• 18 •
ps: theirs been a small change in the story, no the plot hasn't changed it's nothing major it's just that I changed Skye and her friends from being in high school to being in college. One because I'm tired of the whole high school love thing, I wanna do more adult things with my stories I've played around with the high school love thing I'm done with it it's trashed lol so that's the only change I've done to this story please enjoy and I love you all!!
I roll over to my side wishing taehyung was here with me, he always made me fall asleep so soundly, he would hold me so tightly. With his cute nose nuzzled in my neck. The scent of his cologne engraved in my nose. That boy makes me so happy. Happier than I've ever been.
I grab my phone scrolling on their twitter and I see he's posted a selfie. I gasp at his sudden picture
" my new screen lock sir thank you!" I saw as I'm retweeting and liking it. It's only 11oclock over here and it's 12'oclock where you are. I hope you're eating. And you're happy because I'm happy.
Taehyung pov
Looking out the window I just wanted her to be at this interview with me, I want her next to me at all times, that's how much I crave her so much, I love her so, much, I've never felt like this. But it's also stressful knowing my status, I'm not just Kim taehyung, I'm Kim taehyung from BTS the biggest kpop boy band. I feel jungkook caress my shoulder, up on down "don't worry hyung you'll see her again, she's probably dying to see you as well" he says softly
"I know I'll see her, it's just a matter of when, you know?" I say looking at him
"Yeah I understand that" he comments
"Maybe you can fly her out sometimes, oh but she has school," Jimin says
"Yeah she does, but I heard she's graduating soon, like in a month," I say while playing with my rings
"See hyung! A month goes by fast!" He says pushing me "stop being so sad" He yells at me, I just nod my head as they all attack me with kind words and telling me that I've been doing good.
I look at the time over where she is, it's 11 I hope she's sleeping well because I couldn't sleep much without her. It's crazy how I put something in her room that's mine for her to be reminded of me and she put something in my bag to remind me of her. I smile looking down at the bracelet she made me, she says it's an energy wave bracelet she put all her positive energy and love into this bracelet so I'm not as sad, all I did was put my bracelet that my grandmother gave me into the jacket hoodie that I also gave her. I know it'll fit really big on her.
Skye, I hope you're sleeping well I really want to text you. So badly. Maybe I will just send an I love you, for you to wake up too.
I grab my phone and I go to our messages smiling at how competitive she was when we played pool.
Skye pov
I snuggle up in his hoodie as I took a little short nap and play with his bracelet, his grandma's character is so beautiful, I can feel all the love in this beautiful simplicity bracelet. I really love him.
I feel my phone buzz then I grab it smiling because by the vibrations I know who it is.
I unlock my phone then I read his text smiling like an idiot.
He's such a beautiful human how deserves the fucking world, he needs to be put in a bubble.
Yeahhh taehyung I did put your fine ass, as my screen lock, but I won't admit it!
He never tells me anything I have to sit and wait, I mean it's only fair to the other army's but still just a two percent spoiler.
I plug in my headphones listening to the voice memo he sent me, and it's him singing his song "scenery" I smile then close my eyes listening to his voice, it's so beautiful and soulful. His voice could put me to sleep instantly. When he was here he would sing me to sleep. He's just a beautiful person.
Taehyung pov
I shake my head at her, she really wasn't sleep, that was supposed to be her morning paragraph, I love her though. We're getting ready for our new comeback that I've been itching to tell Skye, but it's only fair towards army's and myself that she would just have to find out at the same time as the world.
We started filming for the mv today and I look at my hair in the mirror this is exactly the color I picked for them to do, I saw it on a edit and I loved it, so I decided to try it out on myself. And I think I'm in love with it. My stylist did an amazing job.
"Taehyung you talked to your lover!" Jin says hitting me in the arm repeatedly, I smile then I try to hit him back but he starts doing his boxer dodges looking like a weirdo but I wouldn't trade him in for anything else on the world.
"Jin-Hyung!!" I yell "stop it," I say trying to hit him but he keeps backing up. I leave him and go grab yeotan, cradling him in my arms. I can't wait til Skye meets you, I know she'll fall in love you, she loves animals, especially fluffy dogs. I go to kiss him but he licks me all over my chin and I close my mouth so he doesn't lick my lips, I blow on his ear and he flinches, I place him on the floor as I sit down. I tell him to come over to me. But yoongi comes and says "I'm kidnapping him!!" He screams while running away we all laugh and smile at him.
This is my family, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Skye pov
I wake up and it's nine am, thankfully we have an off day, I should go out and shop for my formal dress that's coming up soon, I don't know what I'm going to wear. The theme is great Gatsby which I really didn't want but it could be really fun, especially with all my friends there. This should be a night to remember like high school musical.
I grab my car keys then I slip on some jeans, putting my hair into a ponytail and wearing a sweatshirt. Tying my shoes then heading for the door. Where am I going to first? Maybe I'll hit up sears to see if they have anything good.
As I'm parking the car my phone begins to ring, and it's a FaceTime from taehyung, it's nighttime over there and he's calling me. I slide to answer then I look at him.
"Where are you at cutie?" He asks
"I'm going dress shopping, formals are coming up"
"Oh yeah! Man how I wish I was there to shop with you" he comments
"Yeah then we'd be everywhere on twitter"
"Yeah I know," he says disappointed.
" I mean, you're here now so technically it feels like you're shopping with me, so let's go, baby"
"Where are we at?" He asks
"Sears" I reply, I get out my car taking the keys out and locking it I pull on the handle just in case to make sure it's locked, I look down and he's all snuggled up in the covers
"You're so adorable, why are you so adorable?" I ask him
"My parents have really good genes, now why are you so beautiful?" He asks
"I guess my parents have really good genes" I reply, I finally make it to the dress section of sears as I'm browsing through them.
"What's the theme?" He asks
"Ancient times like Greek gods and stuff, Boring huh?" I comment
"I think it'll be nice, hey are you wearing my sweatshirt I left?" He says while giggling, am I? I look in the mirror that I pass by and roll my eyes feeling my cheeks just heat up of embarrassment.
"I really didn't know that I was, stop laughing at me, "I say while trying not to giggle myself.
"You're beautiful my baby, I gave it to you to wear so wear it with pride," He says
"I wear your bracelet with pride too"
"I'm glad you do, you mean so much to me," he says softly is he falling asleep, I mean he does have a pretty busy life. I just wish he could go out more without all the fake army's crowding him all the time, screaming and trying to invade his public space.
God people just don't understand they need space too.
"My baby, you're tired?" I ask, knowing full aware he's going to deny it, just to talk to me.
"No I have a bad headache," he says raspy, god that rasp just does something to me.
If only you were here Kim taehyung.
Skye calm your hormones.
"Take a nap," I say as my eyes scan through dresses
"No, I wanna see your dress and what not" He comments softly
"And I care about your health"
" I care about yours too" He smile
"Theirs no winning with you is there?"
"Nope," He says smiling, I look at this white v cut top dress that hits the floor, with a long slit as well. It would look so good though if I had a chest to work with. "By the stars, in your eyes, I see we found a winner," he says, I chuckle then inspect it some more " just swipe it babe" he jokes
"Shut up!" I giggle
"You're so beautiful, you're going to look like an empiricist in that dress," he says in a flirty tone
"Fine, it is out of my comfort zone, so I think I'll buy it"
"Atta girl" he smiles, I just realized he's shirtless under the covers, yes I know I've seen him naked before but I didn't expect him to sleep like that all the time, blushing I just grab my dress with the correct size, and I find a dressing room. I sit taehyung on the chair in the dressing room so he could see me I have on AirPods so I can hear him as I change.
"What a beautiful woman," he says dazed
"You're so tired"
"Mesmerized" he corrects me, I roll my eyes and begin removing my clothes knowing he's probably having dirty thoughts, but knowing the gentleman he is, he's probably not going to think that way. "You've been eating more! I'm So proud of you!" Where did all that spunk energy come from?
"Yeah, I'm trying to gain a little more weight, I want to be thicker"
"Healthy thick to me baby" he comments, I then grab my dress slipping it on and looking at myself in the mirror. Here I thought my boobs wouldn't look great in this dress and it'll be flat. Looking at it they're bigger than I expected it to be in this dress.
"Wow" is all he can let out "I wish I was your date to prom" he comments softly
"I wish you could be my date too, because I don't even have one quite frankly" I smile in the mirror loving my body, it's been years since I loved myself, but with a man like him who literally points out all your flaws and say what they mean to him and how beautiful they are. You can't help but love yourself.
"May I see the front?" He asks, I nod my head then turn around to look at him and his eyes just shift from love to admiration, he looks so proud to be my before, just as I'm so proud to be his girlfriend. "You're going to put everyone to shame, with that dress if they don't make you formal queen, they're blind"
"Oh babe you know they're going to pick someone popular" I look back in the mirror at myself and I'm just cheesing with joy.
"Well it's okay cause you're my queen"
"That's the only nomination I care about"
After finally paying for my dress, I started driving home, I have some gold shoes that taehyung bought that I think would fit the theme perfectly and this gold leaf crown, just like Athena. She is one of my favorite Greek goddesses, so I will channel her. I park the car in the driveway grabbing my phone and keys, taehyung was forced to go to bed by his manager, because they're doing interviews I think that's what he said. His manager kind of seemed surprised when he said,I was a girl which confused me because I thought he already knew. He's the one that brought them to my house.
I walk in my house and kick off my shoes at the front door ignoring my parents bickering and arguing, the normal shit. My dogs are chasing each other around trying to get a chew toy. My brother on the patio getting high. A normal day in this household. As I'm going up the stairs my mom yells my name,
"Yes?" I answer dryly
"Where have you been?"
"Buying my formals dress" I reply dryly
"Without our permission? , Skye you're really starting to-"
"Become an adult why thank you! I'm glad you noticed, well sorry to cut our convo short I got homework to catch up on buy.
Leaving them right there looking dumbfounded and shocked I go upstairs and start changing into my pj's, i get a notification from v-live that BTS was going live in a rush I grab my iPad literally taking a piece of my pinky toe skin off with it I fight through the pain, as I unlock my iPad and it opens the app right away and I see taehyung with his dog and his beautiful bright red hair color. rest in peace to his scalp huh?
I grab my cotton ball cleaning the blood off my toes then cleaning it with hand sanitizer I yelp silently in pain and with a burning sensation then I put a bandaid on it laying in my comfy bed to stare at taehyung,I don't understand him in the slightest bit but at least I get to look at his face and him being so adorable and yeontan just licking all over him and just bring adorable just like his dad. The live lasted for some time and I didn't even realize my heavy eyes just drifting asleep I was in deep slumber until my phone started vibrating repeatedly.
I grab it seeing it's a FaceTime call from taehyung, I slide to answer then I see jungkook behind him "were you sleeping?" Taehyung asks
"No, I just was watching tv" I comment back trying to hide my sleepiness
"Skye you're such a bad liar" he starts laughing
"Hi, Skye!" Jungkook's yells waving his hand
"Hi, jungkook!" I yell back but not too loud people are sleeping
"You just made it home?" Taehyung asks
"I made it home just in time to see your v-live," I say whine of pain from my toe, somehow that's not all I hurt
"Skye you don't look so good" Jungkook comments
"She really doesn't" Taehyung adds
"Guys I'm fine," I say trying to brush it off "so hows tannie?"
"How are you" Taehyung insists
"I wanna know, we care about your well being too, you're special to us," Taehyung says softly before I could say anything I hear Jimin scream at me
"SKYE!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!" Jimin yells
"See you've awakened mama bear, I tried to help you avoid this" Taehyung says while looking up at Jimin
"Skye?" Jimin asks "what happened? don't think we won't fly there right this instance !" He threatens me
"You can't cause you have album promo to do" I giggle but they don't " okay...sorry... I kinda tripped over something and I ripped the skin slightly off my pinky toe so I'm bleeding as we speak, as for why I'm so pale, I really haven't been eating too well or sleeping that's all"
"You're saying it like it's normal" Jimin comments
"Yeah well for me it is, cause this used to happen when I was younger," I say looking down
"Baby?" Taehyung says softly making me slowly look up at him "don't cry okay? No one is being hard on you, just cautious, we really love and care for you, so we don't want anything to happen to you"
"Especially That we're so far away" Jimin adds
"Yeah, it's not much we can do," Taehyung says with a half boxy smile.
"I'll try harder," I say wiping my face
"Don't overwork yourself okay? I love you Skye I'm going to bed" Jimin says while getting up
"I love you more jiminie goodnight"
Jungkook then puts his face in the camera looking like a full-on meme "take care Skye we love you hope you feel better"
"Thanks, kook, I love you more" everyone leaves the room and now it's just me And taehyung just looking into each other's gaze.
"Sometimes when you look at me I'm like stunned, I lose all feelings of speaking" he comments softly
"You're such a romantic I'm not that pretty," I say getting in my covers
" you're right just really beautiful" he comments "does it hurt really bad?"
"Yeah I can feel it throbbing, I cleaned it and everything put a bandaid"
"Did you put ice?" He asks I turn my head and smile sheepishly then he palms his face "baby" he whines
"Listen! I was tired"
"So you were sleeping?" He raised his one of his eyebrows
"Fuck" I whisper
"Mhm caught," he says eagerly
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to miss your v-live, even though I don't understand what you were saying I wanted to support you guys from afar," I say through the lump in my throat
"Hey hey, stop apologizing okay?, I understand my love, just text your brother and tell him to bring an ice pack" I nod my head then text my brother to bring me one couple of minutes later he comes in with one.
"Hey sis you okay?" He asks
"Yeah I just tripped and hurt myself really bad"
"Where at?" He asks, I stick my foot out and show him my pinky toe " you have s big scratch on the top of your foot too, you should be careful okay? I'll wrap it so you can't move your feet and still have the ice pack on" I nod my head and let my brother do what he's doing then he leaves
"Baby?" He whispers
"Yes?" I look at him
"You may need stitches, I hope it does hurt you," He says softly
"You worry so much my angel, I love you," I say laying on the side looking at his worried eyes, I love him so much, I can see why army's cry deeply when they cry, they're such hard workers, such wonderful gentleman,
Taehyung and I started talking and talking for hours until my eyes started getting heavy and I slipped into a deep slumber.
Taehyung pov
I look at her beautiful face as she rubs her nose in her sleep, she really does make me happy, I'm so grateful for her, I never thought I would be in love again, my work doesn't really give me enough time to go on dates and sit down and talk to someone face to face. It's weird.
"Goodnight Skye I love you" I end the call and take a nap as well, I've had a hard day.
Authors note:
Ik I rarely type for this story but I'm going to type more with all my might! To put out more content! I hope you guys are pleased with this chapter and are still following this story even after I've neglected it lol I deeply apologize anyways. I love you all and thank you for all the support it really does mean a lot to me, it makes me happy knowing you support my work even with my inconsistency and my typos lol I'm trying not to make typos but I type better and faster at night than during the day it's weird. Anyways bye ily guys and I'll see you in the next chapter.
•hey ! Don't act like you didn't see me, you hurt my feelings🤧 but if I have any grammatical errors let me know here! Bye🙊
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