
I'm sorry for the long wait! (you have no idea how sorry I am)

And I'm sorry for the chapter because ... drama (idk, I think it's not that bad, but it won't be a short argument).


Louis sat down on the stairs while he waited for Zayn. Harry and Liam were stuck with project and Niall had texted the to tell them he wasn't going to school because he was sick, so Louis was back to waiting for his best friends like he used to. The blue-eyed boy felt like he was thrown back to the past while he sat there, playing some boring game on his phone. An annoying tune just told Louis that he reached the next level when a pair of shoes came into his view and someone's shadow blocked the little bit of sun he was enjoying.

Louis looked up and groaned when he saw Nick with a few girls of the cheerleading squat behind him, "What do you want, Grimshaw?"

"Why would I need anything from a fag? You know it's interesting how you slept your way up to the popular table. I always knew you were a slut." Nick grinned, "What, cat got your tongue? You're not that strong without Zayn, are you? Need someone to protect you like the stupid and weak dwarf you are."

"Sure, babe, believe whatever you want. What I want to know though is why you came to this school if you hate Zayn and I that much. Did things not go as planned in your old school? Aw, poor baby, need a handkerchief to wipe the bullshit away?"

Nick gaped at Louis for a bit, trying to find a good comeback, but a familiar blonde bimbo took a few steps forward and threw the insides of her water bottle at Louis. The other girls laughed and a few copied her action and emptied their bottles on Louis who was staring at them in shock.

"What the actual fuck?" The short brunet muttered, "Fuck this shit. I tried to keep quiet, but then this hooligan interrupts it and you guys lack the braincells to keep the fuck away. I'm done." Louis glared at them, "Little piece of advice, watch your backs." He stood up and walked through the little group towards the parking lot, fishing his phone out of pocket and opening his messages.

Louis: Z, hurry up and give me your hoody and those sweats you keep in the trunk.

Louis: PS is murdering a Grimshit and some fake bitches a crime if no one finds the body?

Zayn: What happened? I swear, if N touched you someone better call an ambulance. Btw, push them out of a window and make some suicide note on their laptops? Easier than digging a hole.


The two boys were late in Mrs. White's class, again, but they didn't get detention this time. Their teacher just kind of gave up on trying to get them to not be late. Louis was still fuming from his encounter with the new bitch squad and all he wanted to do is take a nap and forget about it all. Zayn had given him some new clothes, but they were too big on him and Louis had slapped random people with the ends of his sleeves. Why? Because he can.

The bell rang and the two had to go to gym. It wasn't that bad, the teacher loved soccer and he always allowed Louis and Zayn to be in the same team. But, today had to be the day that he separated the two and put Nick in Louis' team. The blue-eyed brunet was fuming and if he kicked the ball extra hard while aiming for Nick, no one had to know -except Zayn who high fived Louis after noticing what his friend was doing-.

"I can't stand him, Z." Louis muttered, eyes narrowed and focussed on the giant pile of shit that somehow sat next to Harry. Louis' Harry.

"Come on, Lou, just pretend to tolerate him for now. I'm sure Harry's being nice and trying to make the new kid feel at home."

"Do you think they'll notice if I strangle him with my shoelace?" Zayn coughed and shook his head at Louis, "You're right, what if he has a disease and I catch it when I touch him? I'd die if I turned into a Grimshit."

"Be nice, Lou." Zayn chuckled and took Louis' lunch, carrying both of them like always, "If he's a dick like always, we'll help karma come to him a bit faster."

When they reached the table, Louis sat in his usual place next to Harry while Zayn walked around to Liam who greeted Zayn with a side-way hug. It lasted two whole minutes before Louis had the urge to puke every time Nick opened his mouth to say something. He really wanted Harry to stop talking to Nick, but somehow it looked like the two were actually enjoying their conversation and Louis died a bit inside while his thoughts screamed to separated them. Louis looked over at Zayn to ask for help, but the latter was tucked into Liam's side and they were whispering to each other. It was so disgustingly cute that Louis couldn't help but adore them.

Harry was still talking to Nick who told him about his previous school (conveniently leaving out that he knew Louis and they practically ruled the school through blackmailing the right people and fear. He would've been excited about telling Harry if it wasn't for the fact that it would drag both Louis and him down).

"Where do you know Zayn and Louis from, Nick?" Harry asked while he sneaked an arm around Louis and pulled his pouting boyfriend closer.

"Oh... we met during... soccer. We used to play soccer together." And okay, that wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

"You used to play soccer?" Harry looked at Louis in surprise, "Why did you stop? I would love to see you play."

"Dunno, wasn't my priority when I moved here, but I'm sure I knew Nick before that too, I just can't seem to remember from where." Louis smiled sweetly at Nick. He wasn't afraid at all to call the other out on his bullshit, but before he could do that, he had to tell Harry and his other friends. Louis knew that some people thought that people couldn't change and that a bully stayed one until they died. Sadly enough, Louis couldn't take the risk after what happened with Becca at the café.

"Oh," Harry bit his bottom lip and Louis kissed his cheek because he just couldn't resist.

"So, you guys are really together?" Nick spoke up and Louis wanted to punch him, "I heard some rumours and I have to say; Harry you're so courageous for dating someone like Louis. I mean, I wouldn't have thought you'd date someone who threatens people. He threw cold water over the cheerleading team this morning too, quite mean if I say so myself. But, hey, maybe you can change him. He was always the homophobic one on our soccer team and now he's dating you, so kudos to you, Harry?" And with that Nick left their table and the cafeteria.

What. The. Fuck?

Three pair of eyes were looking at Louis while he could only gape at the doors that were still closing. Harry didn't pull his arm away and that was the only thing that told Louis that it was still okay, that Nick didn't ruin the best thing that had ever happened to him.

"Relax babe, I don't know why he said that, but it can't be true. Maybe it was someone that looked like you and he messed up?" Harry said, rubbing small circles in Louis' thigh with his thumb.

"Or maybe he didn't," Liam muttered, "I heard you talking with that blonde girl, Abigail, once. You were having a fight with her and you told her not to mess with you or something like that."

"Just a heat of the moment thing, Louis would never hurt someone," Zayn replied, his eyes going from Liam to Louis and back.

"You didn't do anything, right babe?"

Louis glared at Harry, "You don't sound convinced at all, so does it matter what I reply? I mean, if you guys believe Grimshaw, what does my side of the story change? Are you magically gonna forget what he said? Because I know that that doesn't happen. Once you're suspicious of someone, you keep trying to find something that tells you you were right." Louis huffed and stood up, shrugging Harry's arm off him, "Call me when you actually want to hear my side and not just pretend to listen to ease your mind and later use the excuse of 'we tried to talk to you'. I'm going."

And maybe Louis did overreact, but it wasn't the first time his friends started to doubt him. He didn't want to go through that again, but if Louis had to, he'd rather end it fast, maybe the pain wouldn't last as long then.


I have a question; do you guys want a Q&A with the characters? (If you guys want one, I'll make an update with the names so you can see who you can ask stuff and so on)

Like always: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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