Birthday wishes brought to life

What you need to know:
(Y/n) - Your name
(H/c) - Hair color
(F/c) - Favorite color
(E/c) - Eye color

I do not own any UnderTale AU's, any UnderTale AU characters, pictures or music.

~~~ Many years later ~~~

Your POV:

I yawned and walked down the stairs into the empty kitchen. I grabbed a cupcake from the fridge and placed a used (F/c) candle on it. I lit the candle and let out a small sigh. The cupcake was vanilla - chocolate swirl with (F/c) icing.

"Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday dear... (Y/n).... Happy birthday to lonely me..." I mumbled. I looked at the candle and thought about my parents. Mom would have wanted you to make a wish (Y/n)... I closed my eyes tightly and thought for a second before before blowing out the candle. I wish to have real friends and that I won't be so lonely this year. I reopened my eyes and took out the candle before taking a bite out of the cupcake. I pointed at the speaker and the lights turned on. The song 'Wings' by Little Mix came on and I started humming the tune as I eat my cupcake.

"Mama told me not to waist my life,
She said 'spread your wings my little butterfly!
Don't let what they say keep you up at night.
Cause they can't contain you!
These wings are made to fly~'
Yeah, we don't let nobody bring us
No matter what you say,
It can't hurt me!
No matter if I fall from the sky.
These wings are made to fly!"
I heard a knock at my door and I pointed at the speaker and the music turned off. I walked to the front door quickly and opened it to see three skeletons. The one on the right was wearing a blue hoody with a white t shirt, black basketball shorts with a white line down the side and pink slippers. The one one the left was wearing a black hoody with a red turtle neck, black basketball shorts with a yellow line down the side and red and white running shoes with the laces undone. And the one in the middle was wearing a grey t shirt, black pants, blue gloves, boots and scarf. 

The one in the middle smiled at me.

"HELLO!!! MY NAME IS SANS. BUT YOU CAN CALL ME BLUEBERRY. MAY WE COME IN PLEASE?" He yelled. I opened my hand and a baseball bat appeared in it. I held it up, slightly glaring at them.

"How did you get in here?" I asked darkly. Dark clouds appeared over head as lightning zapped a tree near by, making it crash to the ground loudly. Blueberry jumped as all three put their hands up in defense.

"We don't know how we got here kid. All I remember is a bright light. Then, boom! We're outside your house." The one in blue said. I frowned, keeping the baseball bat at the ready. I tapped my foot twice and the storm clouds that gathered disappeared and the tree went back in an upright position.

"That's weird... No one can come anywhere near my house. The force field keeps them away... No one in the village could even see my hou-- I know what happened." I said aloud, walking past the three skeleton, who all held confused looks on their faces. I sighed, shaking my head. "I hate how she thinks she can do this..." I mumbled. Blueberry and the other three skeletons walked towards me.

"Who's 'she'?" The one in red asked. I ignored him and took a deep breath before whistling really loudly. After a second, there was a small 'pop' and a little girl was floating in front of us. She had shoulder length brown hair the was tied in a side pony tail, bright blue eyes and really pale skin. The girl grinned, revealing sharp, jagged teeth.

"Hia (Y/n)! What did ya call me for?" The girl asked. I groaned and pointed at the three behind me. "Why are they here? Send them back to their AU's." I stated. The girl giggled.

"No can do! I just granted your wish~ They get to stay with you all year!" The girl said. I groaned. "I'm sure you can bend your wacky rules. Just send them back!" I exclaimed. The girl gasped in fake hurt, holding her chest where her heat would be. "How heartless you are! My rules ain't wacky! Their unique. Now I'm really not going to take them back!" The girl said, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away stubbornly.

"You are such a pain! Ugh. I'll just deal with them myself. Go do whatever you normally do." I said. The girl rolled her eyes playfully. "We'll be prepared for a bunch more! Have fun little sis!" The girl exclaimed before disappearing in a 'pop'. Sprinkles falling from where she just was.

"Umm... Who was that?" The one in blue asked. I sighed and shook my head, walking back towards my house. "My older sister. AG. She likes to... I don't really know how to put it... She's just crazy. You'll be walking around when she'll appear right in front of you." I exclaimed. "Now let's get inside. You must tired or something... And I need to make your rooms." The nodded and I moved out of the way of the door. They walked in and the door closed by itself as I collapsed on the couch. The one in red sat down on the couch beside me, the one in blue sat next to him and Blueberry stood by the door.

"YOU GUYS!!! YOU NEED TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE HUMAN!!! ITS ONLY POLITE!" Blueberry scolded. The one in blue sighed and looked across the one in red. He put his hand out.

"The name's Sans. Sans the skeleton. Nice ta meet cha kid." He said. I hesitated before shaking his hand. A weird sound came from his hand and he dropped my hand as he laughed. "The whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny." He stated before leaning back against the couch.

"My name is Sans as well. But you can call me Fell." Said the one in red as he looked around the living room. I nodded before standing up and walking into the kitchen. I put my cupcake wrapper and candle away before walking to the stairs.

"It's nice to meet you all... I guess... Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I'll be in my room upstairs. It's the last one on the left." I mumbled as I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep instantly.

Blueberry's POV:

The human girl walked upstairs and I turned to face the other two.

"WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW?" I asked. Fell stood up and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of mustered and a bottle of ketchup. He tossed Sans the bottle of ketchup and took a sip of the mustered. I frowned and walked towards them. "GUYYYYSSSS!!!! WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" I complained. Fell growled quietly and Sans shrugged.

"Go ketchup to the human girl and get to know her?" Sans asked. Fell shrugged. "Sure why the-" Sans shot Fell a look and he stopped talking. "There is a child here Fell. Watch your mouth." Sans said as he put the ketchup down and stood up. Fell frowned and stood up as well, keeping the mustered in his hand.

"Let's go Blueberry. She said last on the left, right?" Sans asked. I nodded. "YEAH! LETS GO!!!" They nodded and we walked up stairs and followed the wall until we got to a (F/c) door. No other door's were around it and the paint was chipping. Sans and Fell and I glanced at each other before opening the door quietly. I peeked in to see the human girl on a large bed with (F/c) and black blankets. The human was on her stomach and was sleeping quietly. Her head was to the left and her eyes were puff and red. Sand and Fell walked in quietly and I followed. Fell looked around her room while Sans inspected the human girl. I walked towards Sans and looked down at the human. She whimpered quietly as tears fell from her eyes. Fell walked over and his eyes widened.

"Crap! Why is she ******* crying!?" He asked quietly. Sans put his finger to his lips before shrugging. I shook the human gently and she bolted up in her bed. Looking around wildly. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were full of sadness. After a second she blinked and it all went away.

Your POV:

I shook my dream away and blinked. I looked around more carefully to see the three skeletons from earlier. I gave them a small smile.

"Hello there. My name is (Y/n). I didn't introduce myself to you three earlier. Sorry." I said happily as I jumped off my bed. "Why were you crying kid?" Sans asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know what you mean." I lied. Fell sighed and took a sip of mustered. "So... What are you three doing in my room?" I asked. Sans and Fell blushed lightly.

"WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO SO WE CAME UP HERE O CHECK ON YOU!!!" Blueberry cheered. Fell glared at him but Blueberry ignored him. I giggled quietly before walking out of my room. This is going to be a looooong year... Thanks sis...

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