• 5 •

Taehyung POV
Interviews always get me hype , let me rephrase that I'm always hyped. Jimin smiles at me then he pushes me.

"What was that for?, did someone compliant you?" I say in a little baby voice
"Taehyung!" Jimin starts hitting me with a pillow
"CHIM CHIM!" I yell then he smiles and sits next to me with his arms folded , I love messing with him and making him embarrassed it's pretty funny , cause only him gets embarrassed by me , everyone else joins in. Gotta love Jimin though.

After the interview was done my stomach started growling , I'm starving hungry isn't the word for me . As I'm about to walk out of the building I get a call from Skye , I smile brightly then answer I clear my throats then speak to her.

"Hello?" I say while smiling a little
"Well hello to you to mister, Taehyung is that really you??"
"Yes, it is Taehyung how may I assist you?"
"Well, I feel bad cause I took your jacket and when I saw the tag tae I almost had a heart attack"

I chuckle then bite my lower lip "why?"
"Because it's fucking Steve maden!, Taehyung that costs money!" She says while yelling and chuckling
"Yeah I know , just think of it as a late or early birthday gift from a warm heart to you" I say while fixing my hair

"Taehyung! Ugh I can't stand you"
"Sit down my love you don't have to stand for me I'm no king" I say while giggling
"I really dislike you"
I chuckle "if you really did would you answer my calls?"
"I did that not to be rude next time I'm going to ignore you" she says while giggling

And need I say it was the cutest giggle ever , she's just a cute person in general just seeing her face makes me smile, taehyung don't tell me you're falling for this girl. I shake my head then smile you can't be and nor can you do it .

"I got to go taehyung class is about to start"
"Okay bye baby don't be a bad girl" I say while smiling
"I'm not , I won't be one and stop calling me baby"

I chuckle as she hangs up , why does my heart race a little when I'm with her? I feel some butterflies building up inside of me, taehyung stop yourself okay?.

Skye POV
I walk right into my first period class and I see Sebastian talking to a girl, hm that's surprising to see I chuckle then continue drawing my anime character that I made up .

"Well hey kiddo you don't say hi anymore?" I look up and see it's Nathan I smile then give him a hug
"Hey I haven't hung out with you only for a long time"
"Yeah, you've been busy with your other friends" he says while fake crying
"Oh shut up you're my friend as well, you just be eating Adrianna's face"

He tilts his head slightly and nods "well what are you drawing?"
"It's this anime person I made up"
"Does she have powers?" He says while sliding the notebook to himself
"No but the boy does, he has powers such as fire and he can warp with his sword meaning he can change locations right before your eyes"

Nathan nods his head then hands it back to me "that's really cool maybe you'll make a show out of that, that would be really cool I'll be your first watcher" he chuckles and I hit him softly then Sebastian walks towards me and sits in front of me Nathan gets up but Sebastian stops him

"You don't have to leave, you're not a bother" Sebastian says while sitting down in front of me,
"I would but my girlfriend is probably here I'm going to help her come in cause she sprained her ankle last night" Nathan says while clearing his throat

"Damn that sucks , I hope she feel better" Sebastian says while playing with his fingers
"Thank you" Nathan says then he walk away I turn my head towards Sebastian and he's already looking at me

"I hope you didn't make any other plans today? , remember you're supposed to be going with me to the bowling alley"

"I think I did make another plan today I think I was supposed to hangout with my dad today , you know help him fix on cars a little"

"Skye oh my god , you're getting me salty" he says while chuckling
"Damn you need to dust some off before you have high blood pressure okay you don't want that" I say while patting his shoulder he looks at me with a dead serious face and I start laughing even more

"Oh my god I can't stand you"
"Well you're sitting down aren't you?" I wipe my tears away then I look at him "no I don't have any other plans , woo that was funny"

Sebastian gets up and pushes me by my head as I continue to laugh I love Messing with him because he has no patience for anything and he always wants things his way. I stop laughing as the teacher puts things on the board for us to copy.

School is over and I put my books in locker then I start walking towards Sebastian and he tells the girl bye "ooo someone has a crush , what's her name?"

"She's not a crush and second her name is Ariana" he says while unlocking his car
"It's okay if you like her okay Sebastian?, y'all would be cute" I sat while poking his arms
"I don't like her , and plus I don't wanna date so much effort goes into it and it drains your energy specially if like they don't put in any effort" he says as he starts the car

"Bad relationship experience?" I say while looking him
"Yeah I guess you can say that"

We arrive at the bowling alley place I see a bunch of his friends greet themselves to me I start walking around the bowling alley looking at things then I hear footsteps approaching me I turn and see one of his friends walking up to me , he stands next to me and leans his arm on the railing

"You don't like to hang out much do you?" He says while looking at me
"No not really" I chuckle
"What do you do on your free time?" He asks while getting closer to me
"Just draw and read books"

"Oh you one of those good girls?" He says while raising his eyebrow

"no just one of those chill girls who doesn't like partying and would prefer to stay home"

"that's cute, how did you meet Sebastian?" he says while standing really close to me i back a little then nervously chuckle

"school??, where else??" i say while folding my arm

"he finally goes to school now? that's surprising that kid use to hate school I wonder what changed him?" He says while looking into my eyes.

" I don't know hope?"
"You got a boyfriend?"
I chuckle "no and I don't want one"

"Hmm you on of those girls?? Let's be friends with benefits" he grabs me by my waist then tries to kiss me I push him by his face then put my nails in his throat then he starts choking I punch him in the jaw then twist his arm he starts yelling and I push his arm deeper into his back

"Listen and listen well I'm not any type of girl stop thinking I want you because I really don't okay I have zero interest in you so go find another girl okay?" Sebastian starts walking towards me and he grabs me by my waist and pulls me back Sebastian then looks at him with anger in his eyes

"What the fuck are you doing to her?!"Sebastian says while putting his arm in front of me
"You're accusing me?! She almost broke my arm that bitch!" The guy says while getting up Sebastian steps forward and looks him dead in the face

"She probably had a valid reason" he turns at looks at me and I look at him I fold my arms and he comes closer to me

"What did he do?" He says in a different tone towards me.
"Well he kept thinking I was some ideal type of girl he had in mind and he wanted me and him to be friends with benefits so he tried to kiss me and I almost broke his arm"

Sebastian closes his eyes then sighs deeply then he turns around towards the guy "Jonathan in going to give you five seconds to get out of here sand never come back cause if you do it won't be pretty trust and believe that" the guy rolls his eyes then he walks away Sebastian turns his attention back to me and he starts chuckling I raise my eyebrow up at him and I smile a little

"You're pretty bad ass you know that?" He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I chuckle a little as well
"I guess I just know how to defend myself"

"Not bad, that's good".

Taehyung pov

As I'm getting dressed to go on stage my phone lights up and I think it's a twitter notification but it's actually a text from Skye.

I screen lock my phone then I take deep breaths , Jimin walks up to me and pats my shoulder then I smile a lil.  "Tae we do this every night before you go on stage you're going to do fine watch just like all the other times you're going to do find okay?"

"Okay I know I just get nervous everytime just the thought of this being my job and I do this everyday I get nervous I'm sorry"

"It's alright we got this let's go"

Skye pov

Finally home at last I can just take a bath and have some piece of mind to myself. I walk upstairs then take a shower , after 20 mins I come out of the shower and I walk towards my room I see that I have two missed FaceTime calls from taehyung so I slide it then I braid my hair.

"Ah I thought you were asleep"
"No I just got home from hanging out with Sebastian , how'd your show go?"

"It was good , like the whole audience just looked like fireflies out there man it was really beautiful"

I listen to him go on and on about his passion for singing and how much today meant to him. Maybe I should cut him some slack he does seem different from any other celebrity. Most celebrities would use a fake smile and say "yes I love my fans" then turn around and do something mean and the fans have to sit there and back them up but it seems like he cares.

"Yea?" I say while looking down at him
"You okay?, you seemed pretty lost?" He says with his eyebrow raised up
"Oh yeah yeah I'm fine I was just thinking" I chuckle

"Well I'm going to bed now Skye , goodnight"
"Goodnight tae"

I hang up then put my phone to charge then I hop in my bed , I look up to the ceiling and start thinking. Will we even be friends for long? He'll be busy with tour and music and I'll be busy with school, he may like forget about me and I'm still here holding on to what we used to have. No Skye stop , just don't get attached you got this okay? Alright .

Taehyung I won't fall for you If that's what you're trying to do.


• authors note •
Hello guys! And happy New Years! , I've been waiting to post this chapter but I didn't know how I wanted it to end so I finally found out a way lol I had this chapter sitting here. And I haven't uploaded this one in a while so here you go! Enjoy and I love you all💙💙

•hey ! Don't act like you didn't see me, you hurt my feelings🤧 but if I have any grammatical errors let me know here! Bye🙊

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