• 11 •
Taehyung pov flashback
I inhale her scent as she hugs me tightly and sobs all over my shoulder as I play with her hair , just when I was about to give her up I come to her rescue like I do everytime as a friend. I rub her back softly while kissing her shoulder softly. She pulls away and I see her rosy face that's all wet , her eyes darken as she sink in the shallow shallow lake. I place my hand on the side of her face and she leans on it smiling brightly I smile as well.
"Thank you for always being here for me" she says softly
"I'm always going to be here for you Skye" I say while looking her in the eyes
"I should've listened to myself and what people were telling me , why was I so hard headed I just couldn't -" I cut her off by kissing her forehead very softly, yes I know I should've kissed her I wish I could kiss her but I am going to treat her like a best friend now the same way she's been treating me for a while.
"Thank you taehyung, I should go home I have a math test tomorrow wish me luck huh?" She chuckles softly
"Let me drop you home" I stand up then offer my hand to her she holds onto my hand really tightly . She starts walking while holding my hand and out of nowhere she collapses on the floor I catch her head before I makes impact with the concrete
"Skye?, Skye wake up" I say while lightly tapping her face , I lift her up bridal style and place her in my car I place a blanket over her and then I start driving to my hotel room.
I place Skye on the bed and I place the blanket over her, before I came over to talk to her I grabbed her math book thought she would probably study on her way home. I open her math book
Statistics. Not bad I'm actually kinda good at it. I study the book hard then after I finally understand it I look at her notes from her teacher and see that I know how to do it and I got the right answer. I look at her on the bed and I get up to check to see if she's breathing and yes she is. I stare at her for a few minutes seeing her breath in and out like a newborn baby all soft and slow in rhythm not a single snore leaves her mouth. As I'm looking at her someone decides to text me.
I chuckle then smile , Jimin is annoying but he's the best he would do anything for family
I shake my head slowly , then I close her book and go to the couch to sleep. I hope she'll be okay tomorrow.
Skye pov flashback
"Taehyung?" I say as I see him in the couch
"Yeah what's up?" He says in a raspy tone that kinda makes little butterflies but I push them to the side
"Um- how did I get here?" I say while scratching my head
"Well you were crying on my shoulder and I went to take you home but you passed out while walking and I bought you here" he says while standing up in front of me
"Oh , well thank you" I say while rubbing my arm
"Did you get hurt?"
"No im fine I think, my memory is a little foggy after the party and me running" I put my head down and I feel his fingers on my chin lifting my head back up to look up at him our faces are inches apart and he smiles a little
"Skye there's something I need to tell you" he says while putting his hand on the side of my face I just lean my face in his hand feeling his soft touch , it's very comforting
"What is it?"
"I've been liking you for a while and I'm tried of being friend zoned so from now on I'd rather be your bestfriend okay? And plus you just got heartbroken so what's the point? I love you Skye all I want is for you to be happy" he says while caressing my face with his thumb he then kisses me and I feel ten thousand butterflies just erupt in my stomach he pulls away then walks away I couldn't say a word nothing could come out I was like a mime I just stood there and let him walk away , how could I be so stupid to not see him liking me it was so damn obvious Skye!
Skye pov now
I gasp as I wake up from my dream I look around my surroundings and see this place look unfamiliar I take the covers off of me and head out the room I see taehyung sleeping on couch , he looks adorable and cute
"Taehyung?" I say softly , he opens his eyes slowly then stands up
"Hey you alright?" He says while sitting up , that's not how it happened in my dream what is going on?
"Um-yeah I'm fine but how did I get here?" I say while scratching the back of my head
"Oh well I came to help you because you were really hurt and I didn't want anything to happen to you , then I was going to take you home but you passed out" he says while going to the kitchen
"Oh um- thank you , I need to study for my math test"
"Yeah I studied your book and notes I can teach you if you want? But first you should eat" he says while pulling out a pot "you like mac and cheese?"
"Yes I do , and sure can you please teach me this cause sadly I wasn't paying attention and I was focused on other things now it's time to get my head in the game again" I says while opening my book.
"Alrighty let's get started" he says while walking over towards me
After he taught me everything I needed to know and I solved the problems on my own and he checked them he thinks I'm ready for my math test. Right now he's taking me back home so I can get some rest , he has to head back to his hotel room before he manager. He parks in my house driveway then turns off the car.
"Well thank you for everything and thank you for being there for me I dont know what I would do without you , I actually need a good person like you in my life, you make my life better everything is better when talking to you, I'm sorry if I ever hurt your feelings in anyway, to repay that may I take out somewhere tomorrow?" I say while placing my hand on the car handle
"Where is this coming from? You never hurt me and yeah sure I'll let you know when I'm free" he says while furrowing up his eyebrows
"Okay see you later" I say while getting out before I could get out he grabs me by the wrist and I turn around to look at him I can feel my face getting hot
"Skye? I need to tell you something" he says softly
"Yes?" I say as my voice cracks
"You're better than this you can fight this he doesn't deserve you nor is it worth it crying over him be the bigger person okay? If he apologizes accept it and walk away be the kind person that I hung out with before I went back to tour, be the kind person you are when you text me everyday, Skye? I believe in you don't let some ordinary person tear you down okay?" He says while caressing my arm
"Okay thanks taehyung " I say while smiling I lean down and kiss his cheek softly then I walk inside my house I close the front door and lean up against it, I'm such a hoe , how could I jump out of one relationship and like someone else so fast? I feel like just curling up in a bed and just hide there for years and years. Maybe until my death date.
Yes I know I'm being a little dramatic I'm sorry
But it is what it is.
I walk up to my room and change into my pjs , tomorrow is going to be a great day for me , well today because it is 1am right now and I gotta wake up at 6am right now , let's hope I don't forget everything for my math test because I need to pass , this test grade is worth a lot because this is the last test for the report card
I wake up the the blaring noise of my alarm in my ear I roll over in anger and smack the hell outta the button, then I get out of bed and jump into the shower.
After twenty minutes of showering I get dressed then put on my shoes then grab my bag and run downstairs I stop in my tracks remembering I need to grab my math book I run right back upstairs and grab my math book and my homework then I run back downstairs again.
"Skye?!" I hear my father yell
"Yes dad?" I say while stopping in my tracks
"Who was that car that bought you home last night, I know that wasn't Sebastian's"
"Oh that was my friend at school" I say while trying to walk out the door
"We're having a family barbecue tonight why don't you invite Sebastian?" He says while walking over to me
"Yeah sure I'll ask him, I have to take a math test dad I gotta run okay I love you!" I say while opening the door
"I love you too" he yells back
After my ten minute drive I arrive at hell and I walk in and everyone stares at me , I frown up then walk towards my locker I open it and I see a note in it. I open it slowly then read it to myself .
~ Skye , I know you probably heard the rumor but I was drunk and I didn't mean for it to happen I was really wasted honestly and honestly I thought you were the one I took in that room not her, I'm sorry and I love you so much you know that I'm trying to get back on your good side and this probably put he icing on the cake, Skye baby my babygirl I really do love you , and you're my everything I want to be with you and only you , meet me outside the benches by the lunchroom you know without the crowd I want to apologize to you face to face
~love Sebastian
I walk outside towards the lunchroom and I just feel people walking behind me towards the door to be nosy and honestly I don't care if they hear me.
"I didn't think you would come" he says while standing up he tries to grab my hand but I pull my hand back
"Listen to me first and this is the last time , you like that girl, I was just your toy you never loved me but yet I was head over heels for you and I loved you so much I cared about you so much that even I started thinking it was unhealthy for me, but you , you played me and I fell right into your trap sadly just like every other girl you tried that one , sad to say I wish I would've listened to tori and not push her away and block her out shit I wish I didn't hurt her and the real problem here was you! So stop with the 'I love you ' 'you're my everything' because no I'm not your everything pussy is your everything and honestly you're not getting mine you were never going to get mine, so go Sebastian be free go be the man you always were nothing is going to change for you I really hope that the next girl is smarter than me" I hand him back the paper and the necklace he gave me
"I wonder how many times you re-used that necklace?" I say before I walk away I see everyone outside yelling "ooo" and clapping congratulating me I smile as I remember what taehyung said
"You're better than this you can fight this he doesn't deserve you nor is it worth it crying over him be the bigger person okay? If he apologizes accept it and walk away be the kind person that I hung out with before I went back to tour, be the kind person you are when you text me everyday, Skye? I believe in you don't let some ordinary person tear you down okay?"
I bite my lower lip while smiling and I grab all my best friends and walk to math class with them I feel good really good actually.
The teacher graded all of our tests and I ended up getting an 97 which I was so happy about I thought I was going to get a 60 maybe a 40.
"What you get Skye?" Adrianna asks
"I got a 97, you?" I says while walking next to her
"86, tori got a fucking 100" she says while punching tori in the arm softly
"I wasn't imaging around I had to bring my grades up"
As we're walking towards the lunchroom I see Sebastian with a bouquet of flowers I frown up at him then he stops me
"Skye please"
"No I'm sorry but I can't take you back I won't allow you to hurt me ever again so you can try but at the end if the day the answer is still no" I say while walking away
"Skye?" He says as his voice cracks
My girls looks at me and smiles and hugs me tightly, tori kisses the top of my head I smile slightly and we walk into the cafeteria
Finally school was over and I could go home and just chill, I walk in the house and I lay down on my bed and sigh
"Tia tia!" I hear my nephew yell , he runs in my arms and I grab him and put him on the bed with me
"How was your day baby boy?" I say while playing with his hair
"We colored some butterflies and I caught a butterfly with my nose" he as while holding my fingers tightly
"Aww those are good luck baby boy" I kiss his head softly.
My dad walks in and smiles at us
"Y'all coming downstairs? The barbecue has started"
"Yeah let's go little buddy" I pick up my nephew and head downstairs.
Later on that night
Tori pov
"Bye baby!" I say while kissing my boyfriend softly then walk away from his house, I start to walk home I need to get home fast so I can study for my chemistry test it's much needed because I need to pass this class , I'm finally picking myself up and getting shit done I feel proud of myself
As I'm walking home I feel unease as if someone's following me I turn around and theirs nothing there , I keep walking but also hearing what's behind me as well, as I'm almost home I feel someone grab me by the arms I scream but the person put there hands over my mouth and hand cuffs my hands as I try to wiggle them
"You told her I'm a fuckboy well now I'ma show you one you fucking bitch" I hear metal clanking together , I cry as I try to wiggle my way out but it's no use
I cry then sob really hard please anybody help me
•Authors note•
Poor tori man lol even though I didn't like her that's just straight up sad what do you think happened to her? I figured I would make this a better chapter than the last one I know some of y'all hated it so I decided to lighten your hearts again lol so tell me how you liked this one.
Will Skye fall for taehyung?
Does taehyung like her again?
How does taehyung feel about that kiss on the cheek?
Bye guys see you in next one! I love y'all 💙
•hey ! Don't act like you didn't see me, you hurt my feelings🤧 but if I have any grammatical errors let me know here! Bye🙊
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