In one of the buildings there is a girl wearing a beautiful and worn white dress stained with blood, she using a medicine cabinet from her infirmary treats her wounds the best she can, and she is hungry and thirsty, the beauty of this girl is incomparable and you will wonder who is that beautiful woman who is hidden, wounded and surrounded by the enemy? If it's me, Zumwalt.
After escaping the empire Sakura Akagi and whoever her accomplices sent the siren ships to capture us, which I told Sheffield to take Akashi and Edinburg and run away, eventually I offered myself as a decoy, then diverted attention from the enemy fleet, I would flee, however, which does not take into account that mass production destroyers, cruisers, siren aircraft carriers overwhelmed me with thousands of ships and planes managing to seriously damage me and I also had to waste my ammunition in order to survive, so now I am trapped here on this island, now I just have to survive until help arrives.
It is the sound of a first generation plane flying on patrol, without a doubt that plane is looking for me.
Me: I don't know what that cube is, but if they are hunting me with all their might, then it must be something very important to them.
I continued disinfecting my wounds, for a while they made me moan in pain, after all the alcohol burns when it comes into contact with the wound.
Me: God, my leg is badly damaged, I don't know how I managed to run here.
I had been on pain relievers and antibiotics to prevent infection and to ease the pain.
Enterprise: What !? Zumwalt is trapped and dead-end by the enemy !?
After the Sheffield spy group arrived and reported the serious situation, Enterprise is somewhat upset.
Sheffield: I did not say that the enemy has caught Zumwalt, I said that she is surrounded, however, she is hidden on that island. So I don't think she will last more than 3 more days, besides she is very badly injured.
Enterprise: Then we should organize a rescue mission!
QE: Wait! Don't be reckless, we should first build a fleet to ...
Enterprise: (hits the table with her fists) By then she will be dead or captured! You know very well what kinds of things they will do to her! Do not? Most especially her weapons and far superior technology, she would become an experiment for siren, sorry, but I cannot allow a friend of mine to be a victim of those horrendous siren.
Wales: Enterprise.
QE: (sigh) Okay, I'll organize as quickly as I can a fleet of my faction to accompany you.
Enterprise: Thank you. Cleveland!
Cleveland: Yes!
Enterprise: Organize a fleet for the rescue operation, the fleet has to be ready to sail at least within 12 hours.
Cleveland: Right away.
Cleveland storms out of the room to organize the rescue.
QE: Belfast, a favor.
Belfast: Yes, as your Majesty orders.
Belfast also leaves the room to organize a fleet for the rescue.
Enterprise: Well let's start this emergency briefing.
Everyone present nods their heads as Enterprise continues with her explanation.
Enterprise: (Pointing to a map on the desk) Well as you know the enemy has surrounded the entire island, it is estimated that there are 30 battleships, 70 cruisers, 30 destroyers and 7 aircraft carriers all of siren origin and mass produced.
QE: We must not forget also the ships of the Sakura Empire. Good Sheffield. How many empire ships are there?
Sheffield: According to the latest Zumwalt report, there are the Shokaku-class, Fuso-class, Takao-class, one Fubuki-class destroyer, and 7 mass-production Fuso-class battleships.
Enterprise: Is there something else?
Sheffield: Yes, she also informed me about their positions.
Sheffield on the desk puts a map showing the enemy positions which is actually a giant photo taken by Zumwalt's drone at a great height, this photo surprised everyone due to its sharp quality.
Enterprise: OMG this photo.
Wales: I've never seen this kind of photo before.
Sheffield: (fake cough) EJEM! Let's not divert the subject.
Enterprise: Ah, excuse me, we don't have time to be surprised, well continuing, we should divide the fleet in two, one larger than the other.
Wales: I understand.
Enterprise: The larger fleet will decoy the enemy fleet away from the island, then the smaller fleet using marine camouflage will try to infiltrate enemy territory and rescue our captive.
QE: Hmmmm, I think it's a good idea, although I don't think the enemy will fall for this, after all, that's very classic, everyone already knows about these kinds of tactics.
Enterprise: Remember that the mannequin tactic is very classic and all snipers being novices and professionals fall for this classic decoy. As you see it is a simple but unbreakable spell.
QE: Hmmmm, (sigh) Well this is a state of emergency so we'll do it your way.
At that, Enterprise comes up with an idea.
Enterprise: I also want my little sister to come with me.
QE: And that for what?
Enterprise: There is a bad joke that I want to play the fifth division, ha ha Well that's it, the session to the fleet will be reserved and they will be informed on the way, that's all, the session is adjourned.
After this statement they all ran out to make preparations before setting sail.
My body hurts, I am hungry and thirsty, 29 days had passed since I was cornered, the enemy was breaking doors or destroying buildings, I have been constantly moving and holding my pains in order to continue fleeing and safeguarding my life, in stock I only have 10 AGS shells, 5 Tomahawk missiles, 10 ESSM and 10 ASROC missiles, my CIGS are out of ammunition, I have used all my resources in refueling, but they were insufficient, my meals were transformed to keep my engines running, since without them It would be fried, after all, the gas turbines maintained the electricity that allowed my radars, weapons systems to work and now I was without resources and on this island flooded by the sea there was nothing, not even fish to fish.
Me: I'm salty. I hope they already come for me.
It was a sound that a Kansen was near and was sailing and then there was a sound that that Kansen enters the building that I am.
The sounds also increased.
Me: Damn, it's not just one, it's several (Listening to the sound) I think it's 3 or 4.
I quickly turn on the electronic warfare antenna and hide behind the door, waiting until the last moment to attack, in case they retreated I would do nothing.
Z23: Hey, don't be reckless, don't get ahead of yourself.
Z1: Don't worry, no one can fight Z1-sama.
From their voices I could infer who was who, and luckily I considered Z23 and many of the Iron Blood ships as the best and that is why in the game he always had them at higher levels than the rest of Kansen.
Z2: According to intelligence, we only need to register this building.
Z23: Hey, have you seen Eugen?
Z2: Yes, she was very serious, if it weren't for Akashi, she would have died.
Z1: Hmmm? How bad was it?
Z23: You are a bad compatriot. How is it possible that you haven't visited Eugen?
Z1: Sorry, I was doing a report, Eugen kept nagging me about it, that's why I was so busy.
Z23: (Sigh) Well, it can't be helped, Hey Z1 check what's behind the door.
Me: (damn)
Z1: Yes!
I braced myself to land a good blow at Z1 and then assault the other two Z-class destroyers.
Me: (Forgive me for what I'll do, but it's nothing personal)
Z23: I wonder which ship will be equipped with 40 cm guns?
Z2: There is no such ship, not even Bismark, which is our latest generation ship, is equipped with those guns.
Z23: Impossible. Do you think Azur Lane built a battleship with those cannons?
Z2: No, I highly doubt it, it is a 2% probability, after all they have spent almost their entire budget on the construction of the base in Perl Harbor, so theoretically it is impossible.
Then I saw Z1's hand grasp the door and close it, exposing me.
Z1: (Surprised) What? Who ....!? AAAGGG!
Z23: (She gets on guard) What is it !?
I had just hit Z1 in the throat leaving Z1 unconscious and then I run towards Z2 who tries to use her cannons against me, however, i throws a knife and hits her hand, opening a slight cut, she releases her cannon by reflex and then at I kick into her abdomen with all my might, the kick taking all the air out of her lungs and she falls unconscious to the floor.
Z23: [This is Recon 2, we have found the target, I need reinforcements, over]
Z23: [Damn, no radio?]
Good thing I had turned on the antenna, otherwise it would be fried, I quickly ran towards Z23 who was still distracted while looking for a way to use her radio and knocked her down with a blow to the back of her neck, fainting on the spot.
Me: Well, I think I should run away.
I quickly went to the door when a blow goes through the wall, hitting me squarely, the blow was so strong that it sent me flying 7 meters back, a wall that was behind me stopped me dead by making me spit blood from my mouth.
Me: (groans in pain) Ugh.
Ji, ji, ji, ji, ji, ji, ji
A chilling laugh seeps into the room at that when the dust settled I saw the quintessential psychopath at the door, the psychopath KMS Roon.
Roon: (groans with pleasure) ~ Ah ~ that sound you made was very pleasant to my ears.
This is very bad, the sound of the debris falling, it would certainly attract attention, it should take down that psycho quickly and escape, I did not want the enemy fleet to arrive quickly.
Roon: Well, the leader of the empire Sakura wants you alive, however, (Sinister smile) I want you to resist so I can torture you.
Roon: (Gets annoyed) Why are you laughing bitch !?
Me: I'd actually like to fight you, but it will be for another time.
After saying that I launched the attack with all my power that I had left and unloaded endless blows that Roon did not come and could not dodge, she ate all my blows, when I finished she had serious bruises all over her body and needless to say about her face that I end up disfigured, then she falls to her knees unconscious and stays there, without wasting time I ran out as fast as I could and navigate the clearing as fast as I could, the pain was present but what Ignore since my life is in danger, electronic warfare is still working, so the planes, if they discover me, could shoot them down without reporting anything, of course I also cut off communications throughout the island.
Me: I hope they arrive as soon as possible.
On the outskirts of this island, the ships of the Sakura empire, along with the siren ships of mass production, are on alert while the aircraft carriers send their planes on a patrol. In a Fuso-class battleship Zuikaku is standing on the foredeck.
Zuikaku: Tch, damn there is a lot of radio interference.
At that her older sister Shokaku approaches with a somewhat worried expression.
Shokaku: What is it?
Zuikaku: I have problems with the radio, out of nowhere I have lost contact with my 20 planes that are patrolling in search of the enemy.
Shokaku: I see.
Zuikaku: (Looks at Shokaku) What's wrong Shokaku-nee? You seem worried.
Shokaku: Yes, I was wondering if those siren ships are safe. Won't they attack us from behind? Or something like that.
Zuikaku: (insisting on the radio) Well, according to Akagi, Orochi is the host, so the siren ships are under her command or something.
Shokaku: I wonder what Akagi is up to.
Zuikaku: Shokaku-nee?
Shokaku: (pretending to be a damsel in distress) You know? I feel super uncomfortable with those sinister guys.
Zuikaku: (forces a laugh) Ha ha ha, please Onee-chan, don't say such things.
Elsewhere Takao is standing firmly on the foredeck as well as she ponders what happened and the duel she had against Zumwalt.
Takao: I have sullied my honor as an Imperial warrior, the enemy is strong, however, this time I will regain my honor.
Because Takao was so deep in thought that Atago was able to sneak into her defenses and play a very bad joke on her.
Atago: (Mischievous tone) ~ Ah ~ Takao-chan, you must not frown, you will ruin your beautiful face.
Takao: (Shock) Atago !? What!?
Atago: You were so focused that you were worrying me, look ...
At that, Atago began to massage her shoulders and then to hug her older sister.
Atago: ... You are very tense, you must relax.
Takao: Wait .. ah, no, not there, it's .... (Damn I can't get away, she's too strong, I've gotten weak !? But how !?)
Takao is generally stronger than her little sister, however, Atago knew how to attack her sister without her being able to defend herself by pressing or touching her sensitive points causing her to weaken momentarily.
Atago: (Heh, heh, heh, she's totally under my mercy ...... Hmm?)
Atago focuses her attention on Ayanami who is looking at her without any expression.
Ayanami: (How scary, what the hell happened?)
Atago: Oh? Do you want a hug from me Ayanami?
Ayanami: (Being Cortez) I would like to, but I must decline.
Because Atago was distracted, Takao was able to compose herself and counterattack.
Takao: Where do you think you are touching me? !? ( hit Atago)
Atago dodges Takao's blows and then walks away
Takao: (Serious tone) We are on a mission, please take it seriously.
Atago: (Mischievous tone) Yes, yes, yes, yes. (Looks at Zuikaku) By the way, Zuikaku, how's it going?
Zuikaku: (irritated tone) How's it going? It's going very badly, I've lost contact with all my planes and I can't give them orders.
Atago: Is it so bad?
Fuso: It is strange that so far I have not received a response from Iron Blood for over an hour.
Yamashiro: Did we randomly bomb the island?
Fuso: We can't, the enemy has kidnapped Akashi, she is someone very important to the empire and also, they have Orochi's mental cube or that's what Akagi has informed me.
Kako: However, it's weird that Iron Blood didn't inform us of something. Do you think the enemy is interfering?
Fuso: That is very likely, but from where.
The Iron Blood fleet was on the island actively searching for its enemies, the fleet is led by Admiral Hipper.
Hipper: It's strange, there is no radio, the radar is useless and to top it all we don't know anything about Z1, Z23 AND Z2. What happened to them?
Z42: Don't forget about Roon.
Hipper: Haaa !? That psychopath can go to hell! (Clenches fists in anger) That bastard killed my pet for fun! Can you believe it!?
Z42: (Sigh) Well I think you're right, but we must not forget that she is a good warrior despite her personality.
Hipper: (sigh) Well that's already past water, but please don't remind me for the next one.
Z42: I understand (It was not my fault that you remembered that)
Köln: Hipper, at this rate our information will be out of date.
Hipper: I know, I'm thinking of a strategy now, but we must first search for our missing destroyers, Z21 and Z20, please look for them.
Z21 / Z20: Got it!
After giving the orders, the destroyers set out on their mission.
Hipper: The rest divide and search the sea for enemy ships, it is possible that they are here to rescue their comrades.
All: Got it!
Then they all set out to obey their leader.
At 40KM from the island 20 Eagle Union and Royal Navy ships sailing at 20 knots, using the cover of the fog, they approached the enemy without being noticed, the information from Zumwalt was so accurate that the Azur Lane ships entered with great confidence .
On the ships each Kansen studied the island and the general strategy for rescue.
Oklahoma: (looking at the report) It's a pretty small island compared to when people were still living there.
Helena: According to information from 20 years ago, I think it was a tourist site which many people attended.
Sandy: Yes, it's all in ruins.
Helena: Well, the island was abandoned after the first siren offensive.
Sandy: (Shock) Huh? (Melancholy sigh) Ahhhhh.
With the Royal Navy in a Renown-class batlecruiser, Repulse along with Suffolk and Norfolk look at the cloudy landscape, due to the proximity of the island the seagulls were flying in harmony, this certainly surprised Suffolk a lot.
Suffolk: They are beautiful.
Repulse: (Sighing) As if we have no more enemies.
Norfolk: Huh? Something happens?
Repulse: I still don't understand why they are fighting each other.
On the battleship Prince of Wales, Cleveland and Wales look through their binoculars at the enemy fleet.
Cleveland: Zumwalt's information was accurate. I wonder if she's okay.
Wales: Don't worry she will be fine, if the enemy is still here, it is because Zumwalt has not been captured, however, she is not well so we must hurry, it has been more than 20 days since she is captive.
Cleveland: How is the plan going? Do we follow it?
Wales: Yes, there are no changes of plans, Enterprise has already given the go-ahead.
Cleveland: Then I wish you luck as a decoy.
Wales: Yes, I wish you luck too.
Cleveland gets off Wales's ship and prepares for her mission. On the deck of the Enterprise, Enterprise closes her eyes as she meditates.
Enterprise: Well, this is not the time to be nervous, I must be strong, a friend is in danger.
Then she slaps her cheeks to encourage herself and leave her nervousness behind, then she feels someone approach her from behind.
Belfast: Enterprise-sama, the fleet is ready, you just need to give the order.
Enterprise: You have my permission! Proceed!
TO BE CONTINUE............
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