Chapter 16

It's three nights later when Louis is heading up to Harry's room again, he's been sneaking in every single night and sleeping on the window bed, he leaves before Harry gets up. He thinks Harry doesn't know but when he gets to the top of the stairs at the usual time of midnight, Louis sees Harry leaning against the doorframe, shirtless in just sweats. His arms  are crossed across his chest and he's smirking at Louis.

Louis stops in his tracks.

"" Louis starts

"I'm the leader of the underground darling, you think I don't hear your sneak in every night" Harry smirks triumphant

Louis looks down ashamed

"I'm sorry" Louis says quietly

"Nothing to be sorry for sweetheart" Harry says

Louis looks up and they both stare at each other

"Come on" Harry smiles and Louis doesn't hesitate, he makes his way towards Harry. Harry steps back and let's Louis into the room, he then closes the door behind them.

They stare at each other for a few slow seconds, Louis looking at Harry from under his lashes. Harry reaches out slowly and tucks Louis hair behind his ear. He sighs and he grabs Louis delicate face in his large hand and looks deep into his eyes.

He pulls Louis close towards him and Louis breath hitches as he steadies himself on Harry's broad chest, he's warm and Louis melts. Harry looks between Louis eyes and his lips a few times before he is slowly leaning in towards Louis. Louis doesn't pull back and when Harry's lips meet his fire enters his body, Harry's lips feel soft yet he's dominating, he takes control of the kiss and Louis submits. 

Harry moves Louis back against the bedroom door and devours him.

"Fuck baby" Harry says as he pulls back panting

"Please don't say it's a mistake" Louis says with so much emotion.

Harry sighs and looks Louis in the eyes

"I'm sorry, I never thought it was a mistake I just didn't want to hurt you, or for you to be pulled into this life and I'm sorry Louis" Harry says

"Well I'm in deep now and I want to be in deep with you" Louis says

Harry smiles and attacks Louis lips again. Louis responds and let's Harry take over. It gets heated and their hands roam each other and they can't get enough of each other. Harry picks Louis up and Louis wraps his legs around Harry's waist as Harry leads them back to the bed, never breaking the kiss.

He lays him down gently and makes quick work of their clothing, Harry is gentle yet dominating and Louis submits so easily.

"Taste so good baby" Harry says as he licks inside Louis mouth dirtily

Louis moans

"You're mine, all mine, aren't you darling" Harry says as he nibbles down Louis neck

"Yours" Louis moans out and Harry smirks.

There is a slight sheen of sweat that covers their naked bodies as Harry grinds down on Louis, Harry is big and Louis somehow can't wait for Harry to devour him.

Harry makes quick work of opening Louis up, scissoring him slowly and drowning out his whines as he licks inside Louis mouth.  When Harry deems Louis ready he man handles Louis with his large hands, Louis is so small against Harry's toned body. He situates Louis in front of him, he winds his hand around Louis chest and pulls him back towards his own. Harry is on his knees and he slips inside Louis easily. They both moan and Harry licks over Louis ear from behind. Louis tries to move but Harry has a firm grip on him.

"It's okay, I've got you darling, I'm going to make you feel so good baby" Harry says sexily

He starts moving and as he pushes up he pushes Louis down, making Harry's cock go so deep Louis can feel it in his stomach. Their moans fill the air as they come closer to their climax, Harry reaches around Louis body with his free hand and slowly puts his fingers inside Louis mouth, Louis moans around them and sucks on them.

"That's it baby, fuck that's it, so good for me" Harry says

Harry pushes his fingers in further and Louis moans, Harry has such a tight grip on Louis and he loves it.

Harry is about to come at watching Louis, he's perfect and feels amazing around his cock.

"I'm going to fill you up with my seed baby, come for me" Harry says into Louis ear

Louis is so turned on that he listens and comes, moaning around Harry's fingers. Harry follows suit and moans as he pushes up one final time inside Louis.

They both are a panting mess as they come down from their highs. Harry slowly releases Louis and they stare at each other as Harry turns Louis around. He cups his face with his hand and leans in to kiss Louis roughly.

He then goes to get something to clean them both up with. They don't say much to each other but Harry holds Louis close and tightly all night and both have one of the best sleeps they have had in months.

The next morning, Harry wakes with Louis in his arms, the clock reads 7am and Harry doesn't care that he's slept in. Holding Louis means everything to him right now.  Louis stirs and he looks up to see Harry smirking at him.

"Morning darling" Harry says sexily

"Morning" Louis blushes.

"Let's get you in a shower hey" Harry says and Louis complies,

They get up and make their way to the shower. Harry makes sure Louis is washed and let's him use his toothbrush, they don't say anything to each other, Louis is caught up in Harry and a Harry just wants to devour Louis again. He reaches out and cups Louis cheek and pushes him gently back against the shower wall. Louis breath hitches and Harry smirks

He leans in and ravishes Louis, Louis submits and moans into Harry mouth, Harry grabs Louis legs and hitches Louis up against the wall, Harry uses his fingers to make sure Louis is open and ready for him.

"Fuck your gorgeous" Harry says and Louis breathes heavily

"So good for me baby, you're all mine aren't you, so good for me" Harry says and Louis keens are Harry's words

"Mmm you like being good for me don't you, yeah? Such a good boy" Harry says as he removes his fingers and pushes inside Louis. Louis moans as Harry kisses hims senseless

They are then interrupted by a knock at Harry's bathroom door.

"What" Harry growls but he doesn't let up pounding into Louis,

Louis scratches down Harry back trying to fix his hands on something.

The door opens and Scott and Drew walk in, Harry doesn't stop his assault on Louis and Louis makes eye contact with Scott who smirks slightly. They don't seem fazed one bit by walking in on Harry and Harry doesn't seem fazed either

"Tony is asking for a meeting" Drew says as he and Scott watch Harry and Louis

"Fuck" Harry says in response

"Do you want us to set it up" Scott asks

"Ughh" Harry says

"Harry" Louis wines

"Such a good boy baby, gonna come for me? Show Scott and Drew how good you are" Harry says puffed

For some reason Louis is slightly turned on, he can't explain it and he meets Scott and Drew's eyes as he comes. Harry follows suit with a growl as he pounds one last time into Louis.

He rests his forehead on Louis and they breathe in each other. Harry kisses Louis on the forehead and puts him down.

He reluctantly lets go of Louis and steps out of the shower. He takes the towel offered by Drew and wraps it around his waist he then grabs Louis out and does the same to him.

"Is it a set up?" Harry asks like he didn't just fuck Louis senseless in front of them. Louis is a little dazed.

"We don't know" Scott sighs 

"We have no idea what's going on but he says it's urgent" Drew says

Harry looks at Louis wrapped in the towel and brings him close to his side, he kisses his head.

"Lou, Drew is going to take you and help you get dressed and get some breakfast, I'll meet you in the kitchen okay" Harry says gently.

"But I wanna stay with you" Louis says submissively and the boys wonder if he's about to drop.

"I know darling, but can you be good for me and go with Drew, I won't be long I promise" Harry says as he swipes Louis hair off his forehead

"K" Louis nods and Harry kisses him in thanks before he's looking at Drew and nodding. Drew takes Louis gently out of the room and Harry turns to Scott who's smirking

"Don't" Harry smirks back

"I didn't say anything" Scott says back smiling

Harry turns to the sink and grabs his mouthwash

"Good night then?" Scott smiles

"Great, definitely not going to fuck it up again" Harry says seriously as he takes a mouthful of mouthwash

"Good, you two look good together" Scott says

Harry spits in the sink and turns to Scott

"We do don't we" Harry winks

Scott rolls his eyes

"Do you want me to take care of your little problem?" Harry jokes looking at Scott's crotch as he walks passed him to get to his wardrobe. Drew having taken Louis out already

"Fuck off" Scott says

Harry laughs as Scott follows him.

"What do you want to do about Tony" Scott says

Harry sighs as he begins to dress, the boys have seen each other naked hundreds of times, it's just part of living together. They are close as family and walking in on each other fucking isn't unheard of either. Neither is joining in for fun, nothing serious or anything and they all love and support each other. 

"What do you think?" Harry asks

"I think he wants Louis" Scott says

That has Harry worrying, he won't let anything happen to Louis.

"Well he's not stupid, he knows I won't hand him over" Harry says as he buttons up his shirt

"Does he though?" Scott asks

Harry looks to Scott confused

"Tony doesn't know you're in a relationship, have feelings for Louis, he might actually think you'd give him up...if the price is right" Scott says carefully

Harry thinks on that for a moment.

"You're saying..." Harry starts

"I'm saying, it's a dangerous game, you let them know how much Louis means to you and they will know how to get to you, know your weakness. On the other hand you don't let on, there is no reason for you to be keeping Louis safe" Scott explains

Harry knows he's right, he didn't want Louis to have to deal with all this,  he didn't want to put Louis in danger like this.

"Shit Scott..." Harry says as he finishes putting on his watch, he puts his hands on his hips and dips his head sighing.

"We won't let anything happen to him Harry" Scott says reassuringly

"We said that about James" Harry says defeated

"I think we meet with him, Suss it all out and go from there, but it's something to do with Louis" Scott says.

"Okay set it up" Harry says and Scott nods

Downstairs Louis is sat at the breakfast bar in his sweats and Harry's sweater which falling off his collarbones, Drew is making Louis some toast. Drew thinks Louis is adorable and he's slowly coming out of his haze.

"Okay kiddo?" Drew asks as he begins buttering Louis toast

"Yeah" Louis whispers half smiling

"Drew smiles back.

"Do you, is that, you and Scott...." Louis tries to ask shyly

Drew smirks.

"It's normal for us Lou, Scott and I are in love, in a relationship together, there will never be anyone else for us, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun from time to time" Drew says smirking

"With each other?" Louis asks  innocently

Drew winks at Louis.

"Do you watch?" Louis asks

"Not Harry, no, he doesn't...usually have people, relationships around Lou, I've definitely walked in on him wanking, we all have seen each other, joined in, it's nothing serious and I assure you Harry would never  make you do anything you weren't comfortable with. Or let us see you doing something you don't want us too. He will protect you Louis. You mean the world to him I promise" Drew says turning serious

Louis nods slightly

Drew hands him the toast and Louis plays with it a little

"It's not that bad is it" Drew jokes

Louis smiles

"I'm just not that hungry" Louis says

"Well after last night and this mornings activities, you should eat and get your strength back" Drew says

"Oh gosh" Louis says embarrassed

Drew laughs

"Don't be embarrassed" Drew says

"You've seen me naked Drew, it's kind of embarrassing" Louis says

"I promise you, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about. And if it's any consolation, you and Harry look amazing together" Drew says smirking

Louis chuckles, he picks up a piece of toast and slowly eats it, Harry and Scott then walk into the room. Harry kisses Louis on the head before he goes to the fridge to grab a drink.

"Okay darling?" Harry asks as he goes around to Louis and cups his face, kissing him.

"Yeah, I'm okay" Louis says shyly.

Drew and Scott smile at Louis cuteness.

"Should we have a talk about what just happened?" Harry asks as he sits down. Scott rounds the bench and kisses Drew on the head as he places his arm around him.

"I'm, like, it's fine" Louis says.

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable by continuing, when the boys walked in" Harry says

"I... no, I wasn't and I guess.... I'm kind of confused because I should be? I dunno" Louis says cutely

The boys smirk.

"There's no rules with how you're meant to feel baby, just know you're the only one for me okay" Harry says

Louis nods.

"Are you working today?" Louis then asks

"In the office, yes" Harry says

"Are you meeting with Tony?" Louis asks

Harry sighs.

"Not today but yes" Harry says

A worry sets in Louis gut, the boys catch on

"It's okay Lou, he won't be coming here" Scott says trying to be reassuring

"I, that's not what I was worried about, it's...what if he does something to you? He killed my dad and my mum, I don't want to lose you too" Louis says slightly upset

"That won't happen darling, we promise okay. Just try not to to worry about it . I promise you're safe and we are safe" Harry tells Louis

Louis bites his lip and nods

"Your university books showed up this morning kid" Drew says trying to take Louis mind off things

"Oh!" Louis lights up a little

"I put them in the study, next to Harry's office. It's all set up for you" Drew says

"Thanks" Louis says truthfully

"Anytime" Drew says smiling.

"Now I have to go do some work, as much as I want to spend all day with you, if you need me you know where I am okay, never hesitate to come get me, for anything, understand" Harry says

Louis smiles and nods.

Harry nods kisses Louis again and he and the boys head to Harry's office. Louis heads to the study to sort out his books and things and to see what he can start on for his classes. He's excited to start learning again.

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