Forgiveness- Chapter 4

Sans' POV

I teleport to the forest. I sit down at the bark of my favorite tree. I start thinking. When and how did I do what I did to Frisk? I don't recall what happened last night. I went to Grillbys and that's all I remember.

My thoughts were interrupted by yells.


Hehe. Doesnt matter if you're mad at me or not. That doesn't make what I did right. I wouldn't forgive myself.

I sighed. I cant stay here forever, she'll eventually find me. I get up. I walk towards her voice and lightly tapped her shoulder.

She jumped, spun around, and punched my skull.

I immediately got back up and pinned Frisk against a tree.

Frisk's POV



Does Sans like or hate me? He's nice to me, but he just pinned me against a tree with no good what is it?

He looks at me with an angry face, but it changes to one of forgiveness.

"Sorry kid, for this, and for whatever I did to your body."

I blush and I hug him.

He laughs,"Alright kiddo."

I let him go.

"I'm sorry I didn't defend myself against Undyne, it was dumb of me. I thought I could stop her without fighting."

"Listen, kid, it wasn't your fault. In this world, it's killed or be killed."

"Then why aren't you killing me?" I ask with a sly smile on my face.

"Tha- THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point is, monsters will kill you whenever chance they get."

I sigh. I guess he's right.

"So from now on, whenever we go out, you're going to be called my pet. Which means, monsters can't touch you unless they wanted to go through me. So, in public, you're going to have to let me say some things and do things you may not like, but it's better than being attacked."

I nod, wondering what he means by doings and saying things I may not like. I'll find out soon enough.

Sans grabbed my hand and took us back home. I blushed as he did this. He seemed to be blushing too.

Sans sat down on the couch and pat the space beside him. I blush as I realize he wants me to sit down next to him. I go over to him and sit down.

As soon as I do, Sans lays down and puts me on top of him. I blush even harder and I could see his face turn red too.

"S- Sans?"

"Yeah kid?"

"Why do you want me on top of you like this?"

"It makes me comfortable. Are you uncomfortable?"

"N- no."

He then nods and puts his arm around my body.


Papyrus sees us on the couch and me and Sans blush.


I look down at Sans and Sans looks up at me. We both laugh. We look at each other for a moment before blushing. I laugh into Sans' chest. He laughs into my shoulder.

After a while of laughing, Sans falls asleep below me and I soon fall asleep on him.

I wake up in the morning and see Sans on top of me. How did we get like this?

"Sans, get up."

"Five more minutes."

"No Sans, get up."

"I don't want to get up bro."

He thinks I'm Papyrus. How cute.

"Sans, it's me, Frisk."


He gets off me and sits at the end of the couch. I'm not that tall, so I didn't take up most of the couch.

"It's alright Sans, I don't even know how we wound up like that."


He takes the remote for the television and turns on the t.v. He flips channels until he finds the MTT channel.

"What's that channel?"

"It's Mettatons channel, he does some.... cruel stuff to monsters."

I look at the screen to see a rectangle shape robot thing.

"It's best I change the channel, he is um....pretty violent. I'm pretty sure you don't want to see that."

He flips the channels some more to find zero good shows.

"Sans, how about some Netflix?"


"Sure. What do ya want to watch."

"I don't know. Maybe some horror?"


We started to watch a horror movie together. A man called Jason was killing many people in the movie. He has a hockey mask on, and he was super scary. I grab onto Sans as Jason was about to kill yet another victim.

I put my head into Sans chest and started to breath heavily.

"Hey kid, it's okay, I'm here, no one's going to hurt you as long as I'm here."

"Thanks Sans."

I hug him and he hugs back.

"Come on kid, let's go to Grillbys."


I grab Sans hand and he teleports us to his room and he grabs something and gives it to me. Its a collar.

"It used to be mine when Pap was more violent, but now, whenever we go out, you have to wear it. I'm sorry, but it's the only way."

I sighed and put it on.

"Now come on kid, let's go."

He grabs myself hand once more and takes us to Grillbys.

"Hurry up, kitten, I want to eat." Sans says, but winks at me.

I get it, I'm going to be his pet, so other people don't attack me. Smart, but stupid.

He sits us down at our usual spots.

"Grillby, give me a burger with a mustard bottle, and this creature some fries." He says, winking at Grillby.

Grillby nods and gets our food.

I grab a fry and shove it into my mouth.

Some monster walks over and starts hitting on me. I ignore him, I'm already in love with someone else.

I look over at Sans who looked angrier than usual.

The monster just kept flirting with me, despite the fact he knows I "belong" to Sans.

The monster then tried to grope my chest, but before he could, Sans surrounded the monster in a blue aura and flung the monster out the window. He grabbed my hand and teleported us to his room.

He looked at me. He took and deep breathe and said,"Be careful with monsters like that, they will try to take advantage of you, and we both don't want that."

"Sorry, I didn't know that monster would try anything..."

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. I gladly accepted the hug, and hugged him back.

"Frisk...I....I... I really like you.... a lot.."

"I like you too!"

"No...I mean like, more than friends.."

I look at him. I was confused.

"I mean that I...I LOVE YOU!"

Sans' POV

Frisk runs away. Crap. I guess she doesn't like me back.

I don't bother to chase after her. I sit down on my bed and start to cry.

Pap walks in and sees me.


"It's.... nothin bro..."




I nod slowly, knowing I couldn't lie to my bro like that. He suddenly wraps me into a hug. A hug that I haven't had from him in a LONG time.


I look at him and smiled. Not the fake grin I have. A real, genuine smile.

I ran outside in hopes of finding Frisk.

Frisk's POV

I sat down behind Grillbys and start to cry. Why did I do that?! He confessed his feelings and I ran away! And I felt the same way!

I continue to cry until I hear the crunches of snow from the sides of Grillbys. I get up.


I hear two monsters coming towards me. They are coming towards me. I open my eyes. Crap.

It's the drunk monster and the monster that was flirting with me earlier.

"Too bad your boyfriend is not here to save you this time, babe~"

"Y- yeah..! That dumb...guy cant save you now..!"

"O R C A N I?"

The monsters ran off and I looked at Sans with thankful eyes.

He stared at me in amazement.

"I...have never seen you with your eyes open..."

I immediately close my eyes again. I usually DO have them closed. Or if I want, I have them squinted so I can see other people or other things. But that was the first time in a long time that I had them completely open.

"I- Im sorry, I k- know I have u- ugly eyes-!"

"No. You don't. Those are the prettiest eyes I have EVER seen. Please open them again."

I opened my eyes once more and Sans walked up to me. He stared into my eyes and observed at my crimson red eyes.

He got close to my face enough that our foreheads were touching. We both blushed.

Sans put his hand on my cheek. His face was getting closer. He was going closer slowly.

I got impatient so I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his teeth.

He put his hands on my hips and "kissed" back.

We pulled away for air and we locked eyes with each other. Magical.

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