I don't know if I should put a warning here or not, but like, there are some dark thoughts at the end of the chapter. Kind of a warning?


"Yes, but Harry, the whole situation was just weird," Harry placed his cup down and stared at his best friend.

"What? So mistaking someone is weird? That girl might have mistaken you for a bully of hers. You don't know if she was really looking at Louis."

"Not only Louis, H. Zayn too!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and Santa clause married the tooth fairy," Harry sighed, "Look, if you really want to make a point, ask her. I'll come with you. But, even if she was looking at them, so what? It's not like they were monsters and she remembered them climbing the empire states building while carrying her and growling at planes and stuff."

"Fine," Liam stood up and walked towards the waitress. Okay, they may or not be addicted to the drinks in the cozy café, but no one would judge them if that was the case because everyone was the same after one sip, "Miss, can I ask you something?"

Becca turned around with a frown and nodded, so Liam asked her who she was looking at the day before and why she was so shocked.

"Oh, uhm, the boy with hazel eyes and the one with blue eyes... I know them. Or I served them before, that's probably more accurate," She nodded to herself, "But, it wasn't such a pleasant experience. I actually quit my job because of their friends."

"What?" Harry stood up and walked towards the two, "Can you tell me why?"

Becca explained what had happened the previous time she saw Louis and Zayn. She was shivering a bit a the end and Liam hugged her to give her some kind of comfort while Harry just gaped at her. How could his Louis be someone like that? The delicate and adorable boy was surely not the same as the one Becca had described, right? They needed to check it. Liam was already calling Zayn and Harry was just looking at him with wide eyes.

When they left, Becca bit her lip. She might have forgotten to tell the boys that their friends didn't actually do anything and that Zayn even helped her out a bit... Oh well, it wasn't like she couldn't tell them when they got back the day after, right? They were regulars after all.


Louis looked down at his phone and raised an eyebrow. The thing had been ringing constantly and the blue eyed boy had just watched it from his seat. Why? Well, for one, he's way too lazy to stand up. If someone needed him, they had to try again tomorrow or -even better- get someone else to do whatever they needed to be done. And the other reason he ignored his phone? The number was unknown. And we wanted a conversation with someone they didn't know and didn't give their number to? Not Louis, that's for sure.

(13) missed calls from unknown

Yikes, stalker alert. If they wanted Louis to answer, they could text him. Although the boy wasn't sure he'd answer after the obvious stalking. What was so important anyway? Did he steal the cookies of someone's grandma? ... Wouldn't be his first time he got stalked for that unfortunately.

Unknown: Louis, please pick up. We need to ask you something.

Unknown: scratch that. I just need you to tell me I'm right and that the whole story we heard isn't true.

Unknown: can you just, like, text me back, please?

Unknown: Lou, please. Please tell me you didn't know a girl named Becca until a few days ago.

Okay that was creepy. How would a stranger know that? He already checked the number and it was the same as the one that texted him when he went to Eleanor's for a bit.

Oh well, curiosity killed the cat... And Louis was pretty sure he wasn't a cat. So he should be fine, right?

Louis: who the hell are you and how do you know about Becca? I only met her twice.

Louis: it doesn't matter. Just, don't call me again. The stalking is creeping me out.

Unknown: oh shit, I haven't told you who I am yet?

Louis: No shit Sherlock.

Unknown: I'm Edward.

Edward: did you really humiliate that waitress? She told us your friends and you went to the café she used to work at and that you said some stuff that made her quit her job.

Louis: Knowing your name doesn't change the fact that you're stalking me. Tell me again, why am I even replying?

Edward: because you're a nice person and you wouldn't just ignore me or make someone quit their job?

Louis: whatever makes you sleep at night.

Louis: don't expect another reply after this. I don't fancy stalkers.


Nick was standing before Louis with a huge grin and Louis looked down at what the boy was so proudly presenting him. Bloody cookies. Was he being serious?

"Nick, I know you often have weird cravings, but seriously... This. Is. Weird." Louis shook his head and pushed the plate with snacks away from him.

"No, you don't get it! You know Granny's? The café? Well, they decided to sell these things too! I mean, they would've been able to but now I have them. C'mon Lou, taste one. Free food always tastes better."

"Oh, you got them free? How did you--" Louis' eyes widened and he gasped, "You stole them?! Nick! I know that we were never the ones to follow all the rules, but stealing is illegal! We could get in trouble!"

Nick's grin grew, "You said 'we', so you're in."

"Oh, for fucks sake!"

Louis looked around, grabbed Nick's wrist and started pulling his friend towards a darker place in the hopes of not being seen. When he had Nick against the wall, he took his cellphone and dialed Zayn's number. Zayn was the only one that often broke the law, but it never really bothered Louis when he had to bail him out. It was often because Zayn 'vandalized' stuff with his art or went to some weird protest that didn't end well. Or -the one that was the case most of the times- he was high and/or drunk and started a fight.

"Hi babe, why're calling? Do you need something?"

"Why do you think I need something? No, never mind, I do need something. Grimshaw stole something stupid from Granny's and I guess we can't just give it back? Do we eat it and hope the cameras didn't catch him on tape or..." Louis let the sentence die midway because he didn't know what else to add. He wasn't experienced in those things, okay? And to be frank, he was panicking. If his mum knew... Should he start making a guest list for his funeral?

"Hey, chill. It's food, right? Muffins or something? How much? Just eat them and if someone asks you about it, you deny everything. You didn't go with him, right? They can't touch you."

"As if Nick isn't going to tell them I helped," Louis glared at the boy who was standing before him and Nick picked up a cookie and ate it, "Do you think I would get charged if I left him beaten up? I could turn up at Granny's and tell them I got their stuff back of the original thief."

"Maybe they would believe you if you wear a pink tutu and a badge that says 'totally unsuspicious'."

"Fine. I get it," The blue eyed boy sighed, "I'll make sure Nick eats all of it and that we get away while acting like we didn't just become criminals. If the police catches me, tell Lottie she still owns me money."

"So dramatic," Louis could just see how Zayn rolled his eyes, "I'll visit you in jail like the faithful husband I am."

"Whatever. See ya later Z."

"Bye, BooBear, don't let the police catch you!"

[end flashback]


The boys had decided to study together the next day and if the atmosphere had to be described in one words it'd be tense. Liam was glaring at Zayn and Louis while Harry looked like a lost puppy and Niall? Niall was too busy eating and wiping crumbs off his books to notice.

The awkwardness continued until Niall stood up and went to the bathroom to wash out a stain he had made. Louis didn't want to snap while the blonde was there, seeing as he wasn't involved in the obvious mental execution Liam was preparing for Zayn and himself.

"Okay, I have to ask," Louis closed his book and leaned over the table a bit, closer to Liam, "Why are you looking at us as if we just killed your goldfish?"

"Louis..." Zayn sighed and pulled the blue eyed boy back a bit. Sure, he was happy that his friend was back to his usual and confident self, but he forgot how blunt and straightforward the boy could be.

"We talked with the waitress from the other day and she told us she remembered you two," Liam sent another glare to Louis and followed that up with a hurt glance at Zayn, "Why would you guys do such things?"

"Li, it was years ago and we both changed. We didn't even do anything that day." Zayn shook his head, but it was clear that Liam didn't believe him.

"If you hadn't done a thing you would've told us."

"Of fucking course," Louis snapped, "Like you run around telling people stuff you aren't proud of! Why the fuck do you think we left that place? I begged my mum to move and Zayn asked his if he could come with me and rent an apartment because we didn't want to stay there. Yes, we were assholes, but don't you think we're sorry? And for fucks sake, we didn't do anything to that girl! Zayn even stopped the others!"

"Lou," Zayn started, but the boy rolled his eyes and stood up.

"No, if they're going to judge us by our past then this whole thing of me thinking it's okay to open up was bullshit. Both you and Eleanor were wrong Zayn, they won't see beyond those stupid mistakes and they're going to push me back to that place. I don't fucking care anymore. Be as judgmental as you want, but I'm out."

And with that Louis left.

Niall came back soon after and scanned the table, his brows furrowed and he pointed at the empty seat. "Where's Louis? Did I miss something?"


Louis was fuming. It wouldn't be that bad if Liam or Harry had asked him what had happened and let him explain calmly... It was just... He couldn't handle the look in Liam's eyes when they were on Louis. Those eyes that normally resembled a puppy and were warm and comforting were so cold it sent shivers down the boy's spine. He hated how his image was destroyed by one story of his past. And it wasn't even true!

A loud noise came from his back pocket and Louis took out his phone. He planned on ignoring it, but his resolve weakened when he saw it was Niall that was calling him. Louis played with his bottom lip for a few seconds before he answered the call.

"Hey, sorry 'bout leaving. I just needed some air."

"Did I do something? I'm sorry Lou! I swear, I'll stop eating when we study together and I won't go to the bathroom anymore! Do you hate me? Please don't hate me! Liam is upset too and Harry fled to the bathroom and Zayn is just staring into nothingness! And--"

"Nialler, calm down. You did nothing, it's between Liam and me. Well, not exactly, but you did nothing wrong," Louis sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day, "If you want, you can come to my house? I'll explain what happened while you had a bathroom break and we can play some Fifa afterwards if you still want to hang."

"Yeah, okay, that sounds good."

"Good. I'll text you the address. See ya later."

"Later, Lou... I really didn't do anything?"

"No you didn't. Now, shut up leprechaun and get your ass moving."


Niall gaped at the boy before him. The blonde didn't just hear the story that his two friends knew of, no, he knew everything. Louis told him about Aiden and Nick and how those two influenced him a lot. He was told about Stan who somehow ended up joining their gang, but who would never participate in anything -although Stan also never stopped them- and Zayn who apparently had some history with the police.

But all that didn't really shock him. It was when Louis told him how he felt after he talked to Eleanor that had him gasp. The blue eyed boy still struggled with thoughts as 'the world would be a better place without m ' and 'I don't deserve happiness after I destroyed that of others'. Niall understood why Louis retreated to the background, why he wouldn't want to get attention anymore, but he was also proud that the boy had opened up to him and that he tried to not think about everything that happened anymore.

"Why didn't you explain the whole situation? I'm sure at least Harry would listen to you," Niall smiled and nodded to himself.

"Maybe I'll do that," Louis smiled too and he leaned his head down on Niall's shoulder. It was like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders and he was finally free again.

"So, what did you say about Fifa? I bet I can kick your ass and beat your high score."


Well, I had no clue how to continue with this... So I ended the chapter here (it really is all over the place😂).

Also, sorry about the wait. I went to a party + sleepover (it was awesome!) and after that I went to stay with my grandparents for three days. So that explains the wait...

I noticed a lot of people are dropping this... Kinda expected it, but 😅 I'll try to not make it bore you all.

Thanks for reading!💜

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