Chapter Six: New Friend
"You have a new OTP?" Alphas asked. "DUH!!! AND THERE ADORABLE!!!" Undyne answered. "What is it?" Alphas asked. "Uh.... I haven't figured out a name." Undyne said sadly. "OH WAIT!! HAHA! FRANS!!!" Undyne yelled. "Frans? What are you talking about?" Alphas asked. "Undyne!!" Fell growled darkly. "Frisk and Sans! Aren't they cute!" Undyne exclaimed. I finally had the courage to look up to see Undyne in the cell, with Alphas. The door was closed but Undyne had the keys. "Those two!?...... well.... now that I think about it..." Alphas said. "ALPHAS!!!" Fell yelled, red staining his cheeks. "You missed the best part Als! Fell-" Undyne started. "UNDYNE I SWEAR TO GOD FINNISH THAT SENTANCE AND YOU WON'T HAVE A HEAD!" Fell interrupted, you could tell Fell was trying to summon something but it didn't work. "Sans, your going to waist energy." Undyne warned. Fell growled darkly before calming down. A black figure flashed behind Fell. Undyne and Alphas saw it to because they froze. "Sans? I want you to grab frisk and bring her over here." Undyne ordered. Fell gave Undyne a confused look. The figure started to flash, comic and going until it was solid. The figure was wearing a black and red cloak, a skeleton? His eyes were red like Fells and his head was cracked in three cracks in his skull. His rugged teeth showing as he stared at Fell.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Fell asked, not noticing the figure. Undyne summoned a golden spear, Alphas watched shocked, confused, and a hint of fear in her eyes. "What the hell? Undyne what are you doing!?" Fell asked, "I thought you couldn't use magic in here." Fell added. "Sans get away." Undyne growled, ignoring his question. "Get away?.... Undyne are you making any sense?" Fell asked, still confused. I stood up, wanting to go up and drag him away from the figure he had no idea about. The figure turned his head to me, smiling madly. I froze in place, my feet not wanting to move. Fell didn't realize that I had stood up, maybe a good thing. I gulped, gathering myself and walking to Fell. I lead him away from the figure, unsure if it was dangerous or not. "Frisk?" Fell finally turned around and froze. "FOR HELL SAKE!" Fell yelled, glaring at the figure. "You know him?" Alphas asked. "You couldn't just tell me he was behind me?" Fell snapped back. The figure chuckled, Fell sighed in annoyance. "God dambit." Fell mumbled. The figure started making sounds... it kinda sounds like a broken radio player. "What? You came just to ask me that!?" Fell growled. The sound came back. How does he even understand that? The figure smirked, looking at me as Fells eye's went blank. "WHAT THE HELL!!" Fell rolled angerly. The figure disappeared, Fell growled as he looked in my direction. "Please tell me he's not behind me." I whispered. Fell chuckled at me. "No promises kid." Fell answered. "He's behind you." Alphas nodded. I froze, not wanting to do anything, to scared that if I move, he'll chase me. And in a small cell like this, I won't go far. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I almost jumped from it. "Get your hands off her." Fell growled. The broken radio player sound came back. "How do you even understand that!?" Alphas asked. "Frisk don't need to understand a creep like you." Fell answered back, ignoring Alphas. A black glow surrounded me and I practically screamed as I was lifted. "W. D. GASTER PUT HER DOWN!" Fell yelled. "I don't think so Sans... after all, she is quite the shy type. How else is she going to know me?" The figure smirked, he can talk!? What happened to the broken radio player sound? "She don't need to get to know you. Look at you! Your a dump!" Fell smiled, referring to the figures cloak and cracked skull. "SHUT UP! I should have never created you!" He yelled. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL IS GOING ON!?" I screamed, interrupting their talk. "Ah! She talks! Well, I'm Gaster, W. D. Gaster." He smiled at me. "Does it look like I care who you are?" I asked, he offended me already! Why should I be nice!? "See? Told ya'." Fell crossed his arms. "I tried being nice, but now you've done it." Gaster growled. "You can't hurt my pet!" Fell growled. "Short temper much? I was just getting back at you! Geez! Your just as bad as my dad!" I said, rolling my eyes. "Your dad was that bad?" Fell asked. I shrugged, "When he was mad he was." I answered. Gaster growled, the black aura tightening and shrinking the air around me, causing the black glow to grow. "GASTER PUT HER DOWN FOR THE LAST TIME!" Fell yelled again. "Or what?" Gaster asked. "You will put her down! MY OTP HAS TO SAIL!" Undyne yelled. Gaster looked at her, her golden spear turning to a million more, as she growled. The lost spear returned to her hand as the others aimed, ready to fire. "You think that would do anything?" Fell asked, looking at her. "What?" Alphas asked. "Gaster can't be harmed by solid objects, IF you gave my magic back, hat would be great." Fell I formed. "Oh... uh... I can't do that though." Undyne informed. "Well I guess that's to bad. Guess your NEW OTP will just have to sink, it was going to sink anyway, sense you got the king on us. Oh well." Fell smirked as he shrugged. "What have I done!? HEY! GET THE KING DOWN HERE!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!!" Undyne yelled angerly. Fell's smirk turned into a huge smile. "YES MA'M!" Another guard yelled as he ran past the cage, running to the other side of the unviewable hallway. "This is dumb." Gaster stated. I smirked, oh how I love to tease people. "Like you?" I asked. Gaster stiffened as he took in the two words that came out of my mouth. Fell had to cover his mouth and turn away to stop himself from laughing, even then, a laugh escaped. "WHY YOU LITTLE!-" Gaster started but the king came running down. "What is it Undyne! I came as fast as I could!" The King turned to me and Gaster. "Heya." Fell waved. "What is it?" Asgore asked. "WE CAN'T KILL THE HUMAN!" Undyne blurred out. "Why's that?" Asgore growled. "My ship is going to sink! Besides." Undyne signaled a guard near by, he gave a confused look, but pulled a lever. "Oh thank god!" Fell summoned a skeletal head, the skull opening his mouth and a ball of light formed. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Asgore yelled. "My OTP HAS to sail! You want me to choose my reward! For being the best royal guard in the underground. And this is it! I want Sans and the human free!" Undyne yelled happily. I looked at Undyne, shocked, confused, Fell did the same. "Your the one that put us in here." Fell stated. "Yeah! So I can rescue and pay her in favor duh! I put her in for execution! And by getting her out it makes us even! You two really need to think." Undyne explained. Fell growled. "That was the dumbest and most stupidest idea I've ever heard." Gaster stated plainly. "HE TALKS!" Undyne and Alphas yelled. "OMG WE AGREE ON SOMETHING! Undyne I need you to actually have a good reason so I can argue with this creep." Fell stated, crossing his arms, waiting. "Really?" Gaster asked. "Really, Undyne." Fell waited. "I don't have a better reason." Undyne shrugged. "Dambit." Fell growled. "So where's 2-P?" Gaster asked. "You. Will. Not. Touch. Him." Fell growled, the skeleton head growing more light. "You'll hurt the human." Gaster warned. "Hey kid how much HP do you have?" Fell asked. "Uh..... I don't know." I shrugged. "I didn't know I had HP." I added. "Eh, she'll live." Fell fired and the light didn't even touch me, it just hit Gaster and I dropped to the floor. Gaster must have let go to try and block it or something. The light disappeared and Gaster stood there, his cloak now fully black along with his skull. "I HATE you." Gaster growled. "We agree on something again!? Oh well, I can live with that agreement." Fell shrugged as he walked over and helped me up. "You okay?" Fell asked. I nodded in return, "Just a little shaky." I answered. Fell smiled at me, "Me too." Fell chuckled. Fell grabbed onto his head and the skeleton head disappeared quickly as Sans closed his eyes tightly. "CAN YOU NOT FLIP THE DAMB LEVER WHILE SOMETHING OF MINE IS OUT!?" Fell yelled as he yelled his head tighter. "Oops... sorry Sans. But good news is that the other guy can't use magic either!" Undyne smiled. "You mean Gaster?" I asked. "Yeah whatever the hell his name is." Undyne waved it off, as if waving a fly away. "You okay Sans?" I asked. Fell growled in disapproval, "I've been better." Fell answered. "Yes or no?" I asked. "I'll be fine." Fell answered again, pulling his hand away from his head, putting it in his pocket and sighing before opening his eyes. I smiled at him, I wonder if he got a headache now. Fell smiled back at me, Undyne opening the cage. "C'mon you two." Undyne smiled. "WHAT!? YOU CAN'T!-" Asgore yelled as Fell flinched. "WILL YOU STOP YELLING!?" Fell interrupted. Yep headache. "Than I quit." Undyne smirked. Asgore watched her unbelievably, growling after a moment. "Fine, they can go. But if you break any laws or rules you are coming back!" Asgore gave in. Undyne nodded, waiting for us to walk out. Fell glanced at Asgore, then at Gaster. "Can he stay here?" Fell asked, pointing at Gaster. "Sadly no, I have to let him go to." Undyne answered. "Dambit." Fell growled. Fell walked it, me following. "Well I'm off. See ya'." Fell stated. "Sans, we have tests to run." Gaster put a hand on Fells shoulder. "What did I say about touching me?" Fell asked, glancing at Gaster. "If I let go, you'll come with me?" Gaster asked. "Grrrr! Fine! Just let go!" Fell growled. Gaster let go, Fell grabbed onto my arm and snapped his fingers. Next thing I know we're in Fells room. Fell plopped down on his bed, probably tired as ever. "Do you have a headache?" I asked. Fell sighed but nodded in response. Why did I ask if I already knew? "Warwick Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked. Fell got in a sitting position, putting his hands on his head. "Maybe, depends on what your willing to give." Fell answered. I sat down next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder in comfort. "Well... tell me what you need, and I'll decide if I'll give it to you." I suggested. Fell sighed. "Doesn't work like that kid, I technically don't need anything." Fell looked at me. "Okay, tell me what you want, and be honest!" I ordered. Fell smiled, a faint kick crawling to his cheeks. "I just want you." Fell whispered, looking back down. A faint blush stained my cheeks as I smiled. I took his head in my hands, making him face me. "I might not feel comfortable giving all of me to you yet, but I can give some." I smiled. "You walked away last time." Fell stated. "I'm shy in public okay!" I growled. "I think I know why you like to tease me." Fell smirked. "Mhm, who wouldn't want to tease a edgy, angery skeleton." I smirked. "I'm not that angery!" Fell argued. "Not all the time." I admitted. I kissed his forehead softly, hoping it would make him blush more. It worked, his blush spread to almost his ears. Fell growled, a kind of growl that said 'I'm going to get you back'. I smiled happily, happy that I got his mind off of the headache. Fell tackled me so my head almost hit the wall next to the bed, him on top. I did my best not to focas on the position and contained all my focas to what he would do next, or how to tease him more. "Still not blushing? Fine. Be that way." Fell smirked, he kissed me, soft and smoothly. His hands trailing down my sides, causing me to focus on that, witch caused me to blush. Fell smiled into the kiss. "Hey! Felly is finally-." I already knew it was Lust at this point before I hear a big thud. "Ow!!!! Hey!!!" Lust complained as Fell pulled away. "What did I say about coming in my room?" Fell asked as he rolled off of me. "But the magic was about to happen!" Lust complained. "I wouldn't let it go that far." I sat up and saw that Lust was near the window, across from the door. "WHO'S THERE!?" Papyrus yelled from downstairs. "I'll take care of this. Lust, Don't. Touch. Her." Fell growled before he walked out. I feel uncomfortable. Lust didn't move until the door was shut. Lust stood up and walked to me, sitting down next to me. "So... You and Mr. Edgy huh?" Lust asked. "Of course that would be the first thing you would ask." I complained. "Hey now no need to dudge!" Lust put his hands up in defence. I didn't respond, I didn't know how to respond to that. "I wouldn't dudge ya' if ya' did though, my AU isn't what most AU's would find the best." Lust shrugged. "Is it hard knowing that?" I asked. Lust shrugged, "Not really, I wouldn't want anyone pinning me down when I didn't want that sort of thing." Lust shrugged. "I bet if someone actually got to know you, they wouldn't find you that bad." I smiled. "Says the girl that don't know anything about me." Lust crossed his arms. "Hey, you haven't said anything to make me overly uncomfortable." I shrugged. Lust leaned on me. "Now what?" I asked. "Now I'm testing on how far I can go." Lust smirked. "You saying that probably just went over the limit." I stated coldly. "Oh c'mon! Is everything I say going to go over the limit?" Lust asked. "That didn't." I smirked. Lust glared at me. "Okay okay! You can keep going until I punch and kill you. You decide weather you want to live or not." I shrugged. "After dealing with Fell I think I can handle you." Lust smiled. "Fight me." I growled. "But then I'll have two angry people at me. I don't know if I can handle two." Lust defended. "That sounds like a personal problem." I stated. "Sassy... so.... how far can I go?" Lust asked. "Hmm..... depends on the subject." I answered. "Talk?" Lust asked. "No more than flirting, I honestly rather you not flirt at all." I shrugged. "You and I both know that no matter what I'm going to flirt." Lust narrowed his eyes. "Worth a try, then say whatever you like." I answered simply. "Well good, cause I was going to anyway." Lust smiled. "How about, when it comes to physical touch?" Lust asked. "No more than a hug." I answered. "You make it seam like I'm normal to you." Lust said. "I give chances. Break it, and you won't get to touch me." I threatened. "Lets just hope your owner agrees. I don't think he will though." Lust stated. "Just because he calls me his pet and I am his pet, he hasn't set any rules yet. So I think your good." I smiled. Lust smiled. "Can I give ya a hug?" Lust asked. I looked at him for a minute confused. "What?" Lust asked. "Do you have to ask for every action in your world?" I asked. "No, I just wanna see if your going to let me do what you said you would." Lust shrugged, turning away to the door. "How long do you think he'll be?" I asked. Lust looked at me surprised. "What?" I asked. "Sorry! I... uh... my minds wondering." Lust looked away quickly. "Perv." I grunted. Lust chuckled. "You have no idea." Lust smiled. My face went blank when Fell came back in the room. Fell looked at Lust and I, noticing my now pale face. "Lust." Fell growled. "What? I didn't do anything." Lust put his arms up in defnece. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "We were just talking." I agreed. "Talking about his crave?" Fell asked, crossing his arms. "No, he was asking me what he's aloud to do around me." I answered. "So now you start listening?" Fell asked. "Hey I don't need two Fells after me." Lust stated. "I'm not Fell." I corrected. "Your... you know what, never mind." Lust waved the thought off. Lust smiled again. "So... Felly." Lust started. "Oh god... what now?" Fell asked cautiously. "How was it going first timer?" Lust smirked, resting his head on one of his hands. "W-What!?" I asked shocked. Lust looked at me. "Oh c'mon I'm not blind!" Lust rolled his eyes. "N-No! It wasn't like that!" I said. "Uh-huh. Yeah, that's not what I saw." Lust leaned back, now leaning on some pink... tentacles? That rose up from the side of the bed, and making a little bet like wall. One crawled to my leg and I froze. "Uh... kid? You okay?" Lust asked. I glanced at my leg, the little pink thing was now over my lap. "What.. is... THAT!?" I screamed, trying my best to stay calm. Lust looked at the pink thing and face palmed. "Ugh! Sorry, they do!mt a lease listen." Lust waved his hand the opposite direction it was crawling and it wrapped around my leg tighter. Lust growled, "Fine, be that way." Lust crossed his arms, the pink thing slowly vanished as it tried to grab onto me. "What is it!?" I asked. "Their kinda like... bones, but have the attitude of a Gaster Blaster. The bones come out of the ground and the main ones do as told, but the extras Donny listen and do what they please sometimes." Lust explained. "Okay, now what the heck is it supposed to be!?" I asked, trying to get the answer I wanted. "Oh! Uh.... I don't know." Lust answered. "They look like tentacles." I said. Lust laughed, "They do don't they." I nodded, "So... what was it doing?" I asked, unsure if I wanted the answer. "Uh, well, I thought it was obvious." Lust shrugged. "I'm scared of that thought, wa sit that? Or was it trying to give me a hug or something?" I asked. "Why would it give you a hug?" Fell asked. "Because I told Lust the farthest he could go to touch was a hug." I answered. "Hmm... I don't think so, but you can ask it." Lust shrugged. "It understands me?" I asked. "It's like a mute with no arms, it can understand you." Lust chuckled. "Oh..." I answered. "You want to ask it?" Lust asked. "Uh... I don't know, will it do it again?" I asked. Lust shrugged, "Even if it did, it wouldn't get far." Fell growled. "What!? I didn't do anything!" Lust put his hands up in defence. "I'll ask it." I said. "Your choice, just tell me when your done trying, that is, if it don't respond." Lust shrugged, the pink thing slowly appeared and it started to approach me. Fell and Lust started talking about something else. "Hey little guy." I smiled as it crawled onto my lap again. "What are you doing?" I asked. Once the pink thing was done wrapping around my legs, it started to wrap around my hips and waist. "Are you trying to give me a hug?" I asked. The tip of it started moving in a up and down, side to side motion. "Lust what does that mean?" I asked. Lust looked at it as it continued it's little motion. "Uh...." Lust trailed off as his eye turned into a purple heart that lit up as he focused on the little thing. "I really need to make up a little name for them." I shook my head. "Oh! Well... that's... never mind." Lust's eye turned back to normal, a pink-purple-ish heart. "What?" I asked. "Well... I wasn't wrong-" Lust started. "WHAT!?" I yelled. "BUT... I wasn't right either." Lust finished. "Oh... so?" I asked. "It's trying to friend you, and in my world, to do that, you kinda have to-" Lust started to explain. "OH! Okay! You don't need to say no more. But can you tell it not to? I'm okay with a hug, but that's a little far." I asked. "Like I said, it don't alwase listen, but, I can give it a try." Lust shrugged. "Or you can get it off her." Fell suggested in a 'matter of efact' tone. "It's just trying to be friends Fell!" Lust complained. "It already agreed to the request anyway." Lust added with a smile. The little thing got up to my shoulders and tightened. "Awe." I smiled. "Now how do I hug it back?" I asked. "You can't." Lust answered. "Oh." I whispered.
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