We have just arrived at the port and the girls do not receive.

PoW: How are you?

Enterprise: Good, but some of us got some scratches and we're tired and hungry, the day didn't treat us well.

PoW: I'm glad they weren't seriously damaged.

Enterprise: Yes, it's a relief, it's a pity that Vestal isn't here, well I'll be in the bathrooms with the girls.

PoW: Yes, you can rest.

Enterprise: We guys have a day off! Follow me to the toilets!

All: Yes!

Cleveland: Yes!

Javelin: Yes!

Laffey: Yes!

I just smiled and walked away so as not to bother me and do some maintenance on my ship.

Enterprise: Hey new! You are also invited!

Me: Ehhhh? (Uncomfortable) Well, I have a few things to do.

Enterprise: Come on don't be shy, I want to talk to you.

Me: We have plenty of time later.

Enterprise: (gestures to her subordinates) Girls.

Then Hornet and Arizona grab my arms.

Hornet: Come with us yes or yes.

Me: Girls? Could you let me go They can't make me do these things.

Enterprise: Alright girls, let's go to the bathroom!

All except me: YEEESSSSSSSS!


I tried to wriggle out of Hornet and Arizona's grip, but they are stronger and I couldn't compete with their overwhelming strength and I was finally dragged into the bathroom.


In a fairly old but elegant car it travels down the base road.

PoW: USS Zumwalt Huh? She is a very rare vessel, don't you think?

Illustrious: Yes, she is not an ordinary ship, according to her comes from another world, her anti-aircraft power is unmatched, I never thought that this type of ship would exist, only two cannons were enough to shoot down the invincible Zero as if they were dying flies .

PoW: Yes, in addition her two guns, despite being 15.5 cm, proved to have unmatched power.

Illustrious: Yes, after all, I never thought such a gauge would do that kind of damage.

PoW: Yes, you are absolutely right.

Illustrious: By the way, Her Majesty is here, right?

PoW: Yes, she should be here in a few minutes.

The conversation continues inside the driven vehicle.


After being dragged here to the women's bathroom without my consent and trying to restrain myself so as not to lose my mind, I am in a corner trying to calm down.

Enterprise: Hey new! How are you?

Me: Well what is it?

Enterprise: I would like to talk to you as we have time.

Me: What would you like to talk about?

Enterprise: Well, I wanted to thank you for helping me save my little sister's fleet.

Me: No problem, I also have two younger sisters, as I am the oldest I have to take care of them.

Enterprise: (astonishment) This is unexpectedly new. What are they called?

Me: Well, they are: Michael Monsoor and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Enterprise: I see, (sad expression) unfortunately I could not protect my sister Yorktown, she is currently in serious condition in the hospital, according to Vestal it will take years to recover.

Me: I see, I hope she recovers soon.

Enterprise: Me too, (sigh) (perks up) Well, I can't get depressed, after all, our faction depends on my decisions.

Me: Indeed, a leader cannot show her concerns to her subordinates.

Enterprise: Yes, my dear friend.


In the port the Royal Navy ships have just anchored and Queen Elizabeth descends from her ship by the landing ladder and there is a red carpet where she walks. In the port Prince of Wales and Illustrious await their monarch.

PoW: Your Majesty it is a pleasure to have you here.

QE: Wales, Illustrious. It is a pleasure to see you again.

Illustrious: The pleasure is ours, your majesty.

QE: Well girls, what happened to the Hornet fleet?

Illustrious: Well, what happens a small division led by 1 light cruiser and 3 destroyers were dispatched and helped repel the Sakura Empire attack. Additionally Enterprise also joined the fight.

QE: I see, but how?

PoW: Your Majesty, your Majesty, a new ship recently joined the azur lane alliance, the USS Zumwalt, a Zumwalt-class destroyer, from what I have seen her air defense is unparalleled.

QE: Oh? I see, I would like to meet that ship.

Warspite: I have also become interested in this new ally.

Hood hearing this does not avoid snickering, then they are led to the office.

On the other side of the base on the beach the girls who are off duty are playing to avoid stress.

Javelin: (a little doubtful) Huh? Can you find out why I am here?

At that, Laffey comes to speak to her.

Laffey: You looked very worried (she lifts her thumb up with a wink) The perfect solution is to play and have fun.

Javelin: (embarrassed laugh) (Although most of my worries are you)

At that Gridley takes a photo of them and then quickly changes shots and now points to Hamman who is very embarrassed by her bikini.

Hamman: (covering herself) Why do I have to do this?

Hornet: Come on now! As my sister says, Eat well, sleep well and have fun when you can, that is the key to living healthy.

At that Gridley takes a photo of them and Hamman looks in her direction, but she was pointing the other way

Saratoga: San Diego! Behind you!

San Diego is in the sea swimming and Saratoga had seen a shark behind Sandy.

San Diego: Behind me?

San Diego looks back and sees a shark fin swimming toward his position.

Sandiego: (Nothing in panic) WWWAAAAAAA! HELP!

Sandiego swims towards the coast at full speed, but cannot get rid of the shark that jumps towards his position and grabs it, San Diego using his superhuman force makes the shark's jaw not close.


Saratoga: Don't worry about, Sara helping you!

Hornet and Hamman look at this fact in white.

Saratoga: Transformation!

Saratoga summons her rig and blasts off dauntless bars loaded with torpedoes and bombs and launched them at the shark and Sandy.


San Diego: but don't bomb me!!!!


Hornet: My God, I hope they don't punish us for this.

Hamman: Let's go, unless I don't want to be punished.

Hornet: I'm kidding, I don't think they'll punish us for this.


Now I walk alongside Enterprise near the beach.

Enterprise: The weather is good.

Me: Yes, it's beautiful, a warm climate, beach, sun, sand, just need a beer.

Enterprise: (Smiles) Yes, we just need a drink, too bad they won't let us do it.

Me: Yes, after all, the enemy can attack us whenever they want.

Enterprise: It's a beautiful sunset, don't you think?

Me: Yes, the evening twilight is beautiful, but you don't think a storm is coming.

Enterprise: In the background there are black clouds, we must get in before it catches us.

Me: Right.

We both headed towards the base to avoid the approaching storm getting wet and we headed towards the dining room since it has a panoramic view and we saw how the torrential rain falls on the base.

Me: Wow! Yes that is strong.


At the command office Wales is looking out the window since everything is rainy, then the door opens wide and Cleveland enters.

PoW: What's up?

Cleveland: We got an SOS.

PoW: What? Go immediately!

Cleveland: yes!

PoW: But stay tuned it could be a trap.

Cleveland: Understood.


At sea there are 5 ships at sea (Cleveland, Hamman, Belfast, Enterprise and Zumwalt)

Hamman: I can't believe I have to get wet again!

Cleveland: Sorry.

Me: (A Tsundere)


Me: Hmm?

Cleveland: Is something wrong?

Me: My radars detect multiple ships, 5 of them siren and a Kansen contact, but apparently all of them are immobile.

Enterprise: What?

Cleveland: Are we late?

Me: The siren ships appear to be knocked out, but the Kansen is knocked out too, maybe we should hurry.

Enterprise: Yes, we must hurry.

We accelerated and approached, when we arrived we saw 5 siren ships with their hull intact but the superstructures are destroyed.

Me: Just in case we should sink them right?

Enterprise: I think so, but in this storm I can't use my planes.

Me: no problems.

Cleveland: Ok.

Hamman: Well, if there is no other way.

We all aim our cannons and fire, Hamman on the other hand also fires her torpedoes.


The siren ships shook violently and then sank.

Enterprise: Well, watch my flank.

Enterprise accelerates to enter the allied ship, on the other hand, I escort her to the ship and when she gets on I stay with the others watching that an enemy does not surprise us.


Enterprise gets on the ship and walks very cautiously and when she arrives she sees two young girls, one is very injured and the other is fine, when they see Enterprise, the one who is well looks at her cautiously.

Enterprise: Don't be alarmed, I am a ship from the Azur Lane faction and we came as we heard your SOS signal.

Enterprise looks around.

Enterprise: Were you the ones who defeated the siren?

Ping Hai: We were being chased by siren, although we had won, my sister protected me from a last resort attack from Siren and she ended up injured.

Ning Hai: ¡Ugh!

Ping Hai: Sister?

Ning Hai: (regains consciousness) Ping Hai, are you okay?

Ping Hai: Yes, I'm fine.

Ning Hai: Ugh! Good to Know.

Ping Hai: Sister!

SPIISSHHH! (Intense shine)

Enterprise: What the hell !?

Ning Hai: (Weak) Run away please.

At that Zumwalt goes up to the deck of the cruiser.

Me: It's a siren distortion.

Enterprise: Combat arrangement, we will protect these girls at all costs.

Zumwalt: I understand. [To the entire fleet, combat arrangement!]

All: [I understand]

From the distortion 10 armored ships came out in mass production and fired and the Azur Lane ships also fired, on the Zumwalt radar it shows the projection of the shells of the siren ships and the shots were aimed at the immobile cruiser.

Me: Hey! Ping Hai? Do not?

Ping Hai: Yes, what is it?

Me: Can you move? The enemy is shooting at us!

Ping Hai: I can't, this ship belongs to Ning Hai, it's immobilized.

Enterprise: ¡TCH!

Me: (Undoubtedly because of the trajectories, many of them are going to hit this ship, do I have to use that?)

Enterprise: Zumwalt! We must unite to destroy those things!

Me: By then they would be dead.

Enterprise: What are you saying?

Me: There is no option, I will use them.

Enterprise: What are you going to use?

Zumwalt links the projectiles and blocks them for the ESSMs to intercept.

Me: Launch.

Zumwalt is covered in smoke and the ESSM missiles are fired and fly towards their targets, this fact does not go unnoticed by the allied fleet.

Belfast: What happened?

Cleveland: Those rockets came from Zumwalt.

The missiles hit their targets simultaneously intercepting the projectiles that posed a threat to the survival of the Chinese girls, this fact causing many explosions in the air.

Enterprise: (astonishment) Incredible.

Me: AGS Fire!

The 155mm guns are aimed at the enemy fleet and begin their cruel bombardment.


It was like hell, the AGS (Advanced Gun System) projectiles pierced the armor of the siren battleships as if it were butter and their destructive power is impressive, only 5 projectiles were enough to sink a colossus siren and not only that, their rate of fire is Quick.

Cleveland: (Shock) Incredible, what destructive power.

Belfast looked at this fact somewhat concerned.

Belfast: (Incredible, that power is definitely dangerous, I must investigate it personally)

In a short time the powerful siren ships that would give trouble to the most powerful ships in the world, was easily destroyed by Zumwalt and in a matter of minutes.

Me: [We should take the opportunity to retire! We don't know when enemy reinforcements will come]

This call was a trigger for everyone to get out of their way.

Enterprise: [You're right, I'll fix it here]

Enterprise treats Ning Hai's injuries and transfers her to her ship, on the other hand, Belfast towed Ning Hai's ship, then they took course towards the base, on the way Enterprise is on its deck while looking towards the peculiar guided missile destroyer Zumwalt, that's where Belfast is coming.

Belfast: Intrigued by Zumwalt?

Enterprise: Yes, during the combat I felt chills when I saw her firepower, without a doubt that destroyer, with the appearance of a cruiser and with the firepower of a battleship, is a monster in the seas, without a doubt a king of the seas .


Bismark is in the office with Tirpitz reviewing the reports.

Bismark: AAACCCHHUHUUUUU! Sigh! Wa how cold it is doing.

Tirpitz: Did you get cold sister?

Bismark: I don't know, but I have a feeling someone will snatch the King of the Seas nickname from me.

Tirpitz: That is ridiculous, you are the most powerful ship in the world, there is no ship that opposes you, in power and technology.

Returning to Enterprise, Belfast responds to Enterprise's claim.

Belfast: Still, I don't give her much confidence, she could be a spy, an enemy, after all, she owns "it" and the only country that owns them is Iron Blood.

Enterprise: (Smiles) You don't have to worry, she's not hostile, she doesn't have those sharp eyes, I know from my experience.

Belfast: (smiles) Well, if you say so.

The two looked with some smile for their new ally.

TO BE CONTINUE...........

EXTRAS NOTES: I have been researching the real value of AGS and when I found them almost gave me a stop, here is an extract about AGS.

The Advanced Gun System (AGS) is a system developed and produced by for the of the. Designated the 155mm / 62 (6.1 ") Mark 51 Advanced Gun System (AGS) , it was designed to provide long range against ground targets. A total of six of the systems have been installed, two in each of all three Zumwalt- class ships . Navy has no plans for additional Zumwalt- class ships, and there are no plans to deploy AGS on any other ships. AGS can only use ammunition specifically designed for the system. Only one type of ammunition was designed, and the Navy stopped its procurement in November 2016 due to cost ($ 800,000 to $ 1,000,000 per round), so the AGS is out of ammunition and cannot be used.

In short, these types of weapons are adorned in the Zumwalt, perhaps in the future these ships will be armed with electromagnetic advance cannons or Railgun.

That's it, see you in the next chapter.

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