• 19 •
The time zones kill me, long-distance relationships are honestly the most difficult thing. you always have to make sure one another is free. Sometimes he texts me when I'm in class. I text him while he's on set. We're from two different worlds. Trying to fit in to each other galaxy, but we're still far away. I hate to think that maybe he should find someone that can work in his schedule. Someone that can be around him twenty-four-seven.
But...he chooses me.. he wants me.
Clicking my pen a few times, I get to writing this essay, with the prompt stating "if you could sell your soul for a bit more time but it had consequences would you do it?"
My argument is no, because I can still say what's on my mind but speaking to the other realm if they hear me, spirits will talk back when they want too. I do believe in spirits and ghosts.
Speeding through my writing, I feel a pen poke me in the arm I frown then look back and it's this annoying kid who has been trying to flirt with me for a couple of weeks now, "so I could use your help Mami, which one sounds better?"
Turning back around I comment "isn't that what professors are for?"
"You ain't gotta be so rude precious," He says caressing my arm, I push it off then I continue writing I swear this kid is going to make me punch him in the nose but I really don't like violence.
Pfft, who am I kidding I'm always prepared for a fight, but it certain situations I'd rather not.
Finishing my essay I get up and turn my paper in "thank you ms. Dawson, you can leave if you'd like were not doing anything after this" she smiles
"Okay thank you miss" I start stuffing my materials in my bag I feel slimy hands being placed on my waist sliding down to my butt, I chop him in the throat then twist his wrist making him help in pain the professor calls my name and I just look at the professor.
"Is there a problem Miss Dawson?" She asks
"Yes, there is. He's flirting with me and touching on my body without my consent" I say in a nice manner,
"She's telling the truth, we just saw him" one girl speaks.
"We'll take this up with the headmaster, please ms.dawson continue packing your belongings" I nod my head then fist bump the two girls walking right out of the classroom. It's like two in the afternoon, it's probably super late over there. I'm not going to call him I'm going to just go home. I walk towards the parking lot. seeing someone in a hoodie with ripped jeans leaned on my car, literally as if it's theirs and they're waiting on someone. I frown up then I walk up to my car.
"Excuse me you're on my car," I say kind of already annoyed
"Well I'll take it your day was horrible" the voice speaks to me a familiar voice at that "so tell me, sweetie, what happened?" The person finally looks at me and I turn around trying not to cry in front of him, he grabs me by the waist and wrapping his arms around me.
"I'm here baby" his voice rumbles in my ears, he kisses my ear lobe and my cheek, you're actually here huh? Taehyung "let's get in the car" he walks me over towards the passenger side of my car, he opens it for me and I get in and wipe my face, he gets in looking at me as I can't grip myself together.
God I said I wouldn't cry when I get the chance to see him "aigoo, you're so beautiful" he says wiping my tears
"why are you here?" I choke up the courage.
"I came to see you duh, but also, we're here for Ellen," he says pulling out the parking lot, he places his right hand on top of my hand slowly intertwining our fingers together
"I've missed you," I say looking out the window
"You're tough Skye, you can let your walls down, I've missed you more baby" his thumb caresses my hand and I just smile and squeeze his hand.
I unlock my door, and it's so empty except for my dog squeaking the toy I just bought him. "Hey, mommy's big boy" my dog runs up to me licking my face like a popsicle.
"It's been two months since I've seen your dog" Taehyung comments
"I know right? , look baby it's taetae" I pick him up and show him to Taehyung, he starts petting him and he licks Taehyung
"What's his name or her I don't know the gender"
"It's a he and his name is Apollo"
"Like the god?" Taehyung says kissing his nose
"Yeah, it has a lot of meaning" Apollo jumps down from my chest and goes to play with his toy. I shake my head then walk into my kitchen "are you hungry?" I ask him
"I mean a little, are you going to cook something? You don't have to I can eat out" He says from across the room
"No, because I'm pretty sure, you've been eating out on the road, that's bad for your skin and body" I comment.
"Well is there anything I can help you with?" He says as I feel his hands on my waist leaning back on him I scan the fridge trying to figure out what I would like.
"We're eating tacos!" I say happily
"I love it," Taehyung says in my neck.
Authors pov
Skye made Taehyung cut the ingredients such as tomatoes and cheese onions, all the necessities for making the "ultimate taco" as Taehyung said. He occasionally splashing her with water from the lettuce while she's frying the meat for them. She yells at him saying that it's cold.
Now Skye is on the frying part of her own Taco shells, until the oil pops on her and burns her hand, Taehyung hurriedly put ice on her burn then, he takes control of frying the taco.
Skye looks at him as if he's going to disappear, as if this is all a Dream and when she wakes up she's be in an empty room in her cold sheets, but he's really here, in her kitchen cooking with her, holding her. And to think two months flew by so fast.
Taehyung pov
Looking at her eating her tacos while watching coco, I've seen this movie so many times but just seeing her beautiful eyes just melt over the movie.
"Baby you didn't tell me that I would cry!" She pouts while grabbing her juice, literally looking like a baby. Really is adorable, she's just so adorable. I just wonder why past relationships never worked out with her, she's such an amazing person, funny, caring optimistic, ambitious every thing you could want in a woman but still, men choose a complete opposite.
I mean isn't that the law of attraction?
The movie is over and I feel kisses on my lips, still dazed by her beauty I still kiss her back instantly.i place my elbow on the couch because we decided to sit on the floor and watch coco, she was so excited to show me the new rug she got because Apollo totally shredded the other one.
"What you thinking about?" She says laying her head on the couch
"About how excited you look, and you look beautiful" I comment
"I am excited, people barely come over to my house, and my friends and I rarely hang out cause of schedules but we still text every now and then" she smiles
"And the reason for your beauty?" I pester her
"The reason for that is, I got a facial done yesterday, and I'm drinking my water"
"Good girl," I say smaking her thigh, she looks at me then rubs her thigh up and down, I begin to say something else but I loud bang on the door scared the both of us, then by the voice my muscles begin to calm down.
"LAPD OPEN UP!!" Jungkook yells
"Okay, Gordon" I unlock the door, then jungkook hugs me and walks in the room.
"Skye!!!" He yells at her
"Kookie!!!" She yells, so he has a nickname? I shake the jealousy off because theirs no reason to be jealous it's just a nickname.
I turn around after locking the door letting sale of them in jungkook is crushing her in a hug, then Jimin hugs her next swaying from side to side "I've missed you, Skye"
"I've missed you too jimini" she says in his neck, I go to the fridge grabbing a Gatorade then opening it I start to drink some but jungkook drinks some before me and I just let him, then I drink after him.
I go in the living room and sit next to her on the couch " so Skye what you've been up to in two months catch us up" namjoon-Hyung speaks
"Oh well in these past two months, I finally got my car fixed remember I told you guys the problem" she states
She started filling us all in on new stuff we didn't even know she liked and that she's tried, even picked up a songwriting skill. she shows them to namjoon-Hyung and yoongi-Hyung, they were both impressed and asked her where the inspiration for these songs comes from and she states stories she's heard or her own.
Then we started playing on the switch getting really competitive, especially jungkook and Skye, they love to go toe to toe with each other especially in smash.
Because jungkook likes to win.
But Skye knows she will win.
After all the fun has been done, now it's time for work.
"Time to premiere on the Ellen show" namjoon speaks
"Good luck!! I know you'll don't great anyways but I'm cheering from my couch for you" she does a finger heart at us and instantly I melt, I cheese so hard that I just turn around and everyone is shouting my name then hoseok speaks
"But um, who said you'd be home watching the performance?" He asks
"Exactly are you insane?" Jin follows
"Get dressed! You're coming with us" , he lists to her go back and forth with them then I decide to use the bathroom before we hit the road.
Skye pov
I see Jimin, come out my room with a whole outfit on the rack, they went and bought me a jumpsuit I look around to see where Taehyung is and he's in the bathroom.
"We bought this without him, so go go, change in your outfit" Jin pats my shoulder, nodding my head I go into my room and see that they've bought me shoes and new perfume, they really didn't have to.
And I just love how the jumpsuit isn't from some expensive place, but the shoes are. It's Gucci. Lord.
But everything else is nonexpensive. Changing into my jumpsuit. Slicking my ponytail back I look in the mirror.
"I think stripes maybe my new style" the jumpsuit is blue and white strips, off the shoulders with ruffles on them and a strong bow tie in the front. Slipping one of my white socks with the Gucci shoes, I look at me full transformation. "You look good Skye," I say to myself, I fix the necklaces Taehyung gave me and spray on the perfume. Opening the door I see BTS just sitting on the couch talking and yelling at each other but that all ceases when I come out.
Taehyung is the first to make eye contact with me and he smiles cheekily, Jimin pushes him so hard he falls off the couch and everyone is dying of laughter, even I start laughing I go to him in the floor and rub is head "oh my clumsy boy" I say giggling
"He was being a sly devil!" Jimin yells at him.
"I was not!" Taehyung comments quite shyly so he was being a sly devil huh?
I kiss the top of his head as I wrap my arms around his neck, then they start to get up "ready?" Namjoon asks
"Yes!" I say excitedly
As we're in the car a question roams through my head that I want to ask but it seems stupid "hey guys?" I say softly, they all instantly turn their heads towards me.
"Well geez, the pressure is on right?" I joke, "anyways so do I call you guys by your stage names? Y'all real names, nicknames like I don't wanna be disrespectful"
Jimin looks at me with a smile then pinches my cheeks "aigoooo" he says softly "you can call us whatever you feel comfortable with honestly" he smiles, I nod my head then look at Taehyung
"You have to call me daddy" he jokes, everyone screams at him for being disgusting I just giggle at them feeling so much excitement from them.
these are really my friends?
Walking into the set, my eyes wander looking at everything like I'm in an amusement park, I feel Taehyung squeeze my hand and my eyes jolt at him "hm?" I answer him
"You okay?" He asks, I nod my head giving him a smile
"Yeah, it's just I used to grow up watching this show and now I'm here, well you guys are here I'm just here for moral support" I chuckle a little
"You're here with us because you're my girlfriend and you're their friend, we want you to see us grow, you're special to us all" I feel jimin's arms around my neck as he sways is from side to side.
"Hello Mochi," I say with acute accent
"Yeah Skye we really wanted you here," he says softly
"I believe you" I smile Jimin lets me go and we start walking towards their dressing room but the guard stops me and literally pulls me away from Taehyung both members turn around instantly.
"Excuse me, sir, she's with me," Taehyung says politely
"your entertainment asked me to not let her in," the guard says, Taehyung's whole expression changes to confusion and anger, jimin's changes to distraught.
"Okay, I understand, go in guys I'll wait over here," I say to them smiling as I start to turn around I feel hands on my wrist pulling me into the room, and the guard tries to grab me.
"What took y'all so long?" Jin asks
Shaking my head I look at him "you never abide by rules, do you? I guess the memes are right" I say folding my arms across my chest
"Yes they are" he answers me, Taehyung grabs my wrist that the guard pulled and I flinch looking at him
"Your wrist is bruised huh?" He says softly
"I mean, a little but it'll get better, go get your hair and makeup done baby," I say putting my hand on his chest, a stylist comes up to me and gives me an Ice pack and wraps my wrist then smiles at me
"gomabseubnida" I say softly then I bow to her, Taehyung eyes enlarge and that boxy smile starts to form "what you thought I would be an army without learning at least 5% of Korean" he grabs my face giving me a small peck, then I sit down on the couch next to jungkook who's makeup is already done, I lay my head on his shoulder watching whatever he's watching.
"What you watching kookie?" I ask
"The Overwatch league," he says placing the phone more in the middle
"How did I forget it was today?, I have so much on my mind," I say while scratching my nose.
"you want to talk about it?" He says laying his head upon mine.
"College is so stressful, then like this kid in my class really gets under my nerves he hits on me so much," I say while closing my eyes
"yeah school is stressful, it consumes you so badly, but you just have to take a break from it, I promise you'll feel better, you have us now, so if you're stressed we'll FaceTime you, or join our v-live" he says kissing the top of my head
"Okay, I will"
"As for that boy...." he says dragging it "does Taehyung know?"
"I haven't really told him because I solved it," I say sniffling
"Okay that's good though, hopefully, he didn't touch you"
"Ummmm" Jungkook flinches up and my face falls flat on the couch and we start laughing slightly then he helps me up
"I'm so sorry, but he touched you?" He asks
"Yeah, but I broke his wrist okay?
"Taehyung isn't going to be happy," he says softly
"I know,"I say gazing at my hands "it just he looked so happy to be here, I couldn't tell him"
"Understandably, But whenever you have the chance you should let him know," he says rubbing my shoulder, I shake my head then rub my arms up and down
"What did you do to her jungkookie?" Jimin says trying to fight with jungkook, but jungkook ends up manhandling him, I smile and taehyung comes and sits next to me draping his arm on the back of the couch.
"Hey cutie," He says booping my nose I scrunch up at him then he brushes his thumb on my lip and I softly bite him, he growls at me and pretends to bite me making me giggle and turn away from him but he starts tickling me and I turn my direction towards him as I try to grab his hands, but he pushes me on the couch tickling behind my knees,
"Tae-Taehyung stop!" I yell through the giggles, he stops as I try to catch my breath and I wipe my eyes then I see their bodyguards walk in and they look at me with such a hateful face.
Taehyung stops smiling instantly and places his hands on my waist as my legs lay across his lap, I look at him and he's looking at me, I stick my tongue at him making him smile "keep doing that and I'll suck on your tongue" he says jokingly but I know he isn't.
"You're so freaky today, you alright?, or is this your dominate side speaking?" I ask playing with his free hand
"I have you know I'm a switch" before I could comment someone lets them know they're going live now, he kisses me softly then helps me up, wrapping his arms around my shoulder as we walk. They do their cheer and they ask me to put my hand in as well, I smile seeing how passionate they are about their work and putting a smile on their fan's face. They mean everything to them.
Before Taehyung leaves his kisses my forehead then my lips "I love you" he whispers
"I love you more, go, baby"
"I'm going baby, I just wanted to say you look beautiful," he says smiling before he runs off to the set.
I lean up against the wall smiling at them, they really mean everything to me, without their help I wouldn't have escaped my moms bickering on who I should be when I grow, her constancy of forcing me to follow in her footsteps.
I want to follow my own steps. Nobody else's. Cause I'm Skye. Not anyone else.
After their Ellen performance and interview, it was time for them to go back to their hotel and somehow they convinced me to tag along with them cause they'd be doing some crazy fun the next day, or maybe in the middle of the night. Crackheads as usual.
I'm sitting in taehyung's hotel room, playing with my rings until I feel his lips upon my temples "you seem like you're stuck" he whispers getting in the bed as he lays on his back
"I am, I don't want to ruin your day," I say softly
"You'd could never ruin my day, come here" I look back and then I crawl up to him putting my head on his chest. "What is troubling you dear?" He says combing his fingers through my hair
"so today, a guy harassed me, he like slide his hand down my waist, but I like twisted his wrist"
"Son of a bitch had it coming," He says calmly, I look up at him and he smiles at me moving the hair out my face.
"Karma will get him, sweetie, don't worry, you did the right thing I promise," he says kissing my forehead.
"You think so?" I place my chin on his chest
"Yeah, he touched you, without your consent it's what he gets. Wished you broke his nose" he jokes, I giggle then straddle him and kiss him softly I feel his hands slide down my waist and stop on top of my ass.
"He can't touch you like I can," He says in my neck, I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck. As his lips are buried into my neck, combing my fingers through his hair I pull away "no one can touch like you can" I reassure him
"Hmm" he lifts me up then slams me on the bed as he wraps me in a burrito I gasp
"Taehyung!!!" I yell struggling to get out, and he goes in the bathroom and slams the door "when I get out of here I am beating your ass!!!" I yell as I slowly get out the covers. Eventually, I get out of the bind and I head for the bathroom door twisting the knob to only find it locked. Of course, he would.
"Alright, I'm going to namjoon's room, fuck you," I say trying not to laugh, I grab the door handle and hear his door unlock
"You trying babe?" He comments
"Disgusting" I reply hitting him with the pillow over and over, he grabs the pillow and throws it somewhere in the room and pulls me in the bathroom.
Having a relaxing bath with him to end the night is the best thing I could ever ask for, a stress-free night just like jungkook said. And damn was he right.
It feels good.
Authors note:
Wow, their relationship is starting to get a little hectic right? The life of dating a celebrity. But aren't they cute though? I love them I'm obsessed with them. Anyways this story needs so like elbow grease we gotta get into the mess into the tea!! Cause if you know me. I love drama, heartbreak, love all of it. Especially drama I love it. But anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter I promise I will upload more on this story ! Cause you know ya girl is slacking I have things to do! Anyways I love y'all and stay strong happy and healthy💙💌
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