Chapter 19 - Murderer
In the Living Room...
Frisk: *walks in*
Me: Where have you been?
Frisk: I've got some problems that needs to be taken care of. *looks over* Whoa, that message you sent last time finally got their attention.
Undyne: Yeah, I noticed that too.
Me: Yeah, only 3 VOTEs...
Sans: *walks in* Hey guys
Me: *looks behind Frisk* Yo Sans, what's goin' on?
Sans: Nothing much, how's your story?
Me: Great, new ideas and huge plot twist in the story! I'm so pumped for this
Sans: Really? *looks at my screen* Uh, that's interesting.
Me: Yessir boy.
What's up Buddies! I'm almost finished with my studies from school so I can write more chapters for rest of the year! I know, it's a pain in the back for me because these questions are hard as hell. You would've thought that the questions are so hard that only a A+ student can answer this no problem? Seriously, I'm going to ditch this studies and sleep like I don't care. But anyways, I wouldn't worry about it for so here's the chapter, I hope you enjoy this~
(A/N: This is only a one-shot of Chara's P.O.V)
Chara's P.O.V
I returned back from the Surface covered in monster dust and sighed. I lifted my head up and chuckled darkly, glancing my horrid eyes on my hand, watching a handful of dust fell through my fingers. I decided to change out this small sweater because my damn body is starting to get big to fit in. I made my way to the bed area, took off my dust-covered hoodie and change out of this sweater. It was already ripped by that large wolf monster that I came across from the streets, thankfully I cut his throat as punishment. Lately, I stole some clothes from the shops which are size large, could give me a better size than that sweater. I put on a white t-shirt, black shorts, black socks and red boots. Finally, I put back my hoodie on and walked over to the wall of mirrors and stared at my reflection.
"I see you are admiring your new 'evil' self, right?" I heard a voice and turned around to see Flower staring at me.
"YeS, tHat MoNsTeR i WaS dEaLiNg WiTh CoMpLeTeLy RuIneD mY sWeAtEr." I answered, averting my gaze from him and stared at my reflection.
"Pffttt... that monster cut you up? HAHAHAHA! That's so priceless!" Flowey laughed hysterically.
I growled and threw a red knife at him, causing him to stop laughing and dodged the knife as it plunged next to him near his face. He gulped before looking back at me sheepishly.
"Chara, Flowey." A dark voice boomed, causing both of us to turn around to see Demise walking towards us.
"WhAt Is It yOu WaNt, DeMiSe?" I asked.
"I need you to take care of something..." Demise started, "I want you... to kill Gaster."
"Yes, it turns out that the former Royal Scientist has finally figure out how to defeat us and I want him dead before the others can succeed. It look like that they have gotten stronger and their abilities can be deadly to us. I want him dead now!" He informed, his red eyes frowned at us when says the last part.
"UnDeRsToOd." I nodded my head and turned to Flowey, "CoMe On FlOwEy, LeT's FiNd ThAt ScIeNtIsT." Flowey nodded and crawled his way to me and wrapped his vines around my arm. I walked over to retrieve my Real Knife when...
"And one more thing, Chara..." He spoke suddenly.
"YeS mAsTeR?"
"Kill more monsters while you're at it."
"It ShAlL bE DoNe." I agreed, and walked out with Flowey. I turned myself into dust and flow my way back to the Surface for more victims to hunt down and tracking down for Gaster. I spotted a family of dogs with a amalgamate. Smiling widely with my insane smile, I glanced down at Flowey who looked back at me with the same expression. I flew after them and stay close behind them as they began to talk.
"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Dogamy asked, holding hands with Dogressa.
"Well, we already chewed some bones, chased after squirrels and played frisbee..." Doggo bragged, puffing a smoke from his doggy treat. "... so there's nothing else we can do."
"How about we go and see our former Head of the Royal Guards?" Greater Dog suggested.
"Eyy, that's a great idea." Doggo agreed, as Lesser Dog barked in agreement.
"Well, I heard that she stays in the Royal Scientist's laboratory so let's go there." Dogressa said, as she dragged her lover's hand and lead the way as the family followed her.
It's time for some action. Flowey extended his vines and lashed out to wrap around the Greater Dog's leg and pulled his leg, causing the large dog to yelp and fall down while I raised my knife and slashed him.
"Huh? What's wrong-" Doggo asked and gasped at the horror scene as the other dogs turned around too and gasped.
"WhY hElLo, PuPs." I greeted sarcastically, as the dust of Greater Dog was blown away in the wind.
"Why you little dog killer!" He barked, taking his daggers out and charged at me. I smirked, as Flowey lashed his vines and binds him too.
"Doggo!" Dogamy cried.
"You guys get away from here! Take Endogeny to safety!" Doggo yelled, struggling in the binds as he watched his family guide Endogeny away from us. I wouldn't allow them to get away... I threw a knife at him causing him to whine, dropped his daggers and turned into dust. Flowey rounded up the rest of the dogs and send red knives at them, killing them each one except one just survive.
"WhY dOn'T yOu DiE nOw, YoU dOg!?" I scolded at the amalgamate who whimpers from the binds. "TsK. I sEe YoU hAvE nO eFfEcT oN mY pHySiCaL aTtAcK, sO I'lL lEt YoU gO fOr NoW." I turned my gaze to Flowey, "ReLeAsE iT." Flowey hesitated but quickly loosen his vines from Endogeny and watched it scramble away from us. Sighing annoyingly, I continued on my search for Gaster until I came across the Dreemurr's house. I tilted my head to one side and walked over to the window and peeked through to see Frisk with her family and friends. They were chatting while eating and Sans pulled off some puns making Frisk and Toriel laugh, including some yells from Undyne. Asgore raised his hand to signal for silence and everyone stopped their craziness.
"What are they doing there?" Flowey asked.
"I hAvE nO iDeA, tHeRe'S nO wAy We CaN eAvEsDrOp ThEm SiNcE tHe WiNdOwS wErE lOcKeD." I answered.
"How did you know that?"
"BeCaUsE tHe 'safety' NeWs FrOm ThE aMbAsSaDoR." I frowned at him and went back to looking at the family. Then, I spotted Gaster talking to Sans "ThErE's GaStEr, We HaVe WaIt UnTiL hE lEaVeS tHe HoUsE. ThEn, We KiLlEd HiM bEfOrE aNyOnE tHiS."
"Wouldn't anyone be seeing his dust after we killed him?" Flowey questioned.
"WeLl, We ShOuLd SwEeP iT uP aNd DuMp It In ThE bIn, SiMpLe." I insisted, shrugging my shoulders. Then, I noticed Gaster standing up from his seat and talks to them which triggers them to wave that signals a farewell - perfect. "GeT rEaDy, FlOwEy." Flowey nodded and we disappeared from the window and waited as Gaster stepped out from the front door before shutting it and make his way down the footpath. I can feel the urge to plunge my knife into him and tear off his knowledge about using the SOULs to free myself from HATE. I watched him as he began to look around and greeted some monsters walking past him. This is getting annoying...
Still hiding in the shadows, I quickly killed each monster that walked past Gaster and made sure that I stay close to him. I need to locate his home and his research... I soon stopped when Gaster approached his house and took out his keys to unlock the door. Stepping inside, I quickly rushed in before he could shut the door and hid in the shadows. I scanned around the house and notice that there's isn't much except some papers, books and experiments which I'm not familiar with, because I hate science and physics.
Flowey peeked over to see and sighed, knowing that he was getting impatient to wait for the moment to kill him but I assured him to wait when there is a chance. I watched Gaster making his way to the door and opens it before stepping inside. I followed after him and saw more papers and books. He sat down in his office chair and began to work, this is must be where he got the information from. I looked over his shoulder and saw some writings and images which resembles the Human SOULs and each labels with a certain name.
" 'The Virtue SOULs'?" Flowey read aloud before looking at me, "I think this is about defeating you."
"WeLl, I wOuLdN't LeT tHiS gEnIuS uSeD tHaT aGaInSt Me." I mumbled. "We'Ll HaVe To TeAr ThEm Up AnD bUrN tHeM tO aShEs." I took notice when Gaster stood up from his chair and left the office. "WhErE tHe HeLl Is He GoInG?" I decided to shrugged it off and do something about his research... I scanned around the office for a candlestick or a lighter to burn up the researches. A lighter caught my eye and a wide maniac grin spread across my face as I was about to reach for it when the door opened again with Gaster returning with a cup of tea. Now he's starting to piss me off now...
I decided to call off my hiding and appeared behind Gaster with my Real Knife ready. Without hesitation, I grabbed the back of his office chair and spun it around, making him gasp and flinched when he saw me with a psycho smile.
"C-Chara?!" He managed to say.
"HeLlO tHeRe, GeNiUs." I said, grabbing his collar and pulled him forward to plunged my knife into him. He gasped and immediately teleport out of his chair and my grip, causing the chair to get thrown down and he stood a few feet away from me.
"What are you doing here? and how do you find out where I lived?" He asked.
I chuckled, "My, My, So MaNy QuEsTiOnS yOu HaVe AsK, I cOuLdN't Be BoThEr To AnSwEr ThEm FoR yOu." I twirled my knife around my fingers.
"Fine, answer my first question." He growled, as a purple magic eye illuminates his left eyesockets with wisp flowing from it.
"I wAs SeNt By DeMiSe To GeT rId Of YoU bEfOrE yOu HaD tHe ChAnCe To SaVe ThE oLd ChArA, tHaT oNlY tHe DrEeMuRrS wOuLd KnOw." I answered, pointing my knife at him. "HoWeVeR, tHiS ChaRa IsN't GoInG tO bE sAvEd By ThE lIkEs Of YoUr FrIeNdS iNcLuDiNg ThE hUmAn FrIsK."
"You better not hurt her..." He warned me, but I just laughed it off.
"HuRt HeR? HA! I wAnT hEr DeAd AnD dOnE." I replied, the grip around my knife tightened.
"Not if I can't help it..." He mumbled, summoning his bones at fired them at me. Flowey hissed and extended his vines to whip them back, defending me. I surged forward and with the knife held high and slashed him which he side-stepped to dodge my attack. I growled at him and slashed him again but he dodged again. He raised his hand and a large canine skull appeared beside him. It charges a beam in its maws and blasted at me, which I easily dodged causing the beam blasted a hole in his home.
I laughed, "YoU aRe So GoInG tO pAy FoR tHaT dAmAgE yOu MaDe."
"Silence, you brat!" He barked, summoning two large hands and send them towards me. I avoid the left hand but I was captured by the right hand which made me dropped my knife. I struggled around and notice that Flowey was already on the ground, maybe he jumped out when he notice this hand was coming.
"Flowey, get me out of here!" I yelled.
Flowey nodded, and use his vines to pull the fingers apart to let me free but he was distracted because Gaster was already shooting out bones at him. He gasped and use his bullets to pierce the bones into pieces before working on pulling the fingers apart. Once there is a way out, I wiggled myself out and quickly retrieve my knife before launching another attack on Gaster, he dodged and use his magic to change my SOUL to blue and threw his hand across, sending me flying and crashed into a wall of the living room. He swiped to the other side and I was thrown into another wall, this time the kitchen. Blood marks appeared on my skin and shreds are all over my hoodie and shirt.
"Grrrr... YoU sErIoUsLy ArE pIsSiNg Me OfF rIgHt NoW, oLd MaN." I growled, as Gaster narrowed his eyes at me.
"Am I?" He clenched his fingers into a fist which tightens the HATE SOUL, causing me to wince in pain but I glared at him. "Well, it's you that's pissing me off." He countered, "You are the killer behind the humans and monsters since Demise gave you that SOUL just so he can control you to ERASE the world where the monsters are free from the underground. He's using you and I don't believe that the real Chara would never do that to hurt the Dreemurrs, including hurting her best friend."
"WhO? AsRiEl? Ha, He's NoThInG bUt A wImP wHo CoUlDn'T aCcEpT mY pLaN tHaT I MaDe." I replied casually.
"That's a lie." He sneered, pushing me further into the wall "I know the real Chara very well and she wouldn't plan on doing that. She sacrifice herself in order for Asriel to absorb her SOUL in order to get past the barrier and collect the SOULs. She wants to free everyone from the underground and that's why she was willingly to do to get us monsters back to the surface."
"ReAlLy, OlD mAn? If YoU tHiNk So, ThEn TeLl Me ThIs? AfTeR I dIED, hOw CoMe AsGoRe DeClArE wAr? WhY wOuLd HiS wIfE, ToRiEl, LeFt HiM? aNd DiDn'T yOu FiNd AnOtHeR wAy To BrEaK tHe BaRrIeR?" She asked, smirking with each question asked. I gasped and withdrawn back from her. "ThAt'S rIgHt, YoU dIsApPeArEd RiGhT aFtEr I dIeD a FeW dAyS aGo, YoU kNoW ToRiEl wAs SmArTeR tHaN yOu BeCaUsE sHe SuGgEsTeD tHaT gEtTiNg OnE SOUL wAs EnOuGh FoR AsGoRe To GeT pAsT tHe BaRrIeR aNd GeT tHe OtHeR sIx PeAcEfUlLy. BuT yOu KnOw WaNt ShE dId? ShE dId NoThInG bEcAuSe HeR pLaN wAs FlAw! EvErY hUmAn ThAt FaLlS dOwN hErE wErE cHiLdReN lIkE mE aNd FrIsK. We'Re WeAk PeOpLe BuT nOt VeRy StRoNg LiKe ThE hUmAnS yOu FoUgHt In ThAt WaR. WhEn ToRiEl TrIeS tO cOnViNcE uS tO sTaY, wE lEaVe AnD eNdEd Up DiEd. ShE fAiLeD hEr DuTy To PrOtEcT uS aNd We KnOw ThAt AsGoRe Is StIlL iN tHe CaStLe WaItInG fOr Us. AnD dId I mEnTiOn ThAt NoNe Of ThEm MaDe It HiS cAsTlE aLoNe? ThAt'S rIgHt, SoMeOnE hAs EnDeD tHeIr LiVeS bEfOrE tHeY cOuLd MaKe It ThErE. ThEiR SOULs WeRe CoLlEcTeD iNtO jArS aNd CoRpSeS lAiD iN tHe CoFfInS... I bElIeVe ThAt AsGoRe DiDn'T dO tHaT oN pUrPoSe BuT sOmEoNe ElSe Did."
"Who?" He asked.
I laughed, "SoRrY, I cAn'T aNsWeReD tHaT fOr YoU." I raised my right feet and pushed him off of me to release his magic from my SOUL. I grabbed my knife and glanced up to see him stumbling back and Flowey took the opportunity to wrap his vines around his arms and legs. He struggled and thrashed around to free himself but failed. I grinned and walked over to him, "I'm SoRrY GaStEr, ThIs Is YoUr LaSt ThInG yOu'Ll EvEr SeEn."
"NO!" He shouted, as I raised my knife up high and plunged into his chest causing him to gasp and gagged as he felt his magic poured out of him. His purple eye quivered and slowly began to dim. I grinned more as I felt the dust fall between my fingers and his black cloak fell onto his dust pile. The LOVE I feel right now began to grow, I feel so powerful right now. I withdrawn my knife and smirked at the pile.
"We'Re DoNe HeRe." I announced.
"Yessss..." Flowey hissed in agreement, "Without him, that smiley trashbag and the idiot would have no idea about what happened."
"LeT's GeT rId Of It." I took a dustpan and broom from the kitchen to sweep up the dust and dump them in the bin. "NoW, lEt'S bUrN tHiS pLaCe DoWn." I took out the lighter I snatched and walked over to the stove top and turn on the gas. The air started to fill up the whole area with toxic odor and I casually walked outside with Flowey around my arm. Once outside, I turned on the lighter and threw it inside watching the fire lit to the chemical as it spreads across into a blowing flame and blow it up the house. Tiles and bricks splatter out from the explosion and landed helplessly on the ground as the black smoke rose up from the burning house.
"Looks like our job here is done." Flowey stated.
"YeP, GaStEr Is DiEd AnD hIs ReSeArCh ArE gOnE." I agreed, looking at my hand covered in his dust and back at the house. "LeT's bAcK nOw, We'Re DoNe HeRe."
"Agreed." Flowey nodded, as I began to walk away from the burning house and disappeared into a mist when I heard the sirens from a fire engine coming.
My Sayings: GASTER! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 3 days until the perish commits...
Awh crapiscles! Another fights the dust and Gaster is dead, all his research is gone and now there's no way that Frisk and Sans could use it now. *checking the clock* And the worst part, the perish clock is ticking once more until the Genocide arrives. *shaking with fear* Oh man, I'm getting antsy somehow, looks like hateful COMMENTS are coming this way. But, looks like I have to hide. I'll write another chapter during the holidays.
Don't forget to leave a VOTE and COMMENT for this chapter
Peace out Buddies!
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