{Requested} Error x Reader x Ink

(Lily52354 requested this part, hope you enjoy!)

3rd Person POV:

It has been about 5 years since Error and Ink found the Guardian of Balance (not sure if this is actually a thing or not), which just so happens to be a human (Woman/Man) named (Y/N).

If it were not for (Y/N)'s role as Guardian of Balance, Ink and Error would still be at one another's throats over the destruction and creation of the AU's.

But now that (S/He) is with them in the void, everything is calm and peace, everything was in balance. Ink and Error no longer fought, but rather got a long, like they were friends.

This delighted (Y/N) because it mean (S/He) could be with (His/Her) two best friends, with no trouble.


Or at least... so (S/He) thought.

Whenever (Y/N) was off to balance out an AU, Ink and Error were argue with each other.

For you see, they both came to love (Him/Her) for everything that (Y/N) is and represents. And no matter how bad the arguments got, once (Y/N) returned, it was as if the fight had never occurred. Although their glares remained.

This had started 2 years ago. And little did the two know, they were not the only ones whom like someone.

You see, ever since Ink and Error entered (Y/N)'s life, they had brought Balance into (His/Her) void heart. (S/He) hadn't felt Balance within (Him/Her)self until (S/He) met them. As the years had gone on, (S/He) has grown to love the two, and could never choose which (S/He) loved more, unless the decision was forced upon (Him/Her).

(Y/N) was caught between the Creator and the Destroyer, both of which, had captured (His/Her) heart.

"Hey! (Y/N)!"

Ahh, it's seems my times up, let's let the trio finish the story....

Shall we?

(Y/N)'s POV:

I turned to see Ink, a dorky smile on his face, and both hands behind his back.

"Hey Ink, what's up?" I asked, a smile spreading in my face.

Ink was about to say something, only to be interrupted by non other than, Error.

"(Y/N)! G-G-G-G-G-G-G-Got a s-s-sec?" He asked, also hold a small smile on his face.

"Hey Error! And yes I will after I'm done with Ink." I said simply, but as the words left my mouth Error looked past me at Ink, whom was doing the same, and they both glared. I sighed.

"Y'know.. you guys don't have to pretend to like each other just because of me guys..." I said, looking between the two of them.

I saw confusion wipe over both of their adorable faces. "Pretend?" Ink asked, "W-W-W-W-W-W-W-What do y-y-y-y-you mean (Y-Y-Y/N-N-N)?" Error followed up.

These two... I swear. I thought I told them not to keep secrets from our trio.... I thought to myself, before shaking my head. "I guess it's nothing... but it seems no matter when I see you two, you both are in an angered glaring contest." I started. "Almost like you would tear each other up.... if I wasn't around." I finished, not realizing how sad I had sounded.

How Ink Views the tone:

Oh no... no no no! (S/He) thinks that we hate each other! (S/He)'s so sad... I've never heard (Him/Her) use that tone before... Dang it! If only (S/He) knew that we only fought because we both love (Him/Her) and can't stand to think of (Him/Her) with the other....

How Error Views the Tone:

W-W-W-What!? (Y-Y-Y/N-N) thinks that we pretend being friends!? Ugh... I mean... Y-Y-Y-Yeah I-I-I-I-Ink is annoying a-a-a-a-at times, but I can't hate h-h-him. I-I-I-I-I-I just hate the idea o-o-o-o-of (Him/Her) ch-ch-ch-choosing I-I-I-I-Ink and never t-t-t-t-t-talking to me a-a-a-a-gain...

Back to (Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/N) N-N-No! It's not l-l-l-like th-th-th-that." They both said at once.

"Then what is it?" I asked, but neither of them answered, and my question was only met by silence. They were both looking down at the floor. Both of their hands still behind their backs.

"Alright... I get it. You guys need some time... I'll be back in a few hours. I have some balancing to do." I said, before waving my hand and disappearing through a (F/C) portal.

Ink & Error's POV:
(Basically 3rd person but more based on these two)

Ink and Error looked at each other.

"W-w-w-w-we really messed up th-th-th-th-this time..." Error muttered out.

"Yeah... we did..." Ink agreed.

Both of them sighed and looked down at the floor letting their. Ink pulled out his hands out from behind his back, revealing  a gift he had hid. Error had done the same. Both gifts were in boxes of different sizes, and wrapped in different colours.

"What did you get (Him/Her)?" Ink questioned.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I got (Him/Her) a-a-a-a-a-a-a stuffed (F/C) (F/A) (Favourite/Animal) p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-plush.... what about y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you?" Error asked.

Ink smiled for a moment. "I got (Him/Her) two baggy sweaters, one (D/F/C) (Dark/Favourite/Colour) (F/P) (Favourite/Pattern), and one (L/F/C) (Light/Favourite/Colour) (F/P)."

There was a silence that fell after that. It had lasted for about 10 minutes as the two were left to think.

"We need to fix this." Ink said.

"A-a-a-a-a-a-and how d-d-d-d-d-do we do th-th-that?" Error asked.

"We show (Y/N) why we've been fighting. Once she sees the reason (S/He)'ll understand." Ink declared, a smile on his face.

"Then w-w-w-w-w-what R-r-r-r-r-r-r-rainbow butt? Did you e-e-e-e-even think that f-f-f-far?" Error asked in a slightly teasing tone.

"Oh hush Glitchy. And no I didn't think that far... we'll just have to see where it goes." Ink said.

To which Error shrugged. "O-O-O-O-O-Okay, so what do we d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do while we wait for (Him/Her) to come b-b-b-b-b-back-k-k-k-k?"

"Don't worry, I've got a plan!"

"Oh b-b-b-b-boy..."

***Time Skip***

(Y/N)'s POV:

I exhaled a low held breath as I nervously stepped back into the Void.

"I'm ba-" I paused as I seen that neither of the two I had left here, were where I had left them to settle things. "-ck... where did they go...?" I mumbled.

I took a quick glance around the white emptiness, only to find it wasn't so empty.

Leading off to my left was a trail of paint and strings, to which made me slightly smile.

"Those two." I shook my head and followed the path.

As I followed I seen a little table, on it rested two colourfully wrapped boxes.

I walked up to the table, and looked between the two, they each had a tag. The darker wrapped one's tag had Error written on it, and the brighter of the two had Ink written on its tag.

My smile widened at this, and I used my magic to open both at the same time. I pulled out a stuffed (F/C) (F/A) plush, and two fairly baggy sweaters, both (F/P) but one light (F/C), and the other dark (F/C).

I hugged the gifts to my chest happily, before continuing down the path, thinking to myself, I wonder what the gifts are for? They never normally give me gifts..... maybe... I stopped my thought there shaking my head to remove the thought.

***Time Skip***

I was nearing the end of the path, still clutching the gifts, and I could see both Ink and Error standing at the end, just chitchatting. This caused me to run up to the both of them. "Ink! Error!" I called happily, before I tackled the both of them down into a hug, smiling and giggling all the while.

"(Y/N-N-N)!" They both said in surprise. Both reluctantly hugging back.

"We weren't expecting you back so soon!" Ink said.

"Y-y-y-y-y-yeah. You n-n-n-n-n-normally t-t-t-take at least f-f-f-f-f-five hours to r-r-r-r-r-rebalance an A-A-Au."

I shrugged, "Today it was just a newly started Au, it just needed a small adjustment to be balanced." I said simply.

I pulled out of the tackle hug I had given both of them, and helped them up.

"By the way, thank you both sooo much for the gifts! It means a lot.... and now I kinda feel bad, because I didn't get you guys anything in return." I said trailing off.

"Oh no worries (Y/N)! We didn't expect you to get us anything!" Ink responded.

"But I-I-I-I-I-I-I-if you really d-d-d-d-d-d-d-did wanna give us a gift-" Error began, only for Ink to interrupt.

"-Heheheh! Nono you don't need to give us anything!"

"W-w-what? Backing o-o-o-o-o-o-out of the pl-l-l-l-l-lan now Ink?"

"Error!" Ink complained, puffing out his cheeks, as a flourish of colours blossomed on his cheeks.

"What? I-I-I-I-I-I-it was your I-ide-e-e-e-ea." He countered simply.

"Okay, hold up. What are you two talking about?" I questioned before the conversation could go any further.

They both looked at me, Ink's rainbow coloured cheeks grew more vibrant, and Error's held a slight tinge of yellow.

"Well... (Y/N)... y-you see..."

"W-w-w-a-we both like you.... m-m-m-more than fr-r-r-r-r-riends." Error said bluntly.

This caught me by surprise, and I felt my cheek heat up.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"I-it's true (Y/N)... all those times we seemed like we were mad at one another... was because we had gotten into an argument over wh-who would end up winning you over..." Ink calmly explained looking away.

"A-a-a-and today, we both d-d-d-d-d-d-d-decided, why n-n-n-n-n-n-not leave the ch-ch-ch-choice up to y-y-y-you." Error said.

This caused me to panic.

I-I have to choose?

I looked between the two, and looked down.

"C-can I have some time to think?" I asked.

"Of course! Take you time!"

"We'll be w-w-w-w-waiting on o-o-o-o-o-o-o-opposing sides of the v-v-v-v-void when you choose, c-c-c-come see o-o-o-o-one of us."  Error said, before both of the walked in opposite directions.

***Time Skip***

Okay, so there will be three endings to this part.

Ending one- Ink
Ending two- Error
Ending three- Both.

This is so everyone gets which ending they want.... I hope.. heheh... anyways!

Ending One:

After contemplating my choice for about half an hour. I had finally decided.

"Ink." I said, dashing off in the direction he had gone. A smile spreading across my face.

As I ran I smiled more thinking about all of our fun times together.

Ink had taken me to several Au's like Outertale, Underswap, Altertale, and so on. They were all so peaceful and beautiful. We even had moments where we discussed how it was like to be the Balancer and Creator.

When I seen Ink again, I called out his name. "INK!"

This caused him to turn around, a look of surprise on his face. "(Y/N)!" Ink beamed.

I didn't stop running until I wrapped my arms around his torso.

I felt him wrap his arms around me as well, and I felt him place his head on top of mine.

"I didn't think you would have p-picked me..." Ink said quietly, holding me tightly.

"Why wouldn't I? You've been there for me... when I thought no one would be... you've been my light when things seemed dark Ink..." I paused before saying happily, "I love you..." to which ink lifted his head form mine and gently lifted my face to meet his, gently placing his forehead atop mine, and taking hold of my hands. His pupils formed hearts, one simply a golden coloured heart while the other was a blue heart encased by a star.
They looked amazing.

"(Y/N).... your my everything.... and I would do anything to protect you...." he trailed off. "I love you too." He said smiling, a rainbow blush spread across his face.

A blush rose to my cheeks as well, as Ink leaned towards me, gently kissing me.

Ending Two:

After I debated in my head for about half an hour, I had finally decided.

"Error." I said, nodding confidently, running off towards the direction he had gone.

While running I couldn't help but think about all the enjoyable moments we had together.

Although Error was generally not okay with being in physical contact with anyone, I remember how he set that aside on multiple different occasions, just to comfort me.

He also took me to Au's that Ink would have considered 'Dangerous', and showed me the beauty of them, even though he's the destroyer of Au's, and didn't like them, he still found qualities of a few Au's, 'likeable'.

Error may be rough and rude to most others, but somehow, he found a way to be gentle and caring for me.

When I seen Error's figure off in the distance, a wide smile spread across my face.

"ERROR!" I called, as I grew closer.

This caused Error to turn around shocked, with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"(Y-Y-Y-Y/N-N-N)?!" He asked, his voice cracking ever so slightly.

I continued to run, but slowed slightly as I neared him, leaping at him and hugging him.

Error staggered back a bit, due to my sudden action, but quickly regained his footing. Then slowly beginning to hug me in return.

"(Y-Y/N)... I th-th-th-thought you... would have chosen.... I-I-I-I-I-I-Ink over me.... after all h-h-h-he is better and nicer th-th-than m-"

But I cut him off, pulling back slightly so I could look him in the eyes.

"No Error. Don't for one minute think your any less than Ink. Ever." I said sternly, before I gently placed my hands on his cheeks, using my thumbs to wipe away his tears. A light yellow blush began to form on his cheeks as he looked at me.

"Error, through thick and thin, you have helped me through a lot. You put aside your hate of being in contact with anyone aside.... for me. You have shown me, that even though your the Destroyer of Au's, you can care more about things than anyone else." I continued, and Error's eyes widened.

"(Y/N-N)..." Error said, sounding touched.

I smiled slightly. "You are my Savour when everything else seems to attack me," I pause, "and I love you." I said just above a whisper, before placing my forehead in his, and resting my hand on his cheek.

Error gently placed his hand over mine, and smiled sweetly at me, his pupils forming hearts. Although they were slightly distorted, they were still adorable, one of which was solid yellow, and the other was a blue heart overlaying a bigger yellow one.
They looked adorable.

"I love you too.... (Y/N)." Error said without glitching. He then again to smile.

I smiled back, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. He... he didn't glitch. I thought, but simply smiled more when I felt him gently press a kiss to my lips. Which I gleefully returned.

Ending Three:

It has been about an hour.... and I'm still contemplating.

Ink was my cheery and creative option....  he would always try to get me to smile no matter the situation. He is clumsy once in a while, and can be really shy at times...

Error was my emotional and stubborn option... he would deny if he smiled or laughed, or even became embarrassed. He is blunt ever now and then, and can be extremely protective at his best....

I groaned. "I-I can't pick.... I-I need them both..." I began to mumble, feeling overwhelmed with the pressure to choose. "If I went with one over the other.... everything would become unbalanced.... one of them would become hurt..... and I-I... I would loose one of them..." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

I wanted to cry, but I tried not to. Ink and Error had both warned me to not feel any negative emotion without them for long.... otherwise I might attract some unwanted attention to myself... whatever that meant.

But with them each on opposing sides of the void, I had no one to comfort me.

Tears soon began to trail down my cheeks. "I-I.... don't know what to do..." I put my hands to my eyes and began to quietly cry from the pressure and thought of loosing someone.

It didn't take long after that, before I felt a presence beside me. I toughened up a bit, and dried my tears, before looking at whom stood beside me.

To my surprise there stood The protector of Hopes and Dreams, he looked at me with a frown.

"(Y/N)? Why are you so glum?" Dream asked confused.

I looked down a bit. "Ink and Error... they both confessed to me together... and now they want me to pick between them..." I trailed off slightly, feeling tears well up in my eyes again. "But I can't... I love them both.... and the thought of loosing one or the other is unbearable." I said, my voice cracking.

Dream was silent for a moment, before he gently placed his hand on my shoulder. "Well, if you really feel that way, than.... I think I can help." Dream said.

I looked at him, hope filling me ever so slightly. "Really?"

"Yep, but you're gonna have to prepare yourself... I'm going to bring them both back here, so you can tell them both how you feel. I just need some help from Blue." Dream said smiling brightly.

I smiled back slightly, tears starting to dry on my cheeks. "Th-thanks Dream." I said, he nodded.

"Don't thank me yet, you can thank me after we get this all worked out, okay?"

"Of course." I said, readying myself, as Dream left to gather Blue and then my two boys.

***Time Skip***

About twenty minutes later I had myself prepped, I had what I was going to say planned out, and I was ready incase Ink and Error refused my proposal.

A few moments later I heard voices approaching me from behind. I turned to see Ink and Dream walking side by side, calmly chitchatting, while Error was glitching excessively while seemingly cursing, and Blue... well he was happily ignoring Error as he pulled him along by the back of his hoodie.

"Well, this is where we part ways, c'mon Blue, let's leave these three be for now." Dream said smiling.

"Okay!" He let go of Error and went to walk beside Dream. Error got up and dusted himself off, glaring at Blue and muttering something under his breath. Just before Dream and Blue left, I faintly heard Blue ask; "Does this mean we can get NiceCream?"

This brought a small smile to my face, which soon grew smaller, I felt my face heat up, as I looked to see both Ink and Error looked at me.

"U-um..." I began awkwardly. "H-hey guys.... I'm sorry for all the trouble-" I stopped when Error interrupted.

"Ya c-c-c-c-c-coulda yelled... we would h-h-h-h-h-have come here pretty q-q-quick y'know." He said sorta bitterly. But I knew he didn't mean to be rude, he was just slightly upset about being drug over here by Blue.

"You were both on other sides of the void... and I was confused... and... w-well... th-the thought of loosing one of you two.... I-I couldn't stand it." I said.

"(Y/N)...." Ink began, but seeing the serious look on my face, and the tears in my eyes, he stopped.

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you are a-a-a-afraid of loosing o-o-o-o-one of us?" Error said, and I looked at him, and nodded slightly.

"I-I love you both... I-I can't think of loosing one of you... you two b-brought b-balance to my life.... when it was usually me bringing balance to everyone else... you both give me something that I can't get from anyone else.... a-and if I lost one of you I'd be loosing not only a best friend, but a love, a unique part of my life.... a part of myself...." I said looking down at my feet.

The air around us was deathly quiet. It was suffocating, and it made some of my tears trail down my face.

"P-please.... d-don't make me ch-choose..." I said just above a whisper, my voice giving out at the very end.

I then heard foot steps and then I was pulled into an embrace. I looked up to see that both, Ink and Error, had pulled me into a group hug.

"We're sorry (Y/N)..." Ink said.

"I-I-I-I-I-If we had kn-n-n-n-n-nown that you f-f-f-f-f-f-felt that way... we w-w-w-w-w-wouldn't have force y-y-y-y-you to p-p-p-p-p-pick." Error added.

I smiled lightly, enjoying the hug. "I-its fine..." I mumbled, hugging them tightly.

"I love you both... so so so much." I said, pulling away slightly, and kissing both of them on their cheeks.

They both turned their heads and kissed my cheeks, causing them to heat up more then they were earlier.

"Love you too."

They both said in unison, as we all smiled and enjoyed our hug.

(DONE! FOUR WEEKS OF WRITING! [because I didn't have loads of free time] BUT ITS DONE!)

(Also, I have been up to my gunwales in work.... it's gonna take me a little while yet to get the rest of the parts out.... I'm so so so sorry about that! I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for being patient, and thank you for reading!


Word Count: 3938

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