• 3 •
I slowly start opening my eyes trying to adjust to the light , I feel my head still pounding really hard I sit up then look dead at the floor, I then look around the whole room noticing this isn't my room nor house this looks like an expensive hotel. How did I even get here in the first place? I see a guy come out the shower shirtless and he's drying his hair I then stand up and start walking towards my shoes
"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you think?" I hear a deep voice say from way across the room, I turn around and then I finally see his face I tried to recognize him last night before I passed out , but now I can see his face clearly now and I know who he is now.
I stare at him then he starts chuckling "you're from bts aren't you ?" I know he is but I wanna make sure I ain't tripping, I know I feel on my head last night so I gotta make sure I ain't going crazy
"Yes, yes I am in bts , why are you going to go tell your friends now, I was in Taehyungs hotel room" he says while waving his arms like a fan girl
"Hmm not really wanna know why?"
"Tell me darling" he says while putting a shirt on
"One they wouldn't believe me and two I'm not really a big fan of you nor bts and famous or not you're still human" I tie my shoes as I'm about to leave he grabs my forearm
"I'll drive you home"
"I don't how I feel about that , are you scared your cover will get blown" I start laughing and he looks at me with a dead serious face I wipe my tears from my eyes, then I look at him again "so is that what you meant? This may be bad but I have to do it?"
He nods his head then puts his shoes "I couldn't just leave you there, for even more people to come by and do god knows what, the world is sick"
"Yes it is, hey can I ask you another question?"
"Sure say it"
"Why were you even in the area?, and what did you do to Joseph?"
{flashback in taehyung POV}
"I won!, I'm officially the best at Mario kart" jimin shouts while smiling I shake my head then start clapping for him , I let him win just cause I beat him three games in a row I felt bad for him , so why not let him win.
"Yep you the man at Mario Kart so hey I'm going to go grab something to eat you want anything?"
"Where are you going to eat?"
"Probably McDonald's they're open 24/7"
"If you do go bring me back some chicken nuggets and fries" jimin says while picking a track to race in
"Okay, I got you be right back"
So I walked out the house then I started walking to McDonald's, I haven't eaten all day I think I may get more then just some chicken nuggets I may buy the whole McDonald's I'm starving and I know jimin is as well. I turn the corner and I see a guy push a girl hard on the floor , damn I know her head is hurting.
I start walking up to them and I hear him mumbling curse words under his breath then he bends down and the girl screams "don't touch me" I run up to him and I punch him right dead in the jaw the guy gets up and tries to punch me but I dodge it , I punch him in the jaw again then he falls to the ground I look down at the girl and her eyes were like light switches they were opening and closing I know my she had whiplash, I sit her up straight then place my hand on her lower back.
"Are you okay ma'am,speak to me" I say while shaking her just a tad bit , she opened her eyes slowly then as she was about to speak she passed out I unzip my jacket and wrap it around her , because it's pretty cool out here.
"this will end bad but at least she isn't left on the streets" I lift her up then I walk back to my hotel room. When I got to my room I laid her on the bed then put the covers on her up to her chest , I caress her cheek then smile
"I hope she doesn't freak out in the morning" I close the bedroom door then walk out to the living room and sleep on the couch I'm not going to sleep in the same bed as her cause I'm a gentlemen like that and plus she'll think that i drugged her and I don't need to be yelled at early in the morning .
{end of flashback}
"So you just left Joseph there?"
"Fuck yeah, seems like a bad kid do you know him?" He says while drinking soda
"Yeah, he was my boyfriend you know the cliche shit he cheated on me right after he told me he would never leave me and that I'm the only one for him" I say while playing with my ring
"Well he's missing out, you seem like a chilled type of girl , come on let me take you home"
He drive up to my house and he turns and looks at me.
"Well I'm sorry I don't live in a rich hotel"
He chuckles "you think I'm one of those celebrities, no baby you got it all wrong try maybe another kpop bands fandom I'm not going to throw shade but do research "
I roll my eyes then get out of the car before I could start walking he asks me a question "what's your name?"
"Skylar , but you can call me Skye "
"Okay, Skye I hope to see you more often"
"You may get lucky " I wink at him then walk up to the steps of hell I knock on the door and my uncle opens it, I roll my eyes and he devilishly smirks at me
"I was hoping for you not to come back" he says dryly
"And I was hoping for you to leave America but I guess that didn't happen either" I bump him by his shoulder then I walked past him and go in my room. I lay down then look at the ceiling then I hear my phone ringing
"Skye you're up, thank god so are you dressed yet? I'm omw to pick you up" I scratch my head then think ready for what? Then it hit me
The bts concert is today..
I jump out of bed and find my outfit "yeah I'm dressed"
"Okay Ima be there in 20mins"
"Okay cool"
I run to the bathroom and take a quick shower but I made sure I was clean , I do all the needy essentials, then I look at my hair in the mirror "yeah it's time to brush and put a hat on" I brush my hair then I put my hat, I look in the mirror and it doesn't look bad , see this why you need hats in your life I check my armpits and make sure they're shaved don't wanna show people jungle book armpits, then I grab my socks and slide on my shoes. I'm not even going so much makeup I just grab lipstick and apply it to my makeup , my mom buys me makeup every Christmas but I never use it. I don't really care for it she wants me to be this big girly girl that she always wanted.
"Wear skirts and dresses and make up" "why don't you stop skating it's for boys?"
"Most of all girls go into nursing I want you to fall my footsteps, be a nurse"
I roll my eyes then the I get a call from
Adrianna I answer it then fix my earnings "you ready?"
"Yeah I'm walking out now"
"Okay , I'm so nervous I can't wait to meet my bias I love taehyung so much"
When she said his name my eyes widen , I'm going to see him again, oh my god I was really lying when I say you may get lucky , I didn't mean this lucky my goodness.
"Yeah It'll be so funny when you try to talk to him and you choke"
"Shut up don't judge me, just come outside already"
"On my way"
I open my door and my brother Malik is standing there crying , I don't know if he's actually crying or it's the weed. I pat his shoulder and then he holds my hand "Malik are you okay?"
"Yeah it's just.. remember that girl I told you I liked?"
"Yeah? The one that said she liked you as well?"
"Yeah well she slept with my best friend, now she's like spamming me like crazy and a part of me wants to text her back but a part of me wants to let her go"
"You want my advice? Love sucks trust me it does and it'll knock you down at times, but you gotta keep fighting give her a chance see what she says then if your heart doesn't yearn her anymore you know you don't love her anymore so now you can let her go"
"Skye how did you become so good at this?"
"Experience,don't do anything stupid" I say while tapping his arm then walking away
"I won't I got you"
We arrive at the arena and I look at the cardboard cut of all seven of them Adrianna runs over to the taehyung cut out.
"Take a picture of me with taehyung, this is the closest I can get to him"
I start chuckling "maybe, he may hug you and kiss your cheek"
"Shut up"
We walk inside and we get to our seats I sit in the corner and I realize she got us front row tickets so he is going to see me , oh my lord how am I going to play this off?. The lights turn off and everyone starts screaming Adrianna starts fanning her self "oh my lord help me father"
They start singing blood sweat and tears and I see everyone singing along the song is catchy to be honest they make good music and the effort they put into their work is incredible .
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
So then taehyung walks over towards me and Adrianna and he grabs her phone from her hand then he starts taking selfies with her phone then he looks dead into my eyes and winks at me I bite down on my lower lip then look at my shoes.
After the concert, it was straight to meet and greet as were standing in line I look around the building and see all the types of scenery. And before I knew it , it was our turn Adrianna and I walk up to rap mon first .
"Hi guys you enjoyed the show?" He says while signing and smiling
"Yes, I really loved it I've been waiting for this moment for so long" she says while smiling
"I'm glad I got the chance to see you, and you did you enjoy it?"
I lift my head up and meet his very bright smile "yes I did, it was phenomenal"
"Thank you"
We meet all the other members and they held my hand and smiled with me , these are true celebrities as I see them then we make it to taehyung and he finishes signing her book and CD then she steps out cause security told her too
"Looks like I got lucky after all huh?" He says while licking his lips
"Yep I guess you did huh?" I say while trying to stay cool
"Well baby, look at that when you get home okay?" He winks at me and I grab the book "hope to see you soon Skye"
I walk off stage then I walk towards Adrianna , I start walking towards the car then I get in.
We make it to my place and I share a hug and a goodbye , I walk inside my house then I sit in my bed, I open the book then look at what taehyung wrote.
FaceTime me when you see this <3
I roll my eyes then type the numbers on my phone then save him as a contact.
"Hey, didn't expect you to call me"
"Wouldn't leave you hanging" I chuckle
"You know I'm glad I got to see you again" he says while smiling
"And why is that?"
"Because this could be the start of a beautiful friendship, just don't take my money" he says while laughing .
"Oh trust me I don't care about your money nor your fame" I sit back and eat my mac and cheese .
"You really are a feisty one aren't ya?"
"Well I have two more concerts here in Miami you wanna hang out?"
I grab my iPad and see if I'm free tomorrow, which I'm not cause I have to hangout with Sebastian but he said that was early in the morning "at what time?"
"It'll be late at night cause I have to practice and then perform"
"Hm such hard work"
"Yeah yeah , act like celebrities don't work as hard as normal people, but us in bts we work our asses off, I don't know about any other amateur bands but we do"
"Well at least you're honest, and yeah I can hang out with you tomorrow just not in the morning"
"Hmm Skye popular huh?"
"No but you are" I say while scooping up some mac and cheese.
"Okay I'll take that, meet me at the back of the arena at 10 that's when the concert ends"
"You're making it seem like we're dealing drugs" I chuckle and he starts to smile again I gotta admit he had really pretty smile and nice teeth.
"Shut up pabo, but um I guess I'll see you there, goodnight Skye"
"Goodnight tae"
I hung up and I lay on my bed, this friendship may fuck me up in a really bad way. The fans.The media. The paparazzi. I'm going to have a mental break down and it won't be pretty.
Authors note;
Do you think Skye could fit into his world ? I think she can but she'll go through a lot of things first lol well this is chapter 3 of unexpected attraction! I hope you guys enjoyed it! And yeah byee love ya🖤🖤.
•hey ! Don't act like you didn't see me, you hurt my feelings🤧 but if I have any grammatical errors let me know here! Bye🙊
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