CHAPTER 12: Enemy Movements
Today in the morning Prince of Wales ordered us to immediately meet in the auditorium of the base for an emergency briefing, after meeting us the girls chatted with each other while they waited.
Fletcher: Hey girls. Do you know what happens?
Hunter: No, I have no idea.
Wasp: Apparently the Sakura empire are coming to attack us.
Formidable: Really? That's true?
Wasp: That's what I heard from high-ranking girls.
At that Wales enters with Enterprise and Queen Elizabeth, and they all shut up.
Wales: (Starts into loudspeaker) [Alright girls, we've gathered you here today to tell you about your next mission]
Enterprise: [2 days ago, we were able to intercept a communication, which the content is that Red Axis is attacking us with all its naval power this time.]
QE: [In a few words, this time we must repel them with all our power, for that reason we are going to send all our main naval forces and at the base we will leave a small division for their protection]
After that statement, all the girls began to get excited and talk animatedly.
Wasp: I'll go!
Edinburg: Now is the time to repair my mistakes during my last mission!
In that all the girls are encouraged and begin to give their approval to this operation.
Me: (raising her right hand) I will not participate in this mission!
After my statement they all fell silent.
QE: (somewhat surprised) [Why not? You are one of the most powerful warriors we have.]
Me: (Absolute serenity) I have received orders not to use my cannons due to their high cost, for that reason I will be unarmed in the mission and that is why I will be at the base to defend it.
QE: (Looks at Wales) Is that true, Wales?
Wales: Yes, Your Majesty, we cannot afford Zumwalt ammunition due to its excessive consumption of resources.
QE: I understand, Enterprise, in this mission we depend on your power.
Enterprise: (smiles) I already know that.
Wales: [Well, the division that will stay to guard the base will be: Illustrious who will be as the interim leader of the base, Zumwalt, Formidable, Hunter, Bush, Amazon, Oklahoma, Nevada, California, Georgia, Baltimore, North Carolina, Arizona, Dido, Ark Royal, Sirius, Ping Hai, and Ning Hai.
That's it, the one that was not mentioned, prepare to set sail immediately we will leave in 3 hours, you can retire.
All: Got it!
Then they all ran out of the auditorium and prepared to set sail immediately, after several hours due to several delays in preparations the allied fleet set sail after 5 hours and headed to repel the enemy that threatened the integrity of the base.
After 5 days of navigation, the Azur Lane fleet is already in position to repel the enemy fleet, this fleet is composed mainly of Eagle Union ships, additionally there is a group of the Royal Navy that is led by Queen Elizabeth herself ( BB).
On the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, Enterprise is admiring the sky as she watches her eagle soaring in the sky circling the allied fleet.
Enterprise: (sighing) Fight after fight. Status report.
[Everything in perfect condition, the planes can take off when you order it, the radars do not detect any hostile contact.]
Enterprise: Thank you, keep me informed of the situation.
Next to the Royal Navy Elizabeth (BB) monitors the situation from the foredeck of her ship, behind her is Prince of Wales.
QE: This is the fleet you were waiting for, this time let's hope we can deal with those oriental girls.
Wales: Yes, I hope nothing bad happens.
QE: No need to worry, I recently received George's report, according to her Iron Blood has not done anything, they are just observing.
Wales: Really? (Worried) I hope they don't do anything.
QE: (Smile) There is nothing to worry about, our military strength is not weak, our defenses will not fall easily.
Wales: Indeed.
On the Hornet carrier the Cleveland sisters talk to each other.
Montpelier: Don't worry Aneki, in the sea we knights of the sea are the best.
Denver: (Somewhat cheerful) We cannot disappoint your confidence aneki.
Columbia: (carefree tone) Please don't go so tense to combat that we can get hurt.
Cleveland: (Serious tone) You are my dear little sisters please do not have your luck, remember act as if you are fighting against the siren.
Cleveland-class: Got it!
A few meters behind the girls of the Cleveland class there is a group of Wildcat planes, in one of them in the cockpit Hornet is sitting, she smiles as she watches what the Cleveland class do.
Hornet: (She puts her hand out as if she had a gun) So the confrontation is inevitable, well you have to face them.
On Akagi's orders the most powerful ships were deployed to repel the attack from Azur Lane, this fleet is led by Akagi, in one of the Fuso-class battleships the girls of the resistance talk among themselves, Takao is looking towards the fleet while he has a thoughtful expression.
Atago: What's up Takao?
Takao: Are we really ready for this? We will go on this operation without Orochi. What is the command planning?
Atago: We couldn't get the mind cube back. Maybe they are scared?
At the bow of the ship Zuikaku looks in the direction of Akagi's aircraft carrier in a pensive state, in which Shokaku approaches Zuikaku.
Shokaku: I don't know what Akagi is up to, however ...
Zuikaku: Hmm?
Shokaku: I want you to know that I will be there to protect you.
Zuikaku: Yes, thank you sister, I will cover your back too, sister.
On another ship, Ayanami is pensive about the combat that will take place in a short time, she can hear the screams of emotions from Yukikaze and Yuudachi, however, Ayanami does not pay attention, Shigure realizes this and approaches Ayanami as if to cheer her up.
Shigure: What is it? You have been sad for a long time.
Ayanami: It's nothing, I'm fine.
Shigure: (winks her right eye) Don't worry, if you're worried, I can cover your back.
Yukikaze: No! I'll cover Ayanami's back!
Yuudachi: Don't forget about me!
Ayanami smiles and looks at the sky.
With the Azur Lane Enterprise fleet you are standing on the flight deck of your ship while feeling the wind with your eyes closed.
Belfast: (Approaching where Enterprise is) Enterprise-sama Are you worried about something?
Enterprise turns her body to see Belfast.
Enterprise: (Smiling while arranging her hair) No, I was just feeling the wind, a very difficult fight awaits us, I'm thinking of many tactics.
Belfast: I see, please, I ask you not to be reckless.
In that Enterprise approaches where Belfast is and touches her shoulder with her fist.
Enterprise: (Smile) Don't worry, I'm not that immature and dumb Enterprise that I was before.
Belfast: (smiles) Okay, don't screw it up.
Enterprise: (Smiles) You don't screw up either.
Hamman, Portland and Houston watch that scene.
Hamman: You can tell that she is Yorktown's sister.
Portland: No! My little sister is the cutest! It's too cute!
Houston: (Bewildered) Is that a rivalry?
Many hours had passed and the weather had gotten a bit worse, the cloudless sky suddenly filled with black clouds.
Helena: (Worried) My radars haven't been working properly for a long time, I hope it's not a bad omen.
Massachusetts is on his ship as he watches everything from her ship's wheelhouse.
Massachusetts: Not good, I have a bad feeling about this.
In an alternate reality Observer meets with Akagi.
Observer: Ok, preparations ready, now it's all up to you.
Akagi: Yes, I will take care of everything, everything is for the victory. (Starts to chant) Heavenly wind, stop the passage of the clouds, Heavenly maidens must remain on earth!
Then under Akagi it is drawn as a magic circle.
Returning with the Azur Lane Fleet, now the sea where they were sailing is very hostile and moved, the waves hit strongly with the bow of the ships with great violence, so it was so that some of them had to evacuate from the deck to avoid being ejected of their ships by the waves that beat the ships.
Enterprise: God how strong this is !!
Belfast: This is my first time seeing a storm as violent as this !!
In that Enterprise for a few seconds sees something scarlet in the sky.
Enterprise: What was that !?
Belfast: What a thing !?
Enterprise: I thought I saw something strange in the sky for a few seconds!
After another second the sky lit up with multiple scarlet rays that began to hit the sea around the fleet, all the girls were shocked by what they saw, it was their first time seeing this type of show.
Enterprise: I bet all my money this is caused by siren.
Then a great flash appears blinding all the Kansen.
Enterprise: My eyes!
Belfast: What kind of attack is this? Damn I can't see!
Then when the flash goes out the girls take a few minutes for their eyes to see again.
Enterprise: What was that? [Everyone is fine?]
Hornet: [Ne-chan I'm fine, however, I still have trouble seeing.]
Cleveland: [Here Cleveland, my sisters and I are fine]
Belfast: (clutching her head) Enterprise-sama, I'm fine.
Then the damage reports were reported, luckily none were hurt or injured.
Wales: [By the way, where are we?]
Repulse: [I don't know]
Renown: [Because of the scenery, we're not on Earth]
In the surroundings there are multiple columns that rise from the sea, in the sky there is a vortex of scarlet color, in the background you can see a small island.
Enterprise: It certainly seems like a scary place.
Belfast: It doesn't seem like it is a terrifying place.
Denver: [Contact the entire fleet siren in front of us!]
When I finished Denver's report at the head of the formation, endless vortices appeared and multiple mass-produced siren ships emerged from them.
Enterprise: [Headquarters! All the fleet prepare for battle!]
QE: [Red alert! To the entire Royal Navy fleet, prepare for battle!]
After receiving the orders, the Azur Lane ships prepared for combat, behind the siren fleet is Akagi floating which does not go unnoticed by Enterprise.
Enterprise: Akagi.
Akagi: [Welcome to my sea, Azur Lane, from the bottom of my heart I welcome you all.]
Our protagonist stands in the harbor while meditating and looking at her newly repaired ship, she was worried about the Azur Lane fleet.
Me: I hope the girls are okay.
In that Zumwalt senses that someone comes and stands next to her, she looks askance and sees that it is HMS Formidable, an aircraft carrier of the Illustrious class.
Me: What do you want?
Formidable: Half curious why you rejected the mission, with your destructive power, it was obvious that you would help the allied fleet.
Zumwalt doesn't answer, but looks at the horizon.
Formidable: With your power you would surely help the carrier group.
Me: ....
Formidable: Why don't you answer me?
Me: Because there is no answer to your question.
Formidable: What do you mean, there is no answer?
Me: Are you serious? The answer you know well.
Formidable: Is it because you were afraid of not being able to use your cannons?
Me: (a vein of annoyance pops out) .... You know? Your elder sister and Wales noticed my indirect words and you failed to decipher my double message? (And you are actually a woman. Why didn't you get my hint?)
Formidable: (Shock) What !?
In that, the Zumwalt radars detect multiple distortions 20 km from the base.
Me: (smiles) Here they are.
The base alarm begins to sound.
Formidable: (Shock) What's up?
Me: Great, if you haven't noticed yet, I stayed because the siren could attack the base.
At that Zumwalt snaps her fingers and 7 Tomahawk missiles are fired and the cruise missiles fly off to destroy her enemies, then turn on her electronic warfare antenna to interfere with the enemy's communications.
Me: Well, luckily in my stock I have 10 AGS shells, well Formidable, if you want you follow me and, by the way, shut your mouth if a mosquito enters.
At that Zumwalt invokes her rig and goes to repel the enemy alone, Formidable comes out of her astonishment and also summons her rig and follows Zumwalt.
Illustrious: (over loudspeaker) [All available ships set sail immediately, base is under attack, I repeat, All available ships set sail immediately, base is under attack]
All the girls on the base are running back and forth as they prepare to set sail, after a few minutes Hunter, Bush, Amazon, Oklahoma, Nevada, California, Georgia, Baltimore, North Carolina, Arizona, Dido, Ark Royal , Sirius, Ping Hai and Ning Hai. They immediately set sail to repel the enemy.
With Zumwalt and Formidable they were close to the enemy, in the background you could see fire and smoke.
Zumwalt: Apparently my attacks paid off.
Formidable: Did you know that the enemy was going to attack the base?
Me: Remember that we are at war against Red Axis and the Siren, the siren are allied with Red Axis, the one that Red Axis attacks us does not mean that the siren will not take advantage of attacking our base that is totally unprotected.
Formidable: You're right, I'm impressed that you thought it all through.
Me: (Giggle) Yes, Formidable, use your planes and help me destroy those floating garbage.
Formidable: (smiles) It would be a pleasure.
Formidable deploys all her Swordfish loaded with bombs and torpedoes, the obsolete planes flew towards where the enemy was.
Me: Well, it should help too.
Zumwalt snapped her fingers and 5 Tomahawks came out of their silos and flew towards the enemy.
With the siren fleet led by Tester, the siren were in shock, their 7 mass production siren carriers were destroyed and now they had no air superiority, Tester tried to contact the base, but could not, apparently a very strong interference was blocking the radio signal and to make matters worse she could not use the portals to travel and call for reinforcements.
Tester: There is no other option! We will continue the operation using our battleships! We have 5 of them!
After Tester said that, Tester saw 5 cylindrical objects flying at a very fast speed and at a height above the sea.
Tester: What the hell are those things?
In an instant the Tomahawk missiles approached and hit the 5 battleships and a large explosion occurred, the 5 battleships were covered with fire and smoke, after 2 minutes the siren battleships exploded again, it was the fuel and the ammunition that ignited causing a massive damage to siren battleships, battleships are can tolerate so much destructive power that they eventually split in half and sink rapidly leaving Tester in shock.
Tester: What happened? Where did the attack come from? Where is the enemy?
It was the sound of biplane aircraft engines, coming out of the dark clouds, it was 35 Swordfish planes loaded with torpedoes and bombs.
Tester: Quick! Shoot the enemy planes!
To her bad luck as a Tester, her orders were not obeyed quickly because the radio was not working and also, the siren did not have headlights or reflectors to use morse code, they undoubtedly depended a lot on the radio causing this terrible incident.
The Formidable planes approached without difficulty and the enemy started firing their machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, but it was too late, the Swordfish dropped their explosive packages and then took flight, the torpedoes scored direct hits and the bombs also hit the enemy, but some bombs did fail, but it caused massive damage to the siren fleet, everything was destruction, fire and spilled oil, Tester was on the verge of madness trying to find a reasonable explanation for her failure.
Up in the sky out of sight and siren radars, a Zumwalt drone was flying, sending information on the status of the enemy fleet in real time.
Me: (watching video through HUD) Well, we've done massive damage to the siren fleet.
Formidable: Really?
Me: Yes, the enemy is in a panic, their formation is totally broken.
Formidable: Hey, thank you for telling me the enemy's position.
Me: (smiles) No problem, I am impressed that you have eliminated 80% of the enemy fleet.
Formidable: (sigh) I am Illustrious's little sister, as an aircraft carrier of her class, I must give an image of a perfect lady, capable of performing any job with the greatest delicacy and femininity possible, just like my sister.
Me: (sigh) I understand, after all, I know several girls who are very tomboyish, but are forced to act like young ladies. (Rest in peace, Lieutenant Uhura)
[Zumwalt Trivia: In my previous life, I met a tomboy named Elena Uhura, she studied with me at school and was my childhood friend.]
Formidable: (Somewhat annoyed and a tomboy starts talking) Can you believe it? Because of a damn Queen's tea party I had to cancel my attendance at a Heavy Metal band concert!
Me: (Shock) Ehhhh !? (That didn't sound feminine at all !!!!)
In that Formidable covers her mouth and blushes a lot.
Formidable: (embarrassed) Please excuse my behavior and please I beg you, keep what I just said a secret.
Me: (uncomfortable) Don't worry, your secret will be safe with me. (sigh) Changing the subject, I think it's time for a second wave of attacks to exterminate the enemy.
Formidable: Yes.
Formidable's swordfish were back and began to land on Formidable's flight deck.
Formidable: I need 3 minutes for my planes to finish refueling.
Me: I understand, I will continue to monitor enemy movements. (Looking at friendly contacts) Why does it take our allies a long time to catch up with us?
Formidable: No idea.
Me: The enemy seems to be retreating.
Formidable: Shall we let them go?
Me: (smiles sinisterly) Of course not, we will completely exterminate them.
Only 4 hostile contacts showed up on Zumwalt's radar, three of them were cruisers and one of them was a battleship (Tester).
At that the allied fleet approaches Zumwalt and Formidable.
California: Hello girls! We arrived!
Me: Did they arrive? (Sarcastic tone) I like your punctuality!
North Carolina: We are very sorry, but the preparations took too long.
Me: The enemy is running away.
Formidable: I have managed to sink the most number of ships, only 3 heavy cruisers and 1 high-ranking siren remain.
Me: Well girls I let you eliminate them, I think you want to de-stress. Certain?
North Carolina: Thanks girls, those aunts are ours, rest while we exterminate them.
Me: (Makes an informal salute) I leave them in charge, the enemy is at ****** coordinates.
North Carolina: Thanks for the information Girls follow me!
In that the group leaves at maximum speed and then they disappear on the horizon.
Me: Well, I think it's show time.
In my HUD I could see that the North Carolina fleet was starting the offensive and that the siren fleet and that the siren fleet was running in panic and looking for a way to escape from their pursuers, in that Ark Royal sends her planes to exterminate the enemy fleet and...
Me: (making popping noise with my mouth) BBBOOOOOOMM! And they all died. End.
Formidable: What happened?
Me: The North Carolina fleet, exterminated the siren fleet.
Formidable: That sounds good to me.
Me: Right. We came back?
Formidable: Yes, we return. By the way, I want to apologize because before the enemy attacked, I called you a coward and I apologize for those rude words.
Me: (smiles) No problem, making mistakes is human.
Then we headed for the base.
TO BE CONTINUE...............................
NOTES: I'm sorry that I was not active, but I can't help it, the tasks are killing me, I will be inactive for another 2 or 3 months, this time is to write the next chapter, tomorrow I may publish a chapter of the history of the destroyer BAP Ferre, that's all, see you in the next chapter.
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