• 22•

I feel my dog smothering on top of me, smiling I pet him proceeding to rub his tummy "hello my baby boy, I love you" I speak in a baby voice, my phone rings and I reach it seeing that 'Mochi🍡' wants FaceTime I slide to answer and see him leaning against the wall which I'm guessing they're in the dance studio.

"Skye, look at your crackhead friends," Jimin says flipping the camera I see Taehyung and jungkook dancing to music while out of nowhere Jin comes in swinging his head from side to side. I giggle as my dog lays his head on my chest, I pet him with my free hand.

"Aw hi Apollo!" Jimin squeals jungkook lays on His shoulder waving at Apollo as he licks my camera " I miss Apollo" Jimin pouts

"He misses you the most I swear, I was watching y'all music video and he put his nose on the screen when you came up and whined so much," I say softly
"Skye, stop that doesn't make me feel better" Jimin pouts, dragging the 'e' in my name. jungkook waves at me and I wave back to him

"How are you kookie?"
"I'm very hungry, but how are you?"
"I can't say I'm great I'm just neutral I just woke up a couple of minutes before Jimin called" I slide my fingers through my hair as Apollo jumps off my bed running out the room, I'm guessing to get his ball.

"Did we wake you up?" Jungkook asks with his crazed eyebrows knitting together.
"Oh no no, I woke up on my own, don't worry, I'm going to probably make breakfast and head to my classes" flipping the covers off, I walk into the kitchen seeing Apollo chewing on his toy that is already destroyed, they just bought him that toy.

"Cool, we'll tell Taehyung to call you, we know he wants to talk to you before you leave," Jimin says smiling at someone in the background. He flips the camera and it's the hyungline

"Wow forgot about me huh Skylar?"
"Jin! You're a liar, I was just about to ask about the hyung line I already talked to the maknae line, how are y'all ?" I say grabbing some eggs from the fridge

"Oh you know just being handsome" he comments making everyone cringe and yell at him. I thought it was a tad bit funny.
"Hoseok, I wanted to ask you, could you possibly teach me how to dance, I mean I can dance but like I'm kinda stiff," I ask pouting at my statement, my uncle used to teach me how to dance all time until his lost the battle to cancer. So in memory of him, I continued to dance. It makes me happy.

"Yeah I could do that, next time we meet we can do it," hoseok says eating something jungkook gave him.

"But how are you sunshine?"
"Pretty great, except for the fact that we kinda have no free time but it's worth it"
"That's right Hyung!" Jimin yells

"That's good, I'm glad you're being optimistic about it, yoongi how are you Lil meow meow" I chuckle afterward, army gave him that nickname and it's kinda funny and cute, despite him hating it, it never fails to make him smile.

"Oh no please don't call me that, but I feel like a rock" he comments
"Why cause you're stiff" I joke,, Jimin and Jin are the only ones who are dying of laughter while the others look at us in disappointment I get myself together as I sniff "I'm sorry, but why yoongi?"

"You're an idiot" he comments, now everyone chuckles at his comment
"I had to perfect opportunity yoongi! kittens are cute why you hate it?!"

I ended up talking to them for a little while before they left Taehyung alone with me as I eat my breakfast.

"How are you, babe?" I ask, trying to contain my smile.
"I'm very tired, but I'm working hard so you and army will be proud of me and enjoy the concert"

Smiling I pick up my orange juice "we're going to do both anyway, no need to stress your pretty little head okay?" I drink my orange juice slowly because last time I drank too fast and my throat was on fire. And Jungkook swore I was getting sick that's what it burned. His superstitious remark came true.

"what classes you have today?" He asks
"I have just English, then after my class, I have to go to the doctor's office"
He frowns at the word 'doctor's office' I smile at him being such a worried human "it's just a check-up babe, I'm healthy and these results will show that okay? I promise, and I have to get my shots I hate needles I wish you were here to hold my hand" I pout stabbing my pancakes with the metallic fork.

"Aw babe, I hate needles as well, I would hold your hand so tightly"
"I know that's why I need you here, it sucks but whatever I know you'll be rooting for me, can you guys finally rest or y'all have other things to practice for?" I ask
"No I think we're done for today, are you going to tell them the surprise?" He asks; his lips tugging slightly.

"I will tell them when I come back from the doctor's office" I wink at him, he gets so flustered by the slightest flirts, it's so subtle but he gets so flustered it's adorable to see him squirm, but he's a proud flirt. Can flirt with anyone full confidence and all.
"Okay well I'll see you later babe," he says trying to hide his smile
"Okay babe I love you"
He smiles "you're a gem, I love you more"

I smile blowing kisses at him and he gives me a finger heart as I smile bigger than I hang up.


Stepping onto campus grounds I see tori sitting by herself.  I smile walking up to her she throws her arms around my neck hugging me.

"How are you sweetie mentally?" I ask rubbing her back
"Much better, now that I gave up smoking, I've been writing a lot of poetry lately so there's that" she sighs heavily, her eyes looking at me with so much glitter.
"I'm glad you gave up smoking, you have a better voice now my dear," I say holding her hand as we walk to our English class, a guy that's had a crush on tori since the beginning of the semester gives her the most judgmental face.

He probably thinks we're dating and that's funny, or he's probably against the LGBTQ community then that's even funnier because he's a fucking idiot.
What do two people of the opposite sex or what they associate themselves dating whomever they want to bother people so much?
Jealousy is a deadly disease.

"Hey, Skye?"
"Yes?" I answer turning my body towards her
"So I kinda have a thing for this guy but I feel like he only likes me when his friends aren't around" she comments
"Are you talking about Gabriel?" I ask
"Yes, like when his friends are around he doesn't know me, but when they're not, he likes to hug all up on me and flirt with me" she pushes the hair behind her ear, this Gabriel guy is getting a piece of my mind once this class ends I'm marching up there and jabbing my finger in his chest. Then I'm stomping his toes like ants.

"Skye I know what you're thinking," she says hitting my shoulder
"Therefore you also know theirs no stopping me right?" I comment
She sighs heavily "Yes I do, but don't start punching him or anything okay? Just be the calm Skye you are darling?"

"I'm always calm what do you mean?" I squint my eyes towards her; giving her a slight smile


"Yo what the fuck is your problem?!" I say shoving him, his homeboys' comments follows with "woah's" and "chill out" trying to grab my arm I give them a deadly stare. "Don't touch me if you want your bones intact"

"What are you talking about Skye?" He calmly asks, stepping closer to me but making sure to leave some space between us
"You like playing with girls heart huh twat? You good for nothing piece of garbage!" I yell, causing them all to flinch.

"I'm not playing with anyone's feelings, who are you talking about?" He asks now shaken by my reaction.

"The fact that you don't know who I'm talking about leads me to think that you are playing with her feelings, I should just break your nose in" I roll my sleeves up, discarding my bag on the floor. Ready to charge at him.

"Skye!" Tori yells grabbing my arm, "come on let's go, it's not worth it" her heart is worn on her sleeve she's in pain, a great deal of pain. I can't have her feeling that way.

"You lucky the police came and got me" I grit my teeth at him "if not your ass would be chalk right now"

I bend down to grab my book bag, I follow Tori in her steep, As we're walking away from the bitch finally speaks "I do like you tori, I just had to sort out what my feelings were for you" He comments but I was the one to stop and look back tori was trying to pull me away but I stood there, sort out feelings??

"I didn't want you to be apart of my one night stands list, I wanted to feel and know in my heart that you were more than that, that you meant more to me than just sex, and I've come to the conclusion that you do mean more than that, you mean a great deal to me tori" he comments stepping closer to her. Standing next to her I keep a close eye on him.

"If I could just have the chance to be your boyfriend I won't play those games anymore, I won't hurt you ever again, I'll never ignore you, even if I'm so pissed at you" he grabs her hands circling his thumb on her skin, I roll my eyes wanting to throw up.

I hate him. But she loves him. So I guess I can like him too. I sound like a bitter girl that can't stand love. Ew.

Tori is speechless contemplating what she should do, I ended up just pushing her into his chest and cross my arms over mine "she'll love that" I comment dryly.

He wraps his arms around her neck smiling to himself, I can almost see tears wielding up in his eyes. I guess he does love her a lot.

I miss Taehyung I feel like a third wheel.


Tori and I ended up going to the Steak 'n Shake because were still hungry and we were both craving a milkshake. Eating the fries I see Tori's pondering gaze as she dips the fries in ketchup over and over.

"Talk to me honey" I comment, digging in for more fries
"I'm just wondering are you mad at me, for choosing to date him?" She asks swirling the milkshake clockwise
"Why are you the fucking cutest angel in the world? Huh?" I say drinking my milkshake she just smiles and grabs her hamburger "no sweetie I'm not mad at you, if you wanna be with him I support you no matter what, plus I trust your intuition, I'm just mad at him, little petty anger"

"That's cancers for ya"
I fake laugh eating my fries "shut the fuck up you libra" I say dryly, at Steak 'n Shake we ended up just sitting there eating and throwing fries into each other's mouth, taking sips from our milkshakes as couples do, we played a couple of rounds of Uno until we got so loud they had to kick us out.


Tori drops me off home and I'm full as a turkey I don't think I can stomach up to devour anything else. But as I go in my fridge I see a cookie and cream ice cream sandwich "eh, maybe one more item" I grab it and tear the package open, I hear taehyung's ringtone blaring from my jacket pockets. I run to my living room grabbing my phone I see it's a FaceTime.

"Hey baby," He says
Meanwhile, I have ice cream in my mouth I attempt to speak "hi baby"
"Oh my god you're so cute when you eat"

I chew my ice cream as I  look at him "you sure I don't like a pig?"
"Pigs are adorable so your point is?" He adds, I roll my eyes and finish off the last bit of my ice cream

"So what's up?" I ask him
"So you watched the trailer?"

"For the comeback? Oh hell Yeah! Adrianna and I watched it together, fuck, you look sexy with blue hair, no wondering for the past couple of weeks you've been wearing hats"

"Duh, you are my girlfriend but don't forget you were an army first"
"I wish it was the other way around maybe you'll tell me secrets" I comment, pouting out my lower lip.

"No same treatment"
"Taehyung!!!" I yell while giggling, he's such a tease and I hate it, as I'm about to say something to him he calls my name "Skye?" He asks softly

"Yes, dear?" Throwing my trash away I get comfortable in my bed staring at him.
" I just want to tell you, thank you for making my life complete" he smiles. His smile is so beautiful, so many adjectives in the world for him to be called, I can't even name one.

"You've completed my life too" I smile sheepishly. "Hey are the boys up?"

"Yeah, why?" He says sitting up
"I think it's time for the surprise, let's have distress looks on our face like we're telling them we're breaking up" I giggle knowing how evil this plan is

"God you're so evil but beautiful" he smiles "let's do it" he gets up walking to the living room and the first person I hear is Jimin, the mom of the group. He notices a slight change in everyone.

"Taehyung what's the matter?" Jimin asks, Taehyung just sits the phone on the dock getting all of them in the frame. "Skye, what happened?" Jimin asked

"So we have some things to tell you okay?" Taehyung starts off
"What happened?" Namjoon asks now, I wanna laugh so badly but I can't I have to keep a straight face

"You wanna tell them or me, Skye?" Taehyung looks at me, seeing his face like that made me tear up a little I never wanna see that look upon his face. He probably thinks I'm acting but I never wanna see that look upon his face.

"Yeah, I-I-I'll tell em" I stutter
"Did you guys break up?" Jimin asks with teary eyes; oh my god seeing them cry they genuinely care about me.

"You know, we wanted to tell you guys right after we've come to a decision, but we didn't want anything to be awkward between all of us, we're still good friends" Taehyung starts

I nod my head joining in "it's just the distance is very stressful on his and my end, so that's why I'm joining you guys for your tour" I say with a smile, Taehyung follows it by a giggle Jimin has wide eyes as he punches Taehyung in the arm

"YOURE COMING ON TOUR WITH US?!" Jungkook screams, I nod my head seeing the boys dance with Joy I bite down on my lower lip seeing how happy they are.

I can't wait to tour with you guys.

Authors note:
Skye is going to travel the world with her mans and friends what a dream🤧 but will it be smooth sailing? Or bumpy roads? All we can do is hope for the best right? I bet those bodyguards are shaking in their boots right now in anger. Anyways thank you for reading I love you all stay safe and I'll see you next chapter.

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