Chapter 9

That night Louis he has a dream that scares the absolute shit out of him. He's hiding under a bed, listening to a woman scream, it's absolutely horrific and traumatic and then he sees a woman fall the the floor and her dead eyes look straight into his. His mother

Louis sits up on the window breathing heavily, he's sweating profusely and he can't catch his breath. He gets up and walks to Harry's room, noticing Harry isn't even in bed. His bedside clock reads 12am. Louis walks out of Harry's room, he passes his office on the same floor, the door is shut and the light is on so Louis assumes Harry is inside. He makes his way down the stairs and into the room his dad is sleeping in. He sees his dad fast asleep and he climbs in with him

"Lou?" James asks as he wakes

"Bad dream, I remember...I remember her" Louis whispers

"Oh kiddo" James says as he holds Louis tightly and cuddles him close

"It's okay, you're okay, I'm so sorry Louis, I'm just so sorry" James says as he holds Louis tightly

Neither of them get much sleep for the rest of the morning. Louis finally going off at around 5am

James leaves him sleeping and heads to the kitchen for a cup or tea. He sees Harry and Scott already awake doing the same.

"Morning" James says as he goes to the cupboard to grab a mug out

"Morning" The boys smile

"You look like you haven't slept" Scott says

James sighs

"Louis came in, he was a complete mess at about 12, I only just got him back to sleep" James says as he puts his teabag in his mug and fills it with hot water from the kettle

Harry tenses as guilt rips through him

"What happened?" Harry asks

"He had a pretty bad nightmare, he told me he remembers his mums death. He was dreaming about it" James says shaking his head feeling guilty

"Shit, the poor kid" Scott says

"This is all just overwhelming him I think and he's not sure how to handle it all" James says

"We will look after him J, we can help him through this" Harry says

"I don't know how to do that Harry, he saw a gang raid yesterday and now he's dreaming about his mums death. He's never had to even think about anything like this before. I can't shelter him from any of this and I just feel so guilty" James says

"James, you're an amazing father and Louis knows that, he loves you to death, you will get him through this, we will too. I spoke to him yesterday about the raid and he was shaken but was okay. He will be okay and I promise we will shield him from as much of this world as we can" Harry promises

"Thanks Harry and I know and appreciate that. I just, with Tony back, he hasn't left your bedroom let alone the house in over a week and I'm scared for him to but I can't keep him caged up, he needs to get back to normality, or what was normal for him. School at least" James says

"Well, we can send a guard with him to school everyday, he will be safe and protected leaving the house, just like Harry is. We won't let anyone get close to him" Scott reassures.

James smiles just as Louis enters the kitchen, he's pale and sickly looking, so thin, no one has actually realised how much of a toll this has all taken on Louis. He looks distant and so small.

"I want to leave" Louis says, his voice husky from sleep.

"Leave what kiddo?" James asks gently

"Here, this house, this town, everything, I want to go, we need to go" Louis says clearly upset

"We know how hard this is for you to get used to and wrap your head around kid but it will just take some time" Scott tries kindly

"I don't think any amount of time will get me used to hearing you torturing people in your basement or seeing people get shot" Louis says, tears in his eyes.

"I know this sounds heartless Louis, but time does help, it really does. I know you're only 16 and this world is not something you can just be thrown into and be okay about. In saying that, that's what's happened, we tried to ease you in and we fucked up....insanely fucked up but it is what it is and we have to find a way to navigate it together" Harry says.

"Together?" Louis asks flabbergasted and Harry knows it's directed at him leaving Louis last night.

"Yes together" Harry says sternly

"Please, can we just go back to our old place, or Harry's apartment or something for a few days, I don't want to be here right now I need a break" Louis says

James and Harry look to one another and sigh

"I'll allow it if we send guards and it's only for two days Louis. We can't let anyone know you and your dad are there" Harry says

"This is so fucked up" Louis says.

"We know Lou and we really are sorry" Scott says.

"Why don't you come and have something to eat, you need to eat something, I'm starting to worry about your weight loss" James says

Harry and Scott are silently agreeing , Louis looks to tiny

"I can't eat, I feel like throwing up all the time" Louis says as he shakes his head

"Come and just try hey, I'll make you a piece of toast and then you can have a nice shower and we will take you back to Harry's apartment okay" Scott says

Louis sighs, he's grateful they are all being nice to Louis and at least understanding. Louis doesn't want to be near Harry right now though, he's upset at Harry for the kiss but he can't really blame Harry. Louis is only 16 and Harry is the most dangerous, gorgeous man in Britain, it was a mistake and Louis needs to grow up and get over it.

Louis makes his way over to the bar stools at the kitchen bench. Harry pulls the chair out and Louis sits. James grabs Louis a water bottle from the fridge and Scott puts the toast in the toaster. It's silent while Scott makes the toast and puts it in front of Louis. Louis barely eats anything and it's quiet, a little awkward if he's honest.

By the time Louis is showered and downstairs he's restless, the boys seem uneasy and it's seriously like the prime minister is leaving or something, there's so many guards it's crazy.

"How is this not suspicious" Louis asks sassily as they walk to the awaiting car. James already inside

"I would really like to know where this attitude is coming from, I can put a stop to everything right now" Harry says sternly

"Just like last night huh" Louis says death staring Harry

Harry looks like he regrets his actions for a split second before he regains his composure

"Yes Louis, just like last night" Harry says dominantly

"God you're a dick" Louis says angrily and walks off

Scott and Drew are behind Harry and laugh. Harry doesn't even turn around

"Shut it" Harry says seriously

"What happened last night?" Drew asks

Harry sighs.

He turns around to face his two trusted men

"We kissed, I kissed him" Harry says shamefully

"Whoah, and...... he didn't want it?" Scott asks confused

"I...things got a little heated and I stopped it, it can't happen, we can't happen and he's mad at me about it. Goes to show how immature he is, he's 16 and too young" Harry says

"Mm mmm" Drew says not wanting to voice his disagreement, Scott on the other hand doesn't let it slide.

"16 or not, I'd be pretty pissed at you too, I've known you for years Harry and the way you're acting now, I know you're regretting something and that you've obviously made a dick move" Scott tells him.

"Scott" Harry starts

"Save it for Louis Haz, I don't want to hear it" Scott says and he walks to the car where Louis and James are waiting inside

"Great, now he's pissed at me too" Harry says

"You know he can't stay mad at you, he'll be over it by the time we get back" Drew says

"Get back? Aren't you and Scott staying with them?" Harry asks

He wants his best protecting Louis and James

"No, we are needed here more, Scott has arranged for Jed and Max to stay at the apartment" Drew says.

"What? No, I only agreed to this if you two were the ones watching over them" Harry says upset

"Take it up with Scott, He's the one who made the call, after the raid and a few other threats Scott thinks it's safer at the apartment than it is here at the moment, you're the one who needs the most protection right now" Drew says.

"Well I'm going too then" Harry says.

"Uhhh the reason Louis wants to leave is you, isn't that the whole point of this?" Drew says to the point.

"Ugh fuck this" Harry says as he walks back into the house

Drew is utterly confused, obviously Harry is not taking being away from Louis very well, and he's also not handling his feelings for Louis very well. He just hopes the next two days give them both a bit of space and clarity.

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