✮Finns POV✮:
> I remember it like it was yesterday.
> The day my mother had taken me to the park so I can play outside and have interactions with other kids. I feared going to the park ever since I lost my front tooth, which had none underneath. Since my family didn't have that much money, they couldn't pay for me to get a replacement. So, I was bullied for having a big gap in the teeth on the right side of my mouth.
> "Mama! Do I have to go? The kids are mean to me!" I whined.
> "I know they are Finneial. If any kids are mean to you, tell me and I'll take you home immediately. Remember what I told you, God made you special, and he loves you with all his heart." She told me. She always knew what to say to make me understand.
> "Okay mama...I will." It was then we had reached the park. Kids were playing all around me and I felt like such an outcast to all of them. My mother gave me a light and reassuring push.
> "Go play. I'll be on the bench watching you."
> I gulped and slowly started making my way to the sandbox. Maybe a little sandcastle would make me feel better!
> I sat in the sand and started to move the sand in a lump shape, attempting to make a castle with no buckets or spades.
> Once I had finished, I happily smiled at my work. As soon as I was about to call out for my mama to come look, some kids ran over and stepped on it!
> "H-hey! Why would you do that?!" I shouted at them. Devastated that all my hard work had resulted to nothing.
> "Oh! It's 'no tooth'!" The kid spat out at me. I felt like crying.
> "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Some kid ran up to them and punched him in the stomach!
> "OWIE!" The kid shrieked and ran to his mother, sobbing.
> "SERVES YOU RIGHT, DUMMY!" The kid who punched him shouted. He turned to me and I felt like God had sent down a guardian angel to protect me.
> "N-no he didn't...Thank you! I'm a fishbowl! My name's Finn! What's yours kid?"
> I giggled. He was funny.
> "Do you want to build a sandcastle with me new pal of mine?"
> "NO! I HATE SANDCASTLES!" I was confused why he sat down and started building a structure for the castle. If he didn't like making them, why was he building one right now? I shrugged it off. I at least made a brand-new friend! And that's all that mattered!
> "How old are you Shrimpo? I'm six!" I gave a big, toothed grin.
> "I'M SEVEN!"
> "Wow! A seven-year-old hanging out with me! What's your birthday? Cause mine's March 4!"
> "Whoa! You just keep on getting cooler and cooler! You're seven and born on Halloween? So cool!"
> I giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world.
> We talked for about an hour before my mom came over and told us it was time to go home.
> "Finneial! It's time to go home!"
> "Aw! Mom, can we stay a little bit longer?"
> "I'm sorry dearie, but supper's ready."
> I groaned. I met a new friend, and I can't even hang out with them more?! I guess I will pray I can see him later.
> "Okay mama...Bye Shrimpo!"
> "BYE!"
> We waved goodbye and started heading home. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to disobey my mom! As we headed home, my mom smiled at me.
> "What is it mama? Do I have sand on my face?"
> "No dearie...I'm happy you made a friend."
> "Oh! Hehe! Thanks mama!"
> "Your welcome my son."
> We continued the walk home in silence.
> ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮
> The next day, our new neighbors moved in! I was bouncing on my toes while being all giddy and excited. Who will it be?! Will they have a dog?! Do they have kids so I can play with them?!
> But...What if the kids are mean to me? What if they make fun of my tooth? Or my country accent?
> Suddenly, I didn't want to meet these new neighbors...
> "Come on honey! I want us to meet the new neighbors before the cookies we baked for them get cold!"
> "B-but...Mama! What if they're mean to me?! What if they think I'm weak and pick on me?!"
> My mother gave a sympathetic look and got down to look me in the eyes.
> "My son. You are the handsomest, kind, caring, loveable and considerate boy I've ever met. You underestimate yourself sometimes. Do you know what 'underestimate" means?"
> "N-no..."
> "It means that you think yourself to be smaller or less important than you are. You are an amazing little boy, and people who can't see that are just being mean because they don't love themselves." My mom pulled me into a hug, which I happily excepted. I love my mom more than anything. She always understood me and made me feel better when I was down.
> "Thank you, mama...I love you..."
> "I love you too, my son. Now, let's get these cookies over to the neighbors, shall we?" She got up and grabbed the cookies from the kitchen counter.
> "Yes ma'am!"
> I opened the door for her as we both walked to the house next door. I stood up on m tippy toes and rang the doorbell.
> "Brring! Brring!"
> We both heard some commotion before a beautiful shrimp lady opened the door.
> "Hello there! I'm Sheela Fisher and this is my son Finneial Fisher! We're your next-door neighbors and as a welcome to the neighborhood, we baked you some cookies!"
> The shrimp lady smiled sweetly, her eyes closing in happiness.
> "Thank you so much! I really appreciate you guys going out of your way to make these for us! I'm Coral Prawn!" She bent down to my height "You must be Finneial! Hello there little guy!"
> She gave my cheek a little squeeze, which made me giggle.
> "Come in! Come in! My husband is upstairs helping my son with his new room!"
> "Thank you so much Mrs. Prawn!" I thanked her before taking my mams hand and stepping inside with her. There was some boxes on the floor from the recent move, but I didn't mind.
> My mother and Mrs. Prawn then started to talk. I didn't know what they were talking about cause I wasn't paying attention; I was too focused on taking in my new surroundings.
> I heard a loud crash upstairs, and all of us looked up to the stairwell. Some boy was screaming in what sounded like anger. Yelling about how much he hated this house, and he wanted to go back home. Then we heard a door slam shut, shaking the whole house.
> A shrimp man walked down the stairs, wearing overalls and having a stressed look on his face.
> "I don't know what to do with that boy Cori...He won't listen at all!" He rubbed his templates. I wonder who their son was?
> "Oh, are you the neighbors? I'm sorry that you had to hear that!"
> "Oh it's quite alright! I don't mind! I'm Sheela Fisher!" My mother shook his hand. "And this is my son, Finneial Fisher! Say 'hi' Finn!"
> I nervously waved at the man. "H-hello sir...It's nice to meet you..."
> He laughed. He sounded like Santa.
> "Well, hello there! I'm Whelk Prawn little man! It's a pleasure to meet ya!"
> His large hands shook mine, even though my hands were all sweaty. Another loud crash was heard upstairs.
> "SHRIMPO?!" I shouted in glee, my eyes sparkling with excitement.
> "Yes? Do you know him? Oh wait! You're that boy from the park yesterday!" he let out a "ooooh." In realization.
> "Yes, I am sir! Am I able to talk to him?"
> "Well...He's madded right now...So I wouldn't recommend it..."
> "Please sir?" I gave him my best puppy my best puppy eyes, which made him soon cave in.
> "Oh alright...Go ahead. His room is the first on the right. His name's on the door."
> I grinned and thanked him before immediately rushing up the stairs.
> Once I made it to his room, I knocked on the door.
> "GO AWAY!"
> "It's me! Finn from the park yesterday! I'm your new neighbor!"
> Silence.
> "Can I come in?"
> "...Sure..."
> With that I opened the door slowly. His room was a wreak with broken toys and ripped pieces of paper. He was sitting with his knees up to his chest in the corner. His eyes red from what seemed like crying.
> "What happened?" I closed the door behind me, slowly walking up to him and sitting beside him.
> "I DIDN'T WANT TO MOVE! MY DAD HAD TO MOVE FOR A STUPID JOB!" My friend shouted in anger, shoving his face into his knees.
> "Oh. That must be tough. But look at the bright side! You're my neighbor and we can talk all the time now! So at least you're not alone!"
> That seemed to cheer him up a bit cause he stopped yelling.
> "...I just didn't want to move from my grandma's..."
> "Can you still visit her?"
> "Yes...But not as often!"
> "But at least you get to see her! My grandma is up there with God!" I pointing up to the sky, Shrimpo took his face out of his knees and looked at him with rare sympathy.
> "I am. I miss her sometimes but thank you for asking!"
> "In a bad way or good way?"
> "I...I DON'T KNOW..."
> "Well, I'll take it!"
> I leaned over and hugged him, which made him jump up in shock. I guess he didn't like hugs-
> "S-sorry! I should've asked..."
> "...I DIDN'T HATE IT..."
> "Oh, okay! Haha! Hey, with all those boxes downstairs, we can play pirates!"
> Shrimpo looked to the side thoughtfully.
> "If you say so buddy!"
> ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮
> And we've been friends ever since.
(I hope you enjoyed! Officially the longest chapter I've ever wrote! 1770 words)
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