Finding your Dad Part 7

🚧 Abuse happened 🚧

You haven't slept in days. It was affecting your soul and bones. You knew why. Swapfell Gaster apparently cornered you and broke four or five ribs and part of your shoulder blade. The pain kept you awake. Today you were trying to walk when your dad noticed you limping. "(Y/n)? You ok?" Fell asked as he walked towards you, red sweat rolled down your skull as your hp started to drain. Fell started to pick up his pace when you slowly sank to the ground. "(Y/N)!" Fell caught you before you hit the ground, red tears streamed down.

"WING DING! STARS! SOMEBODY! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND HELP ME! PLEASE, IT'S (Y/N)!" Fell screamed as your breathing slowed. Swap and Wing Ding came rushing as Fell held you close. "Don't you dare leave me... come on." Fell whispered. Wing Ding got on his knees next to Fell, and for the first time, he saw Fell was crying. "What happened?" Wing Ding asked, "I..i... I don't k...know... s..she... she..." Fell whimpered, Swap walked over as Stars ran over. "Let's take her to the lab." Stars suggested, not a second passed before Fell ran to the lab while carrying you.


It's been four hours, not that anyone could tell. Swap and Blindy exchanged glances as Fell paced nervously. "Fell? Are you ok?" Swap asked, Fell stopped and held his forehead in his boney hand. "I... I just want to know... why she fainted..." Fell replied as he tried to breath. Swapfell walked in and smirked. "So... I broke the asshole." Fell whipped around to see Swapfell's smirk. "You... What did you do?" Fell asked, "pfft. Just taught her... obedience." Swapfell's smirk grew before Blindy and Swap had to hold Fell back. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

Stars walked out, Fell looked at Stars with a hopeful look. Swap and Blindy released him before Stars motioned him to come in. Fell walked in to see you sitting on the table. You looked up at Fell and looked back down. Fell walked over and motioned Wing Ding and Stars to leave. They both nodded and left as Fell stood in front of you. Wing Ding closed the door as Fell lifted your chin up. "What did he do to you?" You blinked away tears before taking off your hoodie and carefully unwrapping the bandages WD and Stars told you to leave on.

Fell's soul skipped a beat at the broken rips and the harshly cracked shoulder blade. "H..he beated the shit out of me... I..I tried to yell for help, but he stepped on my thyroid cartilage... H..he wouldn't stop..." You explained, Fell carefully lifted your chin higher to see where he stepped, he slightly cracked the bone. "I am going to murder him..." Fell growled, he allowed your chin to drop before grabbing the bandages and rewrapping your ribs carefully. He also wrapped your shoulder blade and thyroid cartilage. Then he handed you the red hoodie.

"Do you wanna sit on the couch and relax?" Fell asked as he helped you down, you nodded and hugged his side as red tears slipped down. Fell opened the door and ushered you out before glaring at Swapfell, who you tried to stay hidden from. Swap came out of the kitchen and saw you laying against Fell as his arms were around you protectively. "Is she ok?" Swap asked as he sat down next to you. Fell sighed before Blindy came over. "Swapfell beated, please excuse the language Chuckles, the shit out of (y/n)." Fell explained.

Swap covered his mouth as Blindy looked towards Swapfell was with his eye glowing and sharp fangs out. " hu...hurts" You whimpered, Fell sat up and hugged you as Swap gently rubbed your arm. Blindy looked at you before seeing your locket. "I may have a solution." You looked at Blindy before he pulled out another amulet like his, just with a silver colored leather(?) and the gem(?) was (f/c). "This won't get rid on the pain, but it will help numb it." Blindy explained, you nodded and slipped it around your neck.

"Thank guys.... thanks dad."

Fell smiled and rubbed the top of your skull.

"Yeeeeaaah... whatev kid."

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