Same Side

Authors note: So you guys voted for this story to be updated since I removed it from being a one-shot.

Now after making this I'll be making my 'Gate:the jsdf fought there' fanfic.

By the way, half of this chapter is full of harem shenanigans.


It was night in the pacific ocean. The two warships have been floating the breezy ocean for days and their destination is Hawaii.

Inside the bridge of the Yamato class battleship, (Y/N), Kylie, and Julia are having a fine dinner. (Y/N) was eating steak, and the two guardians are eating a dish thay mostly consists of vegetables.

As (Y/N) bites of a small peice of his food, he looks to Julia and Kylie and made a question.

"I thought guardians doesn't need to eat?"

"That's true but if we don't eat, chances are that we'll be having a hard time making machines and weapons because we start losing concentration."

Kylie answered (Y/N)'s question before adding a quote.

"Its just like the quote 'You can't run an army with an empty stomach.' Though I forgot who said that quote but you get the idea."

"Oh okay. Thanks for answering my question. Now mind answering me why you have to shoot me few hours ago!?"

(Y/N) shouts a question after he was exactly done with his dinner. The reason why he asked a question during dinner was because everyone was having an awkward silence. Awkward silence from the incedent where (Y/N) accidentaly entered the room where both Julia and Kylie was testing their underwear.

"Hey! You don't just open a door, you have to knock!"

Julia answering (Y/N)'s question, but (Y/N) retialated with his own reply.

"Don't you know how lock? And why would I want to knock on my room?!... Wait? Why were you guys in there anyway?"

As (Y/N) made a question from his realization, both Kylie and Julia looked at each other before looking back at (Y/N).



Inside the hallways of the Yamato-class battleship Kylie was dragging Julia to (Y/N)'s bedroom.

"Okay Kylie, mind telling me why you're dragging me to (Y/N)'s room?"

"Shut up Julia, I know (Y/N) cockblocked himself again when you were advancing to get him. Am I right?"

"...Yeah... So what? He also cockblocked himself when you also tried to make an advancement."

"Yeah. He cockblocks himself which means we get cockblocked too. All because his parents told him to remove his virginity at the age of 18."

"I know right, I told him that 'You're young and alive so you should at least experience it' but he said 'I'm young so I'm highly motivated to live.'"

"Well at least he really lives from all the dangerous crap he goes through, which is one of the things I like about him."

"So why are dragging me again?"

"Because I know how to attract (Y/N) and possibly break the rules from his parents."

"Oh! Do tell!"

Julia said excitedly as both of them have reached (Y/N)'s room. They entered and saw the very feminine clothes around.

"Don't worry, those clothes doesn't belong to (Y/N), he's not into crossdressing. All this clothes are made by me."

"And you made them for what?"

Julia asked Kylie with huge curiosity.

"First let me tell you this. In America, when we were walking around the port to leave soon, I can't help but notice that (Y/N) kept glancing at the ladies who were wearing thigh high stockings."

"He has a thigh fetish?"

"Yep! He keeps glancing at them and I even noticed the little bulge in his pants! And it was the reason why I was wearing this white stockings. I notice him taking a quick glance at it!"

"So you mean?"

"Yes Julia. Lets start wearing stockings! And lets also find some clothes that fits with stockings."

Kylie said as she throws clothes to Julia to test the clothes that could attract (Y/N). They took three hours before finding matching clothes before (Y/N) accidentaly opened the door with them half naked...

~End of Flashback~

As the the two guardians finished telling the entire story, (Y/N) was holding his laughter.

"Ha...haha! You guys sounded more thirstier than a stranded person in the desert!"

(Y/N) was now laughing a bit hard. He underestimated the girls lust and love for him.

"Oi! Stop laughing!"

Kylie said as she and Julia started blushing in embarassment. It took few more moments for (Y/N) before he stopped laughing.

"Okay, now I got my answer, mind if I make a request?"

The girls looked to you in attention when you said about making a request.

"The next time you want to retialate, DON'T use guns! I almost died for godsake even though you guys purposely missed the shots, don't use guns or anything deadly! I not one of those anime protagonists who easily forgives his harem when they almost kill him!"

(Y/N) said as he just leaned in the fourth wall. Both guardians nodded in shame to answer that they won't do it again. As they were done confirming that they won't do it again, (Y/N) noticed the sad aura around them. He got ashamed that he made his girls sad so he thinks of something that will cheer them up.

And also cheer himself too...

"Hey. You guys don't look cute when you guys are sad. How about we take a shower?"

The girls sadness was quickly replaced by shock and excitement as (Y/N) said it with a stoic face.

"Your serious right...?"

Kylie asked nervously with a hint of lust in her voice.

"Oh yes. But if you don't want to take a bath with me then okay."

(Y/N) then leaves the bridge and went to the bathroom.

Both Julia and Kylie just looked at each other before making a small smile and quickly followed (Y/N).


The bath consisted of Julia and Kylie competing against each other on seducing (Y/N), luckily he didn't fall to there charms yet. They washed each other, they kissed each other, but no stealing of (Y/N)'s virginity yet.

After one hour of borderline sex, they all went to sleep cuddling each other.


(Y/N)'s POV

That was a fun bath, groping Julia and Kylie's breast while washing them, our skins touching each other... just three more months (Y/N). Three more months ti'll I'm in the right age.

Sure I can always break my parents rules but they rescued me, they adopted me, they took good care of me, and they raised me well. So I will repay them by at least obeying their rules.

...Wait? Is it morning already?... Let me open my eyes a bit and take a glance at the clock... And I can't see the clock because my view is blocked by Kylie's cute smile.

She's awake and looking at me with her smile...

"Awake my Darling?"

Since there's no point sleeping back I decided to open stay awake.

"Yes I'm awake...darling."

"Hehe, I wish you never woke up. You really look cute when you're asleep."

"D'aww, but you sounded like person who hates me when you said 'I wish you never woke up' hehe..."

The cute smile on Kylie's face is quickly replaced by a dissapointed expression.

"Hmph! Way to go ruining the mood (Y/N)."


Actually I intended to ruin the mood. Ha.

"Hey... Don't make me a third wheel."

Oh, Julia's awake. Lets also ruin the mood for her. Haha.

"I wish you never woke up because you just ruined my moment with Kylie."

"I know you (Y/N). I know you're trying to ruin the moment you asshole."

Mission failed. I'll get'em next time.

"Okay, you got me you cute bastard. Either way, what time is it?"

"About 6:00 AM. We'll be in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor in two hours."

Julia, answering my question.

"Okay, so what's for breakfast?"


While waiting to get to Hawaii. I jogged around the deck of the ship multiple times to keep myself in shape. After multiple laps around the deck, I went back inside the ship to have breakfast.

And as half expected, I saw both Julia and Kylie almost done making breakfast while wearing a... naked apron...

Though nothing sexual happened other than eating breakfast normally with both of the girls giggling when I try not to glance at them. It was pretty awkward but nothing to be ashamed off.

The rest of two hours are spent normally with all off us chatting around, reading Kylie's lewd novel, and them trying to seduce me again.

Thirsty girls...

After two hours, we saw Pearl Harbor in the distance. In the skies we saw a squadron of American P-40 Warhawk's and a squadron of Japanese Ki-43 Hayabusa's.

And no, the Japanese are not attacking Pearl Harbor like in 1941 in my former life. The two squadrons are having a mock dogfight by using paint rounds.

The American squadron used Boom and Zoom tactics against the opposing squadron since the Japanese aircrafts can easily out-manuever them. They also baiting tactics too.

The Japanese squadron simply took advantage of their lighter and agile aircraft to outmanuever the opposing squadron. And they also tried very hard trying not to get hit because Japanese planes does not hold a good armor.

In the first minute, one of the Ki-43 got hit by a burst of paint rounds, covering it with blue paint. The plane automatically pops out red smoke. Meaning that it was out of the fight.

The said P-40 who had the first blood was now being chased by the Hayabusa. The P-40 tried to speed up only to get hit by machinegun burst from the Ki-43. The P-40 got covered by the white paint from the burst although it still hasn't popped out the red smoke yet.

The sensors inside the plane knows how much damage it can take. The P-40 can at least take some damage, because generally, American planes are well armoured so taking some damage in non-critical parts means it can still fly.

But ot doesn't mean it can take that much damage. Unless we're talking about the P-47.

The P-40 struggled to shake off its aggressive pursuer. The Ki-43 also struggled to land a hit on the panicking target as it shakes around too much.

But after few missed bursts, the Ki-43 manages to land a hit on the P-40's engine. The sensor tracked the damage and popped of the red smoke kicking out the P-40 out of the fight.

I didn't notice the time. It was already nine minutes and the other aircrafts are already out of the fight when I busy looking at the P-40 being chased.

There were only one remaining P-40 and one Ki-43. The two then speeds up to each other head on before firing their weapons.

The two aircrafts manage to fly off course to avoid ramming each other but there was no winner since both aircrafts popped up red smoke at the same time...

Then Julia made a comment.

"They were probably newbies by the looks on how they fight. They didn't take full advantage of their aircrafts abilities."

She had a point, the pilot of the Ki-43 should've used its agility to outmanuver its opponent.

"I agree on that Julia, I agree."

I replied in full agreement.


As we approach the ports of Pearl Harbor, we saw the USS Iowa and the Yamato being repaired from minor damages taken from the previous battles. The people like the sailors and random people waved at us. It's not really common to see a guardians around.

After getting close enough the port Kylie spawned tug boats to assist her and Julia's ship to get parked in the harbor, despite the fact that the port already sent tugboats to assist us.

After twenty minutes, the guardians ships were now parked. We went down the ship and we were welcomed by random civilians, sailors, and the commanders.

Two commanders who looks like in their 60's are waiting for us. One was an American and the other is a Japanese. As I reach them, I gave a salute before being saluted back.

"So you're lieutenant (Y/N)?"

The American commander asked.

"Yes sir."

"Ah. I heard a lot about you from my brother in the army. You're one of the best tankers out there!"

The American general said with a smile.

"By the way, my name is General Kilgore, and don't judge my name kid."

"Don't worry sir, your name sounds cool."

"Hah! I like you already! Oh and the commander besides us is Admiral Shidou."

The somewhat friendly American general points at the calm yet intimidating man. He gave me a small look before saying.

"So I checked your files and you just learned to fly planes few months ago?"

"Yes sir. Trained by my ace pilot sibling. He commented that I was an above average pilot."

"Hm. And you seem to be highly competent in multiple combat roles. The file said that you work well in different infantry roles like being a sniper, mortar man, machinegun crew, anti-tank, and etc."

"I'm best being a tanker sir, but yes, I highly competent being in those roles."

In my former life, I've been playing a lot of WW2 themed games, from infantry, to tanks, aircraft, and ships. And I'm also an amatuer military otaku. I have the knowledge but I don't have the physical capabilites.

Not until I got into this world...

"Hm. Then welcome. I hope you're prepared in a new type of combat since here in the pacific we don't have much use for tanks."

The somewhat intimidating Japanese admiral gave out a smile as he gave me a handshake.

"Yeah kid, welcome. Good to know we have a soldier who has the multiple skills in one package. Now how about those guardians behind you?"

The commanders points at Julia and Kylie.

"Oh them? They're with me sir. They're under my command."

"Holy shit... Admiral Shidou, not only we have a highly skilled soldier, but we also get TWO guardians! It's one huge great package!"


The American General said excitedly while the Japanese Admiral just gave a small smile and nods.

"Either way, how about you guys walk around the harbor while we look for an opportunity put you in a mission where all of you can be put to good use. But stay alert though, we've been recently being attacked by those damn Copiers."

"Yes sir."

I gave a salute and they saluted back before leaving me and the guardians alone.

"Okay guys wanna walk around?"

I asked both Julia and Kylie before replying excitedly.

"A date? Sure!"

Julia grabs my right arm and Kylie grabs the left. They were holding me as if giving a sign that I'm their property.

As we walk out the harbor, I can't help but notice both American and Japanese soldiers being friendly with each other.

I saw them helping each other carrying stuff around, playing cards with each other, having a conversation, teaching each other thier languages and other friendly stuff.

Better than seeing them fight each other...


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