Chapter Five: King Asgore
I realized the bones were put away quickly, Fell alwase seemed to hide anything quickly before anyone saw. "Sans..." his voice was deep and almost scratchy, I didn't want to know what his idea was for me if he got my hands on me. Fell didn't respond, just stared at Undyne in hate and anger. He walked into the living room, Fells head turns to the goat harshly. Fells grip went tighter, trying to stay as calm as he could. "What is this?" He gestured to me, staring at me at all times. Fell didn't answe once again, just stared hatefully. The room went silent. "ANSWER ME!" He yelled, causing me to jump as a small whimper escaped my lips. Fell took silent deep breaths. "What does it look like?" Fell asked, suprizingly calm. "You didn't tell me." He growled. "Because I know you'd kill her." Fell growled back. I tended up at the idea of being killed, let alone being killed by a monster. I didn't even realize I was clenching on Fells jacket until I looked away. I couldn't see this, I would go crazy if I did. Start screaming and yelling, and that would definitely get me killed. "You disobeyed me Sans, you two will be coming with me." He ordered. "I don't think so." Fell growled. "You will or I'll kill you too!" He growled. "Your not touching her!" Fell yelled. "And what are you going to do? The only magic you can do is glow. That's it!" He stomped forward till he was infront of us. "You don't know what I can do!" Fell corrected. "What!?" He snapped. "I have magic, I just don't use it." Fell answered. "Oh... right. You can teleport." He grabbed onto Fells arm harshly. "But you can't do anything else." He finished. Next thing I know he screams in pain and a red bone is in his leg. "Didn't think I could do that did you? I have magic. Even if they only take one hp." Fell stated with a grin. "SIR!!!" Undyne yelled worriedly. "Kill them both!" He yelled. "Of course King Asgore. I'll enjoy this." Undyne smirked. "Keep going and your going to get yourself hurt." Fell smiled. "I doubt that." Undyne summoned a golden spear in her hands. The spear looked sharp and pointy, even shiny. So I've learned that the guy's name is Asgore, is that the guy Tori warned me about? "Welp, ai'm done. C'mon kid." Fell got up and walked to the door. "Where are you going!?" Undyne asked. "I'm not trashing the place. Besides, the kids to scared. I need to take her somewhere safe." Fell shrugged. I stood up and started running to him, I didn't want to be left alone with these crazy monsters! Except... I tripped, next thing I know I'm being pinned down. Asgore was on top, his bleeding leg didn't have the bone anymore, must have faded away. I looked at him horrified and I froze. I didn't know what to do, even if I tried, I couldn't move. "Were are you going." He asked darkly. Asgore was suddenly thrown up against the wall, a red aura surrounding him. "Don't. Touch. Her." Fell growled. "So what else can you do?" Asgore asked. I was surrounded by the same red aura, this one seemed to be more kind and gentle though. I was brought back to Fell and he walked out the door with me next to him. But when we walked out... there were a million guards surrounding us. Fells eye disappeared, Fell looked worried. "You think I'm dumb? I knew you would try and protect her. My question is... why?" Undyne asked. "She's my pet. Why else?" Fell answered. "We need a healer, King Asgore had a leg injury." Undyne announced and a monster or two went inside. "Do you love her?" Undyne asked. "You alwase go strait to the anime reason. Romance." Fell smiled to himself. "Answer the question." Undyne growled. "I don't think I will. It won't matter anyway. We're both going to be killed, or, I kill Asgore." Fell shrugged, I was kinda suprized, I know he promised me... but in a situation like this? Wouldn't he ask for help from the others. "Through them in a prison. I'll deal with them tomorrow." Undyne ordered. Fell put me down, the red glow fading. "Lets go Sans." Undyne stated. "Grrrr." Fell growled. "If your lucky, you might live." Undyne added. A few other monsters came up and grabbed my wrists tightly, their nails digging into my skin. I yelped in pain as the nails slowly drew blood. "MOVE!" They yelled. I started to walk, feeling over powered and trapped. Fell was trying to attack them that was easy to see, Undyne had a good grip on him though. I... I helped her! Why!? Is this a way of saying Thankyou down here? Is that what this is? Before another thought could get in my head the guard pushed me, noticing that I have stopped because of thought. I continued walking, until we hit a big castle in a lava landscape. We entered, getting dragged down to the basement of the castle and thrown into a large cage. I was thankful that it wasn't a small crowded cage like before. I stumbled and fell, the hard ground hitting my back, mostly my spine. I screamed once again in pain. The guard shut the cell door, a long, loud screech following along until the door was shut and locked. The guard just stood by the cage after that, not looking at me, not talking to me, just standing there. A few minutes of silence and there is screaming from down the hall, by the harsh voice and tone, I already knew it was Fell and Undyne. "WHERE'S FRISK!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" That was pritty much all he said. "SHUT UP!" Undyne would yell back. The guard opened my cell door and Undyne and Fell came to view. Fells eye's widened in relief and more worry, Undyne three Fell in with me, shutting the door and locking it tight. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Fell yelled back, turning around to face her. He didn't fall like I did, he didn't even trip. It looked like he just quickly walked in here. "The King will decide weather you live or die Sans. Until then, you are to be in here. Your lucky I let you in the same cell as the human. And don't even try teleporting or using magic. There is a magic barrier around all cells to stop Magic from happening. You do use magic, and it will drain energy, after that, hp." Undyne explained. "Only thing you can do is summon souls, you can't lift them up, just summon, but that will drain energy like I said." Undyne continued. Fell didn't answer, didn't do anything but stare. "I will be watching these two, go find something else to do." Undyne growled, the guard walks off and Undyne stands next to the cage in his place. Fell looked back at me, I was sitting in the corner, curled up to keep warm in the cold cage. It wasn't as bad as the other thankfully. It seams like this cage is 100 times better that the last. Fell sighed and sat down next to me. "You okay?" Fell asked calmly, it's funny how his voice is harsh, powerful, angery, and full of rage in one minute, and calm, soft, welcoming, caring on the next. "Just a little cold." I answered in a soft whisper. "Really? That's all!?" Fell asked. "I'm scared... no, I'm terrified." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer and I to a hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Fell whispered. I could see Undyne look at Fell for a second before she turned back to the job. "Anything I can do to help?" Fell asked. "You already helped... you tried to protect me. How could I ask for something else?" I asked back. "Frisk it's the owners job to protect the pet...." Fell went I to a silent thought. "Would the kiss possibly help any?" Fell asked in a soft whisper, so soft I could barely hear it. I looked at him shocked, thinking of what he said after a moment. Would it help? Will it calm my nerves like I've been told? Or what I've read? Will it do anything? How does he even kiss someone? He don't really have lips. After a while of thought I decided I would ask questions before I decided. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" I asked. Fell shook his head. "No, but I'd be willing to kiss you." Fell smirked. I looked at him and his grin. "Your growing soft again." I stated, Fell narrowed his eyes at me. I chuckled at his sudden smile disappearing into a frown within seconds. "That's harsh." Fell growled. My chuckle grew into a small giggle. "For that I might kiss you any way." Fell smirked again. "No! You can't do that!" I screamed. "HEY! SHUT UP!" Undyne yelled at me. My fear slowly crawled back to me as I remembered what was going on. My fear was actually starting to fade away and I didn't even realize it until now. Maybe it's better if I stay quite. I narrowed my eyes and looked back at the floor. I hated being introuble, absolutely hated it. I curled back up again. "UNDYNE! I JUST GOT HER TO SMILE!" Fell yelled angerly. "I SAID SHUT UP!" U dyne smacked the cell door, causing a load noice to echo through the walls. I jumped from the sudden sound ringing in my ears. Fell growled and hugged me tighter. "I was getting close from getting that kiss to." Fell murmured. "You want one that badly?" I asked, a little nervous. "Only from you. But I can wait." Fell answered. What if it does help? Never know until I try. I sighed, waiting for a moment longer before looking at him. I gave him a small shy smile. "What?" Fell asked confused. "Y-You wanted one, r-right?" I asked, my shyness not fading. Fells cheeks turned a soft red. "Are... you sure?" Fell asked. I nodded in response, not wanting to show my shyness and nervousness. Fell watched me carefully. "I don't believe you." Fell stated. "Why?" I asked. "It just... don't seem like you I guess. In a lovable relationship, you seem like the fragile and slow type." Fell shrugged. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest. "No no! Just... new?" Fell put his hands up in defense as beads of sweat dropped down. I smiled, "Well I'm glad we understand something." I uncrossed my arms, wrapping them around Fells neck, resting them on his shoulders. "Ya' know, when you want to, you came be extremely bold and blunt." Fell smiled. "And?" I asked. "I love it." Fell kissed my cheek softly, puting his arms around me as well. I felt my cheeks heat up by the touch of his lips in my cheek. Fell pulled me closer so I was sitting in his lap. "You know, when someone asked me how my first kiss was, I'm going to answer 'It was stressful! I was in a cell with him and he was trying to calm me down because I was about to be sacrificed.' Yeah, that would be the story." I smiled at what I imagined their reaction. Fell chuckled at my comment. "Sacrificed for what?" Fell asked, acting confused. "I have no idea." I stated. Fell laughed. "They'll understand your point of view. Just don't make me the bad guy alright?" Fell assured. I nodded in response. I glanced over to the front of the cage to see Undyne staring at me and Fell. My cheeks heated up more as I looked down in embarrassment, covering my face with my hands. "Frisk don't hide, you look beautiful when you blush." Fell assured as he removed my hands. Remembering that Undyne was watching and listening, made my blush worse. His hands were quite warm, his hands fit perfectly fit in mine. Fell let go of one of my hands putting it under my chin, keeping it in place. His other hand trailed to my cheek. "Can I?" Fell whispered. I seollowed the lump in my throught. "S-Someone's w-watching." I whispered as soft as I could. Fell looked at Undyne who was staring with awe. "I can fix that, if she looked away, I won't tell the king she's slacking off." Fell smirked. Undyne growled. "Come on Sans!! My new OTP is happening!" Undyne complained. "O-OTP?" I asked. "Don't worry about it." Fell smiled. "Hmph! Fine, I'll just watch it on the cameras." Undyne turned away, back to her job. Fell turned back to me with a smirk. I smiled back leaning in closer, Fell did the same, pressing his lips on mine. He was so soft, gentle, caring, welcoming, all the good words put in one. And just like it did in stories and what I've been told, it numbed my nerves. It was like someone put a rubber tube around them. Fells hand trailed to my back, pulling me closer in any possible way. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! ALPHAS!!!!!!!!!" I could hear Undyne yell, I pulled away and looked at Undyne, who was watching us. My blush grew, I was so nervous and shy I got up and walked to the other side of the room, hiding my face. "Frisk?" Fell asked confused. I pointed at Undyne, hoping that he understood that he didn't do anything wrong, that I was just shy on so many occasions. I didn't really know what Fell did next, I didn't want to look up. "What Undyne?" Alphas' voice asked. "MY OTP IS SAILING!!!" Undyne yelled. "UNDYNE!" Fell yelled.
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