Chapter 9 - CiRCLE
Allo comrads! Welcome to Chapter 9!
Thinking about my master had put me in somewhat of a foul mood…just before I could walk in the room I noticed my reflection in the door window. I had a very distraught expression on my face so I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths and gave myself a couple slaps to calm myself down then entered the room.
Y/N: I'm back.
Rinko: Welcome back.
Arisa: How did it go?
Y/N: It was alright…Though I did see Wakamiya when I went to both club rooms. I also got the forms.
Arisa: Oh okay Rinko-Senpai! If it is okay, can you run him through on what to do next?
Rinko: S-sure come with me…
Rinko took me to her little workspace behind the corner. It was there she showed me what to do next after receiving the forms. She taught me how to use the budgeting system on the computer using the tea ceremony clubs form as an example, she pointed out what I should look for and what I should fill out, and also made sure that the proposed budget on the form isnt over the clubs budget limits. She also said if it's over the budget then I would have to reject the form but in most cases what they would do is send it back to the club leader to make revisions so that way, they can still get the suppiles they need.
Rinko: And that's pretty much the basics. Do you have any questions so far?
Y/N: No not really, It sounds like there's a lot of budget management involved, I think I got this.
Rinko: That's great, though I will say that things like these are relatively easier to manage financially, keep in mind as the school progresses through the school year there's gonna be a lot more that you're going to have to do. Especially when it comes to managing school-wide activity finances
Y/N: I’ll keep that in mind. Is it okay if I hop on and give it a try with the next form?
Rinko:Go ahead.
I swapped places with shirokane as she hung over my shoulder to make sure I was working on the form correctly. I paused half way through because I noticed something odd with Shirokane…
Rinko: umm…L/N-san…Is something wrong..?
I slowly looked over my shoulder and gave her a very serious look…
Rinko: Eh?? What's wrong?...Why are you looking at me like that?
She started to panic a bit.
Y/N: Shirokane…
Rinko: E-hh? What is it…
Y/N: You…didn't stutter at all…
Rinko: Wha-what..?
Y/N: Shirokane you didn't stutter at all when you were explaining all that work stuff to me!
I said while smiling.
Shirokane started to panic more as her face got flushed with red in embarrassment.
Rinko: N-n-no…it's just…well…it's alot to take in…so I-I…thought It would be…best if…I..explained…more clearly…
I started to laugh because I thought it was funny!
Rinko: E-eh?...
Y/N: Ahahaha! I Swear you crack me up! Ahahaha!
Y/N: No don't be! Haha! I swear you are very weird! But thats okay I am too
Shirokane just felt a bit awkward but also a little offended.
Y/N: I didn't mean it as an insult! If it makes you feel better I find weird people unique and cool, I'm also weird myself so it's okay haha!
Rinko: Uh…I don't know how to feel about that…L/N-San…
Y/N: I just think you're one of a kind is all.
Rinko: one of a kind…?
Y/N: Yeah! Honestly you're just a wonderful person Shirokane.
Shirokane just blushed at that statement.
Rinko: I'm…really flattered that you think of me like that…even though…I'm like this…
She said while fidgeting her fingers together…
Y/N: even though you're like this now I still respect the fact that you have the drive to change, you remember that conversation right? Personally, I think you are wonderful just the way you are now and I hope to see what you'll be like in the future.
Rinko: I remember it…those words helped… I need to work hard, is all… someday I hope I can be the person I want to be…
Y/N: like I said just don't let the fire in you burn out…and even if it does it can always be lit again even when the candles burnt at both ends and there's nothing left. Just stay motivated is what I'm trying to get at.
Rinko: Thank you for such kind words…
Y/N: Yeah… ya know…qever since I got back from the flower arrangement club I was feeling like shit up until now… but talking to you kinda just made my day.
Rinko: Really?! What happened in the flower arrangement club…?
Y/N:...i'd rather not talk about it…it's just…something that Wakamiya had asked me…it kinda just…I dunno it's personal really…
Rinko: Was it…a question involving the kendo club…?
Y/N: sort of…I dunno…its something personal…
Rinko:...I see…well…I dunno if I will be of any help…but I'm more than willing to listen if you…need to talk about it more…
Y/N: Who knows…I highly doubt that I would talk to you about it.
Rinko: oh…
Y/N: and don't get it twisted, i'm not saying you wont be of any help… it's just…that I really don't want to talk about it. But it'll be okay shirokane, i'll be fine.
I said while giving her a big smile to assure her that I will be fine.
Rinko: Okay…I understand…
Y/N: Alright let's get this done so we can go home already.
I said in a cheerful voice. Rinko Just nodded as I started inputting all the necessary data into the computer.
Rinko's POV
While L/N-San was working on the computer I couldn't stop thinking about him. I don't really know much about him but I think he's a really nice person deep down. Even though we barely met, he was nice enough to share a little bit about himself…and even go as far as to give me strong advice…I feel terrible and selfish knowing that I can't return the favor…what happened to you L/N-san?...What happened between you and wakamiya-Chan?…and what's causing you to feel this pain…? I know you're trying to hide it…but why?
Y/N: I finished!
I turned around to face Shirokane and noticed that she looked like she was deep in thought…but also looked pretty sad…It doesn't take a world class detective to know that she was thinking about me. Shirokane comes off as the type of person who is kind and caring for others, and the fact that she has a very low-self esteem doesn't make it any better. If I had to guess, she's probably thinking about how terrible she feels that she can't help me out even though I was there to lift her up when she needed it. As fucked up as this sounds, Im not saying that she doesnt have the ability to help me out, its that im not allowing her to for many reasons nor am I going let her even try.
Rinko: EEK!
Looks like I scared ichigaya too lol!
Y/N: Oh did I scare you? Sorry I'm just really glad that I finished!
Rinko: O-oh…I see.
Y/N: If it's okay, can you please review this to see if I missed something?
Rinko:U-hmm… Sure let see.
Rinko and I swapped places again so that she could review everything that I had put on the computer. The reason why I clapped really loudly was so that I could interrupt Shirokanes train of thought. I also took this opportunity to flood her mind with the current task at hand to make her stop thinking about me and to also make her stop feeling guilty about herself. It's a simple distraction trick. I couldn't have her feeling bad about me especially because of the way she is. If she keeps thinking about it, it'll only make her more depressed.
Y/N: So? How does it look?
Rinko: I think you did really well…
Y/N: Oh you think so?
Rinko: Mmhm…
Y/N: Thank you though I will say that I did struggle on some parts but I managed to figure it out. And I was wondering if you could explain it to me more in depth.
Rinko: Sure…which ones do want me to explain.
Y/N: well…
I started to point out which ones did make sense, partly because I actually didn't know the reason why we do it but also to keep her focused on work.
Few minutes later
Rinko:...and that's the reason why we have to put this number in…
Y/N: I see, that makes sense. When I was doing it I knew I had to put this number in I just never knew exactly why though
Rinko: Yeah I get it…I didn't know either. Nanana-Senpai, the previous student council president, just told me that we had to input this number…she never really explained why we had to until I asked the student council advisor.
I noticed again that shirokane barely stuttered during the explanation. I won't make the same mistake twice by bringing it up again as it was the conversation that started it all.
Y/N: Welp now that we're done, let's get out of here.
Rinko: I agree.
We stood up and left the little office that Shirokane had built for herself. We noticed Arisa who was still sitting there. By the looks of it I think she's already had things wrapped up.
Arisa: Rinko-Senpai, I managed to finish all the documents we had though there's still some left that needs your approval signature.
Rinko: I can do that now…
Arisa: I wouldn't bother with it for now Senpai, the document is listed as a "non-urgent material" I recommend just putting it off for tomorrow
Rinko then looked at me as if she was unsure on what she should do.
Y/N: Hey man don't look at me, You're the boss around here. I just work here!
Rinko: Well…I guess I can do it tomorrow.
Arisa: alright, i'll be going on ahead now please excuse me.
Y/N: Tell Tamagawa I said Hi!
Arisa: S-Shut Up!
She said as Arisa left in a bit of a hurry probably because she wants to spend more time with her bandmates but we all know for a fact she aint gonna admit that. Shirokane and I cleaned up a bit in the student council room and made our way out.
Rinko: Who's Tamagawa?
Y/N: No one in particular.
Location: Main Gate
While walking out the school we noticed Hikawa waiting at the main gate and it also looks like she just finished her regular patrol around the school too as part of the disciplinary committee.
Rinko: good evening Hikawa-San.
Y/N: Ah so this is where you skated off to? Ya know some of us actually work you know?
Rinko: L-L/N-San?! Please don't be mean to Hikawa-san.
Y/N: I'm only joking, I knew where she was this entire time i'm just pulling her a hard is all.
Sayo: Ha-Ha L/N-San very funny.
She said sarcastically.
Y/N: Thanks I try my best.
Sayo just rolled her eyes at me. She's probably thinking along the lines of "how annoying" or "this guy…" and that's exactly what I was trying to go for.
Sayo: Anyways, are you ready for practice Shirokane-San?
Rinko: Yes, Lets not keep Minato-San and the others waiting…see you tomorrow L/N-San.
Y/N: alrighty then, I'll be heading home now see you guys tomorrow.
Sayo: Hold up L/N-San…
Just before I could put in my headphones and walk home Hikawa stopped me. I turned back around to figure out what she wanted.
Y/N: What's up?
Sayo: Would you be interested in watching Roselia practice?
Rinko: I-Don't think Minato would approve of this hikawa…
Sayo: I think it will be fine…after the performance that L/N-San did the other night, Minato-san seemed to be a bit interested in his musical abilities. So I'm sure she'll be okay with L/N-san being there to observe our practice session.
Rinko: True and I think Ako-Chan would be happy to see him too seeing as they hit it off pretty well…would you be interested in watching us L/N…?
Roselia managed to captivate me with their performance and quite frankly I'm also curious to see how they practice.
Y/N: Eh? Why not it's not like I got anything better to do anyways.
Sayo: then let's head off.
Unknown location
We made it to our final destination. It didn't take long for us to get where we needed to be as it was just a few stops from the station. I've never been to this part of town before so it was all fresh to me. According to Hikawa the place we are at now is known as CiRCLE. Like Galaxy, this place is also a live house where people can come to practice and perform live. The Unique thing about this place is that I noticed it had an outdoor cafe and a footbath which I don't think any other live house has.
We went inside only to find 3 girls waiting for us.
Sayo: Sorry were late we had student council stuff to do
Lisa: No worries you're five minutes early and I see you've brought a guest with you guys~
Y/N: Hey guys nice seeing you again.
Lisa: Hello there Y/N-kun~
Ako: fufufu~ well well well, If it isn't his majesty, the god of lightning and fire himself here to grace us with his Uuuuuh?
Rinko: Everlasting Benevolence?
Ako: EVERLASTING BENEVOLENCE! To what do we owe you on this fine sinful night?
She said ending with a chunni pose…Oh boy here we go again.
Y/N: FUFUFU, Well if it isn't my old friend, the true incarnate of darkness and despair and the lady of dead and the damned herself! Demon-Princess Ako! I stand before you here today to witness your almighty and unholy power In hopes that one such as yourself hasn't gotten weak on me!
I said while also making a chunni type pose to match Akos.
Ako: Fufufu~if you wish to underestimate me do so at your own…uhhhh?
Rinko: Peril?
Ako: On your own Peril!
We both laughed. I Only knew Ako for a short time but I enjoy her company
Y/N…hahahaha! Anyways, that's enough of that! Wassaap Ako!
Ako: Hey Y/N-Senpai! Nothing much just waiting for our room to be ready so we can practice!
Y/N: Hell yeah girl that's what's up!
I said as I held my hand up high signalling her to give me a High-Five. she jumped up and gave me a high five.
Lisa: Hey Y/N-Kun! Are you here to watch us practice?
Y/N: Yes actually, Hikawa and Shirokane invited me and I'm actually curious to see how you guys practice if that's okay with you guys?
Ako: Yeah! I can't wait to show you what I can do!
I looked slightly to the left of lisa and noticed yukina was just giving me a cold stare with those golden eyes of hers.
Lisa: I don't mind what about you yukina chan?
Yukina:...ill allow it just this once but…
Yukina just stood up and approached me, still looking at me with her cold eyes.
Yukina:...Don't get in our way…
She said as she attempted to intimidate me. Girl! it'll be a hundred years before you can pull shit like that and still scare the crap out of me I thought.
Y/N: sure.
I said with a straight face. I wanted to say more but decided to hold my tongue.
???: Roselia-San your room is ready…oh I see you've brought a friend with you.
A woman said as she came out from around the corner. She had black short hair and red eyes much like Rimi's but a little lighter. She was wearing a white and blue striped shirt with a black cardigan. She seemed to be in her 20's, maybe even in her 30's…wouldn't be surprised if she was in her 30's as most japanese women age very well.
Sayo: Thank you Marina-san. Also This is L/N Y/N. he's a member of student council at our school , L/N-san this is Marina-San and shes the owner of this live house.
Y/N: Hey there, it's nice to meet you.
Marina: Hey there Y/N-San, it's nice to meet you too! We dont get alot of boys here at this place but I hope that won't make you feel uncomfortable.
Y/N: I figured as much, with all the posters around I figured this place appeals to more girls bands. But that's fine I suppose.
Marina: Great! If you need anything please let me know.
Y/N: I'll take you up on that offer.
After meeting the manager, we proceeded to head towards the practice studio. I stepped in and noticed that it was huge! What's also cool is that they gave roselia the courtesy of setting up all of their instruments.
Everyone got into places and started doing their pre-checks, Hikawa started tuning her guitar, Imai did the same except with her bass, Ako started tapping away at her drums to make sure that it's up to her standards while Shirokane started to warm up with her keyboard and messing with the different sound settings as for minato she just stood there and wait.
After a few minutes had elapsed, Hikawa signaled Minato to signify that they were good to go. I just stood by the wall behind minato and observed.
Yukina:...Black Shout
With only one word, they knew exactly what to play and started playing it. The song started slow with Hikawa and Shirokane playing together and soon everyone's vocal joined in still keeping up that slow build up. Soon after the tempo and sound changes as it starts to sound more borderline heavy metal.
So far i'm loving the song, they way they harmonize together both with their instruments and their voices, I thought it was nice to hear each band member sing a little solo piece. Another thing that impressed me was Imai's bass solo, it added a bit of groove amidst the heavy sound of the song.
I also noticed Hikawas guitar solo, I will admit it did look like she was struggling a bit but she seemed to pull it off quite nicely. I thought it was pretty smooth how she played it a bit complex in the beginning but started keeping it simple towards the middle and end.
Things turned for the worst as I started to hear the tempo slow down towards the end of the song.
Yukina: Stop!
Everyone paused and looked at yukina.
Yukina:...Ako you're starting to slow down a bit at that last part…please pick it up just slightly.
Ako: Got it!
Yukina just nodded at her .
Yukina: alright once more, from the top of the last chorus.
They resume playing again once more from the top. this time ako slowed down again but on the floor tom drum fill.
Yukina: stop!
They all stopped again.
Yukina: Ako please maintain the tempo its the last part of the song.
Ako: Right… I'm sorry lets try again.
Yukina was getting a little frustrated as Ako started to get a bit tilted from yukina scolding and her own playing. They played once more but this time all my focus was shifted onto Ako.
As I was reading Akos movements I noticed exactly what she was doing wrong. Like last time, she started to slow down once more on the floor tom fill and Yukina caught wind of it once more.
Yukina: Stop! Ako! Can you…
Y/N: I got this…
I said as I interrupted Yukina just before she could hold scold Ako again.
Yukina: L/N-San I told you not to get in the way.
She said while giving me a cold glare.
L/N: Don't worry let me handle it…
I walked up ako and went behind her. She turned around and looked at me with a curious look on her face.
Y/N: Ako, face forward and get ready to play. But don't actually hit anything yet.
Ako did as I asked as she positioned her sticks above her snares. I proceeded to put my hands on akos shoulders and started to get a feel of her shoulder muscles.
Ako: EEP!
She yelled out.
Rinko: Y/N- what are you doing to Ako-chan?
I ignored Shirokane's question and started making my way down towards both her arms where I got a feel of her muscles and then made my way down to her wrists and eventually her hands. Its as I thought, she's been using her entire arms to put power into her strikes which is causing her to slow down and burn out.
Y/N: I see the reason why you're slowing down.
Ako: oh? Tell me?
I took my hands off of Ako and started to explain what I found.
Y/N: the problem with you is that you're using way too much of your arms to strike the drums, And I can tell by how tense you are!
Ako: Really? But I always do this though?
Y/N: So you're meaning to tell me that you've been doing this the entire time??
Ako: Yes…my arms feel extremely tired after playing 3 or 4 songs, other than that it's always something I've been doing.
Y/N: Ako, your arms arent supposed to feel tired after playing 3 to 4 songs!
Ako: Wait! really?
Y/N: Yes! If your arms feel tired after playing that many songs, then it means you're playing wrong!
Ako cried out
Ako: Then, then what should I do Y/N-Senpai?
Y/N: Easy, first loosen your arms and relax your shoulders
Ako: Okay?
She said as she began to relax her arms and shoulders.
Y/N: Next, is your grip, you're holding the stick way to tightly with your hands.
I took out one of the sticks out from the stick holders and then proceeded to demonstrate.
Y/N: what you wanna do is lay the fulcrum of the stick in between your first index joints then wrap it around, and then put your thumb parallel to to it.
Ako: Alright?
Y/N: and then with your other fingers, just grip it but not too tight just a little loose.
Ako: Oh? like this?
She showed me how she was gripping it and it looked correct.
Y/N: Yes! Most of the grip should come from your thumb and your index, now what I want you to do is lay your sticks on the snare but turn your sticks slightly so that your thumbs are facing each other.
Ako: Is this okah?
I looked to see if she did what I told her to do and she did exactly what I wanted
Y/N: Yes, okay now that we got your grip and your form down, what I want you to do is when you strike the drums use more of your wrists and put less effort on your arms and shoulders, keep them relax, as you go up and down to hit the drums make like a whipping motion with your wrists.
Ako: Alright.
Now I want you to play a single stroke roll on the snare using what I taught you and tell me how you feel.
Ako: a single stroke what?
Y/N: just hit the snare with your with your left and right hand like you would with a regular drum roll.
Ako: Oh okay!
Ako started hitting the snare with the method I showed her. She started off slow but start picking up tempo eventually, she started playing so fast that sticks started to dribble causing her to play double stroke rolls.
Lisa: Wow Ako! That was really cool.
Sayo mhm! I have to agree with Imai-san on this one that was pretty impressive.
Rinko: Mhm its really cool Ako-chan!
I was so focused on teaching Ako that I forgot Roselia was here watching.
Y/N: So what do you think?
Ako: woooow! I think it's great! My arms aren't that tired and I feel like I could play faster!
Y/N: That's great to hear however, keep this in mind, the only drawback to playing this way is that it becomes relatively harder to play slower. I noticed it when you went from single rolls to double roll strokes instead. This can be easily fixed by slightly tightening the grip with your remaining three fingers and making less movements with your wrists, so
Make sure you adjust yourself accordingly otherwise you'll piss off that girl over there.
I said taking a jab at Minato.
Ako: Got it! I'm ready now!
Yukina: Alright, once more from the top.
They played the song again but this time Ako was able to get the fill right and still stay on tempo. After playing their first song they decided to play it again. Since I've already listened to this song I stepped out because I had to use the bathroom.
On my way to the bathroom I noticed Marina tinkering with one of the speakers. Curious, I went in to take a better look. I went right behind her to see specifically what she was doing.
Y/N: Hey…
Marina: AHHHHH!
Marina screamed and she looked behind her to see that it was me.
Marina: OMG L/N-San! You nearly scared me to death! I didn't even hear your footsteps at all!
Y/N: Sorry about that. force of habit Anyways, what's wrong with this speaker?
Marina: I don't know exactly wrong with it, it just stopped playing all of a sudden.
Y/N: Mind if I take a look at it?
Marina: Sure be my guest.
I took a flashlight that was laying on the ground and began to see what was wrong. I looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary with the wiring and the circuit boards.I put that cap back on and screwed it back on then flipped jt around to see if there was something wrong with the frequency drivers.
I unscrewed the front cap and began looking inside. After some time digging around I found out what was wrong.
Y/N: Marina come check this out.
Marina: What did you find?
Y/N: Take a look at the voice coils, it looks badly burned and on top of that the centerpiece looks like it ruptured.
Marina: I see, I could probably order the parts and…
Y/N: Don't bother…
I said interrupting her mid sentence.
Marina: Eh? Why not?
Y/N: Well, this speaker is an early 2000 model, so I highly doubt the manufacturer makes parts for this particular speaker.
I explained as I put the screw driver back down.
Y/N: Your best bet is just to order another speaker. As expensive as it sounds, it'll be beneficial for you in the long run with a newer model.
Marina: Well I guess it can't be helped then…
Y/N: Well if you'll excuse me
I patted the dust off my uniform and started to walk out.
Marina: Wait!
Just before I could exit, Marina called out to me.
Marina: For someone your age…How do you know so much about musical equipment?
I Began to think about her question. Back when I was an assassin my dad would send me engineering books because he knew that the branch of assassins that I was in at the time were very old fashioned warriors.
He sent me those books so I could keep up with the times and sharpen my mind which was kind of unnecessary considering the fact that I learned majority of engineering from the tokyo branch of assassins as they were WAY more technologically advanced then most branches across the world.
Y/N: Oh my dad is an engineer, He would show me a thing or two about maintenance from time to time.
I said telling her a half truth.
Marina: I see you're pretty good at it.
Y/N: Now if you'll excuse me.
I left the room and went ahead to use the bathroom.
I came into the room only to find out they were still practicing the same one song. It's good to know that I haven't really missed anything new, however I noticed Ako picking up in tempo…no… wasn't it at all…she's using metric modulation to make it seem like she's playing faster… its best to leave it at that, it look like Minato hasn't caught wind of it so I guess its okay I suppose.
They finished their song and they all started to relax a bit.
Lisa: Waaaaah! That was a good practice
She said while stretching.
Sayo: Yes… at the rate we're going I think we'll be just fine for our next show.
Oh i just realized they did mention something about a self sponsored live show during last nights live.
Rinko: Mmhm…
Ako: Yeah! And i'll be able to do more thanks to Senpai!
Yukina: You really pulled through Ako
Yukina said with a small smile forming on her face.
Y/N: That was pretty good.
They all looked at me and were all surprised, much like Marina, I guess they didn't notice I had stepped in.
Lisa: Y/N! When did you come back?
Y/N: A few minutes ago, you all were too focused on your practice so I didn't bother to say anything.
Ako: Nee Senpai! How did I do? How did I do?!
Y/N: You did a lot better than last time.
Ako: And its all thanks to you Senpai!
Lisa: No fair you compliment Ako? But not me?~
I can already tell that Lisa is just saying that to get a reaction out of me.
Y/N: I saw no problems with you Imai.
Lisa: Ehh? Is that all you have to say? Like what did you think of the song?
Yukina: I'm curious to know what you think as well…
Y/N: Personally I think it's pretty unique. I've listened to a lot of music and it's not common to hear heavy music where each member has a vocal part to play, and I think you all pulled it off pretty well.
Yukina: I see…well there's still much we have to work on…thank you for your insight especially when its coming from a talented individual such as yourself.
I looked at Hikawa and saw the same dissatisfied look on her face from when we talked about my guitar work this morning.
Y/N: I wouldn't go that far as to call a me talented individual.
Lisa: But its true! You helped out Ako back there, and you seemed like you knew what you were doing, so I think there's more to you than meets the eye~
Y/N: I guess…
Yukina: I think it's about time we get packed up and start heading home.
Lisa: OOOH! We should get some dinner before we leave besides I want to get to know Y/N-Kun a little better~
Lisa said while giving me a wink.
Ako: Me too! Me too! I want to know more about Senpai!
Sayo: I suppose dinner doesn't sound too bad.
Rinko: I could use something to eat.
Yukina: Very well then…would you care to grab dinner with us L/N-San?
Welp there goes my discord call with my friends…As much as I want to reject them, they are inviting me out. It would be rude to turn them down especially when I myself am curious to know about these girls.
Y/N: Sure I could be down.
Roselia started to clean up and pack their things. I Helped out by cleaning up and organizing the room. Soon after we all left the room and made our way out and onwards to a family restaurant that they usually go to. On our way out we all saw Marina manning the front register.
Lisa: Thank you Marina!
Rinko: We really appreciate you.
Sayo: Thank you so much for your help.
Marina: Yeah no problem girls…Oh Y/N-Kun May I have a word with you?
Hmm? What could she possibly want? I wonder
Y/N: Yes?
Marina came around the corner and approached me.
Marina: I was wondering if have any time to spare. Are you busy at all?
Y/N: Well other than the fact that Hikawa is holding me hostage in the Student council, I got nothing better to do. Why whats up?
Sayo: Hey!
Lisa: Is that true? Are you really being forced to work with the student council?
Sayo: No its not true! Besides, it was his doing that got him there in the first place!
Sayo said sounding a bit pissed. So long as I have to work with Hikawa I'm never letting that one go.
Marina: Well if it's Not too much to ask, I could use an extra hand here…and
Y/N: you want me to work here…Is that it?
Marina: yes! When you helped me fix that speaker I thought, Maybe I could use a person with that special set of skills and that person is you. So what do you say?
I paused for a moment to think about her offer. I thought it would be really nice to work in a place like this knowing that it's something that fuels my passion, however I soon began to think back on the elder's words when I was granted Hiatus from the Assassins. One of the conditions was that they could call me in for greater emergencies…meaning that I'd have to leave at any given moment.
Y/N: I dunno…
I was unsure of what to say or what to do…
Everyone(except Yukina): WHAAAAAT?!
Y/N: Jesus! What's with the sudden yelling?
Lisa: Why wouldn't you want to work here with her? This place would be perfect for you!
Y/N: Its just…I dunno, it's a lot to take in…its my first time getting offered something like this and im not sure about it…
Part of me wants to say yes but at the same time I kept going back and forth with my duties and responsibilities as an assassin…
Yukina: Personally I think you should take it…when First saw you play I was amazed at your performance. The level of complexity you've showed during the show proves that you have the talent and a deep understanding of music and you only proved it further when you helped out Udagawa-San with her stick technique.
Minato then came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder as I looked at her dead in her eyes.
Yukina: I think you would be not only a great asset to Marina-San but also to those who come in here as well.
Rinko: Yukina Is right and we would also appreciate you help her as well.
Lisa: Yeah! You can do it!
Sayo: Your knowledge would be of great use to this place. I suggest you don't squander it.
Ako: Fufufu~ The world is calling to you oh great god of fire and lighting how will you answer their uuhh
Rinko: Plight?
Ako: Plight! And besides, you helped me out alot back there and I think there are others who would need your help as well!
Y/N: You guys…
Marina: Please! I'm begging you!
She said as she bowed to me. Looking at herself prostrate like that hit me hard along with the words of Yukina and the encouragement of the other girls. At this point I'm just looking out for myself…I shouldn't be concerned about the order knowing full well that I'm currently not a part of it. And besides there are assassins out there who are as capable as I am so they don't even really need me for big emergencies. What I should be looking at is the people who are currently in front of me now, they're the ones who currently need me and not the assassins…
Y/N: If that's the case, then I would very much like to work with you.
I said while I bowed back.
With that being said everyone's faces lit up with smiles as Ako gave me a hug. Marina was very relieved knowing that she got an extra body to support her business.
Marina: Well then. Welcome to CiRCLE!
She said as she stuck her hand out for a handshake.
Y/N: Yeah the pleasure is all mine.
I said while I shook her hand.
I'll never know if I made the right decision but…I want to believe that it's better to live for others, especially when they are right in front of you.
To be continued…
Thats it for chapter 9! Hope you all enjoy We've Reached 1.14K Views and thats a huge mile stone for me. I really appreciate those who take the time to read and comment on my story. As always stay frosty my friends!
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