
Author's note: I won't apologize if this has taken too long to update since I did say that this story will have a long update time.

Also, like what is said in story's title, this story is full of harem shenanigans like those typical 'another world' stories, so don't bother critizing me about it.

Either way, comment and enjoy the chapter!


In the afternoon skies near Hawaii, a huge float plane or more specifically a PBY Catalina, is having its scheduled patrol in the seas for a lookout for any possible hostiles, mainly hostiles with a purple whirlpool logo, specifically the Copiers. If they see an aircraft, or ship with the Copiers logo, they must report immediately to headquarters and bug-out. A very important role, right?

The crew of the aircraft can agree that their role is important, but they can also agree that their job is pretty boring...

"Did anyone remember to bring the cookies?" The pilot asked, breaking the silence among the crew.

"Yeah, its right beside my chair... Where the hell is it?" The co-pilot said as he looked around his seat for the cookies. He looked back of the plane and got a clear answer. "Oh come on! This is the third time!"

"Its not our fault that you don't guard your cookies." The radio operator replied.

"Yeah, and we're pretty bored back here." Said the radar operator.

"And hungry." One of the gunners added.

"Bring your own cookies! This is the third time this week of cookie stealing!"

"You did say that you're on a diet so as good friends, we helped you by eating your food." The radio operator said back to the annoyed pilot.

The rest of the crew chuckled at their annoyed pilot. "I eat my food with diet cola. That helps decrease my weight." The pilot defended.

"And you're still fat after that." One of them said before they laughed together.

"I'm not fat! I'm just tall and heavy!"

The crew laughed again but a little more harder.

"You guys are such great friends." The pilot sarcastically said as the crew continues to laugh.

They immediately stopped laughing when the radio turned up.

"Skywhale-5, this is HQ, anything suspicious on your patrol?"

"This Skywhale-5, nothing wrong here. Just the clear skies, and deep blue sea." The radio operator replied.

"Alrighty then Skywhale-5, good luck, stay alert, and have a safe flight."

The radio was back to silence. The crew was about to break the silence again but their youngest crew member said something.

"Hey guys, can I ask for an advice?"

"What kind of advice newbie?"

"Dating advice..."

The crew made a brief silence before they finally react.

"Our newbie just spent a week with us and he already has a date?" One of the crew member said before, "OH!"

"Come on guys..." The newbie in distress.

"And maybe if he spent one more week with us and he might end up having a harem. OH!" They shouted again.

"Okay, okay. Can you guys shut up and give me some advice now?" The newbie asked in distress as he fears getting teased by his crew members.

"Lets not tease him too much, we need to help our little brother with his date." The co-pilot said, before asking, "So who's your date?"

The entire crew waited for the newbie's answer.

"My childhood friend..."

"Oh! At least someone didn't ignore the childhood friend!" The pilot remarked, "I really feel bad for those neglected childhood friends..."

"Agree on that. Now our little newbie. Tell us, what's the schedule for your date?"

"It will start tonight at six, we'll have dinner first and watch a movie-"

"Are you confident enough to avoid awkward silences?" The pilot cuts him off with a question.

"Well not really-"

"What kind movie are you two watching?" The pilot cuts him off again with a follow-up question.

"Its an action-romance-comedy film. Why-"

"Okay, that's a good pick." The pilot interrupted again, "Here's a little tip: Watch the movie first before having dinner. That way, you two have something to talk about during dinner and avoiding having an awkward silence with your date. Got that?" The pilot explained as he looked at the newbie who nodded.

"Just have a little snack before watching the movie so you the two aren't hungry during the movie, and here's a boring tip that you're parents would always say: 'be yourself its difficult to be someone you're not'. Simply adjust yourself a bit though." The co-pilot added a little advice.

"Ya got some flowers ready for her?" The radio operator asked.

"Yeah, not a problem my mom owns a flower shop." The newbie confirmed and nodded thankfully to his crew who supported despite him being new to the crew.

"Thank you for the suppo-"

"Guys! What the hell is that?!" The thanking words from the newbie was loudly interuppted by one of the gunners voice. The crew looked at him pointing outside the plane. They looked outside and saw what he was pointing at.

"What the..."

The thing they were seeing was hard to explain. It was a white glowing orb floating a hundred meters away from the water. It stayed like that for a minute before the orb slowly turned purple.

"Someone get a camera and start taping." The pilot said. A second later and the newbie started recording it.

The purple orb flew a little higher before expanding to a huge circle, standing vertically. It didn't take long before the crew realized that the huge circle was a portal.

"So that's how portals opens up." The newbie murmured as records the portal. He only saw portals in pictures, or when portals are being destroyed in film, but the fact that he's recording how it opens up is a shocker. He can now imagine himself being interviewed in tv for one of the first few people who saw the portal opening.

"Guys, we should leave before that thing spouts something dangerous..." The radar operator worriedly said.

"Yeah, lets report this, and head bac-"

"Guys! Something's coming out!" The newbie interupting the pilot as he points out a ship exiting the portal.

"What type warship is that?" The co-pilot asked worriedly.

"Let me have a closer look." One of the gunner said as he grabs a binocular and looked at the ship exiting the portal.

He looked at the ship for a few moments until he finally figured it out. "Its a battleship, Bismarck-class..."

"Looks like the navy is gonna have some trouble..." The newbie remarked.

"Guys let's turn back, I can't call HQ, we're out of range." The radio operator said with some worry.

"Yeah, lets leave. We have enough intel anyways." The pilot said as he stopped circling the portal and fly back to the direction of their base.

The newbie turned off the camera and went back to his gunner position in the right. This was his first time seeing the enemy and he hoped that he never have a deadly encounter with the Copiers. Its the reason why he chose to be a gunner for the CBY Catalina, its common purpose is to patrol the seas, reconissance, and save downed pilots. A less risky job...

"Enemy fighters at six o clock!" The left gunner shouted, this caused everyone to feel more alert as they felt the adrenalin rush.

The newbie looked back at the portal and saw multiple aircrafts coming out from it. He felt afraid this is the first time he's gonna experience an attack from the enemy. So much for a less risky job...

The left gunner started shooting at the enemy fighters, trying his best to land a hit. The hostile aircrafts on the other hand started flying defensively and kept distance to avoid getting hit, while also flying left and right as if looking for a blindspot to shoot at.

A moments later, they splitted up, one going left, one going right, one flying high, one flying low, and the other speeding past the plane.

"Shit! They're gonna attack from multiple sides, everyone get ready!" The co-pilot shouted at his crew who all was ready.

A second later, all enemy fighters closed in from multiple sides. The gunners started shooting and doing their best to hit the hostiles as it fired a short burst on their plane before breaking off to avoid getting hit by the gunners.

The plane also banked left and right to at least try to not get hit even though their plane, the PBY Catalina, is big, and sluggish. Their plane got riddled with some holes as it got hit and probably hitting one of the crew members.

"We got a hole on the left wing-Ah! Fuck!" The radar operator screamed in pain as the shots from the enemy fighters landed a hit in their plane and hitting him in the leg.

"Hold on man, I got you." The flight engineer coming to their injured crew mate with a first-aid kit.

As their fellow crew member is getting patched up, the newbie was constantly shooting the hostile aircraft, shooting the plane that is attempting to target them.

"These guys are fucking agile!" The newbie commented as one of the enemy fighters quickly flew off as he tries to shoot it down.

"Those planes are Spitfire's! What do you expect?!" One of the gunner answered as he continues to shoot but missed the agile enemy.

"Are we in radio range?!" The pilot asked loudly as he banked the plane to the right to avoid an attack run from their aggressors.

"No- Wait, Yes! We're in range!" The radio operator answered, quickly flipping a switch to call HQ. "This is Skywhale-5! We spotted an enemy portal and we're under attac-"


"Shit! Engine-1 is bursting in flames! The pilot announced in panic and fear

"Turning off Engine-1." The co-pilot pushing a switch. "At least we can still fly with one engin-"

He was interrupted as the plane suddenly banked to the right and descended at a fast rate.

"Our right wing is out!"

"Fuck! We're going down!"

"I'm too young to die!"

"I don't wanna die!"

"Not yet! Not like this!"

"This is Skywhale-5, we're going down! I repeat, we're going down!"

The newbie sat in his gunner position quietly, ignoring the screams of his crew members as they descend rapidly to their watery fate. He felt tears in his eyes as he knows that there's no way out of his situation, he knows that he won't be able to know his crew members more, he knows that he'll never see his friends and family again, and he knows that he won't have a future with the love of his life.

He fished for something in his breast pocket and pulled out two pictures. One is a photo of his family, and the other was a photo of his friends and love of his life. "I love you guys... I'm so sorry..."

He closed his eyes in tears and put the photos back in his pockets before opening his eyes with great anger, teeth gnashing, hands grabbing tightly to his machine gun, and aiming at the enemy planes. The beast inside him woke up.

"Die you fucking bastards!"

He cursed at the enemy aircrafts and pulled the trigger, letting out a stream of bullets and ripping off the right wing of the Spitfire who probably shot them down. He continued firing widly until he felt a powerful impact of the plane hitting the water, ending his life, and the rest of its crew.



~(Y/N)'s POV~

It was a peaceful day in the islands of Hawaii as the people went on with thier daily life. Same goes in Pearl Harbor as both soldiers and workers are moving around the base doing thier work like maintenance, moving around supplies, cleaning, and etc. But since its a peaceful day and not getting attacked by any hostiles, a lot of soldiers took the chance and take a break like being lazy, chatting around, card games, sports, messing around with equipments, spending time with friends, getting drunk, spending time with friends by getting drunk and getting to trouble, and etc.

Me, Julia, and Kylie are not an exception as we decided to have a little joy ride around the island with a Willys MB Jeep that we totally didn't steal...

Okay, we took the jeep without permission and it was Julia's idea because she was too lazy to materialize a car, but she's not gonna admit it. And in our defense, there were hundreds of jeeps scattered around the island which are used as a quick mode of transportation to go to other outposts, military installations, or other places and a lot of l soldiers often take the jeeps without permission, so why not do the same? If we're gonna get in trouble, then I'll argue that we got influenced by those irresponsible soldiers...

I'm not the best role model, okay.

Either way, as I drive this little jeep, Julia and Kylie are now looking at the new clothes that they bought even though they can simply use their nano-materials and materialize their own clothes with great ease. I asked why, and they answered that it wastes nano-materials, and they prefer wearing actual clothes, because wearing clothes made out of nano-materials feels like they're naked even if they aren't.

And let's not even talk about the awkwardness I felt when they dragged me to a Lingerie store this morning to help them choose some undergarments. It felt like they're teasing me rather than me helping them. Especially that moment where Julia asked me to choose undergarments for her.


"So (Y/N), in any of these, what do you think that suits me?" Kylie asked as she drags me to another part of the store and let me choose something for her.

And the 'something' that she's letting me choose are a huge collection of erotic undergaments. And that's a problem because its so awkward. Sure, I've seen her with little clothes multiple times, but that happens privately when we're alone, but right now, this is in public. And it would be very embarrassing if I choose that black laced, see through, and somewhat revealin-

"Is this what (Y/N) chose for me?" She cuts me off when she picks up the lingerie I was describing...


"Is this really what (Y/N) wants me to wear? So erotic..." Kylie made a smile. A smile with the intent to tease me.

"I didn't even say anyth-"

"(Y/N), you're really are hopeless when it comes to girls." Julia interrupted me a bit loudly that the women in the store heard it and spared me a questioning glance. It was embarassing, really, and both Julia and Kylie are enjoying it.

"Oh come on-"

"I guess it can't be helped, come on Julia, let us try this on to satisfy our hopeless, perverted, (Y/N)." Kylie smugly said as she and Julia went inside the changing rooms.

You silently stand there hiding your face as you blush from your little imagination and the teasing they made.

Is this revenge from all the teasing I made in the past?

~End of Flashback~

I blushed at the memory, especially when they finally showed up wearing their new undergarments, so sexy...

Okay, I need to hold down my hormones and wait until I'm 18, just like I promised my parents.

At least I wasn't alone during that time because there was another guy in the same situation at me. We chatted about our awkward situation before our girls showed came out from the dressing rooms. It was awkward, but at least we aren't alone.

It's a shame we forgot to tell our names, we could've been friends. He mentioned that he's a pilot for a PBY Catalina and he has a patrol this afternoon with his crew.

I wish them a safe flight.


"(Y/N)? Oh (Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

"Wah!" You gasped in surprise as Julia suddenly shouted my name.

"Jeez (Y/N), you were spacing out. I wonder what you're deeply thinking about?" Julia looked at me with some worry, before being making a smug face. "Are you thinking about us wearin-"

"Nope!" I cut her off. She was gonna tease me again. I hate my damn confidence that increases and decreases at random times.

"It doesn't sound like it..." Kylie smugly joins teasing with Julia again. This date they made mostly consists of me being teased by them.

"Please stop teasing me, you guys made fluster from morning until this afternoon." I begged, my sanity won't take it no longer.

"But you look cute when you blush and get flustered. So cute that I just want to tie you up and 'touch' your body to see more of your cute reactions. But of course, that's just a joke..." Kylie wrapped her arms around me from the back of the jeep and started carrassing my chest.

"That's an oddly specific joke! And no please don't that to me if you're not joking, I'm not into bondage." I glanced at Kylie who gave me a short evil grin before going back to her normal, pure, innocent smile. That's what I thought...

"So does that mean (Y/N) wants to tie me up instead? So (Y/N) can have his way with me without me resisting?" Kylie, still has the pure, innocent smile on her face, but I can sense how smug she is on the inside.

"Shut u-"

"(Y/N), you'r such a pervert. You're lucky that me and Kylie are here to put up with your fantasies." Julia cuts me off, sporting an amused grin.

"Stop teasing me please. My imagination is getting tired from..." I blushed. "The images. My sanity can't take it anymore." I slumped to my seat, and looked at the road with empty eyes.

"Okay, I think (Y/N) really had enough." Julia giggled and patted me in the shoulder.

"So you guys really are intentionally teasing me. Why? Was it revenge from all the teasing I gave you?" I asked them with an annoyed expression.

"Revenge because you teased us? No. Teased you because it amused us? Yes." Both Julia and Kylie looked at me with an amused grin.

"I really hate you guys..." They giggled at my remark. I don't hate them, I love them despite their faults. But every loved one always has a flaw that we dislike, and Julia and Kylie trolling me in public is one of the things I dislike about them, along with other reasons.

I glanced at them, and saw the bright smiles on their faces, the happiness in their eyes, and the innocent expressions they made was so nice and peaceful. I also smiled, it was beautiful.

But nice and peaceful things has a very little place in war...

Our smiles have faded to a frown, eyes have sharpened, and our bodies became alert when we reached a town with its siren blaring out its loud warning sound.

A warning about a possible attack...

Parents picked up their confused and afraid children to protect them, shop owners immediately closed their stores, and every civilian ran to their home or any well protected place so they can stay safe.

Same goes to the soldiers, they also ran but they're not running away, they ran to their vehicles, hurrying to get back to the outposts, harbor, and airfields to get back to their assigned positions to do their role and repel a possible attack.

I didn't panic, I was very alert. This isn't the first time I experienced this, I experience this all the time. Hell, my first experience was when I got transported to this world in a town that was about to be attacked by Copiers.

"(Y/N) lets go back to the harbor, now!" Julia ordered me.

Without a word I floored the jeep, and turned around, driving along with other jeeps and trucks full of soldiers back to the military installations. As we drive back, we noticed multiple aircrafts from Japanese and American forces are already in the skies, ready to attack any hostiles.

"That's a lot of planes. How large is the enemy force are we facing?" Kylie asked, looking up in the sky and seeing multiple B-17 Bombers flying in formation.

"I don't know, but if the military is sending lots of planes and even sending in huge bombers, then that means that the enemy forces are really large." I answered with the most possible answer. When Copiers launches an attack from their portals, the military would often send bombers to destroy any hostiles coming out from it.

Before anyone can say something more, the jeeps radio went to life and sent its message.

"This is General Kilgore, I won't make those fancy speeches but I'm going to inform you that those damn Copiers made a portal in the seas. We have yet to find out the exact size of the enemy forces that have already exited portal, but one thing that ya'll keep in mind is that the enemy force will be large. I expect all personnel to do their duty, no matter how big or small because all of you are a part of a well oiled machine that needs every little parts to work. Now go out there, kill those garbage, and protect the lives of the innocents!" The american general said with his very american accent attached to a very serious tone in his voice.

Despite me staying in Hawaii for a day, I observed General Kilgore was known to be a cheery man, but in a serious situation like this, he lets go of that cheery persona and plays dangerously.

Either way, the message was clear. It was no small attack, it was an invasion, and we are the first line of defense. The other soldiers also got the clear message from the radio in their vehicles and they will do their best to do their duty with honor.

And they will prove it in few more moments when we can finally see the harbor half a kilometer away. Even though we can't see the harbor properly, we can tell that it's rustling with activity as we saw multiple ships leaving the harbor in a rush.

After a minute, we reached the entrance of the harbor, we didn't hesitate and quickly entered the base, improperly parked our jeep along with other vehicles, and jumped out and quickly ran to our stations. As we ran, Julia opened up a small holographic screen beside her and commanded all her aircraft to take-off from her Yorktown-class aircraft carrier. Kylie did the same by commanding her Yamato-class battleship to start its engines.

As I enter Julia's ship, I looked back at the harbor and saw soldiers running around with supplies in hand to prepare the rest of ships for the battle up ahead. But something has caught my attention.

"Is that...?" I murmured as I look at an american Battleship. It was Iowa-class but that's what I thought. I squinted my eyes and looked at it some more before I realized that it wasn't an Iowa-class Battleship.

"A Montana-class Battleship?" I murmured again.

The Montana-class Battleship was an improvement of the Iowa-class Battleships but was never built, and it only existed in paper and videogames back in my former life.

But then I remembered that this is my new life in a new world where humanity is fighting a common enemy, of course humanity is gonna build a lot of weapons to fight-off the enemy.

"(Y/N)! What are you standing there for?! Come on! Duty is calling!" Julia called me from within the bridge.

"Coming!" I replied and went up the Carriers bridge and went to the control room. I looked at the window and looked at Kylie's Yamato-class Battleship starting to leave, and it didn't take long before our Carrier also started leaving along with other ships from the military.

"What are you looking at anyway?" Julia asked curiously, surrounded by holographic screens as she gave out commands to her aircrafts.

"Me? I was looking at that ship," I pointed outside. "A Montana-class."

"Ah, they're finally done building it. I'm gonna copy that soon." Julia smirked before putting her eyes back at the holographic screens and going back to her duty.

I looked back at the habor and saw the last ships raising their anchors and being assisted by tugboats before finally getting out to the open sea. I then look at the direction of the enemy, where the oceans will eventually become a battlefield...

I made a small smile of excitement and murmured.

"This is gonna be fun. Very fun..."


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