The Glitches Tell No Lies

Nineteenth: You know how when Error gets overwhelmed he begins glitching more and more. Welll. FGOD AU right? This works best for Geno as Pre-Error version, but it can work for any Error AU Story. When he glitches a lot, his Errors turn into mirrors or windows, revealing an unrecognized/familiar skeleton (Depending on the story and who is involved with the person Error used to be.)

Error focuses on the object strung between his phalanges, his concentration such that he never noticed Outer watching him. Error's tear tracks have sticky strings going down to his fingers, as he continues knitting a scarf which billows out into the empty vastness of space.

Outer watches Error knit, astounded at the lack of glitches from Error, but also by the fact the Destroyer can something new.

Outer taps the cell phone, sighing softly.

"Hey Ink?"

"Yea!?" Ink responds, thankfully Outer's volume was low.

"Error's in my AU." Ink gasps, instantly appearing beside Outer.

"What's he doing?" Outer is again thankful, but this time that Ink is controlling his volume.

"Knitting." Ink narrows his gaze.

"Is that code or something?" Outer turns Ink's gaze over to Error, the small destroyer still just knitting, his massive scarf blowing out in the abyss of space.

"Clearly not. He's just knitting." Ink raises a brow, but sighs softly. Outer walks over to the small destroyer, slowly sitting beside him. Instantly, Error is glitching out rapidly, little white bars covering his body and revealing a white boned skeleton. Outer tilts his head, opening his mouth to speak but the destroyer already glitched himself into a white place devoid of warmth. Outer shivers, stepping away from the edge, blinking slightly.

"Instantly call me if you see him again." Outer nods, but doesn't really hear Ink, needing to talk to his Paps. If he's right...then Ink is a dirty rotten liar.


Blue has refused to go home. Don't get him wrong, he wants to go home, badly, and Error has been very insistent that Blue returns home, but Blue won't leave. He has dreams in the Anti-Void, dreams of a skeleton like Error but a Papyrus...dreams in which this skeleton tells him the truth of the young Error. And Blue knows one thing. He's a member of the Star Sanses, and Star Sanses don't abandon those who need help.


Nightmare furrows his brow, feeling the emotional pulse from the person he's dubbed 'The Destroyer'. Yeap. He totally came up with that name on his own. His stupid brother totally didn't tell him about the Destroyer as Nightmare dubbed him.

Nightmare's frown isn't about his brother though. It's about the Destroyer (You totally know Nightmare dubbed the Destroyer as such right???). The emotions are a duality. Clearly the emotions a Sans should be feeling, especially in such a complicated situation as the one the Destroyer is in. And yet...Nightmare is feeling some strange things that a Sans wouldn't feel, not even in these situations. Powerful feelings.

Nightmare sighs, before smiling.

"This is going to be amazing."


Error would appreciate the level of intricacy in the Trap AU, if it wasn't designed to take his life. Error sighs, muttering under his breath. On the bright side, it probably won't even take his life. Considering they don't know one crucial thing about Error.

Error steps in, placing an unnatural grin on his face.

"Tim3 t0 p14y th3 p4rt." (Time to play the part.)


Outer and his brother are standing next to Blue, Fresh, and Geno, the five skeletons watching as the Destroyer steps into the Trap AU, an unnatural smile on his face. Outer's Pap immediately walks in front of Ink, placing his arm out.

"ALLOW ME TO SPEAK WITH THE DESTROYER." Ink closes his mouth with a huff, while Dream nods.

"DESTROYER...I DON'T THINK YOU WANT TO DO THIS." Error looks at Outer's Paps, so far neutral. Blue steps forward and past the Starry Papyrus.

"Error...!t's okay. !'ve known for a wh!le." Error begins glitching out, small white bars appearing across his arms and legs, revealing white bones, red boots, and red gloves. Blue steps closer, smiling sadly as the bars grow and spread, covering much of his midsection to reveal a strangely familiar sight to one Classic Sans. Finally Blue is standing next to Error, who has been dead silent as the bars cover his eyesockets and face, revealing a mirror image of Classic Papyrus.

"You're Class!c Paps...aren't you?" Error continues glitching out, turning to open a portal, Blue catching his hand.

"Please...don't leave. Can you expla!n how and why?" Error keeps his gaze away from Blue, mumbling softly.

"It'5 b3c4u53 0f 4 g3n0cid3 run...I 5urviv3d...4nd r3m3mb3r3d...I w4nt3d t0 3nd th3 cyc13 f0r 54n5...but...I m4d3 it w0r53...50 much w0r53." (It's because of a genocide run...I survived...and remembered....I wanted to end the cycle for Sans...but...I made it much worse...) Blue frowns sadly, slowly pulling the shrunken skeleton into a hug, the bars slowly reflecting Error 'Sans', leaving 'Classic' Papyrus behind to accept the hug. The skeleton kneels to the ground, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I didn't want to...I swear...I just...I couldn't let them fall into the Void...and I couldn't not do it..." The broken defeat in Papyrus' voice instantly deflates every single 'Sans' with a 'Papyrus'. Blue is unaffected, but Stretch slumps to the ground, finally connecting the defeat in his Sans' voice to the voice of the Papyrus before his brother.

Ink and Dream both react but before they can, a wave of negativity sends all but 'Classic' Papyrus (Error for ease still) to the floor.

"Well, you know what I'm gonna say." Error looks at Nightmare, sighing softly and standing up.

"Release Classic, Fresh, Geno, Outer, Outer's brother, and Blue."

"And who are you to order me around, Classic Papyrus?" Error grins, grabbing at the invisible but still very much present teartracks, pulling out blue strings as the bar reflections switch again to Error.

"W311, I'm th3 f34r50m3 d35tr0y3r, buddy p41. 4nd I 54id 13t th3m g0." (Well, I'm the fearsome destroyer, buddy pal. And I said let them go.) Nightmare jolts back, the mentioned skeletons standing up, Blue hugging Error, the bars switching back to Papyrus. Blue sighs softly.

"N!ghtmare...maybe don't p!ss h!m off...thanks!" Nightmare nods slowly, the other 'Bad' Sanses slowly backing away. Blue looks at all the Sanses, resting his gaze on Ink and Classic.

"Who sa!d that Error was a Sans? Because they l!ed."

"His code came up as that!" Ink retorts, clearly getting defensive. Blue gazes at Ink, something unreadable in his blue eyelights.

"..." 'Classic' Papyrus is avoiding Classic Sans' gaze. The 'Classic' Papyrus/Error is actually avoiding everyone's gaze, the bar glitches getting more glitchy. Blue frowns, sighing.

"Geno...can you open a portal to Outertale for me? ! need to take Error anywhere but here." Geno nods, tapping Fresh who opens a brightly colored portal which calms down and becomes a portal to Outertale. Blue leads Error through the portal, Fresh, Geno, Outer, Outer's Pap, and Classic all following through. Error calms down, closing his eyesockets and turning his gaze up to the stars, the glitching calming down with 'Classic' Paps remaining. Blue sits beside the young skeleton. Fresh chills beside Blue, leaning on a colorful skateboard. Geno looks at Classic before sitting beside Error/CPaps. Outer Paps repeatedly catches the skeleton's attention to point at constellations, able to lean on Error/CPaps without triggering the glitches. Outer watches from the sidelines, slightly uncomfortable but calming down as OPaps and CPapas hang out, the two clicking rather effortlessly. Classic hasn't been able to process what happened, and the reality that his 'brother' is actually Classic_Papyrus_1...not Classic_Papyrus... It scares Classic.

How long has this been the case? Classic's practically always known about Error...but Error is Classic Paps...when did this happen? And why?

"You know...It's relax..." Error/CPaps quietly mutters, everyone around hearing his soft declaration.

(1273 words.

Hope you enjoyed. I kinda didn't know where to stop the short, but whatever. Hope you enjoyed.

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