Chapter 1
"And this is my boss Louis, this is Mr Styles" Louis dad James tells him smiling.
Louis reaches towards Mr Styles outstretched hand and shakes his hand politely.
Louis has been dragged along to his dad's work dinner, apparently for new employees to get to know each other. It's an over the top do and Louis and his dad had to hire their tux's as they don't own any. They don't and never have had the money for lavish things, Louis dad has just started this new job, tells Louis he's part of a big bank, working insurance and looking around the room Louis thinks it must be an extremely classy bank.
Louis Mum died when he was 8, his dad raising him the best he could, Louis has basically grown up close to poverty, his dad struggling to hold down a job and care for Louis. They are extremely close though, a team, his dad has always called Louis his best buddy and even at 16 Louis wouldn't know what to do without his dad. He loves him to death.
"It's nice to meet you" Louis says and Harry smirks at Louis, his dimple popping, causing Louis to blush.
Louis is gay and came out at 14, his dad was very supportive, his friends at school were too and he's so thankful for their constant support and for not really making it a big deal at all. Louis can't help but stare at Mr Styles, he's about 27 with slight scruff and curly brown hair to his ears, he's muscly and seems kind yet there is definitely an air of arrogance and danger associated with him and Louis doesn't know if it gives him an uneasy feeling or he's actually attracted to it. Mr Styles can definitely hold a room and anyone's attention.
"Likewise Louis, your dad has told me a lot about you" Harry says confidently
"Oh?" Louis says confused as he glances at his dad and back to Harry
"Nothing but good things don't worry" Harry smiles before he turns to James " Drew will show you to your table, would love to chat a little later about some business, but enjoy your night" Harry says kindly as he claps James on the back
James nods and thanks Harry
"See you around Louis, it was very nice to meet you" Harry says smirking
"You too" Louis says smiling shyly
Harry nods and walks off to greet some other guests and they are shown to their table. Louis is so uncomfortable being here and he looks around uneasily. He notices there are about six guys who keep staring at him, Harry included and he just feels so uncomfortable.
Louis doesn't eat much of the fancy food, he has a glass of Coke and that's about it, his dad mingles the entire night, whisked away on what appears to be important serious business. Louis gets a weird feeling, these people don't seem like they would work in a bank, and he notices there is only about 5 women in the room, wives of some of the workers. They all look very expensive, Louis is definitely the youngest one here.
Louis keeps to himself pretty much the whole night at the table, his phone is so old and barely works but he ends up playing snake for most of the time, it's the end of the night when someone sits down next to Louis smiling.
"Hiya kiddo, you're James son aren't you" the guy says, Louis recognises him as one of the guys whose been staring at him through the night.
Louis looks towards the man, he's handsome and muscly yet kind looking, around the same age as Mr Styles and just as intimidating, cleanly shaven and pretty yet rough in a way.
"Um, yeah.... I'm Louis" Louis says shyly
"I know, I'm Scott, I work with Harry" Scott says
"Harry?" Louis asks confused
Scott smirks
"Mr Styles" Scott clarifies.
"Oh, so you own the bank too?" Louis asks innocently
Scott smirks
"That's all Harry, I work with him, kind of like your dad now" Scott says
Louis nods, something doesn't seem right here but Louis shrugs it off.
"So how old are you kid?" Scott asks
Louis wonders why Scott is interested in even talking to him at all but humours him, he doesn't want his dad to get a bad reputation because his son was disrespectful or rude.
"Um, I'm 16" Louis says.
"16? So still in high school?" Scott asks
"Yeah, my last year though. I skipped two grades" Louis says quietly
Scott smirks, this kid is seriously gorgeous with beautiful blue eyes and his tiny physique, Scott knows exactly why Harry wanted him to find everything he can out about him.
"Do you have a job? What do you plan to do after graduating?" Scott asks, trying to keep things nonchalant
Louis is confused by all the questions but answers
"I work two jobs, one at a grocery store and one at a bar in Cedars Lane" Louis says
"Wow two jobs, how do you keep up with school" Scott asks seriously
"Oh, well... I just do, We don't have a lot of money and I need to work and I just get things done I guess" Louis says half smiling
"That's impressive, Cedars Lane is a bit rough though" Scott says, knowing the lane well as Harry and his boys own most of it
"I guess, it can be, but my dad waits in the car while I work nights and is always there so It's fine, my boss is pretty good too" Louis says
"So you and your dad are close?" Scott asks
"Yeah, my mum died when I was 8 and it's just been Dad and I since, he's the best" Louis says and Scott can see just from the way Louis is talking about his dad how much he means to him, how fond Louis is of the man.
Scott knows Harry has hired James because of his past with Harry's dad and the trust they had with each other when Des was alive, Harry has big plans for James and Louis is of course part of those plans.
"Well your dad is going to be a great addition to the team, I just know it" Scott says
Louis looks at him and smiles shyly.
"Well I better get back to it, hopefully see you around again. Have a good night Louis" Scott says and Louis nods
"Thanks, you too" Louis says.
Scott saunters off and Louis is confused at the interaction, Scott meets Harry's eye who's been watching the two closely from afar. Scott winks at Harry smirking and Harry smirks back.
Louis and James end their night and they drive home at around midnight. Louis is unusually quiet on the drive home as he thinks the night over in his head
"Okay bud?" James asks Louis, knowing something is bothering him
"Yeah, your work people seem nice" Louis says
"They are, yeah, I'm glad you got along with them" James says.
"They look different from what I expected" Louis says.
"Oh?" James asks curiously
"Well, yeah, I figured in banking, especially insurance they'd all be fat and old" Louis chuckles
James laughs.
"They are a good looking bunch aren't they" James says smiling.
"And young. I mean, not that you're old or anything" Louis says
James smiles, he was young when he had Louis so is only 38 and he's handsome, fits in nicely with the others and Louis wonders what's in the water at the bank, they must only hire extremely good looking males.
"I did see a few eyes on you" James smiles.
"Yeah it was kind of uncomfortable" Louis says
"I know, but you will get used to it, I know it can feel degrading but I want you to know that you're more than what you look like Lou. I've always told you that, you're smart, funny and so kind and that's what I'm most proud of. doesn't hurt to enjoy the looks every now and then. God knows I'd never let a single person with unruly intentions get anywhere near you" James says.
Louis smiles at his dad and blushes
"I don't think you need to worry about that for a while dad, I'm not really interested in dating" Louis says
James hides his smirk, Louis has absolutely no idea how gorgeous he is, James is often complimented on how beautiful Louis is and Louis is completely oblivious to it all. James will always protect him though.
"Things are looking up Lou, I'm on great pay, more than we've ever been on. I'll be able to afford to move us in a few months and buy you a new phone, clothes. It's going be great and what you deserve" James says.
"I don't care about that stuff dad, you know I love you and appreciate everything you do for us. As long as you're safe and happy" Louis says
James looks at Louis proudly as Louis watches the rain fall outside the window of their run down car. How did he get so lucky with Louis, he's just like his mum was, so kind and innocent and James wants to keep him that way.
"So are you working tomorrow?" Louis asks, it being Saturday
"I'm on call if they need me over the weekend but I should only work Monday to Friday. Some of those will be night shifts though" James says.
"The bank is open at night?" Louis asks confused
"Inventory and things yeah" James says, the lie slipping from his mouth easily
James doesn't exactly want Louis knowing what he is actually doing. He's not working for a bank and he just hopes Louis doesn't find out anytime soon that he's working for the mob
Harry is the head of the underground and James was good friends with his dad Des. When Harry saw James was back in town and working at a restaurant known for the clients of the underground, Harry wanted to help him. When Des was alive he trusted James impeccably and they were great friends and worked along side each other until the tragic death of James wife. James had to move for his and Louis safety and they lost touch completely when Des died years ago, but Harry recognised James, his kind face as soon as he saw him. James was hesitant to take Harry's job offer at first, thinking of Louis and his late wife, but Harry was insistent and assured James Louis would be safe and he would be overlooking shipments and distribution, none of the deals or hits. James was appreciative and when Harry told him the salary James really couldn't pass it up, but for Louis own safety James doesn't want him knowing anything yet and Harry promised James he wouldn't find out and that Louis would be kept safe.
Harry and his boys arrive home at their estate at around 1am they head to Harry's office on the third floor for a debrief. Harry and his main four men live in the main house together, it's huge, with three full size floors and a basement. They sometimes conduct work inside the house, they've had hostages in the basement that's equipped for certain scenarios and they also keep some of their drug stash in the basement, but most of their work is conducted outside the secluded house. It's heavily guarded with guards and gates like Fort Knox.
Harry is the biggest underground mobster in London, feared by most but he's got a right team that he trusts. The police work with him to keep the streets clean and they work alongside each other. They know Harry doesn't dispose of people unnecessarily and he keeps the trade and drug rings clean and to a minimum. Harry has also helped reduce the child sex trafficking rings across the UK and helps to shut any type of sex ring down. Harry knows he doesn't have to worry about the police and does what he needs to to keep London's underground profitable and employment up.
"First things first boys, sly is out, he's a rat and annoys me to know end. I want him dealt with"
Harry says as he takes his suit jacket off and drapes it over his office chair.
The boys all pull up a chair sitting opposite Harry's desk. Edward straddles his chair as he rolls his sleeves up chewing on a toothpick. Edward is tall, over six foot with tattoos, grey eyes and dark hair. He's combat trained and Harry's eyes and ears in the clubs he owns.
Scott sits on the edge of Harry's desk taking a sip of his whisky. Scott is Harry's main man, he and Scott are the closest. Scott overlooks everything and he's scary when he's mad. His brown eyes and cheeky charisma put people at ease but he will fuck your over if you cross him.
Drew is Scott's partner and Harry loves them both dearly, loves all his men, they are his family. Drew is also tall, the only one without tattoos, he's the brains, with brown hair and gorgeous green eyes he's intimidating, beautiful and dangerous.
Andy is the medic of the group, an ER doctor before Harry and he became close and Andy came to work directly for Harry. Andy is the only one Harry trusts with treating his family. With his short cut hair and blue eyes Andy Looks like he'd break you just by looking at you but he's the kindest gentle giant but lethal when he needs to be.
All the boys are 27 like Harry and grew up with their parents in the underground so know the ropes and what goes on.
"Alright, I'll get Jake on it" Edward tells Harry.
They talk a little more about the night and how it went, James and Louis soon becoming topic of conversation.
"James is working out well, I'm really impressed with him" Harry says
"Him or his son" Scott teases
Harry blushes which is so unlike him and his boys rib him a little, Harry would never take it from anyone else and they know it.
"Alright, alright, shut it" Harry says after a minute
When the laughter dies down Drew puts his two cents in
"I agree though, James is across everything and trustworthy, he just needs a refresh in training" Drew says
"Nothing like being thrown in the deep end for training" Edward smirks.
"I would say yes to that but he has a son, we can't risk it, it needs to be done slowly for both their safety, I want James here in the house permanently as soon as possible though, he's one of us now" Harry says.
"What about Louis?" Scott asks
"What did you find out about him?" Harry asks.
It's no secret to the boys Harry finds Louis attractive and completely sinful. Harry couldn't take his eyes of the kid all night. Harry has never asked after someone like this and the boys know he's attracted to Louis on a deeper level than a quick fuck.
"He's smart, knows nothing, thinks James is a banker. Innocent, 16 and graduating this year. He's defiantly sheltered but there is definitely something about him. He needs to be kept safe" Scott says
Harry sighs.
"I want Scott and Edward to keep an eye on Louis, watch him, keep him safe, tell
Me what his routine is. We can't just have him move in here with James and not know anything, it just needs to go slow, we need to see if Louis will even handle what we do" Harry says.
"We've never had a teenager around" Edward says curiously
"Could be fun" Drew smirks
"Well he seems like a really nice kid and I think it would be great, especially for Harry" Scott smirks.
Harry blushes and pushes Scott off his desk.
The boys jeer are Harry playfully, knowing Harry has never been like this with anyone, he takes it on the chin. He hardly knows Louis but he is intrigued and wants to know as much as he can about Louis.
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