
Zarkon decide not to ask for help from the Alteans and Nalquod. Of course Alteans got wind what's happening because a soldier got a look at the planet. After that they went their own ways. The war continue and they got an good chance now. Zarkon had married an Altean. No one was against it that much but didn't trust honvera. Thanks to an experiment gone during an attack because alfor and his team came in. They had immortal life so here we are 10,000,000 years later. The war still going but each had an allies.

Alfor decide after new 4 paladins were chosen to stop the war of course many people weren't happy with making peace with the galra let alone any of the others but alfor inated.
"You know we don't have to "said shiro
Shiro was the new black paladin and wasn't sure about it but alfor knew he didn't mind as long as the war stops. They were in the conference room with the other leaders. They are about call zarkon who agreed to call his allies leader together.
"I know but I know they have a dark version of voltron and their paladins are believe to be half breeds so they could look like anything plus zarkon,trigel and gyrgan have a similar or the same personality as a black,green and yellow paladins if they try there probably a good chance that they can become paladins. We need them for a lot of things. We can't go on without a new red paladin I can't fly it anymore and even if galra, Rygnirath, Dalterion" said alfor
"Glad you think that way "
Alfor turned to see trigel then looked down to see coran and said "coran" 
"We are on a schedule "said coran 
"He's right but do you know that we have different times" smiled trigel
"Oh well should i call back later said alfor embarrassed that he didn't remember that.
Or better never" smiled trigel
"I am guessing your not into this alliance" frowned blaytz
"Yup, I rather kiss alfor or zarkon and gyrgan then this alliance. But the empire has 3 parts but Keith kinda is a leader since he does do a lot of lotor paper work and his own work. Oh lotor is zarkon son, by far the oldest plus he is the leader of the empire hybrid. And hagger is the 2nd since she has a higher rank but you might call know hagger as honvera "smiled trigel
"Seriously zarkon agree to it" said lance
"No, Keith was away so he couldn't vote and hagger and lotor voted to the alliance. Thanks to quintessence lotor was able to live this long he is a 10,000,000 year old who looks like a 16. Next is Celeste who is 9,998. Nyx and ace are twins that are 6,000 years old. Second youngest is kor at 18 and the youngest is Elizabeth who is 6. A huge gap in ages. The reason why I told you that is because you need to know that plus the sibling all voted expect kor who was with Keith. Now Keith is a human galra hybrid who looks completely human so don't be surprise to see a human in galra uniform and keith is 18, same with acxa and ezor. Zethrid , narti are 20. not all galra or half breed are old. There a lot of things you need to know but I am sure someone will fill you in "said trigel keeping a neutral face the whole time
"Well we are happy you told us "smiled melenor
"Not really, zarkon told me to say it if you call early" frowned trigel
"Of course, he would know the time difference "groaned alfor
"Everyone knew, you guys didn't check unlike us "frowned trigel
"Well bye" sighed alfor then he ended the call.
"Trigel isn't going to be easy "said pidge
"Neither will be zarkon and gyrgan might be little easy but something about trigel reminds me of a different person "sighed alfor then he remember something and look at blaytz and said "blaytz" You know your my best friend
"What is it" frowned blaytz
"She said she wouldnt kiss me,gyrgan or zarkon but she never said she wouldnt kiss you "smiled alfor
"Alfor, seriously she might have forgotten or just want us to get in trouble "frowned blaytz
"Just ask her to dance at the ball if she comes, that's all I am asking and I know she might not know how to dance but you never know anyways if you feel like kissing her and she looks like she wants it, just know I wouldn't care "said alfor
"Oh god, the one time you don't care is the time when you need it "groaned blaytz
"At least try to get to know her, same with the others maybe zarkon as well" said lil
"Fine but you have to try as well "said blaytz
"Okay" said lil

"Wait that was trigel "said pidge

"Yes why" asked Alfor

"She,gyrgan and zarkon sneak in once and she got the green,yellow and black lion shield down and I saw another person. He looked human from what I could see I think that was keith, he got the red lion shield down" said pidge with horror on her face

"No, that can't be they already have their paladins "shouted blaytz

"Blaytz as long as the one that the lion connected to agree to let someone else pilot it doesn't matter if they are connect or not "whispered Alfor it was loud enough to hear

"They wanted to see what they could do......that's why we can't attack the ships they are romubur to be on, they are connected. Well now we know the good chance is true" said pidge

"Oh god, we must make sure now that they agree to the alliance and get close to them" groaned blaytz
"Well, I don't mind getting close to them. I met Keith once and sure he is guarded I guess you can call it that but he is a lot like alfor "whispered hunk
"What" yelled allura
"What do you mean a lot like me asked alfor curious at the fact hunk said that Well he ran straight in without a plan and from what the others said he does that a lot and zarkon said he is a lot like you" said hunk
"Wait you met zarkon and I am guessing the others are trigel, gyrgan and never told us "frowned pidge
"It was before we were paladins and besides it wasn't trigel and gyrgan. It was lotor and his generals. From what I saw the one with big ears is zethrid. the pink one is ezor, the one with no eyes narti and the blue one acxa. He is the only boy but ezor said to me Keith was originally part of the group before things happen leading him to leave the group and go on his own. I know they are all half breed because ezor has yellow in her eyes same with zethrid that and according to ezor her other side female aren't tall like she is. Acxa has yellow in her eyes and her skin if you have a very good colour sight has purple in it. Narti is....Well you can tell by her height nothing else she is mute and she looks through her cat eyes. Keith told me when I ask will she be alright. Keith eye colour tells you that he is galra. He isn't tall in human height, he look completely human but one of the enemies made him angry and when he looked back his hand went into some short of claws, yellow in his eyes, teeth shaper and he had purple in some parts of his face. Never get him that angry apparently it only happens when he is really upset with what is said. Lotor is obvisely the easy, he doesn't look like his parents but purple skin, white hair and his mother is honvera and father zarkon. Everyone knows he is a Altean galra hybrid by sight "said hunk
"Honvera and zarkon had a child "whispered alfor
"Yes, when I asked about him being the oldest, Keith just smiled and said we are not even close to his age but allura is 19 years older then him soo you can guess his age" frowned hunk
"What about the others" said alfor
"I don't know and they just left except for Keith who guided me home once I told him where I lived. Keith is nothing like the others it's scary one minute he is easy to read the next he is hard to read and he doesn't have a super hearing or anything like the others but he comment that there is always that one secret no one needs to know. I think he has one but no one not even lotor or anyone who knows him knows and he said it with a smirk and a dark look. I don't know why but I find him more scary then zarkon or anyone" said hunk
"Hunk, did y-" said alfor before a call answer or not came up on the screen. He looked at the clock, time flew by. Alfor answered it to see a lot of people it was estimate zarkon had 20 allies not counting Rygnirath and Dalterion belt.
" something wrong you look like you seen a ghost" said zarkon
"Oh sorry it just...i knew you had a son but honvera is the mother, I know trigel might have said that eailer but still "sighed alfor
"Well I get why you might not have thought honvera was the mother since most people call her hagger and if you are wondering why he is living so long, honvera was pregnant with him when the incident happened" said zarkon
"Is she there "asked alfor
"No, we have a 6 year old might I say I am regretting agreeing to have another child" groaned zarkon
"Well she seems to like the idea of having another child "
"Oh Keith, your here but how "asked zarkon
"Well you know I get a feeling everytime someone talks about me and I am guessing since I met the yellow paladin hunk before. I am guessing it was him" said Keith he walk towards zarkon while saying that when he was beside him and finished he said with a smile" you should be more worry about whether honvera wants another child or not "
"Please tell she doesn't "sighed zarkon
"She doesn't I just wanted to see your reaction" smiled Keith
"I swear Keith Your going to be the death of me" said zarkon
"I know now what is going on" smiled Keith
"Zarkon did you not tell them just so you can't lose a vote" smirk trigel
"Can you blame me" said zarkon
"Keith , can you go and get hagger and lotor if they aren't there. Get one of his generals and sibling or if there isn't one of lotor generals get two siblings" smiled trigel
"Okay, see you later "smiled Keith and he left.
"He seems different" said hunk
"Well if he knows the person well or likes a person he will be nice and no I don't mean like like I mean he thinks your a good person but he sometimes can get annoyed at someone and take it out on someone else "smiled trigel
"Well about the alliance, are we ending the war or keep it going" asked Alfor
"Well we need all of us and believe it or not we don't treat halfbreeds or druids like a lower class so unless we want a lecture from Keith. Trust when I say you don't want a lecture from him" sighed trigel
"How do you know Keith" asked alfor
"Hmm i know him since he was a child, you see Keith is a son of a second in camond krolia and a human name Texas kogane so yeah. His younger sister looks galra so we guessed galra human hybrids that are male take their human side in looks and female takes the galra side in looks. Keith mind is a lot like a galra and kor, Keith younger sister is more human in a way" smiled trigel
"Is it true hybrids is that what you call half breeds have powers" asked alfor
"Some have more strength it depends on the person really" answered trigel
"What about Keith and kor "asked alfor

" kor's powers aren't really nice so she got a sense of enjoyment now for violence. Keith.....He doesn't seem to have powers but I read a diary and found out he has powers. His father was descendant from a druid so he ask his great great grandmother for help. Keith was cursed not to be able to use it.......but kor said she had seem him do weird things with words plus he use druids magic a couple of times. You probably never get to the truth, you may find some truth but in the end I have known him since he was a baby and I never know what excellently what he is thinking I know he is thinking somewhere in the line but not the point" frowned trigel

"Point" asked pidge
"You know the source, not the outer, the source" answered trigel
"I don't get it" frowned pidge
"It took me a while and I mean a while to get it as well but I get it now "said trigel
"Okay and- "said pidge before a women come in and said "zarkon did you really tried to push us out of this "
"Ooh someone in trouble" said a girl in a song voice
"Be quiet kor" said the woman
'Soo that's kor' thought alfor she looked was tall about the same height as Keith, she does look galra but you can see she is menatly human unlike her brother even if a short look at him you can tell he is about more galra. She had pink strip going now her hair. Her hair was short about to her shoulder it actually surprisely suited her. Her face didn't look similar to Keith. He could guess her face looks like her father since Keith face looked kinda female. He shouldn't be guessing but it's noticbal.
Kor was probably the first one who actually smiled with it reaching her eyes.
"Soo your the famous alfor "smiled kor alfor tried to remember her voice it was normal kind but it still stood out. In fact the voice from everyone in the empire alliance had an regure voice but stood out.
"Anyways good to see you again alf I mean alfor" said the woman
"Wait" said alfor he knows that voice it may be rusty in a way but he still remember. He said "honvera "
"Its hagger now" said the woman and she took her hood down she seem to age unlike everyone else.
"Thanks to my work with quintessence and using druids magic it cause me to age" smiled honvera
"Soo are we getting this done acxa is already on my back "sighed a man, he was tall with purple skin but had white hair and Altean eyes
"Who "asked pidge. She heard who Acxa but why is he getting in trouble with her.
"One of my generals" said the man
"And girlfriend "smirked zarkon
"Shut up dad" said the man with a blush that when it hit alfor and the others they were talking to lotor, Prince of the galra.
"Soo are we getting this done I have a planet to run "frowned a woman
"Kijji, all of us do "frowned gyrgan
"But do you have quintessence beast attacking it "asked kijji
"She has a point "said trigel
"Well who wants to make peace with them" frowned zarkon
Nearly everyone put their hands up but to alfor surprise zarkon and trigel didn't put their hands up but it looked like nobody on that side was surprised by them. Alfor smiled a little when he saw gyrgan had his hand up with a smile. He saw lotor,kor and honvera with their hands up and smile at them which kor return.
"So it's seems like there will be peace "smiled gyrgan
"Some people don't "frowned blaytz
Gyrgan laugh and said" it's just some have a lot of pride they rather not give it up even for a second which is why you should be careful on what you say to the galra and dalteions" 
"Okay so when can we start the experiment on quintessence that you have" asked alfor
"Your choice but just so you know us galra don't look the same if you couldn't tell" said zarkon
"Yes some were hairy others were scaley "said alfor they were surprise by how different the galra look now.
"Well when do we start "asked trigel
"Tomorrow we have enough room to room you all now, believe it or not" answered alfor
"Okay "said zarkon
"Bye" smiled alfor
He ended and looked to see people looking at him and said "why didn't you ask us to vote" 
"You already voted plus they had theirs in private and we already announced our plan they didn't. Their people know but since they weren't all there when there were votes they had to do it again "explained alfor
"So they knew already which voted what because we had announced it" sighed pidge
"Well yes but pidge I know you heard bad things about trigel But she knows a lot and she loved sharing her love for knowledge. She wanted to become a scientist or a least somewhere in that line. Her father was the king so she had to become the princess. My father kill her father and her brother who was the heir to the throne so she became the heir. She was only 10 when that happened we use to be friends til my father decare war. All because her father wouldn't marry her to me. I am 3 years older then her the thought was something I didn't like because if we were to get married it probably be by daltion law. Daltions law says as long as the male and female is 16 or older they can get married "said alfor
"Soo was she married off "asked lance
"No not a chance her parents believe that marriage is something between people who love each other. Her mother wouldn't marry her but trigel seems to hate me now and I don't blame her since I always did what I was told. Believe it or not trigel sometimes didn't listen or do what she was told, I told her, we would probably grow to love each other if not we would get divcore. I had completely forgotten about dalton only gets married once unless it's seriously nesscary" said alfor
"So what about zarkon and gyrgan I saw a picture of the five of you but i thought someone photo shop it "asked pidge
"Zarkon kept me out of trouble but like gyrgan he sided with trigel. Gyrgan kept me feed if he thought i didn't eat much. They were great friends. Blaytz was more close with trigel then with me back then, I was surprised when he sided with me since we use to always fight" smiled alfor
"So you think we can trust them" asked shiro
"No, not really we don't know what lotor generals are like and it's hard to read zarkon and the others. They show emotions but it's not always the emotions they are feeling so the chances are only gyrgan would be the easiest to read. The generals from what we saw of them Keith would be since Keith seems to cause the most trouble for them. We haven't seen the others but they would have brought said something like your worse then whoever wouldn't they" said alfor
"Keith huh, we are are going to have fun from this" smiled veronica. Veronica is part of earth defence with James,ina ,Ryan and Nadia.
"What do you mean "asked sanda. She was earth defender leader.
"Keith is both so he has to at least listen to you since he is both so he has a choice to who he follows but he still has to listen to what you want to say" smiled veronica
"I never thought of that, verconia your a genius" smiled pidge
"Doesn't mean, he will" frowned blaytz
"But if he is human, sloth could be his deadly sin "said pidge
"Deadly sin" asked alfor
"Humanity greatest sin, there is 7 in totally but they are different in some cultures. Pride, envy, sloth,lust, gluttony, greed and wrath. So let's hope that none are wrath" said pidge
"Zethrid seems to enjoy pain well they all in some way but zethrid can get angry easily" said hunk uncomfortably
"Great, there is what 7 of them "sighed alfor
"8, she isnt a half breed in a way but according to ezor who is probably the nicest talked about kor and nyx. We somewhat meet kor. Nyx is the daughter of an galra druid hybrid name Lunar and a Altean name Liam so she is either has 33.3% of all three or she is 25% druid, 25% galra and 50% Altean" said hunk
"They are powerful but why did they tell you this" asked alfor
"They said that we can't fight forever" answered hunk
"They don't really go onto the front lines "frowned pidge. They never seen them on the front line.
"That's because those who are mix like Keith, us humans are on the Altean side while he is part galra. There isn't just galra hybrids. I seen a dalton Altean hybrid, they can't be on the front line while they are both "explained hunk
"I never thought about that, sure I know a lot of people who got married to a different species but I never thought about those children who are both and has to listen to both sides. We don't treated hybrids right that why they aren't taking our side" said alfor. He knew they shouldn't treat hybrid that way but he let it continue.
"It doesn't matter we need to get along with all of them including them" said allura
"Allura, can you decide who your parents are" asked melenor
"No" answered allura
"So how can the hybrids be blame for something they can't control "frowned melenor. Melenor was one of a 50% of people who didn't care about blood. There's a lot of hybrids thanks to the alliance bring people together.
"Still they...... nearly kill you" sighed allura
"No, zarkon,gyrgan and trigel nearly kill me. You just want to blame someone, I know alfor I shouldn't be hard but allura, you are trying to control everything when you can't. Allura, lotor wasn't born and keith and kor  wasn't even close to being born, we don't know about the other 4 , please at least give them a chance. Liam did and he got married to a girl called......lunar" frowned melenor til she realise that nyx could be her grandchild
"Oh god" said alfor
"Liam wouldnt  sure we haven't heard from him in 18 years but......oh my god I could have a neice "said allura
"We will met tomorrow at the landing area now everyone go" sighed alfor and they all left except for the paladins, blaytz, allura and melenor.
Alfor called zarkon and after a couple of rings zarkon answered and asked" is there a problem"
"Is nyx father, my son" asked alfor
"Yes, nyx is your grandchild and before you go why didn't  you tell me, we were at war plus I felt it wasn't my place" answered zarkon
"There is something else isn't there" asked melenor
"Now Liam and lunar approved of him" said zarkon
"Him" asked allura
"Keith and nyx are dating" said zarkon
"Your kidding right like I admit he isn't bad looking but stil. We have to get to know him" said allura
"No you don't, I get you are related but in these cases you have no right on who your grandchild or niece date. She is 18, yes she is that old but I am saying if Keith doesn't talk to you it's normal he hates not knowing what is going on. Thanks to his job, he normal is inside luckily nyx sometimes helps. So even if you are looking for him chances are he would either be working or doing the once a week thing where he and some others go down to the children for an hour or two and play with them" said zarkon
"Oh well, so there isn't a chance of getting to know him" said alfor
"No, usually he gets help from the scienceist for things. He is smart, he doesn't show or care but his best subject is actually biology. His is great at myths and legends. Those three are the only one he let show and his social skills are real if he doesn't know the person he will either be rude or avoid talking to them so I am sure one of his teammates or us will help you with that. Acxa is the same, she is Keith cousin and their  mothers are twins so don't be surprise to see that they are similar in both faces and personality. But if you need help with biology and myths and legends it's best to go to Keith. It saves your time of acxa being stubborn and trying to find the answer" smiled zarkon
"Great and we need help with something that involves all three" sighed alfor
Zarkon head tilt and said "would you prefer if I send him now and have him stay there. I can get one of his teammates to get his stuff and bring it tommorrow "
"Wait seriously" asked alfor surprise that zarkon would do that.
"Sure, he usually gets up eailer then anyone plus when he is needed he works faster so I am sure he wouldn't mind helping since people underestimates a lot so doing this and bring ask to help actually puts his confidence up" smiled zarkon
"Is it because he is small "asked lance
"No well yes but also he is emontially. No he doesn't hint but he has trouble on expecing his emotions and it annoy him" explained zarkon

The door open from zarkon side and he could hear music. He let zarkon talk to the servant when he left he asked "what was that "

"Oh well human magic is quite popular, so yeah and someone put wine into the grape juice so we are working on that" answered zarkon 

"What song is on "asked Alfor 

"Chasing the sun by the wanted" answered zarkon 

"It must be popular if you remember "smirked Alfor

"I have to approve the songs that goes on or Keith does soo" smiled zarkon 

"True but if there is a party don't take Keith away" smiled Alfor 

"He is always the first to leave so it's okay besides he can refuse" smiled zarkon 

"True see you soon zarkon" smiled Alfor 

"You too" smiled zarkon and the call was ended 

"He really wants this alliance to work huh "said blaytz 

"That's a good thing now lets inform the landing people" said Alfor 

They left to go to the landing area

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