Chapter 20
The next few hours are Solum as the team cleans the house, rids it of any evidence a mass shooting even occurred. The boys shower numbly and change into sweats and T-shirts. Usually after a raid or shooting or something going down they are all on a high, especially coming out on top but not this time. They are all worried sick about Louis and hope he makes it through, hope he isn't to scarred from what he went through.
The boys, minus Andy, all meet in Harry's office to wait. They all grab a drink and sit around Harry's desk.
"Words out Tony is dead and they tried to kill you" Edward says as he scrolls through his phone.
"What's word?" Harry asks
"Everyone's on your side, showing support for you" Edward says.
Harry is relived, it could have gone a completely different way.
"Anyone mentioning Louis?" Scott asks
"Yeah, actually, everyone. Sending hope he's okay" Edward says
"So the cats absolutely out of the bag now" Drew says
"Well Tony is not a problem anymore" Scott says
"I doubt anyone will try to cross Harry after this, hopefully Louis is safe and respected as Harry's partner, as part of the underground" Edward says
"If he survives" Harry says
"Don't go there Haz, Louis is strong, he's going to be okay" Scott says
"He doesn't deserve this Scott, he doesn't deserve any of this" Harry says sighing as he runs his hands over his face.
"No Haz, but he deserves to be protected and loved and part of the family. He deserves that" Scott says
"I don't want him part of any of this" Harry says
"He already is Haz, he's part of it all and nothing you do or say can change that. Everyone knows about him. The best we can do is keep him safe and protected as best we can" Scott says
"And what if I can't do that?" Harry says sincerely worried
"We all will Haz, we will all keep him safe" Scott says
Harry sighs and nods, he hopes that's true because what he's feeling now about nearly losing Louis, he never wants to feel again.
Andy walks into Harry's office a few hours later, absolutely covered in blood, Louis blood
"Jesus Andy" Harry says when he takes a look at Andy, he doesn't want to hear bad news, he can't
"It's okay, he's okay, he's stable" Andy says and Harry nearly loses it in relief.
"Thank fuck" Scott and the boys say.
"He's got a few broken ribs and he was shot in the shoulder and a bullet grazed his side but I managed to remove both bullets and he's going to be okay. He's had a blood transfusion and I'm giving him a second one now" Andy explains
"Thank you Andy" Harry says, tears in his eyes
"Of course Haz, I'm sorry but I can't put him in your room, he needs to stay in the medic room for a little while, until his transfusions have gone through and he wakes up" Andy says
Harry nods
"I'm going to go sit with him" Harry says
"I'll just clean up and I'll come check on him soon" Andy says
Harry thanks him and heads to the medic room, Harry is so thankful Louis is okay.
When he walks into the room he sees Louis hooked up to so many wires and oxygen, he looks so small in the bed. It's quiet and Harry just looks at Louis for a few minutes, taking him in. He wipes a few tears away. He's never like this, never gets emotional or shows feelings, it's so foreign to him. He lets himself feel though, let's himself cry and sits next to Louis, stroking his hair, just thankful he's alive.
Louis wakes a few hours later, he comes to in pain, he feels a heaviness in his chest like he can't breathe.
"Darling, relax, I'm right here, I've got you" Harry says gently as he strokes Louis hair
Louis opens his eyes and is met with Harry's beautiful green ones.
"Hi there baby" Harry smiles
"Harry" Louis croaks
"Yeah baby, you're okay, I'm here" Harry says, he leans down to kiss Louis on the head
"What happened?" Louis asks
"What do you remember!" Harry asks
"Just...being in the kitchen, everything else is a blur" Louis says confused
"That's okay, it might take a while to come back. You were shot and have some broken ribs. You just need to rest for now" Harry says
Andy then walks in and visibly relaxes as he sees Louis awake.
"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" Andy asks
"Sore" Louis croaks
"You will be for a while bud, I'll give you some pain relief and you can go back to sleep okay" Andy says
Louis doesn't protest and goes back to sleep easily, he's exhausted
When he's out Harry turns to Andy.
"He doesn't remember what happened" Harry says concerned
"That's okay, he's been through something traumatic, it might come back it might not." Andy says
"I hope it doesn't, I don't want him remembering that he killed Tony" Harry says
"We'll just let him remember on his own, don't keep things from him but don't actively remind him, he might block it out completely we just have to wait and see" Andy says
Harry nods and gets comfy next to Louis, he won't leave his side while he recovers.
It's a few days before Louis is allowed to see the other boys and he's strong enough to leave the medic room. Harry helps him up the stairs and as they reach the kitchen the boys are all there with "get well soon" signs and all of Louis favourite snacks. They all cheer and whistle when Louis enters and Louis smiled shyly, he can't belive how much these boys love him and how much he's missed them the last few days.
"We've missed you kiddo" Scott says as he comes over and hugs Louis tightly but gently
Louis hugs Scott back holding back his tears, Drew is next and Louis latches on tightly. Edward and Andy hug Louis too and they are all just thankful he's okay.
"You didn't have to do this for me" Louis says shyly.
"Of course we did, and besides do you know how boring this place has been without you around the last few days" Drew chuckles
Harry smiles at his boys and couldn't be more thankful that they all get along and love each other like they do.
"You need to go slow though Lou, okay, I don't want you overdoing it. You can stay down here for half an hour then it's back to bed" Harry says seriously
Louis nods, he's still sore and as much as he likes to do the opposite of what Harry says, he'll listen this time.
The boys feed Louis some cake and make him laugh which he's missed. When Harry is tucking him into bed a little while later he kisses Louis on the lips and Louis melts into the kiss.
"I've missed you Harry" Louis says seriously
"I've been here baby, I'm always here" Harry says smiling
"I know but I mean I missed you and your kisses and stuff" Louis says shyly
Harry chuckles.
"You don't know how much I've missed your kisses Lou, I love you so much" Harry says
"I love you too" Louis says back.
Harry kisses Louis head and tucks him in.
"I need to get back to work for a little while, I just have some things to sort out. Will you be okay? I'm just down the hall" Harry says
"I'll be okay, sorry to keep you from your work" Harry says
"Don't ever be sorry I will always drop everything for you" Harry says sincerely
"Louis smiles and Harry kisses him again, he slowly closes his eyes and falls asleep.
Harry makes his way to his office where Scott and Drew are already
"He okay?" Scott asks
"Yeah, he's asleep thankfully" Harry says
"He still doesn't remember anything!" Drew asks
"Nope, Andy said it may never come back, which I really hope on" Harry says
"Yeah, he doesn't need the stress while trying to recover" Scott says.
Just when they get into sorting some deals out, Louis comes rushing into the room, in a complete sweat and breathing heavy.
"Louis, shit, what's wrong baby" Harry asks as he rushes to Louis side and moves him toward the couch. Harry sits Louis down and kneels in front of him. Scott and Drew on either side
"Slow deep breaths Lou" Scott encourages
"I killed him, I killed him didn't I?" Louis asks as he tries to breathe
The boys sigh, afraid this was going to happen
"It's okay darling" Harry says
Louis looks into Harry's eyes.
"It's not Harry, i shot him" Louis says
"And you saved us, Lou" Harry says
"He shot you too Lou, he nearly killed you" Scott says
"Yeah but I killed him" Louis says
"Yeah, you did and we are all extremely thankful that you did Louis and I can't apologise for that. I also can't sugar coat it. As much as we want to protect you from this, I don't want you to feel what you're feeling and I wish I could take it all away from you, but I can't. What I can do though, and the boys too, is be there for you through this" Harry says
"I don't feel bad Harry and that scares me" Louis says in honesty
"He killed both your parents Louis, and nearly killed us and you. Not feeling bad doesn't mean you're a bad person or anything like that" Scott reassures
"Are you sure? Because I feel bad that I wanted to kill him" Louis says
"Your feelings are valid Louis, completely valid, you should be proud of yourself for doing what you did to save us. I know the image is hard to get rid of but eventually it will go away and you'll be okay" Drew says
"I don't want to do it again" Louis says
"Never, Louis, we would never make you or expect you to do that again" Harry says with conviction
It's quiet for a few minutes before Louis breaks the silence
"I spewed" Louis says trying to lighten the mood a little
The boys laugh
"I can absolutely tell you we all spewed the first time we killed someone, Drew still does sometimes" Harry says chuckling
Louis looks to Drew curiously
"It's true, it's not my favourite thing to do and thankfully we don't do it very often, only when we have too" Drew says
"Come on, you need sleep, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep" Harry reassures
Louis smiles and Harry carries Louis back to be cuddling him close as he falls asleep.
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