Chapter One: Crowded Cage
The walls made of pure thick cement with a few red marks here and there. The bars infront of me as I try and fit in the small space. I've given up on relyin on my dad to come and find me. So I have to try and figure out how to get out of this place. That is... until I am taken to some random place. I apparently have been in some sort of pet shop in the underground. And all I had was a short sleeve and pants. Great for the winter right? I was so close to falling asleep, until I hear a bang on the bars infront of me. I jolt up with a small whimper, trying not to yell. The owner of the shop was some kind of... dog? I don't know. Seeing Armor on a dog is kinda freaky, especially when a dogs suppose to be in a cage. "Falling asleep already?" He growled. I never got to know his name but I never cared enough about him to ask. I shook my head quickly, afraid of what he would do to me this time. To fill you in, whenever I miss behaved, there was alwase a punishment. Sometimes a broken bone just for yelling, he was harsh. "Good! Cuz' I have a very strong monster coming to check you out. So BEHAVE!" He yelled. I nodded rapidly and he stood back up. I kept my eyes wide open, not even daring to close, scared that if I blink, I will fall asleep. The bell rang, notifying that someone has entered. "Alright, were is it?" A voice asked. The dog guy-creature-thingy leaned down to my bars and opened it up. "Come out." He growled. Obeying, I crawled out. I look up at the 'strong' monster. It was a man... on fire? The fire was purple and he wore a classic pair of glasses. I stood up quickly, becoming almost the mans hight. "Name?" He asked. I gulped. "B-Bella." I answered shy. My hair dangling down. He grabbed a note pad and started wrighting. "Age?" He asked. Why does he need information about me? The thought seemed for me to trail off and the dog guy bumped me. "S-Sorry! I'm 15." I said quickly. I'm so in trouble now. I had to swallow down a sigh from escaping my throught. He wrote it down and moved on to the next question. There were a few he didn't have to ask. "How often do you obey?" He asked. "A-As much as possible." I answered. The dog guy rolled his eyes and gruffed. "Okay.... sometimes I slack off..." I corrected. "How often is sometimes?" He asked, I think he raised a brow from the shift of his glasses. "At most every few months." I answered directly. He nodded in aprovment. "Come with me." He ordered. I looked at the dog guy who looked confused. "What for? Going to steal her?" He growled. The flame man shook his head. "Even if I were to. Everyone knows were I am." He walked away and I hesitantly followed. He took me to a different room in the shop. "I need you to take your clothes off, kinda." He said simply. I looked at him suprized. "I-I'm sorry what?" I asked. He looked at me. "You heard me." He answered. My stomach started to flip and turn. "M-May I ask why?" I asked. "The dog dude isn't honest and I need to know how well he treats you." He answered. "D-Do I have to take them... fully off?" I asked, starting to get uncomfortable. "No, just enough for me to see your back and stomach." He answered turning back to his pad. I sighed in relief and lifted my shirt enough for what he needed. "Hold still." He commanded. I obeyed and I feel his firey fingers graze on my back, suprizingly... they weren't burning my skin. He did the same to the front of my liwer back and he skipped my legs. "Your not going to ask about-nevermind!" I started, realizing I shouldn't question him. "Your what?" He asked. "I assumed you were going to check my legs to... my bad." I answered slyly. "I was going to... but decided there was no reason to." He shook his head. He grabbed my arm and pulled it towards him, examining it. "Broken bone?" He asked. I nodded in response. He placed his fingers over some bruises, and old cuts. "Hmm.... I think Sans will consider you." He mumbled. "Y-You mean? Your not-" I asked trailing off. "Well, I am the powerful one that meant to come check you out yes, but I don't take care of anyone but myself and a few friends." He answered. "M-May I ask your name?" I asked a little shaken up. "Grillby..." He answered, holding out a hand for me to shake. I took it and shook his hand, his grip was firm and strong. "I'll tell Sans your here. Hopefully you get out of here soon. But obey Sans... he does not take any lame excuses lightly." Grillby warned. "You up to it?" Grillby added. I thought about it. "Can I ask what's the worse he's done?" I asked. "The worse... hmm...." Grillby thought for a moment. After a few minutes of silence and Grillby's thinking. "Him yelling and breaking a arm. That's it." Grillby answered. I looked back at the direction of the dog guy. "He on the other hand will kill you after a certain point." Grillby concluded. I looked at him as my eye's widened. "I assumed you rather be with Sans then practically wait for death to come." Grillby shrugged. "Yes! Thankyou!- Can I give you a hug?" I asked. Grillby looked at me suprized. "Uh... I guess?" He answered, more of a question. I jumped and gave him a tight hug, smiling in the process. He hugged me back and patted my back. "You'll be out soon. I can find someone that will keep ya'." He whispered. "Why are you trying to help me?" I asked as I let go. "Humans don't get dragged down here and get abandoned. Let alone, I don't like that they treat humans the same way they treated us... it doesn't make us any better and it won't solve anything." Grillby shrugged, heading out the room while I followed. "So?" The dog creature asked. "I have a good feeling... but don't touch her until I make my mind. I might have someone pick her up for me." Grillby waved goodbye lazily as he walked out. "Your lucky he told you to let you be. Now back in the cage!" He yelled. I quickly obeyed, still afraid of being yelled at.
Next day
I wake up to the dog banging on my cage. "AHH!" I screamed in fear as I try and get as far away as I could. The dog growled. "Don't scare the pore girl geezus!" A husky deep voice growled. The dog opened the cage and I crawled out, knowing I was going to come out anyway. The dog growled at me, making me jump and almost slap him. I was lucky I didn't, cuz' that would have been the end of me. "Your Bella right?" The voice asked. I look over to see a skeleton about my hight, sharp teeth like a shark I stead of normal teeth. One gold tooth on his right side where a regular wisdom tooth would be. The one on top, on the right side, replaced by gold. Oh boy. He wore a red and black jacket with a yellow fur around his hood. His shorts black with a yellow stripe on the side. His eyes were replaced by wight little dots on the middle of a dark empty eye socket. My stomach flipped and turned, afraid of him. My mother alwase scared me with skeletons and would tell me that if I didn't do what she said, skeletons would take me and eat me hole. I gulped but nodded, too afraid to speak. He nodded. "I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton." The fact that he said he was a skeleton frightened me. I smiled and did a small wave. A small soft chuckle came from him and he nodded at the dog behind me. He picked me towards him witch made my heart skip a beat and Sans gave him something, unsure of what it was, I didn't really care. Walking out and he signaled for me to follow. "You okay kid? You seem shaken up." Sans stated once we got out of the shop. I nodded, refusing to speak. Sans stopped, and I stopped with him. He put a hand on my shoulder witch caused me to jump. "Hmm... you don't seem okay, you scared of me or somethin'?" Sans asked, raising a brow. "W-What!? N-Na." I lied and continued to walk. A few feet away I stopped and waited for him to lead the way. "Your scared of me." Sans stated, as his eyes watched me. I felt myself fence up and I practically screamed when he appeared I front of me. What I did do though was take a step back. "Why?" Sans asked. I swallowed a scream and whimper that threatened to escape me. "N-Nothing!" I said, outing my hands up in defense. "Bella!?" He growled, a shiver going down my spine. He took a step towards me, causing me to take a step back. Another step, another step back. "Just stories I was told!" I admitted as I stepped back every time he came closer. "What stories?" Sans asked, stopping. I felt my head become light and dizzy. "Just kid stories!" I answered. Sans once again raised a brow at me. "Be spasific kid." He ordered. I looked at him. "N-Now?" I asked a litttle unsure. Sans sighed, "If it makes ya' feel any better you can tell me when we get home. Lucky for you boss is at training." Sans started leading the way again. And I followed. "B-Boss!?" I asked suprized. "He's my bro. But he don't like his name and he'll beat you whenever you use it." Sans clarified. "I-Is he a skeleton too?" I asked. Sans stopped and faced me. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean any offense!-" I apologized once I realized what I said. "You have something about skeletons?" He asked a little wary. "I think you'd understand once I told you the kid story." I mumbled embarrassed. He nodded and continued. "Well, Grillbz wanted to see ya' anyway, so we can stop by there on the way back." Sans shrugged. The cold instantly hit my senses and the darkness overwhelmed me. Sans lead the was, snow crunching under his feet, along with mine as I followed. Eventually I saw a few houses here and there and we walked into a house like place that had the sign 'Grillby' at the top. We walked in and I could feel the warm air hit me and the light surround me instead of the creepy darkness. Grillby was at the front and smiled at me. My nerves seemed to calm down from the warmth. Sans and I walked over and sat down. "Hello Bella... how did it go?" Grillby greeted. "She's scared." Sans answered. I shot a short glance at Sans without to much movement. "Of what?" Grillby asked. "I don't know yet Grillbz... but it has something to deal with skeletons." Sans answered. "I can talk to her." Grillby suggested. "Na, she'll talk to me later." Sans shrugged. Grillby nodded and looked at me. Seriously... I'm RIGHT here. I sighed and rested my head down. My eye lids felt heavy and I tried my best to stay awake. "Hmm." Grillby hummed. I lifted my head so I could at least see around the place. "How about some fries?" Sans asked. FRIES!! I screamed at myself as my head perched up. Sans chuckled and nodded to Grillby. "Did you say fries?" I ask, I kinda blurred out everything else at that point. Sans chuckle grew and Grillby walked out with a bucket of fries. I watched the fries like they were my lord as my mouth watered. I haven't eaten real food in years! I looked at Grillby amd Sans. Grillby smiled at me. "Bone appetite!" Sans chuckled. PUNS!? I thought to myself. But wothout another thought or breath I sighed into the fries, shoving them in my mouth. Grillby gave Sans a mustered bottle witch I didn't pay attention to. I don't even know what he did with it but soon we were leaving and walking back to 'home'. Though I had sneakily grabbed my iPod, phone, watch, and other belonging from the dog dude before I was put in the cage. I was lucky I was able to hide it from him for so long. When we got to the place Sans walked in and I walked I. Afterwards, Sans shutting the door. I looked around the house, there was a upstairs with 3-4 doors, a small kitchen in the bottom corner, then a large living room with a tv in front. The carpet was actually soft and fluffy. "So... what story?" Sans asked, getting strait to the point. I just hope it's not true. I thought to myself. "I-It was a story of... skeletons... that would basically hunt down any child..." I paused for a moment, afraid to tell the rest. "Okay..." Sans urged me to continue. "That would eat the child hole...." I finished in a whisper, not looking at Sans. "So that's why your so scared, but you still believe it!?" Sans asked shocked. "Yeah... I fell down here when I was little... so I never learned I guess." I shrugged. I could feel Sans watch grow stronger on me. "How old?" Sans asked. "I was 5." I answered. "So you've been down here for 10 years?" Sans asked. (I tried changing it but I couldn't find it so 10 years is the official. I don't even know if I put it down.😅) I nodded in response and the door flung open, Sans almost being hit. I jumped like a mile off of the ground and turned sharply behind me. A taller skeleton stood in the door, he had ragged teeth, a red and black outfit with red gloves and boots to match. He had quite the frightening look of you ask me. He looked at me and I looked back at him. He growled and I jumped, looking away. But it was to late and he grabbed me by my neck, my legs dangling a few feet off of the floor. I could barely breath and I mentally begged that he wouldn't eat me. "Boss put her down!" Sans growled as I tried to loosen his grip. The taller skeleton looked at Sans, then back at me. "What are YOU doing in MY house!?" He snarled in a load voice. I couldn't respond, even if I wanted to, I couldn't breath. "BOSS YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER!" Sans yelled and with that he dropped me, not bothering to care. I fell to the floor as I rolled over, gasping for breath as if there was not enough. Sans rushed to me and helped me up. "Brother!!" He growled. "Grillby told me I had to take care of her!" Sans snarled back at him. "WHAT!?" He yelled, my ears piercing and ringing as if he weren't already yelling. "Boss she would have died!" Sans defended. "How so?" He asked, crossing his arms in a calmer tone. "That damb dog had her! She would have died! We both know that!" Sans answered. "How long?" The taller one was actually excepting my stay, luckily. "I'm suprized she wasn't killed yet! She fell down here ten years ago! That dog alwase stays at the entrance of the ruins. She would have been stuck with him for at LEAST 7 years!" Sans looked at me worriedly. I was about to fall asleep though, my eyes were so tired I couldn't even stand up on my own. The taller skeleton growled and walked past me, up the stairs, and all I heard was a door slam. Sans sighed in relief as I was still shocked and fearful. Sans lead me to the couch and settled me down. "Sorry about Boss... he don't like intruders." Sans apologized. "I-It's okay." I stuttered. "I was gonna warn ya'. Guess he came home early." Sans admitted. "I'm just a... little s-shooken up is all." I assured as a shiver ran down my spine. "Well, I can promise skeletons don't go around eating people, or others." Sans looked back up the stairs then back at me. I nodded. "Thanks..." I whispered. "You stay here, I'm going to talk to him. You might hear some screaming." Sans chuckled. I nodded and Sans walked off. I don't even remember what happened after that, but all I saw, was darkness.
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