College graduation.
Feels much more solitary to high school graduation. The emotion, the atmosphere. It kinda feels like a twilight zone, the feeling of 'been here before, I've heard that'
Parents are actually weeping, grandparents are wailing. A modicum is delighted, and some are corroborating. Several are there to paint a portrayal, to gloat.
In my litigation, everyone was pretentious and confirmational except my mother. But she'll never be because I never fulfilled in her footsteps. I want my own smidgens in the mud. I want my own tracks laid out to demonstrate how far I've come as a young woman.
Striding towards my family they all hug me one by one, even my sober pothead brother made it here. I'm so contented that he's stopped, he looks better laughs better. He's just a manifested version he's always wanted to be.
"My little sister !!" He clamps me into a hug "so proud of you ladybug" that nickname attains with an amazing story, ostensibly when I was born in the hospital a ladybug landed on me, my brother has shown me the picture numerous times, even till this day that photo resides in his wallet. It's lovely. It's no wonder when I do good samaritans I feel so elated, so gentle.
"Proud of me? I'm proud of you slime" meaning behind that nickname, he used to slip out of situations very easily and we all wondered how, but as we got older we realized he's just super good at persuading. He drapes his arm around my shoulders walking out the place so we can go eat, my favorite part about graduating. The eccentric dinners and gourmet desserts.
Taehyung pov
" so Taehyung have you asked Skye yet if she's staying for the whole tour?" Jimin asks
"She is, she's told me, from start to finish" I smile cleaning up my drawer, last night I cluttered it by destroying each shelf to look for a specific necklace.
"Hm, Taehyung now we have to be extra careful our lives are filmed, you know?" Yoongi-hyung comments, the reality sinking into my skull. I want the atmosphere to be comfortable, but I do want to keep her at bay from the dark spiraling web.
"I concur yoongi-Hyung, I precisely didn't reckon about it too deeply because I was too excited" I play with the bracelet she allotted me the last time we saw each other
"No, we solely get it no one is imposing you down or attempting to damper your mood" namjoon clears his throat before he goes on, "we're just thrilled as you Taehyung-ah, it's just now we truly gotta be prudent, I mean our editors blur out the faces of our staff, but you can tell she isn't a staff you know?" Namjoon-Hyung adds
"Most indeed I agree namjoon-Hyung" I softly say, namjoon pats my shoulder smiling at me
"Stop accentuating about it okay? It's going to be okay, just be a little comprehensive but don't bypass having fun okay?" I nod my head at his natural request laying down on the couch so I can get some comfort. I need about an hour to two hours of rest.
Four hours passed and I woke up perplexed I told Jimin to wake me up because Skye would be coming home from her graduation. I click my phone's button glimpsing I missed two calls from her I sough heavily proceeding to call her back.
It only takes her two seconds to answer I smile as I see her face pop up on my screen "hey sweetie!" She says vigorously.
"Hey babe, how'd it go?" My rasp talks to her, I grab the bottle of cold water on my nightstand chugging a bit to clear my throat.
"It went tremendous, except my foot was maiming from my heels, but I earned it, babe!" She shows me her certificate for her associate's degree I smile as I clap my hands for her.
"I'm so proud of you babe, god you're so beautiful, did you take pictures? Cause I want them" I smile, watching her expression deliberately change into a higher state of prosperity
"Of course, I took pictures babe, I want to remember this day" I hear something crunching in the background I see her pull out a cloth which I'm guessing is makeup wipes. "They should be sending right now, I was sending them to you just as you called me" my phone vibrates scaring both me and her, I look at her as she giggles at our connected minds.
I go to the messages and see her graduation pictures with her brothers, friends, colleagues. It provokes tears in my eyes. I just recall watching her get stymied when she couldn't solve equations correctly or when she couldn't come up with a promising story for her essay or a notable argument. She just would ball her fists up in her hair and my response would always be.
"Baby, don't stress I'll help you no matter what"
And I did I meant it. So seeing her eyes glitter at the plague that holds her name at her graduation makes me so happy, happier than when I graduated.
I click back to FaceTime and see her taking off her fake eyelashes "babe?" I query her, I hear her breath hitch slightly, the worries she still gets with me still astounds me.
"Yes baby," She says wholly centralized on taking the eyelashes off
"May I ask how fake eyelashes work?", the breath she has been holding in exhales slowly from her body, the tense jaw was now dropped to its preferred level.
She giggles then looks at me "You're a book of wonder Kim Taehyung, but how falsies work baby, that's their name, but how they work is, you get tweezers and hold them like this right" she demonstrates to me, I bob my head for her to resume, she grabs something that looks like eye drops
"Then you put glue on the band of the falsies, not too thick but not too light either, then you look down like at a mirror with the falsies still on the tweezers and place it lash like but not too close to your actual eyelashes then they'll get tangled"
"That seems alarming babe, glue on your eyelashes?" I subject, making her laugh while peeling off the other eyelash "babe? That's like putting crazy glue on your skin!" I quip with her making her laugh a little louder, followed by Apollo's barking in the background.
Skye unlocks the door I guess to let him in "you've pampered Apollo so much while you were here now whenever he's depleted he wants me to rub his belly to fall asleep" she says scouring the rest of her makeup off
"He deserves it, animals need that teenage treasure too" I jest, her mouth letting out a low 'tsk' to hide the smile sketched on her lips.
"I wish you could rub my stomach right now," She says finishing off wiping her makeup off. Me too. I wish I could do that for the rest of my life.
"Ah theirs my beautiful girl" dazed I comment
"What?" she chuckled at first "So with makeup, I'm an ugly woman?" She remarks halfway through it she begins laughing
"No, not at all with makeup you're sexy, without you're very beautiful, a matter of fact no, you're both every day, but I'm just firmly dazed about a fresh face"
Skye pov
Sauntering into my room, I see that futurama was still playing on the tv, I pause it turning on my nightlight as I turn off my tv, finally, I lay in my well-deserved frigid velvet mattress. The sweater I altered to smells just like the Daegu boy gazing upon me.
"Is that my sweater? You're adorable" he comments, I can see the peak of his smirk inching out slowly. He's always teasing me when I barely do anything to him,
"No, it's another man's sweater" I sarcastically imply. The low scoff he let's out as he sinks into hid sheets further.
"He better be a multimillionaire with a Grammy nomination" He flexes, the both of us laugh until it reverts to a silent laugh, my head getting lightheaded to the lack of oxygen, wiping the tears from my eyes I look him back in the eyes
"Wowwww okay big daddy" I turn my ceiling fan off "big Capricorn energy" I smile playing with the strings on my hoodie
Taehyung and I conversed for hours until somehow he fell somnolent on me. I assure you he was just awake, I shake my head at the sleepy blueberry airhead in front of me "I could just watch you sleep all day" My dreamy voice floats, I know he probably has practice tomorrow so I'm going to hang up so I don't drain too much of his battery.
"Goodnight babe I love you," I say to him, his response caught me off guard, I gasp hiding my face in the blanket.
"Goodnight babe I love you much more" he mumbles, I smile like an idiot at him, I am head overshoes for him. I love him so much.
"Bye baby," I say
"Bye babe"
I hang up squeezing the dinosaur he won me at the fair, being with him makes me feel so high. Like I can't come down from it. Nor do I ever want to.
He makes me feel worthy and wanted. I've fallen in love with myself because of him. He's really an angel sent from above.
Slanting gradually making certain to crack every solitary bone in my body I gleam softly " this feels so promising to hibernate in as extended as I'd like" I fortify myself to go make myself some breakfast even though theirs triviality on my agenda I feel like I owe it to my bones and my mental health to just do something that isn't stressful. I think I want to paint today.
Grinning as I think about how Taehyung and I were reclining on the couch disputing what mixed media was adequate. Acrylic vs oil. He quarrels with me every time demanding that oil is better. I say acrylic.
I start whipping my eggs in a bowl and I pour them in the frypan because I like my eggs sunny side up. That's the best way to eat eggs. Disagree and you'll step on a lego tonight.
While the pan is still hot I throw three strips of bacon in the pan, multitasking I throw my waffles in the maker, carefully watching both. Bacon doesn't take long to make anyways.
After my breakfast is finished I sighed sitting down on my carpet in my living room, pondering what to watch. I guess I'll watch season three of Tokyo ghoul. Excitedly I click it humming the theme song, my phone vibrates on my glass table making me choke on my food. I answer knowing it's Taehyung while propping my phone up.
"Oh my god, are you okay?! Did I scare you?" Taehyung asks trying not to laugh
"No, well kinda, so when you called my phone was faced down on my glass table because I'm in my living room" I drink my apple juice to help me stop choking
"You're so beautiful, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" his eyes looks dazed upon me
"Thank you, babes, it's okay, What's up, averaged height man?" I tease him.
" excuse me? I am a Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." Taehyung says in a serious tone, I being to chuckle seeing him smirk at me "anyways, I just woke up from my nap thought I'd check on you, and the boys kept asking about you but now they're sleeping as well" he drags
"well, that's a bummer I wanted to talk to my mochi" I pout, I see the jealousy spark a little in his eyes but then it disappears into dazed because I guess he knows I love him and only him "I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster." I giggle and throw a treat to apollo he catches it instantly. I smile looking back at taehyung.
"you know what they say kick names and take ass" he comments making the both of us fall out in laughter, I get up taking the plate and my phone with me
"I'm glad you know your references on the back of your hand" I sit the phone down so he can see me wash the dishes, I roll my sleeves up then turn the sink on washing the plate first
"it's the best one whats wrong with you? well that's the only one I can think of on the top of my head" he comments
"man I wish you were here so we could play a game where you and I guess what movie the reference is from, or just to play quirky weird games" I comment smiling thinking about how we'd be screaming and laughing at each other.
"definitely when you come on the tour were doing that, I won't forget it for the world," he says softly
"Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late? Understood?" I raise my eyebrow as I look over my shoulder at him
"you got it" he smirks, I hear a loud knock on my door scaring me making me drop the glass cutting my feet in the process, I wince before looking at taehyung "don't you dare hang up on me, go see who it is" he comments, I've never seen taehyung this serious ever, and it honestly concerns me, the fear kickstarts in me even more, walking up to the door I look out the peephole and see one of my exes at my door with two other guys. The panic settled in my skin. Why is he here? And who are those men?
"Skye!! I know you're in there!!" he bangs on the door, making it jitter, my breath begins to cut short,
"baby listen to my voice," he says calmly, I look down at him backing away from the door, I crawl in my bed shaking in fear "baby?" he comments
"ye-ye-yeah" I stutter, the sweat dripping off my chin painting the panic to my sheets as it soaks my lap.
"call the police, with your house phone okay? I got you I'm here" he says softly, I do as he says grabbing my phone and dialing 911, shakily I sit down while my other phone had taehyung on the line, his eyes so soft and scared for my well being, I bite my nerves down as the dial tone rings
"911 state your emergency," a phone operator says
"Hello yes, there is a man outside my door banging and asking me to come outside, with two other men" my shakiness comes back.
"Okay ma'am loiter with me on the line as I get the police to your exact address" I hear her clicking away on her keyboard "breath in and out with me ready?"
She starts breathing in and out with me, she really commences to soothe me down. I was so calm I didn't even realize the police had came and got my ex from the door. Until I heard a boisterous bang and a policeman shouting his name from the door. Unlocking the door slowly the policeman looks down at me.
"If you don't mind I'd like to implore you questions"
"Um sure," I answer cautiously, the skin around my cuticles looking disheveled and mislaid.
"Do you recognize any of the suspects that were at your door?" He calmly addressed
"Yes only one"
"Which one ma'am?" He asks politely, his eyes looked up at me "calm down okay? You're not in trouble, you've done the correct way of defusing this situation. I'm proud of you"
"The young man with sandy brown hair and green eyes" I answer more confidently
"Is it true that the suspect lives here?" excuse me? He lied and said he lived here?
"No, I live here along with my dog" I frown at the policeman, the policeman nods his head towards my answer.
"Thank you, according to the suspect he has some commodities that pertain to him in this house and he wants them back Is this true?"
"We broke up satisfactorily over a year ago, all his merchandise was sent through the mail, and I have the receipt to prove so shall I get it?" I start to get a bit angry, I hear Taehyung whisper 'babe' in my ear from my Bluetooth headphones.
"If you are able to yes please" he nods, I nod my head to grab the receipt of the postal service handing it to him. "Thank you ma'am would you like to file a restraining order?"
"This is the first time it had happened to me from him, so maybe I shouldn't" I hesitate.
"I'd advise you too because you never know if it may happen again or if you are in the streets, but the choice is yours, ma'am"
I contemplate it for a little while then decided to file one because what if it were to happen. I don't even know how he found this address I wasn't living here when I met him. I was still at my parent's house.
I walk back into the house latching the doors behind me I let out a depleted sigh slumping on my couch. "Skye?" Taehyung ponders
"Yes baby, I'm alright if that was your skepticism, I'm just kinda drowsy from the high altitude of my attack that's all" I smile sickly at him. I'm telling him the truth. That panic attack took the life outta me. I feel so wearied and desolate. I wouldn't be astonished if I fell asleep right now on FaceTime with him.
"Aw, you look weary, please rest my dear okay? Text me when you've woken up or else I'll have anxiety as well" he chortles I smile at him, grabbing my phone and heading to my bedroom.
"You're an angel I swear" I sink into the bed cuddling my covers.
"I know, I was raised that way" he smiles "Goodnight I love you" He follows his sentence up
"I love you more Goodnight"
Authors note:
Okay her ex? A major bitch am I right?? But taehyung is such a sweetheart the way he handled it. Now that Skye has graduated now she has more time for herself and friends! , are you excited to see her new life? Will it be filled with more ups than downs? Or a good mixture?
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