Chapter 14
Louis feels so weird after his shower like he's scrubbed clean, he hasn't felt this good in a while. So much dirt came out of his hair it wasn't funny. He puts on the clothes from the drawer and realises they are too big for him, they swamp him. Living on the streets has definitely not been kind to Louis.
He makes his way back down to the kitchen and sees all the boys waiting for him, Edward and Andy hug Louis hello and Louis must admit it's good to see them.
"Jesus kid, let's get some food into you hey" Andy says
Louis blushes, he knows he's lost a lot of weight.
"We've ordered takeout, just pizza. Let's go through to the lounge room hey, get you comfortable so we can chat about a few things" Harry says
Louis bites his lip and nods his okay.
The boys lead him to the oversized lounge room with the massive corner lounge and flat screen TV. Pizza and drinks are layed out on the coffee table and the boys all take a seat.
Harry leads Louis in between himself and Drew and Harry hands him a Diet Coke and two slices of cheese pizza on a plate, Louis favourite
"I haven't had pizza in forever" Louis says smiling slightly
The boys smile
Louis eats slowly and the boys dig in, Harry watches Louis intently and he and Andy take mental note that Louis can only stomach 3/4 of a piece of pizza. He's quiet and he looks to Harry, he can feel Harry's eyes on him.
"Good?" Harry asks as he nods towards Louis plate that is now on the table
"Yeah" Louis smiles.
Harry smirks at Louis cuteness.
"Do you mind if we chat about a few things?" Harry asks
Louis leans back on the couch and puts his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around his knees, making himself smaller.
"Yeah, it's fine" Louis says quietly
All the boys finish up eating and relax on the couch ready for this conversation, they all have so many questions and things they need Louis to know.
"We're not upset okay, don't be scared of us Louis" Scott says to Louis intently
"I...yeah, okay I'm...yeah" Louis says sighing
He doesn't know why he feels uneasy right now, these boys have never shown anything but lobe towards him, he feels like he's disappointed them though and Louis doesn't like that feeling.
"Do you still think I killed your dad?" Harry then asks straight out.
Louis looks towards Harry and takes a deep breath.
" well, kind of, I know you didn't personally kill him but if we didn't come back here he'd still be here" Louis says and he's tried not to think about his dad for the past year, the pain to unbearable. Tears form in his eyes without his control, he's so sick of crying
"Do you know what happened?" Scott asks gently
"I know he was in a car accident and that's it, the other guard, I know he died too" Louis says sadly
The boys look at each other
"Lou, Tony's men....they hit your dad head on. It was an orchestrated hit" Harry says carefully
"So....he..... he killed both my parents?" Louis says
"We're sorry Lou" Scott says
"I know. It's not your fault hurts" Louis says
"We know kiddo" Edward says
"We will keep you safe okay" Drew says
"Does Tony know about me?" Louis questions
"He does, but he knows you disappeared, no one could find you, we couldn't even find you. Whatever you did our there you're lucky You weren't found" Scott says
"Where did you go Louis? I have extremely powerful men across all of London, I had people searching for you day and night for a year. The fact you skipped through our grasp for that long is extremely impressive. Dangerous but impressive" Harry says smirking at the end.
"I just couch hopped and Noah and I stayed at the Berkshire bridge in a pretty good hiding spot most of the time. We also spent a while a few towns over with his friends. I just layed low, with a bunch of out of it drug users who didn't know their own name let alone mine" Louis says
"You're haven't been doing any drugs have you?" Harry asks sternly
"No, Noah does enough for the both of us" Louis says
"Noah is still on the streets, didn't want our help or anything" Drew says
"Yeah, what did you give him for snitching?" Louis asks angrily
The boys smirk
"Money and access to our dealer for high grade drugs, that won't fuck him up as much. Offered him rehab and help to get clean and a job but he refused. Told him the offer is always open if he changes his mind" Drew says
Louis nods and looks down, he's still mad at Noah for snitching but he hopes Noah will accept help at some point.
"So what happens when Tony finds out you found me?" Louis asks
"We won't let a thing happen to you Louis" Harry says determined
"But you said that to my dad and he said that to my mum and they are both dead" Louis deadpans
"I will die before I let someone hurt you" Harry snarls
"We all will" Scott reiterates
Louis is slightly taken aback but he's thankful for the boys at least trying to reassure him
It's quiet for a minute while everyone gets their thoughts together
"We do have to talk about things like school too Lou, not right away but eventually" Harry says
"I....I have a scholarship waiting for me at London public university, I finished my school work while I was on the streets and applied to university and was accepted into my degree, can I still go?" Louis says, he knows he probably won't be allowed to leave while Tony is still around though
"Wow Louis, that's insane, well done" Scott and the boys say.
"I don't want you going to university at London public Louis, I'll make other arrangements" Harry says sternly but he's extremely impressed by Louis, this kid just keeps surprising him in everything.
Louis looks to Harry questioningly
"Don't ask questions darling" Harry says
Louis just sighs.
"I'm tired, can I go to bed?" Louis then asks
"Sure kid, we have a room set up for you" Drew says smiling.
"Oh, k , thanks" Louis half smiles
Louis doesn't ask to sleep on a couch or to sleep in Harry's room against the window again, the boys don't bring it up, they thought they may have to try to convince Louis to have his own room but he's willing to go.
"Thanks for the pizza" Louis says to Harry as he gets up
"Anytime darling" Harry smirks
Louis can't pretend he hasn't missed Harry or the boys, Harry feels safe and the pet names he's missed so much make Louis feel secure, cared for even.
Louis nods shyly and Drew leads Louis out of the room and up to his new room. It's a floor below Harry's and when Drew opens the door Louis can't believe what he sees. The boys have designed him his very own room, with the things Louis loves. There are framed signed jerseys of Louis favourite ice hockey team on the wall. It's painted grey and white with a king size bed in the middle of the room, a wardrobe and bathroom sit behind the wall. There is a desk that overlooks the glass window and has the two pictures the boys found in Louis backpack, framed and sitting on his desk, along with the last note Louis dad wrote to him in a frame beside the pictures. To top it all off in the corner of the room is his very own bay window bed, just like Harry's.
Louis turns to Drew in disbelief,
"Wha?" He asks completely overwhelmed as he turns to Drew.
"We had it done a year ago, a few months after you went missing, we hope you like it" Drew says smiling
"Why, you...didn't have to do this...I" Louis starts but he doesn't know what to say.
"Louis, do you really not understand how much you mean to us? How much we care, how much Harry cares" Drew says.
Louis has tears in his eyes but he wont let them fall.
Harry, Scott, Edward and Andy then come up behind Drew and They all look towards Louis.
"It's true Louis, I never stopped looking for you and I would have kept going for as long as it took" Harry says
"But, you don't didn't even know me....I was in your lives for a matter of months, you can't care about me that much" Louis says
"So you didn't miss us?" Scott asks
Louis sighs and looks down, there wasn't a night that went by he didn't wish the boys and Harry were with him but he thought they killed his dad and he stopped himself feeling.
"I did but it's not like I thought you'd want me permanently. I was told I was going to a foster home, I thought if you caught me you'd send me to one, I didn't know you cared enough to want to keep me" Louis says quietly
"Well we did kid, and we still do. We're here for you Louis, just trust us to be okay" Andy says
Louis half smiles, and the boys know it's a silent agreement
"Thanks...thank you for the room" Louis says shyly
The boys smirk back at Louis, he's so adorable and they have really missed him
"Anytime kiddo" Drew says
"We will leave you to it, we have an early start tomorrow but make yourself at home okay, this is your home now. Eat what you want, do what you like, okay" Scott says
"Just don't go anywhere near the basement okay, that's off limits" Harry says
Louis nods
"And I'll be safe when you're not here?" Louis asks innocently
"Perfectly. There are guards everywhere outside and at the door, no one will get to you" Harry reassures
"K" Louis says and the boys smile and leave, Harry albeit reluctantly
Louis looks around the room and can't believe this is all his. It's so nice of the boys he just can't begin to understand why they've done this for him.
Louis heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth before bed, he passes through his wardrobe that is full of clothes. He sees the boys have also hung up his dads shirts for him, in the back near the window so he can see them every day.
Louis doesn't know what comes over him and he brushes his teeth climbs into the nice comfortable bed and cries himself to sleep, he's just so overwhelmed.
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