Louis woke up with a pair of arms safely around his waist, securing him in place, and even though he didn't have the slightest clue how he got home, he relaxed after recognizing the tattooed arms. Zayn probably drove him home and made sure Louis didn't vomit on himself... Like last time. Yeah, that may be one of the reason Louis doesn't like parties.

"Zayn," Louis stroke his friend's arm to try and wake him gently, "Wake up and tell me what happened."

Zayn groaned and tightened his grip around Louis, making the latter yelp.

"Zayn, you bloody idiot! Your squeezing my insides together! And we both know that's not a smart thing to do after a party..." He muttered the last part, but the raven haired boy hear him nonetheless and chuckled, loosening his arms around Louis a bit.

"Chill Lou, I saved you from Horan and from yourself. Now, let me sleep because I couldn't until a few hours ago thanks to someone who I thought didn't drink anymore," Zayn pressed his fingers deeper into Louis' thighs for a moment but relaxed soon after, drifting back to sleep.

"No, wait! Don't sleep yet! I need to-- Zayniee" Louis pouted, knowing there was no way he'd be able to get away from the boy, so he succumbed to his fate. He knew he'd get his answers but what the hell did Zayn mean by 'and from yourself'? Surely Louis didn't do something stupid... Right?

The two boys fell asleep again eventually and they were woken five hours later by a soft knock on Louis' bedroom door. Two little girls ran inside, giggling and pulling the blankets off the boys which resulted to moody groans and even louder giggles. Lottie and Fizzy looked at the scene before them and grinned.

"I would almost think you guys are a couple," Fizzy said with her grin still in place and Louis rolled his eyes at her. Yeah right.

"'knew this would happen... At least we warned him to use protection," Lottie shrugged and dodged the pillow her older brother threw at her laughing loudly while saying he missed by a mile.

"Z, do you think you could adopt me?" Louis pleaded to the boy that was still behind him and Zayn snorted, "Please?"

"Y'know, you were the one pleading to come back here yesterday. Somethin' 'bout missing the girls and your mum's cooking... I feel a bit offended that you don't like mine."

"Don't worry, Louis cooking is the worst," Daisy murmured while petting Zayn's leg (the only place the girl could reach, really) and Phoebe agreed, nodding her head furiously.

Louis pouted after that and all four girls cooed at their brother. He may be the oldest, but he looked like a little kitten when he tried to look angry and, well, no one expected that louis was the oldest when they met the Tomlinsons for the first time because of that -and a few other reasons-.

Zayn quickly hushed the girls out so he and Louis could change -Zayn grabbing some of his clothes that he left at the blue eyed boys house and going to the bathroom to change-. Louis huffed and rumbled through his closet, trying to find something that he could wear. In the end, Louis wore his adidas jogger and a black jumper. He tried to tame his hair, but gave up and decided to hide it under a gray beanie. He wouldn't leave the house anyway.

"Ready for food?" He called as he passed the bathroom and pushed it open, not even trying to pretend to wait.

"Hmm, sure. Jay's cooking is fuckin' good, I wouldn't pass on that."

Breakfast went by quietly (as if, it never was quiet when you had even one Tomlinson in the room. Imagine six!). Jay took the girls out after eating and told the boys to order something if they didn't return in time for dinner and they immediately agreed on having pizza if that was the case.


The weekend passed and Louis was even more exhausted. He normally was, seeing it was a Monday and he dreaded those -partly because it was the only day he would drive alone-, but nursing a hangover on Saturday and rushing all his homework the day after didn't do him any favors either. Louis looked around, spotting Zayn on their usual place, but something was off. There was a blonde standing next to him and Louis had a feeling he had seen the boy before.

"Louis! My man!" The -obviously- Irish lad hugged him and Louis froze. He did remember meeting the guy, but he was really drunk and- and what if he did... Something? Louis was so busy with the horrifying scenarios in his head that he missed the looks Niall and Zayn exchanged.

"Lou, relax," Zayn pulled the worrying boy away from Niall and enveloped him in a tight embrace, shielding him a bit from the fantasies he knew his friends was having.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna bite, Louis," Niall laughed, but added; "Well, not after I just ate. I'm not hungry right now," with a shrug.

"Niall..." Zayn sighed, but let it go as Louis relaxed in his hold. The three boys went inside the building, Zayn resting his arm around Louis waist to calm the boy down. Some might misunderstand and think the two friends were an item, but they could never see each other like that.

Classes started and Niall promised to join them during lunch. Louis gave the boy a tiny smile at that, maybe he wasn't against being friends with Niall.

Classes flew by and Louis dragged himself to the cafeteria, making himself look even smaller than he was to avoid any attention. He slipped into the large common room with another group and shuffled towards the table they usually sat at -one in the corner of the cafeteria. Niall and Zayn joined him a few minutes later; Zayn carrying two lunches, his and Louis'.

The boys started talking about the footie game that was on the television the other night, but Louis concentration flew through the window and his breath hitched when a certain boy walked towards him in a straight line.

It would've been a scene out of a cliché romantic movie his sisters liked to watch if it wasn't for the fact that the god-like creature approaching him was also a baby giraffe that just learned how to walk. Harry tripped and fell, catapulting his lunch to Louis' table and the food hit the floor a few inches before Louis' feet. And no, Louis wasn't endeared by the clumsy boy at all.

Harry scrambled up, wiping the dust off his far too tight jeans and he smiled sheepishly, "Oops..."

"Hi," Louis' breathed and fondly smiled at the boy.

They were just looking at each other, lost in the other's eyes and they would've stayed like that if it weren't for Liam coughing loudly, shifting the attention to him.

"Quiet Li, you ruined a perfectly good Larry moment!" Niall hissed as he threw a plastic spoon to Liam and Liam flinched, muttering a 'sorry', but the moment was broken and four pair of eyes looked at the blonde questionably.

"...Larry?" Harry asked, one eyebrow raised.

"What the hell is a Larry?" Liam added while he sat down next to Louis and Harry took place next to Zayn..

"You know, a shipname? Between--" A few more muted mumbles came out from behind Zayn's hand before the blonde looked shocked and turned to the boy next to him with a sorry look in his eyes.

"Nothing," Zayn replied to Liam, "Niall's fantasy is running wild."

"Not the first time..." Harry muttered and Liam laughed.

The four boys started talking loudly and laughing with each other, but Louis just twisted his fingers in his lap. Eyes were on him because people didn't know why he was sitting with them and why a group of rather popular and good looking guys would pick him. He didn't belong there.

"I'm going to the restroom," He whispered quietly, stood up and rushed out and towards the exit of the school. No way in hell would he stay for the whole day after that! They would pull him into the spotlight and that was one of the things he absolutely didn't want. Why did Harry decide to join him anyway? Sure, he stole Niall, but Niall makes new friends every day and he always sits with other people. No one had noticed Louis until a stupidly adorable giant decided to fall for him. Literally fall for him.

Louis unlocked his car, plopped down on the driver's seat and drove away, the opposite direction of his house. Zayn would probably notice and look there first, so he bought time by going against his instincts to hide on his bed, wrapped up in a ton of blankets.

No, Louis drove somewhere he knew he wouldn't be found. Not even by Zayn.


I may or not may have a history exam tomorrow ~which I of course didn't study for yet~, but hey! Update! 😅
Tomorrow I would have to learn English, so I'll read it a few times in the morning... Maybe write another chapter? Or actually learn the language considering it is my third language 😓

I'll re-read and edit a bit later ... (Btw, thank you charlottedegreef for reading and pointing out the mistakes.. I own you. And thank you that_onedirection for commenting and voting and for reading this story😊💜)

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