyes read concern, concern and care for her, which held her own self back as she nodded slightly in approval shifting her gaze down, giving up not being able to oppose either his eyes or his request.

Getting the approval, Aman quickly unlocked the chain from his cycle sitting on the saddle driving it up near Kanishka saying

"Hurry up, before it starts raining heavier!"

Kanishka lifted her gaze only to get surprised looking at his cycle which didn't have a back carrier to sit causing her mouth to fling open as she eyed Aman yelling

"Where do you want me to sit? On the tire? Or on your head? Or climb up your shoulder and hang"

Aman rolled eyes throwing his wet hair lying on his forehead above his head before tilting it towards her who had her shoulders lifted and hands spread wide in bewilderment telling

"Have you never sat on the cycle's crossbar before?"

"You want me to sit there?", Asked Kanishka surprised causing Aman to look around letting out a sigh before fixing his eyes back at her

"You see any other option?"


"But what?", Asked Aman shaking his head while Kanishka just gazed down unsure of the decision when his next words made her lift her face staring him irritated

"Are you scared?", Aman smirked playing his natural teasing smirk looking at Kanishka who stepped ahead staring him back courageously

"I'm not scared!"

"Then, come on!", Aman forwarded his left hand towards her in order to help her grab it and sit on the crossbar, signalling her from his eyes who looked down for a quick second sucking in a sharp breathe before grabbing his hand turning to her back sitting sideways on the crossbar front tube adjusting herself as to not fall.

Looking at her body movements as she struggled to sit properly and looked scared which she would not accept even when not in her right senses Aman let out a sigh calling out to her

"Kanishka! Kanishka!! Kanishka look at me", Hearing him call Kanishka turned her head hastily towards him not realising how close proximity they were in from each other only to stop her heart from beating finding his face inches apart from her own, sending shivers all down her spines feeling his hot breathe falling on her face, shutting her eyes close automatically. Just when his voice brought her back from her trance

"Do you trust me?"

The question out of nowhere, saw her eyes opening meeting with his which blinked smoothly muttering again in slow audible whispers

"Do you trust me?"

"With all my heart!", The words left her mouth as it curved into a smile looking into his eyes which shined with a new brightness at her answer, creeping up a small yet content smile on his face as he blinked gazing down for a second before gazing up at her awaiting ones saying

"Then let's get this journey started!", Saying that Aman smiled at Kanishka who smiled back and both nodded at each other in mutual understanding.

While Kanishka held on to the handlebar tightly keeping her legs off the pedals making sure it doesn't disturb, Aman started pedalling placing his left hand on the handle caging her between his arms who couldn't help but grin to herself.

Her head turned towards the right facing the path ahead, watching keen the misted rain washed track with her melting eyes, as she blinked effortless feeling every strong yet tender splash of the raindrops kissing her face.

The fresh aroma of rain, the sweet petrichor enveloping the surrounding into its soft embrace filling her nostrils as she sucked in a calm breathe, grinning wider each second having her eyes closed listening the most soothing music of the falling rain patters, calming down her heart tremendously.

Turning to face Aman who was already smiling at her she played a childlike smile affirming

"Rainy season is my favourite season!"

"Evident from your eyes", Aman replied averting his eyes back to the road while Kanishka remained still staring at him openly with her mouth hanging open in awe at the view.

Water dripped out of his wet hair, making sweet paths down his strikingly handsome face, trickling past his adam's apple drenching his already soaked shirt which hugged his torso tight flaunting his fit and well built body.

Her eyes which were lost admiring him and his looks came back to its senses when he shook his head vigorously flicking the water off his hair, the droplets of which fell on her face preventing her from getting caught staring.

Lowering her gaze instantly she caught her breathe back calming the heart which was beating at an unusual rate, she gulped down the heavy lump in her throat setting her mind straight, when his words made her look back at him

"Do you always listen to your heart?"

Aman blurted out his long debated thoughts looking deep into her baffled eyes having a small smile lurking on his face. The out of the context words saw her gazing into his eyes perplexed trying to read his expressions muttering in a thoughtful manner

"Always and you?", Her eyes digged deep into his which averted unable to match up with her's, shifting abruptly to the path ahead with eyeballs gazing left to right tongue tied. A weird yet comforting silence, followed her question. Neither did she ask again nor did he say anything in return. But the answer was conveyed to Kanishka, who chose to remain quiet instead of forcing him to speak.

Sometimes we just need to stay quiet. Sometimes we just need to give other the time, the space to feel, cause wounds take time to heal. Action always speaks louder than words, a work of needle not done by swords. The one like Aman who wears a happy mask, changing that person is a task.

And she was changing him, no matter how much he denies or stops her, as she knew somewhere that's exactly what he wanted. Lifting her gaze meeting with his cold uptight eyes, she smiled a confident smile before quickly masking it as he lowered his eyes looking into her's asking

"So, When did you learn cycling?"

Kanishka smiled and was about to open her mouth leaving her hands from the handlebar ready to explain when Aman quickly buzzed

"Don't leave your hands! Speak without using them, unless you wanna taste mud and swim in it"

His witty remark earned a glare from Kanishka who narrowed one of her eye while lifting the eyebrow of another doing a quick side move from her pouted lips while he chuckled at her expressions.

"I was 7 years old, when my dad brought me a bicycle! It was my birthday gift, I remember. I always loved cycling, dad used to take me cycling every weekend, making me sit in front of him exactly the way I'm sitting right now, roaming the entire city, specially when it's overcast.

Eating roasted corns(Bhutta) and ice creams while getting drenched in rain with him is one of the most beautiful memories of my childhood", Kanishka licked her lips grinning ear to ear while Aman noticed her expressions murmuring to himself

Only if we were not getting late!

"Did you say something?"

"No-Nothing!! We are about to reach your home!", Aman quickly added mentally facepalming himself for his earlier thoughts focusing back on the path whereas Kanishka just nodded turning to look ahead when her eyes fell on his right hand

"What happened to your hand???", Asked she looking at his hand close brushing her fingers above the loose band aids all over the back of his hand careful to not hurt him before pulling back her hand turning to have a look at Aman who watches around unsure what to answer

"Nothing just small cuts here and there!"

"Of course, SMALL CUTS!", Kanishka muttered dramatically, leaving her rolling her eyes just when a thought struck her mind making her eyes go small as she eyed him confused recollecting the scene when Aditi dragged her along the school corridor.

The broken mirror pieces scattered on the floor, some having blood stains on it which gave her an odd unusual vibe, one she could not comprehend then but now was making all the sense to her as she eyed Aman

"You broke that window, isn't it?"

Aman rolled his lips inside, travelling his eyes all around not meeting her eyes continuing to drive causing her to let out a heavy sigh. Looking back at his hand which looked in bad condition even after band aids, she closed her eyes feeling it go heavier each second.

The realization that somewhere she was the reason behind this act, broke her filling her eyes with tears which dripped blending in with raindrops as she mumbled

"Did Karan do these baid-aids?"

"Yes! I told him it wasn't required, but he didn't listen! He never does!!", Aman let out a sigh smiling to himself when Kanishka turned raising her eyes to match up with his saying

"That's what the ones, who truly care about you do!! They don't mind what you say, because they understand what you don't say! They know what's good for you!", Her words followed a brief moment of silence as Aman averted his gaze from road looking into her eyes which held a new determined shine, one which drove his heart crazy beating aloud inside his chest leaving him void of words.

Applying brakes stopping the cycle, he averted his gaze for a second before looking back into her eyes who seemed to have not realised it yet, lost in her own thoughts bringing a smile on his face as he spoke out removing his hands from the handlebar

"We reached!"

"Huh?", Kanishka questioned not getting it blinking her eyes baffled at Aman who just folded his hands across his chest watching her with his natural smirk playing on his face bringing her back to the reality.

Turning to shift her gaze from him she quickly jumped down the cycle red faced. Not being able to think straight, she began walking straight towards the door when his voice rang from behind halting her footsteps

"You forgot something!"

Biting her tongue, squeezing her eyes closed she mentally facepalmed herself slowly turning to face Aman who held her bag by its strap smiling at her with an 'Remember this?' look making her roll her eyes. Moving towards him quickly she quickly grabbed her bag from his stretched hand turning to leave when his voice interrupted again

"You again forgot something!"

"And what's that?"

Confused Kanishka turned back to look at Aman shrugging her shoulders folding her hands across her chest causing Aman to raise his eyebrows as well as his hands shaking his head in disbelief

"Really? You are wearing my jacket!"

"Oops! Sorry", Kanishka bit her tongue flashing him her entire set of teeth quickly unzipping the jacket taking it off handing it over to Aman, about to turn when she hears him speak again

"Don't forget the keys!!"

"Forget what???", Kanishka's eyes wide as she turned facing Aman blinking blankly at him while he slipped in his hands inside the jacket looking up at her slightly taken aback by her sudden shocked expressions repeating

"What's up with you? Come on, give me keys!"

"How dare you ask me that? You monkeyyy donkeyyyyyyy!!", Kanishka's tone dangerous as she fumed at Aman who furrowed his brows blinking his eyes confused absolutely bewildered

What's so daring in asking for cycle keys?

His train of thoughts halted when Kanishka yelled again clearing his doubts making him raise his hand weirded out

"How did you even think that I'll kiss you?? NEVERRRRRRRRR!! Goodbye kisses are only for girls, not for boys!!"

"What the hell's wrong with your ears?? I'm asking for keys, Karan's keys!!"

"If you want Karan's kiss, go and ask Karan, why are you asking me??", Kanishka blurted out absent minded not giving a thought behind her or his words, leaving Aman rubbing his temple controlling his raging anger crushing his finger nails tight into his palms. Grinding his jaws together gritting his teeth at Kanishka he muttered

"The cycle keeeeeyyyyyss!! KARAN'S CYCLE KEYYYYYSSSSS!!"

"Go and ask Karan's cycle...", The words escaped Kanishka's mouth before she could process it properly causing Aman to avert his gaze down clutching his trousers tightly shaking his head trying to calm himself down.

"Wait? What did you say?", Asked Kanishka confused hearing whom Aman let out a deep sigh

"The cycle keys dammit!! The cycle keys! Karan's cycle keys!", Aman groaned tired of trying to make her understand. Peeking at her slightly finding her stand having an 'o' expression on her lips as she shoved her hand in her trousers searching for the keys keeping it in his outstretched hand commenting

"Couldn't you ask before?"

Her words earned a strong glare from Aman whose face expressions read his words "Really?", as he muttered shoving the keys in his pocket

"Visit a mental hospital!"

"Visit a doctor!", The words out of the blue took Aman by surprise who expected a witty comeback but getting a concerned one instead, eyed her amazed. Raising her eyes up from his hurt hand she folded her hands across her chest adding

"And then a nursery school to learn how to pronounce 'keys' properly!"

Aman rolled his eyes sealing his lips watching her with his narrowed to slit eyes before shaking his head turning his cycle speaking aloud

"We tend to listen what we think about!", A smirk plastered on his lips as he commented in a voice audible to Kanishka who turned her head back to face him having her eyebrows raised at his comment.

Stepping near Aman clutching the collar of his wet shirt tightly in her grip, she pulled his face bringing it slightly towards her own, looking deep into his eyes saying

"I can not even dream of kissing you!!! Even that thought grosses me out, I hate you, I hate you Aman lohani!! I HATE YOU!!!", She yelled only to find Aman smiling handsomely back at her taking her by a silence leaving her in a state of awe.

"Ohhhh, Is it?", asked Aman smirking the wittiest of smiles looking deep into her eyes which could be seen filling with a gentle tenderness as she felt drawn into his captivating gaze which checked her out openly making her breathes and heartbeats go uneven.

Lowering down his gaze to meet her straight yet elegant small nose, a smile tucked Aman's lips which turned into a thin faint line as his eyes fell on her delicately soft pink lips set apart quivering on its own as if to fight to say something but unable to.

Looking back into her starry eyes which held an innocence as she watched him inanely, he smiled tilting his head slightly towards his left taking his face near her, causing her gaze to point down instinctively and then fall shut involuntary as shivers ran down her entire body feeling a hot blow of air in her ear, as Aman whispered in an erotic voice

"I hate you too, Kanishka Jena!"

Her hand which clutched on his collar lost its grip eventually being left hanging in air, as she stood squeezing her eyes closed, finding which a perfect opportunity to escape Aman paddled quick cycling away before she could come back to her senses and goes all berserk on his hair for teasing her.

Opening her eyes, Kanishka was taken aback when she didn't find Aman standing in front of her, turning her head around finding him stand far but a visible distance waving his hand at her she grit her teeth stomping down her foot annoyed.

Chuckling at her reaction, Aman shook his head bidding a salute back to her as a symbol of signing off, before pulling on his hoodie turning to start cycling away, disappearing in a flash.

As she watched him leave, an unknown smile crept her lips which she jerked away gulping the heavy load of lump formed in her throat.

Releasing a loud heavy sigh calming down her racing heart she walked towards the door knocking on it waiting it to be opened, while her eyes replayed the scene a moment before, when Aman's wet drenched face made a move towards her own, tucking a wide grin across her face which she couldn't help but smile broadly shaking her head dismissing the arising thoughts murmuring to herself

"I hate you more Aman Lohani!"


Hello everyone..!!

How was the update!?

I know it's late, but I had mid term and then final practical exams (I still have one tomorrow and I'm writing update, GOD BLESS ME XD!)

Besides that, I didn't wanna hurry up with this update, it's one of the most important updates and I wanted to make it as beautiful as I could!

Hope you all enjoyed this rollercoaster ride of emotions! This update was a pure test of my writing.. hope I passed!

What was your favourite part?? How many of you actually thought Aman was about to kiss her? Cuz, I thought too XD!

Kanishka will change Aman, How many of you are excited?

Be excited, very beautiful things are coming in near future! And till then,

<Bye, Tc🤍, Stay Safe✨>

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