Error has 14 Dads

FGOD Error jumps into the void, yadda, yadda. Ends up in a new multiverse. Not a single skeleton is one he recognizes. They are 14 strong (literally equal Error's full strength strong) and are the seven sins and virtues. The sins tend to have horns + either tails or wings, while the virtues have feathered wings + halos around their head, ankles, or wrists. Inevitably, FGOD Error's old multiverse finds him. But they find a problem, or rather 14. See. During the time the sins and virtues were caring for Error, they noticed he was broken, and in desperate need of healing. The sins did their best, but both the virtues and sins made a truce where the virtues would heal Error, and when, not if, but when Error's old multiverse found them, the virtues would let the sins do some...unsavory things. So the old multiverse arrives, and quickly sees that one: Error is happier, Two: The Virtues are incredibly caring towards error, and Three: the Sins are more than a little trigger happy.

(The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Pride. The Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience, Humility)


> Gluttony: Excessive Eating and Drinking

> Greed: Excessive or Rapacious Desire, Especially for Wealth or Possessions

> Lust:

1. Intense Sexual Desire or Appetite,

2. Uncontrolled or Illicit Sexual Desire or Appetite; Lecherousness (Erotically Suggestive; Inciting to Lust),

3. A Passionate or Overmastering Desire or Craving (Usually Followed by for),

4. Ardent Enthusiasm; Zest; Relish

> Wrath:

1. Strong, Stern, or Fierce Anger; Deeply Resentful Indignation; Ire,

2. Vengeance or Punishment as the Consequence of Anger

> Envy:

1. A Feeling of Discontent or Covetousness with Regard to Another's Advantages, Success, Possessions, etc,

2. An Object of Such Feeling,

3. Ill Will

> Sloth: Habitual Disinclination to Exertion; Laziness; Indolence

> Pride: A High or Inordinate Opinion of One's Own Dignity, Importance, Merit, or Superiority, Whether as Cherished in the Mind or as Displayed in Bearing, Conduct, etc


> Chastity: The State or Quality of Being Chaste (Refraining From Sexual Intercourse that is Regarded as Contrary to Morality or Religion)

> Temperance: Moderation or Self-Restraint in Action, Statement, etc; Self-Control

> Charity: Generous Actions or Donations to Aid the Poor, Ill, or Needy

> Diligence: Constance and Earnest Effort to Accomplish What is Undertake; Persistence Exertion of Body or Mind

> Kindness: The State or Quality of Being Kind (Benevolence (Desire to do Good to Others; Goodwill; Charitableness), Indulgent, Considerate, Helpful, Humane)

> Patience: The Quality of Being Patient (Bearing Provocation, Annoyance, Misfortune, Delay, Hardship, Pain, etc., with Fortitude and Calm and Without Complaint, Anger, or the Like), as the Bearing of Provocation, Annoyance, Misfortune, or Pain, Without Complaint, Loss of Temper, Irritation, or the Like.

> Humility: The Quality or Condition of Being Humble (Not Proud or Arrogant; Modest; Having a Feeling of Insignificance, Inferiority, Subservience, etc.; Low in Rank, Importance, Status, Quality, etc; Lowly; Courteously Respectful); Modest Opinion or Estimate of One's Own Importance, Rank, etc


Greed / Charity

Pride / Humility

Wrath / Patience

Lust / Chastity

Sloth / Diligence

Gluttony / Temperance

Envy / Kindness


The Five Avatars Of Nature

Water -

Fire -

Earth -

Wind -

Shadow/Light -


The Ten Commandments

Selflessness -

Faith -

Pacifism -

Truth -

Repose -

Purity -

Reticence -

Patience -

Piety -

Love -


Everything was too much.

The sounds. Their cheers and whoops of Delight. The blasters firing. And the Screaming. I don't know who was screaming, but god, it never stopped.

The sights. White, pierced by blue and red and purple beams from those horrific skulls. The bones, many sharp and precise. The paints. The Paints.

The feelings. It was Agony. The burn that never stopped. The heavy weight keeping me from standing. The stabbing.

And when they quit doing long range things, the pain didn't stop. It went from beams of painful light, paint, and piercing bone attacks to kicking and punching, ripping and snapping off bones. The only good thing is that they left the bones so close to me before leaving.

That wasn't the worst of my torture, not by a long-shot.

Once they finished breaking my body...


They had somehow gained control of all the Charas, All The Bad Sanses, everyone. Even Blue.

The words were the worst of the torture.










Let me tell you. If you want to break someone, that is how you do it. You use their best friends' mouths and say such horrible things.

That is how you break someone.


Maniacal Laughter exploded from the dismembered Skeleton, laying alone as bright blue tears stream down his cheeks.

"IT'5 N0T 3N0UGH T0 BR34K M3 PHY5IC411Y, I5 IT?! Y0U H4V3 T0 D35TR0Y M3 M3NT411Y T00?! H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4! W311, D34r Cr34t0r, 533m5 y0u'r3 n0 b3tt3r th4n m3." (IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO BREAK ME PHYSICALLY, IS IT?! YOU HAVE TO DESTROY ME MENTALLY TOO?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, Dear Creator, Seems you're no better than me.) Somehow, despite his body being torn apart, the Skeleton begins to stand in the empty AU, turning his pitiful expression to the Creator, Ink.

"I 5uff3r 50 much 50 y0u c4n p14y h4ppi1y. Y0u 533k t0 d35tr0y m3, d35pit3 th3 f4ct th4t d35tr0ying m3 w0u1d 3qu41 y0u 5inking t0 my 13v31. Gu355 D35tructi0n i5 0n1y B4d wh3n it'5 b3ing d0n3 by 50m30n3 wh0 i5n't th3 Cr34t0r." (I suffer so much so you can play happily. You seek to destroy me, despite the fact that destroying me would equal you sinking to my level. Guess Destruction is only Bad when it's being done by someone who isn't the Creator.) Not a word is spoken from the tormentors beside Ink as their victim begins gathering his bones up, the tears flowing nonstop down his skull. The minute one, Classic, begins to open his mouth and speak, the Skeleton's eyelights, dimming quickly yet burning bright with what can only be described as hatred, focus on him, shutting him up.

"B1ind Judg35, 411 0f y0u." (Blind Judges, all of you.) The Skeleton hisses out, instantly deflating under his burning gaze.

"F001i5h Cr34t0r, h4ppi1y p14ying 4 g4m3 0f F4T3." (Foolish Creator, happily playing a game of FATE.) The Skeleton turns his lethal hiss to Ink, a red string trying to wrap around the Skeleton's throat, but he seems to be ignoring it as it burns his neck. The Skeleton pauses as his gaze turns to Blue, a tightness in his face that wasn't there before.

"I tru5t3d y0u. Wh4t 4 fucking mi5t4k3 th4t w45!" (I trusted you. What a fucking mistake that was!) Blue flinches from the cuss word, but the skeleton doesn't seem intent on caring. "I b31i3v3d y0u wh3n y0u 54id y0u und3r5t00d, 4nd w4nt3d t0 h31p. I b31i3v3d y0u. I tru5t3d y0u." (I believed you when you said you understood, and wanted to help. I believed you. I trusted you.) The Skeleton's voice breaks as he continues speaking, wavering as more tears stream down his cheeks. "I tru5t3d y0u..." (I trusted you...) The Skeleton takes in a shaky breath, the string nearly decapitating him now.

"Ch4r45..." (Charas...) The children all look at the ground, waiting for him to do what he did to Blue, to them.

"T4k3 c4r3 0f y0ur531v35, 5inc3 y0u c134r1y d0n't n33d m3." (Take care of yourselves, since you clearly don't need me.) That one sentence is all he offers, and the reaction is instant, with several Charas flinching in response, like they got hit.

He turns his gaze to the Bad Sanses, Cross, Killer, Horror, Dust, and Nightmare, who each wait in their own respective ways.

Cross is rattling loudly from how tense he's trying to be, always the youngest of the group.

Killer is flipping a knife, but failing to catch it each time, a highly significant issue for a self-proclaimed Knife Master.

Dust has basically picked nonstop at his arms, and doesn't seem inclined to stop.

Horror has shoved his hand into the hole on his head, trying his best to calm down before the Skeleton begins.

And Nightmare is waiting like the King he is.

However, Error, their victim, turns his gaze to Dream first.

"Y0u kn0w Ink i5 ju5t u5ing y0u, right?" (You know Ink is just using you, right?) This question is the first time malice has left Error's voice. He is quiet, seemingly neutral, with Dream studying him fervently.

"H-he'd never. He's my friend!" Error smiles, but this smile brings no joy to Dream.

"Ju5t 1ik3 th053 Vi114g3 Kid5 w3r3?" (Just like those Village Kids were?) That quiet response shuts Dream up in an instant, Error looking away.

"I'v3 134rn3d t0d4y 4 13550n y0u 5h0u1d t4k3 t0 h34rt, Dr34m. Tru5t N0 0n3. B3c4u53 3v3ry0n3 wi11 hurt y0u." (I've learned today a lesson you should take to heart, Dream. Trust No One. Because everyone will hurt you.) The malice reignites in Error's eyelights as he sweeps his gaze over the Bad Sanses, grinning viciously.

"Cr055." (Cross.) The mentioned skeleton flinches, waiting. "I 5h0u1d h4v3 cru5h3d y0ur 50u1, but th4t w0u1d h4v3 b33n 4 M3RCY f0r fi1th 1ik3 y0u." (I should have crushed your soul, but that would have been a MERCY for filth like you.) A thoughtful expression crosses Error's face, and he grins. "N4h, 4 gr4nd3r t0rtur3 w0u1d h4v3 b33n 10cking th4t 3mpty 4U 0f y0ur5 4nd 13tting y0u g0 in54n3, 410n3, t0rm3nt3d by th3 kn0w13dg3 y0u 4r3 4 murd3r3r 4nd wi11 n3v3r h4v3 y0ur f4mi1y b4ck. 0r h4v3 4ny f4mi1y 4g4in. Th4t w0u1d h4v3 b33n f4r b3tt3r." (Nah, a grander torture would have been locking that empty AU of yours and letting you go insane, alone, tormented by the knowledge you are a murderer and will never have your family back. Or have any family again. That would have been far better.) Another thoughtful pause. "M4yb3 y0u w0u1d h4v3 b3c0m3 4n 3rr0r 1ik3 m3. Th4t w0u1d h4v3 b33n kind4 fun." (Maybe you would have become an Error like me. That would have been kinda fun.) Tears of a purple variety begin crawling down Cross' face, but the Bad Sanses all wait their turns for Error's Wrath, knowing it hopefully won't be worse than that.

Error dutifully turns his gaze to Killer, a mocking grin stretching onto his broken skull.

"Th3 0n3 thing y0u'r3 g00d 4t, 4nd 100k 4t y0u." (The one thing you're good at, and look at you.) Killer drops the knife, tears welling up already. "0h w311, gu355 y0ur Ch4r4 pick3d th3 w0r5t 5k313t0n f0r th3 j0b, y34?" (Oh well, guess your Chara picked the worst skeleton for the job, yea?) Error releases a downright evil laugh. "I'm 5ur3 Ch4r4 r3gr3t5 m4king th3 d341 with y0u, giv3n th4t y0u'r3 ju5t 50 b4d 4t 3v3rything." (I'm sure Chara regrets making the deal with you, given that you're just so bad at everything.) A few moments of silence, Killer turning his gaze to Error, to find the most agonizing sneer on the latter's face. "I kn0w I r3gr3t t311ing Nightm4r3 t0 giv3 y0u b4ck y0ur 3m0ti0n5." (I know I regret telling Nightmare to give you back your emotions.) Killer's eye sockets widen, the tears streaming full force down his cheeks.

Error turns his gaze to Dust, with little thought for Killer's wrecked emotional state.

"Du5t." (Dust.) Error mutters, rolling the name over your tongue. "Th3 5tupid, LV-0b5353d, w45t3 0f 5p4c3." (The stupid, LV-obsessed, waste of space.) Dust flinches, picking at his scars more. "I d0n't n33d t0 54y it, y0ur mind 41r34dy t3115 y0u it. I ju5t h0p3 y0u 1i5t3n thi5 tim3." (I don't need to say it, your mind already tells you it. I just hope you listen this time.) Dust drops to the ground, Error turning his gaze to Horror with, yet again, little to no concern for the damage he's leaving behind.

"H0rr0r." (Horror.) The cracked skeleton meets Error's gaze with bravery. "H0w'5 y0ur br0th3r d0ing?" (How's your brother doing?) A malicious grin appears on Error's face as he asks such a simple question, but the effect is immediate, with Horror stumbling back like he just got slapped. "I'm g3nuin31y curi0u5, H0rr0r, did y0u r3411y 10v3 him?" (I'm genuinely curious, Horror, did you really love him?) Error's voice changes to sound genuine, but as with everyone before, the question is intended to cut its victim. Horror opens his mouth to reply, but Error is already waving his reply off. "W3 b0th kn0w th3 truth. Y0u w3r3 4fr4id 0f dying m0r3 th4n y0u 10v3d him." (We both know the truth. You were afraid of dying more than you loved him.)

Finally, Error sends his gaze to Nightmare, the two having a staring contest.

"You can't hurt me with words Error. But give it your best shot." Error suddenly begins laughing loudly at Nightmare's words. Once Error calms down, his grin is just a little too wide, and just a little too full of malice.

"W3 b0th wi5h th4t n0053 5ucc33d3d, Nighty." (We both wish that noose succeeded, Nighty.) Nightmare's cyan eye widens, and he, like Horror, steps back as if he was slapped, a look of pure agony and shock on his face. "Wh4t? C4n't t4k3 wh4t y0u di5h 0ut? H4h4h4h4. Y0ur f4c3. Y0u 100k 50 p4th3tic. N0thing 1ik3 4 King. I 5upp053 th4t tit13 i5 ju5t t0 3g0 b005t y0u, c4u53 y0u'r3 50 in53cur3 4nd n33d t0 f331 n33d3d, 1ik3 4 King." (What? Can't take what you dish out? Hahahaha. Your face. You look so pathetic. Nothing like a King. I suppose that title is just to ego boost you, 'cause you're so insecure and need to feel needed, like a King.) Error chuckles. "Gu355 w3 b0th fucking 5uck 4t picking p30p13 t0 tru5t, y34?" (Guess we both fucking suck at picking people to trust, yea?)

Error suddenly looks up, an ethereal voice speaking.

Error, cease this needless talking and rip the AU apart.

"Hmmm, n4h. I'm d0n3 p14ying pupp3t f0r 4 bunch 0f ungr4t3fu1 pi3c35 0f 5hit. 35p3ci411y 5inc3 n0w I kn0w th3y c4n't ki11 m3, th3y 4r3 411 f4r m0r3 b0ring th4n th3y w3r3 b3f0r3." (Hmmm, nah. I'm done playing puppet for a bunch of ungrateful pieces of shit. Especially since now I know they can't kill me, they are all far more boring than they were before.)


Error ignores the voice, looking around, muttering to himself. He continues looking around, eventually smiling.

"G0t it." (Got it.) With that, a portal to a black space opens right below the feet of the slowly healing Destroyer.

"I'd r4th3r di3 th4n 1iv3 in thi5 mu1tiv3r53. I h0p3 y0u 411 4r3 in 4g0ny in y0ur fin41 m0m3nt5." (I'd rather die than live in this multiverse. I hope you all are in agony in your final moments.) Is the last malice-filled sentence Error directs at the massive group of skeletons before he drops in, all his bone fragments following behind him, the portal close and snapping the red string.


Error cusses quite loudly, his body shaking with tremors.

"Damn it...I'm n0t fully h3al3d y3t 3ith3r...I am a failur3. I can't 3v3n di3 right!" (Damn it...I'm not fully healed yet either...I am a failure. I can't even die right!) Error groans, moving to a sitting position in the snowy forest, trying to lean on the nearest tree, and partially succeeding, getting slightly more comfortable.

"Inky will b3 h3r3 s00n t0 find and att3mpt t0 finish m3 0ff." (Inky will be here soon to find and attempt to finish me off.) Error closes his eye sockets, groaning softly.

"H0n3stly h0p3 h3 succ33ds." (Honestly hope he succeeds.) Snow crunching sounds begin somewhere to his right, but he's too tired to care, knowing (Hoping) that it is someone coming to finish the job.

"Well, you look like you got kicked by a mule." The voice chuckles, a whooshing sound before two feet land in the snow beside the first voice.

"Nah, more like he was ripped apart and brutally put back together."

"Broken China doesn't work as well after it's been glued back together, especially if someone didn't know how it was put together in the first place." The first person steps closer, and Error flinches when he feels a hand rest on his cheekbone.

Just kill me. Get it over with.


"We need to get you home, but you seem touch averse."

"Just pick him up, Greed. Something like that has never stopped you before...Is there a reason you're concerned for him?"

"..." Error flinches as he feels the hand move away, two arms coming underneath his shoulders and knees, but strangely, he doesn't crash. Error keeps his sockets closed.

"I know you're awake, little one." Error slowly opens one socket, blinking when he sees a very fancy shirt(?) greeting him. He opens his other socket, slowly sending his gaze up, frozen with awe. Two very large blue-green antlers extend out, several different jewels of blue or green colors hang down from the antlers. Error finally meets his carrier's eyes, finding soft blue-green eyes gazing down at him with something akin to humor.

"Enjoy what you see?" Error blushes, quickly turning his head away from the person carrying him, sending his gaze across the space. Buildings, lots of buildings. People, lots of people.

I passed out in a forest...How close was I to the town?

"Charity, Can you let the rule of this segment know we need to convene the whole group?" Wing flaps sound as a whoosh of air lifts right beside the one carrying Error. The carrier continues walking through the town, heading for the big castle that a flying form-

-probably 'Charity', whoever that is-

-is heading to.

"So...mind explaining how you got there, and who injured you?" Error turns his gaze to the cobble pathways below his carrier's feet, thinking.

" d3p3nds...Will y0u t3ll Inky wh3r3 I am?" ( depends...Will you tell Inky where I am?) The carrier tilts his head, shifting Error in his hold slightly, the grip tightening but isn't painful.

"Who is Inky?" Error completely freezes at that, his carrier halting in response.

"Wait...y0u...d0n't kn0w Inky? B-but 3v3ry0n3 kn0ws Inky! H3 mak3s sur3 3v3ry n3w AU kn0ws him and m3." ('t know Inky? B-but everyone knows Inky. He makes sure every new AU knows him and me.) Error lifts one arm, swiping down and opening the code for the multiverse, his glitches fizzling out completely at what he sees.

Name: FolkloreVerse

Kingdom: The Kingdom of Wrath (Sin Kingdom)

Status: Currently There is a Minor Dispute Between the Sin Kingdoms and the Virtue Kingdoms.

"W-what th3 h3ll..." (W-what the hell...)

"Is something the matter my dear friend?" Error unconsciously sends the hand that opened the code menu up to his skull, slowly scratching at an unhealed crack.

"It d03sn't mak3 s3ns3. Appar3ntly this is a c0mpl3t3ly diff3r3nt multiv3rs3...but...I sh0uldn't b3 aliv3 aft3r falling thr0ugh th3 V0id and-" (It doesn't make sense. Apparently this is a completely different multiverse...but...I shouldn't be alive after falling through the Void and-) Error is cut off as his carrier stops walking, sets him on his feet and pulls him into a hug, Error's skull turned so he can 'hear' his carrier's heartbeat.

"Breathe, my young friend." It is only apparent to Error after his carrier-

-I really need to learn this guy's name-

-speaks that Error has not been breathing. Error shakily takes a breath in tandem with his carrier's breathing patterns, slowly calming down.

"I see that asking was not the correct path. Forgive me for that."

"'s fin3...if y0u hadn't ask3d, I w0uld hav3 just sil3ntly had th3 panic attack...thanks..." ('s fine...if you hadn't asked, I would have just silently had the panic attack...thanks...) The carrier picks Error up again, holding him the same as before.

"A panic attack? How curious. Typically we do not see that kind of thing. Is that common where you are from?" Error pauses, gazing at his carrier, trying to avoid the beautiful eyes.

"What is y0ur nam3? Sinc3 y0u kinda sav3d m3...and didn't mind my panic attack." (What is your name? Since you kinda saved me...and didn't mind my panic attack.)

"I am the Sin of Greed. A King of the Wealthiest, and the happiest, Kingdom aside from Charity's. You, like many others, are free to refer to me as Greed."

"Gr33d. Thanks." (Greed. Thanks.) Greed nods.

"Of course, my young one. I would not leave any wounded child alone." Error furrows his brow.

"I'm n0t a kid. I'v3 liv3d f0r..." (I'm not a kid. I've lived for...) Error begins quietly counting, thankful Greed is patient as Error gets the number, "S0m3thing lik3 a f3w th0usand y3ars. Tim3 is a littl3 w0nky in the Anti-V0id." (Something like a few thousand years. Time is a little wonky in the Anti-Void.)

"How curious. Oh well, you are still very young compared to us. Some of us are several hundred millenniums old, with the oldest being 1000 millenniums old." Error looks at the ground, silence enveloping the two for a time.

"We are here." Error blinks, looking up at the rather bland Castle, sending his gaze to Greed, before a voice interrupts him.

"Hello sir." Error focuses on the voice speaking, finding a 'human' with red feathers in a ring around their face.

"Hello. Has Wrath been treating Charity well?"

"Yes, Sir Greed. I don't know why you are friends with that Virtue." Greed shrugs, following the feathered guard with Error looking around, confusion filling the young skeleton. Greed walks around the inside of the castle as if he knows it, quickly turning and entering a room, Error noting with dull interest that the room is a war room of some kind. Within the room sits a winged being with a bright halo shining around their head, another horned being sitting at the throne of the table. The horned being has two sets of horns, a ram style pair of horns curling around his ears while going outward, and a gazelle style pair going straight up, the left one broken at about the halfway point. Greed takes a seat right next to the horned one and across from the winged one with the halo.

"Greed. I see you've adopted another child."

"Yeap! I did! He is my newest young one."

"Do you have the name of such an odd young one?" Greed pauses, tilting his gaze down to the small skeleton sitting on his lap.

"I didn't even notice he wasn't like the rest of us. Little one, what is your name?"

"3rr0r." (Error.) Error mumbles in reply, sending his gaze down to the floor as a soft blue blush of shame works its way onto Error's cheekbones.

Why do I feel shame about my name?

"Well, that name simply won't do." Greed hums softly, gently playing with blue-green gem dangling from one of his horns.

"How about Jade? Does this new name please you, little one?" Error feels tears well in his sockets.

(I'mma Prove to you why Greed is king of picking names based on gems and also thanks Catalyst on Discord)

Does this new name please you, little one?

He begins sniffling loudly, the blue tears streaming down his cheekbones as he turns his face toward Greed and faceplants into the shirt, the fluffy rich material soft to the touch.

Greed gently rubs Error's head as the smaller skeleton sobs into his chest.

"I am sorry if I upset you, little one. We can find a different name if Jade does not appease you."

"I-it's n0t that." (I-it's not that.) Error mumbles into Greed's shirt, tilting his face so he's more audible.

"3rr0r wasn't my 0riginal nam3...But th3 0n3 wh0 gav3 it t0 m3 didn't ask m3 if I lik3d it. Sh3 f0rc3d m3 t0 d0 h0rribl3 things...and acc3pt that nam3 as my 0wn. 3v3ntually my 0ld nam3 was l0st t0 tim3, s0 I finally had n0 ch0ic3 but t0 acc3pt. But y0u...y0u gav3 m3 a ch0ic3, y0u ask3d what I f3lt ab0ut th3 n3w nam3...I just...I'm s0rry f0r b3ing such a crybaby. I'll-" (Error wasn't my original name...But the one who gave it to me didn't ask me if I liked it. She forced me to do horrible things...and accept that name as my own. Eventually my old name was lost to time, so I finally had no choice but to accept. But gave me a choice, you asked what I felt about the new name...I just...I'm sorry for being such a crybaby. I'll-) Error was cut off speaking by something being placed on his head. He reaches up, feeling a small gem encrusted crown on his head.

"Calm down my little Jade. It's alright to feel sadness, and anger, for things you can't control. Part of the healing process is releasing all that emotion. But for right now, allow me to promise something perhaps foolhardy and dangerous." Error watches as Greed turns his blue-green eyes down, gently cupping Error's face.

"I promise you I will never force you to do or say anything you do not want to do or say. And I promise that to the best of my ability, I will not allow others to force you to do or say anything you do not wish to do or say." Error feels more tears well up as Greed gently rests his forehead on Error's forehead.

"You are my Little Jade now, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy." Error smiles even as tears stream down his cheeks, his scarred hands reaching up to and gently holding Greed's wrists.

"Y0u m3an that?"

"From the bottom of my heart." Error releases Greed's wrists as Greed removes his hands from Error's scarred face.

"For now, Rest. It'll take some time for the other eleven to arrive." Error rests his head on Greed's chest, closing his eyes and listening to the soft heartbeat within.


Error blearily awakes to the sound of portals opening and closing, yawning softly as he blinks his eye sockets open.

"You've adopted another child I see, Greed." This is a voice far deeper than any Error has ever heard before.

"Yes, Pride. His old name was Error. But I've elected to call him Jade."

"Hmm...How curious. A Skeleton."

"Have you heard of his species, Pride?"

"Yes. I've heard whispers and rumors of multiverses containing creatures of a skeleton variety. But it's one thing to hear such rumors, and another to see living proof of the rumors." A slight pause from the deep sounding Pride. "He is alive, yes?"

"Of course he is, Pride. You might want to get comfortable. We are waiting for the others to arrive." A chair scrapes across the floor beside Greed, the person taking a seat.

"My little Jade. I know you are awake." Error yawns, opening his sockets fully and looking up at Greed.

"H0w?" (How?)

"Your heartbeat. It increases when you wake up. All of us Sins and Virtues are highly in tune to natural things like that." Error blushes softly, slowly turning his gaze to the newcomer-


-sitting beside Greed. This newcomer is looking at Error with eyes as black as coal. Error breaks the staring contest, turning his gaze up to the horns. The only description he can offer is Maleficent-like, but perhaps smaller? Pride, as Error recalls his name being, sets his hands on the table, jet black claws extending out from his fingernails.

"Your little one certainly enjoys studying me."

"He studied me as well, Pride. I believe he has never encountered something like us and therefore is trying to understand what we are." Pride gives a subtle nod, but otherwise ignores Error now. Error turns his gaze to the one across from Greed, known as Charity if Error remembers correctly. Charity has a softly glowing halo surrounding their head, pale gold wings folded behind their back. The wings look really fluffy. Charity seems to notice Error's gaze, fluffing the wings up and extending one towards Error. Error flinches, memories rushing back.

Black feathers, a scythe slashing down, pain, blood, blood, so much bl-

"Little one?" Error opens his sockets, looking at a very worried Greed.

"Your heart started racing after Charity extended his wing forward in a greeting. Are you okay?" Error pants, slowly looking at Charity, who seems rather calm all things considered.

"Y-y3ah...just a bad m3m0ry..." (Y-yeah...just a bad memory...) Greed nods, releasing Error to turn back around and face Charity again.

"S-s0rry..." (S-sorry...) Charity smiles softly.

"It's quite alright little Jade. I should have released a warning for you. I did not consider that you'd be upset by a simple greeting." Error looks away from Charity, his blue blush spreading across his cheeks.


Error is gently shaken awake by a familiar presence, his eye sockets fluttering open and gazing up at the blue-green eyes that exude a calming presence. Error smiles gently, yawning as an unnoticed blue-green glow comes off Error's body.

"Is 3v3ry0n3 h3r3?" (Is everyone here?)
"Yes, little Jade. Before they will make a decision about my ability to keep you, they all request you tell what happened to you before you arrived." Error slowly gets off of Greed's lap, looking across the table of fourteen, staring at Wrath in the head chair. Wrath nods, summoning another chair and moving so that Error can sit where everyone can easily see and hear him.

"H3ll0. My nam3 is-was 3rr0r. D0 y0u hav3 sp3cific qu3sti0ns 0r d0 y0u just want m3 t0 t3ll y0u th3 wh0l3 st0ry?" (Hello. My name is-was Error. Do you have specific questions or do you just want me to tell you the whole story?) One slowly gets to their feet, removing their hood from their head and gazing calmly at Error with soft honey eyes.

"My name is Temperance, my young friend. And I believe I speak for everyone when I say we would like to know from the beginning. However, do not stress yourself too much to share this. I can tell from the way you were acting while asleep that you have many burdens that Greed has decided to shoulder with you." Error takes in a shaking breath, slowly nodding as he unconsciously pulls out his strings, fiddling with them in his hands.

"Alright. Th3 wh0l3 st0ry..." (Alright. The whole story...) (I'm changing his glitches because I found an easier way to do them.)

"LoNg AgO, iN a PlAcE fAr FrOm HeRe, ThErE lIvEd A cHoRuS oF dEiTiEs. ChAoS, cHaNgE, tImE, vOiD, aBySs, LoVe, PeAcE, hAtE, lUcK, kArMa, DeStInY, aNd...FaTe. ThE oNe My StOrY rEvOlVeS aRoUnD iS fAtE. tHe MuLtIvErSe BeGaN wItH a WoRlD kNoWn As UnDeRtAlE." The Sins and Virtues all nod, seemingly familiar with it. Temperance speaks again.

"We have heard of this world. Occasionally we check on the Omniverse and see the growth of different Multiverses." Error nods, smiling.

"ThAt'S gOoD. wElL, fAtE wAs RaThEr PlEaSeD wItH uNdErTaLe, BuT wAs UnFuLfIlLeD. aFtEr AlL. tHeY wErE nOt AlLoWeD tO iNtErAcT wItH uNdErTaLe, AnD iT wAs A rAtHeR lOnElY mUlTiVeRsE. sO fAtE aSkEd FoR pErMiSsIoN tO cReAtE a 'CrEaToR', oNe WhO wOuLd FiLl ThE mUlTiVeRsE wItH nEw ThInGs. A wAy To InCrEaSe ThE eNtErTaInMeNt. FaTe WaS gRaNtEd ThE pErMiSsIoN aNd BeGaN tHe CrEaTiOn Of ThEiR cHoSeN cHiLd, InK. iNk WaS a LoNeLy CrEaToR, aNd HiS lOnElInEsS mEaNt ThAt He OnLy HeArD hAlF oF fAtE's MeSsAgE. hE kNeW oF hIs CrEaTiOn AbIlItIeS, bUt DiD nOt HeAr ThE wArNiNgS. iNk SeT oFf, CrEaTiNg RaPiDlY. aT fIrSt, It WaS a WoNdErFuL aDdItIoN aNd FaTe WaS cOnGrAtUlAtEd FoR sUcH a WoNdErFuL iDeA. bUt ThEn ThE mUlTiVeRsE wAs In DaNgEr. FaTe WaS tOlD tO fIx It. ThE dEiTiEs HaD iNtEnDeD fAtE tO rEiN iNk In. BuT fAtE dIdN't WaNt To HaMpEr InK's CrEaTiViTy. So FaTe FoUnD aNoThEr WaY. iNsTeAd Of MaKiNg AnOtHeR iNk-LiKe CrEaTiOn, FaTe DrUg A sKeLeToN fRoM hIs HoMe, HiS aU, aNd DrOpPeD hIm In ThE bLaNk AnTi-VoId. ThErE, tHeY eXeRtEd ThEiR cOnTrOl OvEr ThE sKeLeToN, gAvE hIm A nAmE hE dId NoT wAnT, a JoB hE wAs InCaPaBlE oF cArRyInG, aNd MaDe HiS nEw HoMe A pRiSoN. eVeNtUaLlY, hE aCcEpTeD, uNaBlE tO dEnY aNy LoNgEr. AnD wItH tHaT, tHe DeStRoYeR rOsE iN tHe MuLtIvErSe. A gOd To MaTcH iNk. BuT wHeReAs InK wAs AlLoWeD fRiEnDs, FaMiLy, FoOd, SlEeP, a LiFe OuTsIdE oF cReAtIoN, tHe DeStRoYeR wAs KePt AlOnE iN aN iSoLaTeD wHiTe PrIsOn WiTh No FoOd, No SlEeP, nO fRiEnDs, No FaMiLy. ThAt WoUlD, iN hIs MiNd, ChAnGe WhEn He FoUnD oThErS wHo WeRe LiKe HiM. cAsT oFf By ThE gLoRiOuS cReAtOr AnD hIs GoLdEn GuArDiAn SiDeKiCk. ThE dEsTrOyEr NoW hAd FaMiLy AnD fRiEnDs, BuT sTiLl LaCkEd ThE aBiLiTy To EaT, sLeEp, Or LiVe OuTsIdE oF hIs JoB. tHeN tHe DrEaDeD dAy WoUlD cOmE. tHe CrEaToR pLaNnEd A hOrRiBlE pUnIsHmEnT fOr ThE dEsTrOyEr." Error pauses, catching his breath, fiddling more with the strings, not noticing the tears slowly streaming down his cheeks.

"An EmPtY aU nEwLy CrEaTeD. aN aMbUsH oF bOtH bOdY aNd MiNd. AlL tHe MuLtIvErSe, InClUdInG tHoSe ThE dEsTrOyEr CaLlEd FaMiLy AnD fRiEnDs, WeRe ThErE tO dEsTrOy HiM. eVeN aS hIs BoDy WaS iN eXtRaOrDiNaRy PaIn, ThE oNlY tHiNg ThAt TrUlY hUrT wAs ThE wOrDs HiS fOrMeR fRiEnDs AnD fAmIlY cAlLeD hIm. He FiNaLlY sNaPpEd. If AlL tHeSe UnGrAtEfUl IdIoTs WaNtEd To WaTcH dEsTrUcTiOn CrAsH aNd BuRn, ThEn WhY nOt LaSh BaCk? So He BrOkE fRoM fAtE, sPoKe ThE tRuTh, AnD pAiNfUlLy HaRmEd ThOsE hE oNcE cAlLeD fRiEnDs AnD fAmIlY iN tHe SaMe WaY tHeY hUrT hIm. AnD tHeN hE dRoPpEd ThRoUgH tHe VoId." Error reaches up to rub his face, blinking when he feels the tears, choking back sobs.

"I dOn'T aDmIt To BeInG a GoOd PeRsOn. I'm NoT fAuLtLeSs. I'vE kIlLeD. i'Ve ...TaKeN aN iMmEaSuRaBlE aMoUnT oF lIvEs. I'vE wIpEd EnTiRe AuS oFf ThE fAcE oF tHe EaRtH tO bE fOrGoTtEn. I cAn'T eVeR aToNe FoR tHe HaRm I'vE cAuSeD tO oThErS. bUt ThAt'S tHe StOrY oF eRrOr ThE dEsTrOyEr." Dead silence rings in the room after Error finishes speaking. Finally a dark-blue-green gloved hand reaches out to Error.

"Little Jade. You've suffered dearly for a Fate you can't control...For that, I am dearly sorry I couldn't protect you before." Error gazes at Greed, tears streaming faster.

"But allow me to protect you now." Error gets out of the chair, walking on top of the table and getting into Greed's lap, curling up as Greed wraps their arms around Error.

"Little Jade, you do not have to be strong anymore. You can allow yourself to be weak in my embrace." Error sniffles softly, smiling as he slowly succumbs to sleep.


Greed watches as the paper makes its way around the table, each Virtue and Sin signing it before it sits in front of Greed.

This Treaty is Signed in Order to Protect Greed's new Charge, Jade. Each Virtue and Sin has agreed to forgo attacking each other in order to help Jade or to track down the Deity Fate and the Multiverse Jade came from.

Greed yawns softly, skimming through the legal jargon, knowing Pride and Wrath wouldn't let something stupid fall through the cracks in the favor of the Virtues.

"We do have to discuss living arrangements." Greed turns their gaze up to Charity.

"How so?" Greed tilts their head, responding.

"All of us wish to help, but as it currently stands, Jade likely will live in Greed's mansion." Charity continues trying to extend the supposed problem.

"Is there a problem with that?" All other Sins and Virtues are silent as Greed and Charity discuss.

"Not particularly, you and this young one have bonded most so it makes sense you two would wish to stay together. I just believe that some of us won't be so comfortable as to willingly go all the way to your castle on a daily basis." Greed chuckles, Charity tilting their head now.

"Did you really think I didn't think ahead? I have a mansion that is situated right at the border of all 14 kingdoms. Sure the Avatars of Nature sometimes hang around there and the Ten Commandments pass through that area often, but it is about as neutral as you can get. I intended to move there and raise Jade there, even before this Treaty was signed." All the Virtues' feathers fluff up in surprise, Greed smiling gently down at Jade.

"Don't worry little Jade, you'll be safe from your Multiverse. If they even dare to come, we'll rip them apart and teach them of your suffering personally." Greed whispers to Jade, each of the Sins and Virtues easily hearing Greed's promise.


~A long time in the future~

Jade happily runs about the garden, his black bones having slowly faded to a soft gray, his red bones a gentle pink, the yellow bones are now bright gold, and the string tracks that looked eerily like tear tracks have faded into nothing, his strings shifting to a golden color matching his now golden bones.

Jade's crown is tilted slightly on his skull, the soft blue-green gem that his name is based upon glowing softly as it dangles down slightly. Jade slows down, stopping in front of a Moonrose, smiling at the slightly glowing plant.

"Hello! My name is Jade! What's yours?"

"Her name is Maria." Jade turns, staring at the green glowing woman.

"AVATAR EARTH! You can talk to plants?"

"Hello, little Jade. I can hear them and speak with them, but that is the least impressive ability I have."

"It's pretty cool to me. After all, I can't talk to any of the plants. If I could, I'd never leave this garden." Avatar Earth smiles softly, resting a hand on Jade's head.

"It's okay little one. One day your magic will seem impressive to you, and then you'll find my little old 'talking to plants' power not so cool." Jade juts out a lower lip, shaking his head.

"What? My string magic? Eh, it's okay...but it's nothing like your magic." Avatar Earth simply chuckles, shaking their head and leading Jade back inside.

"I think I heard Gluttony state they'd make your favorite for lunch." Jade's eyelights spark the blue-green of Greed, vibrating excitedly and straightening his crown.

"UNCLE GLUTTONY!" Jade runs into the house, Avatar Earth's smile dropping as they turn to face the entrance to the garden.

"Envy, Wrath, Pride, Patience, Humility, and Diligence." The six Sins and Virtues land beside Avatar Earth.

"Yes?" Pride speaks, looking between Avatar Earth and the entrance.

"Do you feel that?"

"An intruder." Diligence, the ever-silent one, speaks.

"Multiple intruders. And they wish harm upon Greed's young charge. I'm certain you six will take care of the intruders." The six nod, running out of the entrance faster than the eye can see.


Jade smiles at Gluttony, happily sitting at the table, playing with his special strings.

"Thank you for making my favorite!" Gluttony nods, smiling as they make far more food than Jade will eat on his own. Greed basically comes screaming in, grinding to a halt as they catch sight of a safe and happy Jade. Greed sighs, smiling happily.

"Are you having a good lunch, my little Jade?" Jade smiles at Greed, nodding.

"Yeap! It's so yummy!" A loud bang echoes, Jade looking toward the source as Greed moves away from the entrance. Pride enters the room, looking between Greed and Jade.

"There were intruders." Pride states.

"Did you take care of them?" Greed responds, turning to focus on Jade.

"They are skeletons like our little Jade." Pride clarifies with Greed freezing and moving their gaze back to Pride.

"What?" Greed exhales the question in a voice just under a whisper, Pride nodding slowly.

"We wanted Jade to tell us who they are and what kind of impact they had on Jade's life before us." Pride mutters, Greed turning to focus on Jade.

"Little Jade, do you feel comfortable with this?" Greed asks quietly, Jade getting out of the chair and nodding.

"I'm fine. If I don't feel good, I'll hug you, okay?" Jade offers, smiling happily at Greed and grabbing the taller's gloved hand. Pride nods slowly, leading the two down to a dungeon area, the other Sins and Virtues gathering, Gluttony having followed behind the three. Pride opens the cell door, revealing five that Jade knew quite well and one that Jade only semi-knew about.

The first one, Jade remembers as Ink, sneers.

"Error, you think you can hide here by painting your bones and strings a different color. I'd recognize you anywhere." Jade keeps his gaze on Ink, blinking when a seat is pressed against Jade's knees, dropping the tall skeleton but short Sin child into the chair. Jade purrs softly at the comfortable chair, calming down and studying Ink.

He looks more ragged than the last time I saw him.

"Time hasn't done you any favors, has it Ink?" The effect is instantaneous, the Sins and Virtues all shifting into combat positions as a red target appears in Ink's eye sockets.

"Where's your glitching voice?" Jade giggles softly at Ink's angry question.

"I lost that a few years ago. It's amazing what a decent amount of sleep and food can do for the body." Jade's response causes a scoff from two sitting chained up so close together one is sizzling.

"Error, stop playing games. You've been destroying still." Jade furrows his brow, smiling.

"Nightmare, trust me, if I was playing a game, I would have pretended to be your friend only to abandon you and call you horrendous names because your enemy offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. I haven't done anything of the sort." Jade smiles as Nightmare's face pales, Jade's soft jade-colored eyelights moving to the golden one beside Nightmare.

"Still hanging around Ink, Dream? I guess whatever suits your fancy." Dream doesn't respond, but a familiar light/bright green sleeve leans on the arm of the chair as Envy leans forward, protectively hovering around Jade.

"Jade, just let me know if you want these idiots taken out real quick." Envy mutters softly, but Jade shakes his head, smiling.

"I'll be fine, Uncle. I've healed almost completely from all the scars they did to my body, and I've come a long way mentally. I'll be fine." Jade repeats his first sentence again, seemingly finding comfort in those three words.

I'll be fine.

Jade focuses on the Blue scarf of yet another ex-friend of his.

"Hello Blue. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I suspect we are meeting as enemies and not friends." Blue lifts his skull, blue eyelights blazing with anger.

"Why would I ever be friends with you, murderer?" Jade laughs in response, barely able to respond.

"You hold a grudge like nobody's business." Jade's eyelights fill with a sort of sorrow, a sad smile on his face.

"Now if only a friendship could last like such a grudge." Jade shakes his head at that soft whisper, focusing on the one skeleton he doesn't recognize.

"I don't seem to know you."

"I-i'm the Sans of ScienceTale, the precursor to UnderTale." Jade slowly nods.

"I recognize the AU, but you were not at the Ambush, and I've never been attacked in any of your Copies." Sci, as Jade internally nicknamed, nods.

"T-that was my doing. You fell into my AU at one point in time in a state of delirium. You muttered all about the Balance, Ink, Fate, and everything. I chose to heal you and then I used my machine to send you back home before you awoke. I only came because none of these idiots know how to use technology without being a Boomer or Lighting it on Fire. I'd rather not let the machine take unnecessary damage, all things considered." Jade smiles slightly.

"Thank you for the occasional heals, and I have to agree with you on that." Jade slowly turns to the last skeleton in the line, his black hood covering his face. But Jade doesn't need to see the sockets to know this one has been looking at Jade the entire time.

"I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you again, Reaper, but really it isn't. The last time we met, you lodged your Scythe in my chest and tried to shatter my soul." Reaper, as the last skeleton is named, raises his head, smiling slightly.

"You're the Destroyer, far past your time, and yet I can't kill you." Jade shrugs in response to Reaper's words. Jade gets off the chair, gazing up at Greed.

"I'm feeling tired." Greed nods, Sloth coming over slowly.

"Alright, I'll take the kiddo to bed, you all got these six handled, ye?" Sloth mutters, the others nodding. Jade mumbles as he gets into Sloth's hold.

"Sci, the fifth one I spoke to with the labcoat, should be allowed to go home and spread the truth." Every person in the room nods, with Sloth responding.

"Of course, little Jade. We'll make sure he gets home unharmed, okay?" Jade nods, yawning and closing his sockets.

"" Jade falls asleep in Sloth's hold as the Sin carries the child to his permanent room.


It seems you have reached the end of this story.

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Have a good day my dear friends <3

(7258 words.

I hope everyone enjoys this idea. I was on crack (not literally) and fleshed out a world that might become a book later. *shrugs* Up to you guys.

I have other images so if you want more stuff, I have like 5 more images relating to this.

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