• 10 •

I roll over too my mom yelling at me to get up for school , I look at the clock and see that I overslept. I get out my bed then I get in the shower in honesty I don't feel like going to school but failing isn't an option. As I'm washing myself I hear Sebastian's ringtone . I grab my towel and dry my hands then answer the phone.

"Yes?" I say while turning off the shower
"Hey baby? , can we talk?" He says in a serious tone
"I have nothing to say to say to you , I'll just see at school" I say while drying off and hanging up the phone

After I dry off I change into my clothes then l walk downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Good morning Skye! , how come you never told us about your boyfriend?" She says while handing him a Cup of coffee
"Well I thought he wasn't ready to meet the family yet" I say in an irritated tone

"Good morning Skye " he says in a soft tone
"Hi" I grab a two croissant and some butter, then I grab my to go coffee cup and pour some in. I place the croissants in the fridge then spread butter on them then I head upstairs to get my shoes , I grab my pennyboard, then I look into the mirror and I see Sebastian leaning against the door frame

"Your room is so aesthetic, and roomy it's cute for you" he says with a faint chuckle
"Yeah just like that girl for you" I say under my breath

"What?" He says while stepping closer to me
"I didn't say anything" I say while eating my croissant
"Hey um Skye can we talk?" He says while sitting on my bed
"Like I said before I don't wanna talk , I have to go I gotta get a head start on my project" I say while getting up

"Well Skye just listen then , I'm not cheating on you if that's what you think, I would never cheat on you oki? Because that's not the person I am , and I'm in love with you Skye and you make me so happy I can't imagine myself with anyone else"

Once upon a time long the fuckboy excuses rolled in

"Okay Sebastian but I'm serious I gotta do a project" I say while grabbing my bag
"I'll drop you off let's go" he says in a depressed tone .

I grab my phone and I text taehyung he's like the closet friend to me

I screen lock my phone then I turn the corner to see Sebastian and that girl talking and laughing as he hands are on her waist she kisses his cheek and then they walk their separate ways, I then walk to my class in frustration.

I sit down in math class and I see Nate sitting next to Adrianna and I smile slightly, then I place my head down as Adrianna rubs my back

"You okay you sick?" Adrianna says while looking down at me
"I'm having fuckboy problems" and honestly it's my fault for taking it so fast anyways" I lift my head up then I grab my notebook to copy notes for my test tomorrow.
"what Sebastian do to you?" Adrianna says in a semi angry tone

"he's allowing a girl to get really touchy with him and they're always together when I appear, just before I came her I saw her kiss his cheek and place his hand on her waist," I say while copying the notes
"Oh hell no that's not acceptable you want me to talk to him or you?" Adrianna says while erasing

"No I'll ask him just privately this school is really fucking nosy when it comes to everything, remember how they thought that you were pregnant but you just bought the test for a friend," I say while opening my book
"yeah I remember, yeah talk to him privately but you better talk to him"

"I will I promise," I say while sighing

After math class, i make a left and turn to see Sebastian kiss her hand and they cite Shakespeare  and laughed I lean against the wall then sigh to myself one of Sebastian's friends comes up to me

"Hey I know you're in love with Sebastian but he'll say anything to get into your pants, once a cheater always a cheater, be careful okay you're actually a girl that I actually like him with" he says why patting my shoulder
"Okay, thank you" I nod slowly I then walk up to Sebastian and he smiles thinking I'm going to hug him I just stand in front of him
"Well that was cruel damn" he says while frowning a little "you okay?"
"Yeah I just need to ask you something" I say while folding my arms across my chest
"Okay what about?"

I grab him by the wrist and take him outside where no one else can hear out conversation and become nosy
"What are you and that girl? Is she your side hoe or something? Just tell me the truth so I know where we stand"
"Skye she's a friend in my classes I promise I love you and only you" he says while placing his hand on my waist
"Prove it" I say whole folding my arms
"I will ill do everything to prove it to you" he says while kissing my cheeks so many times , I fake a smile so he can leave me alone then I push him playfully
"Get off of me you gay bitch, I gotta go to my next class"

"I love you!" He yells
"Love you too" I say to him loud enough for him to hear

Sebastian pov
I walk inside then I see Madison looking at me with a confused face
"Y'all okay?" She says while unzipping my jacket
I push her hand off "no she thinks I'm cheating on her because of you"
"That's not really all my fault, I thought she was okay with it because you let it happen" she says whole frowning up at me.

"Yeah you're right , from now on don't be all touchy touchy on me"
"Didn't you started off dating her for sex then to get over tori so what is it now?" She says while standing back a little

"I'm starting to love her"

Skye pov
I need someone to vent to and taehyung is best option he always listens to me, I FaceTime him then I feel my tears about to come out

"Hey Skye how are you?" He says in a soft comforting tone
"I'm managing, how was your concert?" I say while sighing a little
"No no Skye let me see your face" he says softly
I put them camera on my face then i look at him "taehyung I look to ugly to look at you"
"No you look beautiful as always crying doesn't make you ugly it makes you strong, did he hurt you?"

"No but I just know he lied straight to my face" I say while wiping my face
"He's so stupid, look listen honestly I'm going to be really honest with you, you can do better way better so if he did lied to you don't go lock yourself up in a room and slip into depression okay? Because I'm here and your best friends are here, we're here to lift you up so you be the boss person you are and leave him in the past. You're too damn pretty and a good person to stay with someone like that, believe me when I say this you can do better"

"Okay taehyung thank you I'll talk to you later I faked and told the teacher I had to throw up"
"Just to talk to me? You're so sweet Skye!" He says while smiling
"Ahh shut up you're a really good friend to me"
" i try "
"Thank you taehyung" I smile slightly
"Okay I'll let you leave , bye Skye"

He hangs up and I head straight into my class

Finally school ended and I could go home and rest all of this Sebastian problems are clouding my judgement and I need to focus on my test tomorrow. I walk up to my locker and I open it to see roses inside my locker I smile slightly then I see the card, I grab the card and smile brightly then I place it in my bag.

"I'm glad you like it" I feel him speak into my neck
"How long did it take you?"
" I lied and told my teacher and my principal that today I had to pick up my little siblings" he says while kissing my neck
"You're too cute" I say while picking up the flowers
"You wanna go to a party today with me? , it's my best friends birthday" he says while leaning against the locker next to me

"Sure , I don't mind, but I can't stay long I have a math test tomorrow" I say while patting his chest
"Yes ma'am, I'll bring you back before 12am"
"You better if you don't you're never getting back to top of being on my good side" I say while walking towards my car

"Oh I'm getting there?" He says with a smile
"Yea slowly"

I arrive at home and I see my mom cleaning the house I frown up and just walk upstairs I get there and I see an outfit on my bed with a letter attached to it.

~hey baby , I bought you this outfit btw I know your style you dress comfy but somehow you still dress sexy I don't know how you do it but anyways here you go and I can't wait to see you tonight I love you
~love Sebastian

I smile then look at what he bought me , oh he knows how I love my cropped long sleeve shirts , and it's in my favorite color I look at the shows he bought me and I roll my eyes

"How was he so lucky to find these damn shoes?" I say while placing them on the bed
"Tiatia!" I hear a little baby voice call me

I turn around and see my nephew running in I pick him up then softly slam him on the bed while blowing on his tummy

"Hey my handsome man how was school?"
"Good! I colored an elephant for you tia!" He hands me the coloring page of an elephant and surprisingly he colors better than me

"Wow Papi this is beautiful Ima hang it up look" I get off the bed then hang it up above my computer "everytime I'm stress I'll think of you my handsome!" I say while tickling him he starts kicking and throwing his hand back on the bed giggling so hard . His dad then walks in and clears his throat. I pick him up and tell him to go to his mama

"So you still don't want me?" He says while closing the door and locking it
"No James I don't , you have a wife and a beautiful son why do you want me?"
"I've always wanted you Skye , just realize it you wanna be with me" he says while stepping closer to me
"I don't think want you dude get the fuck away from me , stop trying to make my sister turn on me" I say while grabbing my taser

"Come here" he grabs me by the waist and tries to rip my shirt but I tase him causing him to fall to his knees I run for the door but he grabs me by the foot then he pulls me causing me to fall and hit my head on the carpet he then rips my jeans off with my panties and puts his finger in me , I start crying a little bit but then I remember I gotta be strong , I grab my lamp and hit him right in the back of his head then I run to my sister crying really hard.

"Skye what happened?" She says while holding me by my head "what happened to your clothes?"
"Your...your...husband tried to rape me..." I say weakly as I try to regain my breath, she caresses my head and kisses it as well rocking me back and forth

"Mom can you take Damien please?"
"Of course honey" Damien then grabs my moms fingers and they walk into a room and she locks it , I look up and see him coming downstairs with a busted lip my sister then gets up and punches the shit out of him in the jaw

"How dare you try to rape my sister?!" She says while folding her arms across her chest
"Babe, she wanted me to fuck her, she's had a crush on me since we were small , she's crazy" he says while holding her hands , my sister then let's go and slaps him

"I don't believe a word you say, for months I've been believing you betraying my sister but she is family and she would never lie to me, from here on out stay away from me only be here for Damien so pack your shit I'll be sending you the divorce papers later for you to sign" she walks over towards me and lifts me up then takes me to my room as I cry all over her chest

"Shhhh big sister has you okay, I'm sorry I let it get this for and I know saying I'm sorry isn't going to cut it but you're my baby sister and I love you so much , I was so blindly into him that I forgot how good of a woman you are , I blamed you I love you Skye I'll take care of you better I promise" I nod my head slightly then she kisses my head softly.

After an hour of crying I finally decided to get dressed my sister told me I shouldn't go to a party after what just happened but I promised Sebastian . As I tie my shoes I get a text from Sebastian.

We finally make it to the party and I see everyone smoking and drinking making out with each other twerking on each other . Is this the so called "raging party " that people said I missed out on. I hear some say hi to Sebastian and I look at them

"This my girlfriend Skye she's probably in her own little world " he says while grabbing my face
"Oh hi I'm Skye " i say as they both say hi to me
"Sebastian is a crazy one at parties make sure to not lose him I'm telling you honey my brother real crazy " one girl says while squinting at him

"Man go somewhere I'm not gunna get drunk, unless we playing drunk twister or some shit" he says jokingly
"Well you go ahead and get drunk I finally get to drive your car" I say while grabbing onto his arms , he starts kissing my forehead multiple times, as we're walking in the kitchen I sit on the bar stool looking at him.

He's cute to me and he treats me right it's just he's trying so hard to change but like his friend said once a player always a player

"What you want to drink? since I know you hate alcohol" he says while poring alcohol in his cup
"Pepsi" I say while playing with my fingers

As he's pouring it someone bumps into him but he keeps it from spilling in a nice cover
"Yo watch where you going!" He says while handing me my drink, he turns around and frown as he sees who is it

"Madison?" He says in a confused way
"Oh hey Sebastian , hi Skye , oh Skye I meant to talk to you bout something Sebastian and I aren't a thing okay he's all yours I'm sorry for getting too touchy I just thought it was fine by you I didnt mean to make it like I was his side hoe okay?"she says while patting my shoulder   Softly

"Thank you for the apology" I say with a slight smile, she then walks away and leaves Sebastian and I alone
"Im sorry I really didnt know she's was going to be here "
"Hey it's okay, you guys probably have the same friend in common, it happens"

After a couple of minutes Sebastian is drunk as hell playing beer pong and now he's somewhere I can't find him I tried to follow him everywhere he goes but the crowd is huge and I'm tiny not a good combo . I decided to stay on the couch outside away from the noise and wreak smell of alcohol.

"Hey where's your boyfriend?" I hear on of the girls say to me
"Probably playing some drunk game I really tried to follow him but I'm short so I lost him" I sigh softly
"He's probably playing drunk twister"
"Most likely , with his crazy ass" I say while drinking my Pepsi , and now I gotta pee

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask softly
"It should be the 2nd door right hand side , i don't know it's been so long since I been to this house, but it should be that one "
"Thank you I'll be back" I say while getting up

I get inside then push through the crowd to go up stairs I really have to pee so badly I open the second door slowly to see Sebastian and Madison making out as she takes off his shirt, she then giggles and proceeds to take her clothes off

"Hm I haven't fucked in so long and Skye won't give it to me" I hear Sebastian say
"Do you love her?" She asks
"No she was just my bang and leave, ugh shut up and just fuck me" I close the door softly as I feel my heart shattering into a million pieces I feel the tears pouring out my eyes

"Mmm fuck daddy!" I hear her yelp
"Yea take daddies dick baby" I hear him groan, I run downstairs pushing everyone out the way, no one in that party cared that I was hurt they were probably too drunk to care , except that girl I was talking to outside , she was calling my name but I just kept running , I ran to the nearest bus stop and sat down then started to bawl my eyes out they say when you're drunk the feelings that you were afraid to say when you're sober just comes out cause they want too. And that's how he saw me as a fuck toy. I see the bus arrive and it comes to a complete stop and I hop in it , I start to pull out my money but the bus driver stops me

"You look like you're having a rough day , it's okay keep your money I only have three people anyways" he says while smiling
"No no , this is your job you need to get paid so here" I hand him the money but he folds in back in my hand
"Take a seat darling" he says with a bigger smile , I nod my head then I sigh and sit down why does everything bad happens to me? I mean in honest this is my fault because I shouldn't have moved to fast and expected so much to come from him.

After all he is a player

I make it to my stop and I thank the man again then start walking to the park where I grew up at , where my sister and I would just dance around and pretend we were scientists and dancers just letting out imagination run wild .

That's when life was simple. Now it's never going to be the same

I place my phone in my pocket as I lean against a tree star gazing up at the sky , sometimes I just wish the universe could just stop and pause for a minute and give me something good at least for a day , maybe even a minute, just so I can have some hope or joy that I'm going to be okay.

I wish I was okay

Taehyung pov
After our concert I decided to order room service because I am starving , Jimin walks into my room and turns off the tv then looks at me with a conceded face

"What?" I say puzzled like
"Are you okay?" Jimin says while raising on of his eyebrows
"Yeah why?" I say while looking at the order menu
"You know what I mean, the girl are you okay with what you said to her? You deserve someone better is that better you?" Jimin says softly, I look up at him and as I'm bout to say something room service knocks at the door and I give him a slight smile and walk towards the door.

"Thank you" I say while handing them the money then I grab my food and close the door
"Taehyung?" Jimin says in a concern tone
"Yes , that's what I meant but it's not going to happen not the way this company is set up" I say while eating

Oh Skye how I wish you were mine, you really do deserve better but maybe it's time I let you be with someone else than me, I guess I'm done being in the friend zone , I'm just going to be your best friend.

Skye pov
As I finish bawling my eyes out I grab my phone and call my speed dial number
"Hello?" They say in a deep tone
"Taehyung?, he slept with her and he used me as a toy" I say while sobbing
"Wow hey hey where are you ?" He says softly but deep down inside I can hear the anger building up in him
"I'm at this park that I grew up at" I say while sniffling

"Okay I'm on my way" he says
"Wait what?, you're in town?" I say while pushing my hair behind my ears
"No but I will be in 45 minutes" he says as I hear him put the car in ignition
"Taehyung, it's okay you can just talk to me " I say while sniffling
"No im coming I'll see you there" he says , before I could reply he hangs up

45 minutes pass by and I'm curled up in a ball sobbing my eyes out until I feel a jacket over me I flinch and see it's taehyung looking down upon me

"It's okay I'm here" he says while caressing the side of my head "I'm here Skye " , I put the jacket on me then I hug him tightly around his neck while sobbing on his shoulder as he caresses my back.

At least I got that one moment that I'd know everything would be okay ..

Thank you for being there for me Kim Taehyung.

•Authors note•

This is maybe the longest chapter I've ever done lol wow but I'm proud of it maybe I'll do longer chapters if you guys enjoy those idk , I feel like no one reads anymore but who cares at least I got maybe 2 or 3 that's all that matters . So where do Skye and Tae stand now?

Do you think now Skye will like Tae even though Tae stopped liking her?
Or do you think Tae will never stop liking Skye? , Jimin lowkey ships them that's why he kept asking him lol well anywhos bye and I love you all. I'll try to update more I'm just busy with trying to go to college🙄💕

•hey ! Don't act like you didn't see me, you hurt my feelings🤧 but if I have any grammatical errors let me know here! Bye🙊

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