Long intro and Nonsense

Author's Note: Despite this story taking place in a fantasy WW2 era world, this is also full of harem shenanigans.

This story also has a slow update.


Somewhere in the Pacific...

In the huge vast ocean, two ships sail across the vast ocean during a sunny, breezy day. The two ships are a battleship and an aircraft carrier. To be more precise the battleship is the famous and powerful Yamato, and the carrier is also the famous Yorktown-class carrier, Enterprise.

Now I know what you guys are saying. "Why the hell a Japanese warship is travelling the ocean with an American aircraft carrier? The Americans and the Japanese were both hostile with each other in World War 2! Do some research about World War 2!"

I have good knowledge about World War 2 okay. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour which is the reason why America became hostile on them while also joining the war. That's a proof that I hold some knowledge about it, if you want longer details about World War 2 then do your own research.

Now to answer why the Japanese and American warship are sailing the ocean peacefully with no hostile intentions is because that this world they sail on is a fantasy world.

Yes you heard that right, a Fantasy World. And No, the ships are not transported to a fantasy world and both ships decided to work together to survive. The ships are part of this fantasy world.

But despite being a fantasy world, World War 2 is happening. And No, the war wasn't started by a dictator with a wet fantasy of taking over the world. The war was started by some unknown hostile that comes out from strange portals.

These hostiles are not living creatures, nope, they are machines. Machines who's out to kill humanity. But don't worry too much about the machines because they're not highly advanced killing machines.

These machines that started the war are called "Copiers". As the name implies, they copy, they copy our weapons. To have an easier understanding, I shall explain how they work.

The Copiers opens huge portals somewhere around the world. After the portals open, they build supply facilities and machines that maintains the portal while also launching an attack with copied weapons and vehicles from us humanity.

Their infantry are a bunch of humanoid robots, their heads aren't skull faces though, humanity isn't dealing with some Terminator rip-offs. Their faces are round but lacked any features making it give of some face plate feel. The weapons they carry are light arms like rifles, SMG's, light MG's, portable AT's, handguns, etc.

They also wear different types of helmets to show what origin the weapons it's copying. For example, if the robot is carrying German weapons, it will wear a German helmet.

Their vehicles are also copied but it's unmanned. Their tanks have an autoloader but it imitates the average reload speeds. Their planes are also unmanned and also act exactly the same from our planes. And ships don't have crews. All of it are self automated.

Though, despite the vehicles being copies, all of the vehicles uses a logo of a purple whirlpool. Tanks have it painted on the side of their turrets or sometimes in the side of hulls. Planes have it painted on their wings and fuselage and ships have it in their frontal part of the hull.

Whenever they invade, they use random weapons of nationality. An example is when they invaded Russia with British infantry, American Tanks, and Japanese aircrafts. Or when they invade America with Russian infantry, Japanese tanks, British planes, and German ships. Don't worry both countries manage to destroy the invading Copiers before they caused very painful damage.

The Copiers attacks by using proper tactics, but since they're machines, they can be tricked. Problem is that they tend to attack in huge numbers...

That's all you need to know about the Copiers. Let's go back to the two warships sailing in the pacific.

The two warships are not normal, as both ships has no crew operating the ships. But these ships are not part of the Copiers though. Both of the warships has no Copiers logo and each ship has a girl controlling them.

These girls are not human, no, they're guardians. The guardians are not part of any country or affiliation. They just appeared when the Copiers have appeared too, and their duty is to destroy the Copiers.

At first humanity mistaken them as an enemy and made a small fight with them that almost caused huge casualties on both sides. The guardians sent a message to the humans about their goal and ceased the hostilities.

Though you think humanity and the guardians will work together on destroying the Copiers but nope. The problem of guardians is that they never listen. They attack the Copiers when they want. This can cause problems like when humanity has plan to cause some serious damage to the Copiers but that plan was ruined by a guardian attacking the Copiers too early.

Like online players, little to no teamwork happens.

That's enough of the traits of a guardian. They have the capabilities to be able to make and control their own army like the Copiers. But instead of making portals they have another way of making an army.

They have the power to control a strange sand like material called nano-materials. They use the nano-materials to create their own units. For example, if a guardian who is using a ship wants to make a tank army she'll have to use the nano-materials from her ship. She must de-materialize her ship to make tanks, and if she wants to make a different unit like planes, she'll have to de-materialize her current units to make it.

And if her current units got destroyed, her units will de-materialize and goes back to her as nano-materials ready to be reused again. Although, their nano-materials are not limited on creating weapons, they can also use it to make everyday objects like a pillow, bags, pens, clothes, and etc. You get the idea. (An Arpeggio of Blue Steel reference)

Now another explanation is done lets go back to the situation. The two guardian made warships sailed the ocean peacefully. Its destination was Hawaii since it was being frequently attacked by the Copiers.

As the warships continue to sail the peaceful ocean, the guardian who created and using the aircraft carrier was standing on the deck.

The guardian was a girl, she has blond hair, green eyes, white skin, has an attractive body, and wearing a somewhat revealing uniform.

She was preparing her M1911 pistol to shoot down some wooden targets placed on the deck 50 meters away from her. When she was done preparing her gun she started shooting the human sized wooden targets.

Her shots were pretty accurate. Most of her shots landed a hit on the target while some missed. It was an impressive shot since the M1911 has a limited effective range.

After firing all 8 rounds from her pistol, she reloaded a new magazine to her M1911. Notably, she has a serious face as she reloads.

"I swear, I'm gonna beat him this time." The guardian murmured as she takes aim and fired her gun again with most shots hitting the target.

Few minutes later and she's still firing her gun with most shots are still landing an accurate hit. As she fired her gun, a hologram screen appeared to her right. The screen shows the location of her ship and three dots closing in to location.

"He's back! Now I can finally show him that I'm the best gunman!" She said excitedly as she de-materialized the wooden targets, the spent casings, and the spent magazines.

She looked in the horizon and saw three planes flying in a V formation. The first plane was an F-4U Corsair, and behind it was two F6F Hellcats. The F6F Hellcats was under the control of her so it was unmanned. But the Corsair was being piloted by someone.

As the three planes are approaching the carrier, one of the F6F Hellcats separates itself from the other two planes and started the landing procedure. It slowed down, decreased altitude, and aligned itself to land properly on the carrier.

As one of the planes closes in the carrier to land, the two remaining planes circled around the carrier a mile away to wait for the first plane to land. But the F-4U Corsair breaks off from circling with the one remaining F6F Hellcat and then fly towards the carrier.

The blonde guardian noticed the Corsair breaking off from the circle and saw it flying towards her.

"What is he planning to do now?" She asked herself only to have the F-4U Corsair making a low flyby causing her hat to get blown away and fall to the water.

"Hey! What was that for?!" She screamed at the pilot as the plane passed by. She swore that she heard the pilot laughing despite the plane was flying at 300+k/ph and flying at the of altitude of 3 meters away from the carrier.

She de-materialized her fallen hat and materialized it back to her head. The first plane landed at the carrier moments later and few more minutes later and the second Hellcat landed. After the two planes landed, it parked itself at the aircraft carrier's elevator and parked itself inside the hull.

The blonde guardian waited for the F-4U Corsair to land. And she is showing a worried face. She's still pissed about her hat getting blown off by the pilot but she'll ignore that for now. She's worried if the pilot fails to successfully land his plane on a carrier.

The F-4U Corsair is a great plane but it has earned the unfortunate nickname of "The Ensign Eliminator" and "Bent-Wing Bastard". Why? It's sometimes pretty tricky to handle especially when landing on carriers. It won't be a huge surprise to see or hear about an F-4U Corsair making a crash landing on a carrier.

Back to the current situation, the Corsair was already slowed down, and approaching the carrier in the right altitude to make a proper landing. The Blonde guardian looks at the plane in huge worry. Why?

The pilot is a tank commander. Though he did completed training about flying aircrafts but he's still far from being a well experienced pilot. Yes, he successfully landed few planes on aircraft carriers but remember he's flying the "Bent-Wing Bastard".

The plane approached the carrier ready to land, but there is now a huge chance that it will crash land.

It was flying a bit high when it approached the carrier causing it to touch the deck a bit hard. To make it worse it touched the deck hard with the right landing gear causing it to bounce due to the strong landing gear.

It bounced to the left causing the plane to flip. As the plane was now upside down from the flip, it bended its propellers while also denting the wings as the plane skids down the deck. Luckily, the plane didn't fall off from the deck.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Are you okay!?" The blonde guardian runs towards the flipped Corsair to see if the pilot was okay.

As she reached the flipped plane, she opened the cockpit and saw the pilot with closed eyes.

"(Y/N)! Wake up! Wake up!" She shakes the pilot named (Y/N) as she slowly starts to cry.

Unknown to the guardian, (Y/N) opened his eyes in a bored manner.

"Hey Julia, is the plane okay?" He asked in an unfazed manner.

"You're alive and okay!" She hugged him happily since she knows that (Y/N) is fine.

"Hey. I'm still upside down." (Y/N) said in an annoyed tone.

The guardian named Julia quickly replaced her happiness with anger as she lets go (Y/N) from her hug and detached the seatbelt causing (Y/N) to fall headfirst on the deck.

"OW! What was that for?!" He rolled on the deck holding his head in pain.

Julia crossed her arms and looked down on him and said.

"One: You blew off my favourite hat. And Two: You made me worry too much about you." She faced away from him with eyes closed and arms still crossed.

(Y/N) then stood up and replied.

"One: That was for pushing me off to the water yesterday. You're just lucky that I only blew off your hat because I was intending to scare you off so you can jump to the water. And Two: It's not my fault that the Corsair's huge nose gave me a bad visibility."

"That's why I told you to use the F6F Hellcat instead! That plane is easier to land than the Corsair!" Julia shouted as she turned around and faced (Y/N). "I don't want to see you getting hurt..." She looks away from him as tears starts falling off from her green eyes.

"Oh don't cry. You know that I'm too awesome to get hurt from that." (Y/N) said half jokingly while also giving Julia a hug.

Julia returned the hug while also crying on (Y/N)'s chest.

"Promise me that you won't harm yourself again, okay?" She looks at (Y/N) eyes waiting for a reply.

"Sure! If only the Copiers would stop harming humanity while also stopping me from eating too much unhealthy foods, then yes that promise can be achieved!" (Y/N) said with a teasing smile.

Julia punches (Y/N) in the chest as she was disappointed with his reply.

"Oh come on! You could at least say yes! But instead, you chose a line that ruins the dramatic mood!"

"Well you were way too dramatic!" (Y/N) replied while holding his chest in pain.

"I guess you're right, I was being too dramatic." She made a warm smile as she wipes off her tears

And a moment later, she materialized the wooden targets behind her.

"Since we're done with our little fight, let's forget about that and continue our unfinished business." She materialized a spare M1911 on her left hand and offered it you.

"Hmph! Still can't get over that? When will you accept that I'm a better gunman than you?" (Y/N) said mockingly as he took the spare M1911 from her.

"You'll see. You'll see that I will beat you today!" She boasted as she cocked the gun, implying that she is ready.

"I like your fighting spirit but I have doubts that you'll beat me today." (Y/N) also cocked the gun and aimed at the targets.

The two started shooting the targets. Both of them reloaded the guns equally fast while also shooting the targets pretty fast.

Most of Julia's shots were accurate with only few shots missing to hit. (Y/N) on the other hand...

"Done." (Y/N)'s shots were highly accurate and the targets are 50 meters ahead. All of his shots landed in a three inch radius.

"Damn it! How do you that!?" Julia asked in an annoyed tone.

"It's all years of experience milady." (Y/N) just shrugged and made smug face.

"One day, one day and I will beat you!" She said with high determination.

"I'd like to see you try." (Y/N) gave back the spare M1911 to Julia, as he walks away.

But a moment later, he stopped walking away and faced back to Julia.

"By the way, why are you wearing such lewd clothes?" He asked curiously.

"This? I'm wearing this because it's hot today. Why? Like what you see?" She made a teasing smile while making a sexy pose.

"Yes. Very." (Y/N) said shamelessly in good honesty while also trying to keep a serious face. The Key word is trying.

"Oh (Y/N), stop trying to make that serious face of yours, it doesn't suit you." She licked her lips and made a seductive smile...

"Besides, you're cute when you get flustered..." She then slowly walked towards (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s eyes started to twitch as he struggle to keep a serious face. So he took out his custom Webley Revolver and pointed it at Julia.

"Try seducing me bitch..." (Y/N) was now blushing and struggling to keep his serious face.

And he also felt something's bulging inside his pants...

"Oh my, (Y/N) is being defensive. Mind telling me why you're not taking advantage of me? I'm already giving you the green light." She asked and said in a teasing manner, clearly enjoying the situation.

"While I am very tempted to 'touch' you, I promised my parents that I will keep my virginity until I'm 18-years old." (Y/N) said while holstering his gun back. "I'm still 17, but don't worry, I'm turning 18 in a few months so just wait."

(Y/N) has great respect for his parents, so he doesn't mind following some of their restrictive orders.

"Aw. Okay I'll wait." She said as she changed her smile from seductive to innocent.

"Hmph. Thirsty girl." (Y/N) said as he returns to his calm manner.

"It's not my fault that I fell in love with you." She pouted as she crosses her arms.

"And I wasn't even trying to make you fall in love with me."

The rest of the moments were quiet. Julia de-materialized the flipped Corsair and placed the nano-materials inside the ship. (Y/N) took a seat and read a book about piloting. But as they were about to enjoy the rest of the peaceful moments, they noticed something.

"Hey Julia, where's Kylie?" (Y/N) asked closing the book.

"Yeah, I also noticed too. Where is she?"

Both (Y/N) and Julia looked at each other before looking at the Battleship sailing besides them.

"I'm gonna bet that she overslept again." Julia said as she started making transparent square shaped floating platforms towards the Battleship Yamato.

"And what did she do that caused her to be overslept?" (Y/N) asked as he starts hopping on the floating platforms.

"I don't know, wanna take a guess?" Julia asked as she follows (Y/N).

(Y/N) began thinking the possible ways that would cause their friend to get overslept and he thought of one thing.

"I'm going guess that she was busy making that lewd novel of her last night..."

Both (Y/N) and Julia blushed as they remember the novel Kylie was making. It was highly erotic and well detailed enough to make a mature person blush. And to make it worse she adds an illustration on the most erotic parts of her novel.

And the writer, Kylie, is still a pure girl.

Few moments of hopping around the platforms and they reached the deck of the Yamato. They then proceed to head towards the door while also walking past the two huge turrets on their right.

As they're about to reach the door, it suddenly opens up and an innocent looking girl walks out. The girl has white pinkish hair, purple eyes, white skin, well shaped body, and wearing fresh looking clothes with stockings.

The girl was Kylie.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here!? I was planning to go to you guys!" She said in a loud, childish, happy, innocent manner.

"Because it's already noon and you still haven't come out yet." Julia answered her question.

"Oh that? It's because I stayed all night and finished writing my-"

She was then cut off by (Y/N).

"Your lewd novel?" (Y/N) said as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes while blushing.

"Yes! And good news! I completed the last chapter! Now my book is ready to be published! Wanna be the first to read it?!" She shoved the book to (Y/N)'s face.

"Eh... Maybe later..." (Y/N) looked away blushing.

"Can I read it first then?" Julia asked shamelessly with her hands grabbing the book.

"Sure! And when you're done reading it, I want you to criticize it!"

"Okay." Julia nods as she starts opening the book.

"Oh wait! Before you read, we need to talk!" Kylie grabs Julia's arms and drags her towards the door with Julia starting to know what's up.

"Hey? What are you guys are gonna talk about?" (Y/N) asked in curiosity.

"Don't mind us (Y/N)! We have an emergency girls talk!" Julia replied as she enters the ship with Kylie.

(Y/N) didn't even bother asking, he wouldn't be able to understand it anyway.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Girls talk, something that are probably too complicated to understand or something that girls don't want others (especially boys) to know. Sure, I could try spying on them but they'll probably kill me. Besides, they're guardians and they're more dangerous than a human.

To pass the time, I decided to walk around the deck and enjoy the cool breezy weather and to admire the beautiful blue ocean. After walking around for few minutes, I decided to lean on the railings and look on the water. As I lean on the railings while mindlessly looking at the water, I remembered my past...


I remember walking down on a sidewalk in loneliness because I was bullied again in school. They keep bullying me because I'm a gamer and an anime lover. They keep making fun of my interests and say that I don't have a life.

I want to fight back but I'm weak, physically and mentally. I'm physically weak since I spent most of my time playing videogames and watching anime and I'm mentally weak because I'm a shy person, I have poor social skills, and fragile feelings.

The bullying affected me too much that my above average grades are starting to fall. This caused my parents to be mad at me and focused more of their attention to my more successful siblings.

And since I'm a shy person with poor social skills, I have little to no friends to defend or support me. With no people supporting me, I became very depressed and started to consider suicide...

I really wanted to kill myself, but I don't have the guts to make myself do it.

BuT iT wON't Be LoNg BeFOre i EaRN tHe gUtS to KiLL mYsELf...

As I walk the sidewalk, I saw one of my favourite cafes across the street.

"Maybe a snack can cheer me up and encourage me to live one more day..." I murmured to myself as I decided to walk to a nearby crossing line.

The traffic light was still red, so I and the other people who wanted to cross the street waited for the green light and a few seconds later and the traffic light gave the green light.

As I was about to cross the street, I heard a truck honking loudly. I looked to my left and saw a speeding tanker truck, coming towards me fast.

My survival extinct kicked in and I jumped backwards to avoid getting hit. It was so close that I was 1cm from getting hit by the speeding tanker truck.

The speeding tanker truck then crashed to a huge van causing it to flip itself. Some bystanders started to call for emergency while the others rushed to the vehicles to see if the occupants are okay.

I also decide to see if the occupants are also safe. As I approach to the cabin of the flipped truck, I saw a dropped lit cigar on the ground next to the leaking tanker. I decided to ignore it and continue to approach-

Wait. A lit cigar plus a leaking tanker truck equals...

"OH SHIT!" I decided to run but it was too late. The gasoline leak reached the lit cigar very quickly making a fiery explosion.

As I ran, I felt the hot blast behind before blacking out from the explosion.

~Time Skip~

I woke up lying on the ground. I looked around myself and saw fire trucks and ambulances around the area. The firemen putting out the remaining fire while the medics tending the injured.

I stood up and felt no pain, am I dead? I looked down and saw my answer.

It was my body... It was all burnt up and there's shrapnel stuck on the back of its head.

I was in shock, am I really dead?

Two medics approached my body and inspected it for few seconds before saying.

"Poor kid, he didn't make it."

As I hear what they said I began to cry. Despite the fact that I was suicidal, I just realized that I lost my one and only precious life.

And there's nothing getting it back...

I cried on my knees as I realized that I failed to achieve any my dreams and goals in my life.

As I was crying I noticed a white portal appearing beside me, I looked at it still with tears in my eyes. I walked closer to it and the portal suddenly sucked me in.


I was sucked by the portal at high speeds screaming in fear, and few seconds later, I blacked out...

~Time Skip~

I woke up and found myself lying in a dark alleyway. I decided to stand up buy I feel so strange...

I looked at a window nearby and saw my reflection, and to my shock...

"I'm a five-year old?!" I screamed in confusion as I see my reflection of myself as a short and somewhat a bit chubby child.

"The Hell happened to me!?"

As I swear, I noticed a rolled paper tied by a ribbon in my pocket. I took it out, opened it and began reading it.

"Dear (Y/N), you have died a horrible death, to compensate, we brought you to a new world. Don't worry, we have a huge feeling that you'll love this world. From: Unknown."

I finished reading and dropped the letter on the ground.

Another world? Like those transported to another world animes? I have no interest in swords and magic. I don't like medieval settings anyway, I prefer something in the WW1 or WW2 era.

I have feeling that I won't like this fantasy world in a medieval setting.

As I think about this world, I heard an air raid siren and I looked to the street and saw cars driving away...

"I'm not in one of those medieval fantasy worlds..." I realized since there's an air raid siren and a cars from the thirty's.

I walked to the street and saw people and cars leaving the city in a hurry. And then I looked up to the sky and saw multiple aircrafts.

I saw huge groups of B-17's flying in multiple formations and it supported by fighters that looked like... Mitsubishi Zero's?

Japanese Zeroes supporting American B-17's? What the...?

I looked closely and saw the planes with a purple symbol under its wings...

Few moments later and the Zeroes separated away from the bombers and started engaging... Bf-109's?

Japanese planes fighting German planes? Weren't they allies?

As I look at the battle happening in the sky, I heard something... heavy...

I looked at the streets and saw a tank, a Tiger 1. I saw a purple whirlpool painted on the side of the turret. I looked at the heavy tank in amazement. I always wanted to see WW2 era tanks. But I sensed danger...

The Tiger 1's turret slowly rotated to my direction with the intent to kill me...

I was frozen in shock. I don't know what to do. I never experienced this kind of situation so I have totally no idea what to. What if that tank was a hostile or friendly?

But as the Tiger 1 aimed its gun on me, I was pulled away by a man.

"Get away from that kid!" The man in his middle twenties said as he pulled me before carrying me away.

I remained silent as the man carried me away. I also noticed the man was carrying a gun, a Webley revolver.

After few a minutes of running, the man runs to a Russian T-34 medium tank supported by soldiers. The soldiers were German, judging from their uniform and weapons.

Weren't Germany and Russia enemies in WW2?

"I saw a Copier tank on that street!" The man carrying me said to the soldiers while pointing the direction of the heavy tank.

"Really? Okay. Thanks for warning us." One of the soldier replied.

"And where's the evacuation center?!" The man asked the soldiers.

"There's no evacuation center in this city. Everyone is supposed to leave this city because this place will get levelled soon enough." The soldier answered.

"But you can still catch up the evacuation trucks on the park." Another soldier added.

"Thanks!" The man ran again still carrying me.

After few minutes both of us reached the park. The man puts me down and asked.

"Kid what's your name?"

"(Y/N)." I said my name, but for some reason I can't remember my last name.

"Okay (Y/N), Then what's your parent's name?" The man asked again, with the intention to help.

"... I... don't have any..." I seem to have forgotten my real parents, probably the side effects of being transported to another world...

"Abandoned...? Then come, you'll be safe with me." The man said to me as he lifts me to a truck before joining me.

"I'm John Era by the way." He introduced himself as the truck filled itself with evacuees before leaving.

~Few years later~

My name is now (Y/N) Era. It has been years since I was adopted by the Era family.

When I and Era have left the city to safety, we ended up meeting with his wife and family.

He introduced me to his family and let me stayed with them. As I stayed with them, they asked me if I have other relatives that will act as my guardian. I sadly replied that I don't have any.

A day later and they adopted me... and the Era family welcomed me warmly...

My step-siblings were really friendly and show no hostilities about me getting adopted.

My step siblings are my mature and smart sister who is three years older than me, my lazy yet brilliant brother who has the same age as me, and our cute little sister.

The Era family has a tradition on joining the military. My step-father is an airborne infantry while my step-mom is a fighter pilot.

My older step-sister have already been sent to combat and managed to get a high rank quickly in two years, while my step-brother is still studying about becoming a fighter pilot. The youngest sibling on the other hand is showing interests on the navy.

And as for me, I wanted to become a tanker. I was enrolled to a tank school to study how to operate and take command of a tank.

And during my time in the tank school, I became the best student. I have high to perfect grades, I quickly learn, and even made my own tactics. The teachers and instructors even gave me a paper that will guarantee that I'll become a tanker when I join the army because of my high grades and out of the box thinking.

Probably because of the knowledge and the tank games I learned and play in my former life...

The praise I get from my teachers and fellow classmates helped me to improve my personality by making me more self confident.

I don't want to have a weak personality again...

My personality improved that I'm no longer shy and my socializing skills also improved. Though, my improved personality caused me to be brutally honest...

When I graduated from the tank school, I decided to take a small break before joining the army.

But things in life are always unexpected...

The town I was on was suddenly attacked by the Copiers. So I decided to help the military forces who were stationed in the town.

They assigned me to take command of a M8 Grey Hound. I used it to support the infantry while also disabling some enemy tanks along the way.

But few hours later and the defences are starting to fall. The Copiers are slowly pushing us to our destruction. It was clear that they're going to win and we know that we will lose...

We can't escape the town or call for back-up since the town was surrounded by the Copiers. And surrender is not an option...

So we stayed and fight, ready to face death...

We manage to hold out for few more, before the situation started to become more desperate...

We defenders have already lost a lot of men and we were down to our last bullets. The armoured car that I was taking command took a heavy damage to its engine while also running out of ammo.

Me and my crew decided to leave the armoured vehicle but we were pinned down by heavy machine gun fire from the hostiles. I then used my Tommy gun to provide cover for my crew. They manage to find a solid cover but I was left behind.

Now I remain hiding behind the disabled armoured car with the last drum-magazine for my Tommy gun, ready to face the hostile forces. It was a hopeless situation but I decided to face my unavoidable death...

But in the hopeless situation, they arrived...

One of guardians riding a heavy tank was commanding a huge group of tanks and robotic infantry and the other was commanding multiple squadrons of fighters and attack planes from her tank.

The guardian taking command of the tank force and infantry was Julia, and the one commanding the aircrafts was Kylie. They slowly but surely pushed out the invaders.

While the rest of the soldiers took the chance to take a rest, I decided to scavenge some guns and ammo and join the guardians to push out the invaders. And that's how I met them...

We treated each other as acquaintances as we pushed out the invaders. They're highly impressed of my bravery since I was willing to help them even though I can just take a break like the rest of the people.

After clearing the town, we bid farewell wishing good luck to each other. But it won't the last time we see each other...

When I finally joined the army, they assigned me to be a tank commander. The first tank I operated was an M4 Sherman. And within one year of service, I manage to become one of the best tankers while experiencing five huge tank battles, and each of those huge battles lasted for one week...

And within those huge tank battles, I accidentally keep running to Julia and Kylie.

Within that year, our relationship as acquaintances becomes friends. And then slowly turning to best friends and then becoming love interests.

It was legal to have a harem since the male population is decreasing.

After that year I decided to join them travelling around the world and help humanity fight the Copiers.

And that's how I got here...

~End of Flashback~

"I've come a long way..." I said as I look at my watch and it was already three hours?

"What are those two doing anyway? It's already three hours already."

I then walked towards one of the doors. As I enter, I heard some giggling in the hallways of the ship.

"What are those two up to now?" I followed the direction of the giggling and found myself standing in front of the captain's bedrooms.

So I decided to gently open the door...

"AH! (Y/N)?! What are you doing here?! GET OUT! GET OUT!"

"Sorr- HEY! Don't kill me!"

I saw them naked as they were testing out some lewd underwear. And when they saw me, they decided to materialize guns and started shooting me.

The afternoon was spent by me screaming inside the ship running away from the enraged guardians. Seriously they're okay with me seeing them in revealing outfits but they're mad when I saw them naked?!

Okay. I guess they really have a good reason to get mad and try to kill me...

This world is so strange and dangerous...


This world might be strange and dangerous but I really like it... This world knows how to make me happy...


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