• 12 •

I roll over and hit my head in the wall then I bust out laughing
"How did I even remotely get that close to the wall?" I say while laughing I then stretch and get in the shower. I let the lukewarm water pass over me as I think to myself.

"You're better than this you can fight this he doesn't deserve you nor is it worth it crying over him be the bigger person okay? If he apologizes accept it and walk away be the kind person that I hung out with before I went back to tour, be the kind person you are when you text me everyday, Skye? I believe in you don't let some ordinary person tear you down okay?"

"It's okay I'm here" "I'm here Skye "

"No no Skye let me see your face"

"No you look beautiful as always crying doesn't make you ugly it makes you strong, did he hurt you?"

The signs were really there and how did I not notice it any sooner ? I know why my head was so shoved up someone's ass I didn't notice anyone else but that fuckboy . The water then starts to get hot out of no where and I flinch the hold the spot that stings.

"Who the hell is in the shower too?"

After procrastinating for a bit I finally get out the shower then get dressed for hell. This sure is going to be great I get my shoes then slip them on I'm glad I got these shoes all I do is slip on I don't even have to worry about tying them they should make all shoes like that. I grab my bag then open the door.

"Skye!!" Tori yells while shaking on the floor her clothes look all ripped and she has scars all over her body. I bend down and caress her forearm

"Hey what's up tell me?"
"He-he-raped me" She says as her voice crack
"Sebastian? Oh that dirty little pig" I pick her up then take her inside the house , I sit her down on the couch and start boiling some soup for her. I look at her and she still shaking

"I'll get you some clothes" I go in my closet and I get her a pair of pants and a shirt "Hey I'll report this to the police we'll report this to them together okay?"

"Okay but how much time will he be facing he knows where I live we used to date remember?"
"It depends years or for the rest of his life"
"He blames me for you guys breaking up" She says while sobbing
"Hey that is not your fault and you know it, he slept with that girl that was his choice okay?, you just tried to give me a heads up and honestly I feel so bad about not listening to you and doing all those things to you I apologize for that"

"Hey no it's okay you went after love, any girl would've done that" she sniffs
"I put misters before sisters, that's wrong, but I promise I'll do everything in my power to make it right okay?, go home to your boyfriend for a little while okay just tell him you're sick you don't have to tell him what happened Okay?"

"Okay thank you Skye"
"Anything for my sister"

I walk into to school and I can just feel the teacher yelling at me because I'm not only fifteen minutes late but I'm twenty minutes late I walk in the class room as everyone turns their head at me . I see Sebastian smiling at me and I roll my eyes then I start walking until the teacher calls on my name

"Skylar? Why are you late to my class?"
"Something came up at home and it couldn't be avoided" I say while caressing my forearm
"Okay take a seat" I walk over to my chair and I see a note from Sebastian and I roll my eyes then ball it up and throw it in the trash a girl nexts to me gasps then another one starts whispering things to her

"I can't believe she rejected him I mean he said he was sorry"

"Getting cheated on is not something you can just get over easily, but you wouldn't know that cause you always run back to yours"

Ouch that hurt me

I look at Nathan and he looks so tired and sick I rub her back softly up and down he gives me a weak smile then he closes his eyes
"You Okay Skye?" He says weakly
"Yeah I'm fine, nothing can break my spirit" I say while smiling
"I'm glad you think like that" he says dryly

After class ended I hear someone call my name just by the tone I know who it is I don't turn around I act like I don't hear him.

"Skye!" He says as he steps in front of me
"What bullshit do you want to say now?"
"Just, why can't you take me back I've apologized I was drunk it was a drunken mistake we've all made mistakes it's a human thing"

"Yeah humans do make mistakes but guess what cheating isn't a mistake" I say while pushing him to the side he then grabs my arm and pin me down to the wall he then looks me dead in eyes

"Skye I'm in love with you and you made me so happy we were just getting back on track, please one more chance what do I have to do to get you back?"
"Well one thing you could do is turn yourself in" I smirk then walk away

"Next time you wanna rape girls use a condom you pervert" I smile to myself and I just see him in the background sobbing on the ground.

I finally make it home and I'm so exhausted volleyball practice was crazy my game tomorrow is a big game it's a tournament game and I have to win this before I graduate.

I let out a sigh as I hear my phone vibrating, I look to see who it is and it's taehyung
"Hello sir what brings you to this visit"
"Well I'm a little pissed off teddy bear so where's my date?"

Oh shit I did tell him that
"Ummm" I say while scratching the back of my head
"Don't worry I figured you wouldn't have time because you're too focused on school and stuff so get dressed I'll be there in twenty minutes"
"Hm let me pay for wherever you're taking us!"
"You see I'm daegu that's not how it works ,I'll see you soon"

I look at myself in the mirror and I think I'm cute girly I then grab my shoes and slip them on I don't feel like tying them and plus I kinda cut my finger badly to the bone so it hurts when I apply pressure on it.

I'm probably sounding like a bitch

I think run downstairs and I hear my mom arguing with my dad it's the same thing everyday I wonder who's drunk this time, my mom or dad. I then look out the window and I see taehyungs car pulling up I smile then I run to door.

"Skye?! Who's that young man?!" My dad yells, yeah I figured he's the drunk one
"A friend" I yell back I then slip out the house and into his beautiful jaguar car . I sigh then put my seatbelt on

"What's going on?" He says while looking at me, I feel my cheeks getting hotter because he just look directly into my eyes why can't he look at something else or just drive and talk?
"Oh nothing just family issues, dad and mom arguing again for no reason and they're drunk"
"Hm, well in that case I really gotta step up my game right now" He says while cranking the car
"Huh?" I say while looking at him, I can just see the smile creeping from the side of his mouth

Taehyung pov
She's so beautiful, but she goes through so much pain such an amazing person too but goes through so much. I guess what they say is true. The angels suffer more than the devils. I look at her as she looks out the window smiling to myself I think about the lies I tried to tell myself .

I can't just be friends with her.. I like her way too much..

I arrive at this food place I just know she wants to eat she always wants to eat she sees food and she smiles brightly I scoff to myself then park and turn off the car. I walk over to her side and open the door for her she looks up at me with her rosy cheeks as she starts to stutter.

"Wanna eat?" I say while smiling
"Hm-oh Yeah" She says while getting out.

"This place makes me so happy" she says with a smile
"Any food place makes you happy" I say while taking the paper off the straw
"No not any place, I don't like Kentucky fried chicken, too greasy for me" She says while taking a sip of her drink she then gasps and I furrow my eyebrows up at her

"Does it taste bad?"
"No" She says while holding the drink in her hand and smiling "it tastes like lime I'm in love"
"You're something else Skye"

She starts smiling so much and shaking He soda slightly I pull out my phone and I take a quick picture of her while she's looking at me I do it discreetly so she doesn't know

"This is so good taehyung, because of you I'm going to be coming here everyday, well not everyday because I need to save for a new MacBook but besides the point I'm addicted and it's your fault" She says while eating her food

"Hm I said I had make you forget bout home and I did"

"One more stop before I drop you off home"
"Where is this place?" She says while looking at me in confusion
"You'll know when you get there, be patient my young cricket" I say while chucking
"Well I guess you are really old like army's say"
"Someone did their research" I say while turning the wheel
"Had to know more about this man I like"

After she says that I blush a little and smile to myself, taehyung don't take it out of context, you're supposed to stop liking her not feed into it.

Skye pov
We arrive at an amusement park

I walk by taehyung side and I look up at him as he buys the tickets he's really beautiful he has such a beautiful soul too I'm really surprised that he doesn't have a girlfriend. I mean who wouldn't date him. He looks down at me then smiles he grabs my wrist then clamps the wrist band on my wrist then he grabs my hand and we walk into the park. I finally come to my senses and we're holding hands actually it's been intertwined I look up at him and smile to myself. I pull him into a headband shop and I grab teddy bear ears and put them on him.

"You look cute" I say while looking up at him
"Well since I'm a teddy bear I want you to be a polar bear" he says while brushing my hair behind my ear lobe then he places it in my head , I can just feel my cheeks get heated I cough then look at the ground

"Let me pay for these since you paid for the tickets" I say while walking towards the counter
"No I told you where I'm from it just doesn't work like that" He says while grabbing me by the waist and holding me down with one arm.

"How much are these headbands?" He asks the lady , I look up at him and feel my cheeks getting redder and redder I feel my chest beating so hard I'm afraid if it got quiet right now he could hear it , what is up with me? Why am I such a hoe? Why can't I just love one person and that's it? Why do I jump from one guy to the next? Do I really dispose guys like it's nothing?

"Let's go ride some stuff!" He says while smiling
"Yeah-Yeah le-let's do that" I say I start walking behind him but then he reaches back and grabs my hand while intertwining his fingers with mine my cheeks start to get red Again.

Skye please don't tell me you're falling for him?

We get on a ride that just shows us the whole entire amusement park and honestly it's so beautiful all the bright lights and you can just smell the amusement park food like popcorn and corn dogs and cotton candy.

You can see thousands of people who looks like ants I smile as I hear the scream from the people on the mega drop. It's just so beautiful I haven't had this much peace in a while everyone is just nagging in my ear but with him. It's so quiet and he doesn't judge me. I turn to look at him and he's looking at the stars. They look beautiful too , not as beautiful as him but beautiful.

After we rode literally every ride in the park we stop in front of a carousel. I look into his eyes and I see sparkles in them, I guess my dream was correct he does like me. But I understand why he didn't tell me. I would've just friendzone him.

"What you thinking about?" He says still not taking his eyes off me
"How much I hate you" I say with a scoff
"Yeah I bet, still think I'm a stuck up celebrity?"
"Yes that's why I hate you"I say with a smile

He places his hands on the side of my face then he bends down just a little to connect his lips to mine our lips move in sync with each other I place my hand on his forearm as he deepens the kiss after a couple of minutes he pulls away

"What took you so long?" He says breathless
"Fear I guess, I still hate you though"
"Sure Skye" He says with a smile.

End of the chapter but here's their date pictures😋

Authors note:
Here is this chapter hope you like it thanks for reading have a great day.

•hey ! Don't act like you didn't see me, you hurt my feelings🤧 but if I have any grammatical errors let me know here! Bye🙊

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