" We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out. "
-Winston Churchill
The journey from Shimla to Goa was 39 hrs long. But with friends, time always flies faster.
After growing out of the formality zone, everyone seemed to be gelling well.
Ajay and Nikki were having interesting conversations and they seemed dead serious about whatever they were discussing. Even Mohit and Diya were having fun insulting each other and cracking jokes.
"You don't think I'm sexy enough ??" Diya challenged, suddenly posing like a model.
Sexy as hell, Mohit thought.
"No-no I think you're cute and...." he trailed off, blushing.
Now having shifted seats, Mohit took the steering and Diya the front seat. At the back, Ajay and Nikki exchanged words excitedly, making themselves home.
At the front, Mohit had to suppress multiple yawns, while Diya ranted about how many boys fawned over her in college.
She even caught him yawning once in the middle, and rewarded him with a hard punch in the gut.
The people at the back were quite inexperienced in the field of love. Hence, they talked about aesthetic topics.
"Do you believe in unicorns ?" Nikki enquired for the fifth time, with eyes so wide that an entire galaxy could be fit inside.
"With or without tail ?" Ajay asked, hardly able to suppress a chuckle.
"But, all unicorns have tails."
"Well, I've seen one without a tail and she's sooo cute."
"Where where where ???"
"Sitting just beside me."
At this, Nikki blushed. She always loved when people said cute stuff about her.
"You're cute," she replied, pulling Ajay's cheeks.
"Thank you, little miss."
"Looks like you've got yourself a boyfriend." butted in Mohit, thoroughly enjoying the little scene unfolding behind.
Nikki flashed her tongue at Mohit and replied, "When you bicker with Diya I don't butt my head in, do I ?"
This fierce comeback had everyone burst into laughter, with Mohit slightly turning a shade of maroon.
Because of having crazy and funny companions, they covered much of the journey without being visibly that much tired.
Mohit and Ajay shifted seats while driving. Whereas, Diya and Nikki just sat there playing games and occasionally teasing Mohit.
But, the journey in itself was hell lot tedious and the strain started to wear them off. After almost being on the road for 10 long hours, Mohit finally decided to call it a day and check in at some nearby hotel.
By the time they reached a hotel, Diya and Nikki were fast asleep and Ajay was on the verge of making a world record for the most number of yawns.
With a lot of prodding and whinnying, everyone finally seemed ready to move out of the car and check in.
The hotel Mohit chose was gigantic and seemed quite expensive. Ajay sucked in a breath.
Bloody hell, there's no way I can afford this, he thought.
So while heading to the reception, Ajay ushered Mohit to a corner and voiced his concern.
Mohit just laughed it off and replied, "Oh please, you're not paying for anything here. I'm going to use my advantage of being a rich brat. It's on me."
"You two are coming along or nay ?" Diya called off, seeing them lagging behind.
"Coming," both of them shouted, pacing up a bit.
At that exact moment maybe, Ajay felt at home. Being with the 4 of them there, he finally could find the home that he was longing for.
It was the feeling of having a complete family. A family that you can return to everyday. A family that you stay and laugh with.
A family that he lacked.
He followed Mohit wordlessly, trying to control the upsurge of emotions that raged inside him. After all, the value of being at home can be best described by a homeless person....
Having checked in, the sleeping arrangements were made with haste as everyone's patience started to wear off.
Diya and Nikki got a room to themselves, while Ajay and Mohit shared another.
Satisfied, all of them straight headed towards their rooms to get the much needed sleep.
Mohit without even bothering to change or anything straight crashed on the bed. Ajay however didn't feel that sleepy. He was used to tedious routines and official trips.
So, he moved to the balcony attached to the room, with a packet of chips in hand to devour in silence.
The sky was clear with the silver of the moon, gleaming brightly. Wanton winds rustled through the leaves, carrying the freshness of the night. The surroundings suddenly seemed to romanticise the situation.
Nights like these were meant to be at peace and feel the silence, because somewhere in the silence we find our souls whispering to us.
Ajay felt like there was a tangled mess of memories inside him, making him restless.
He eased up a bit on the easy chair, with the breeze gently brushing past his face. And, somewhere in this silence he drifted off to sleep with the packet of chips still in hand.
"Ajay, wake up....Ajay!!"
Ajay suddenly woke with a start hearing all the noise and with a bewildered face, he kept on repeating,
"Please don't leave me. Please..."
There were patches of tears on his face, with his features looking like that of an old man. It seemed like he had been through thousand years of pain.
Suddenly seeing him so vulnerable Mohit felt his insides crumble with pain. He slumped on the chair beside, trying his best to console him.
Ajay however turned normal within a few minutes, becoming highly embarrassed about behaving like that.
Thanking Mohit, he was about to leave the balcony when Mohit suddenly clutched his shoulder motioning him to sit.
After having settled, Mohit said in his deep yet calm voice,
"Look I don't know what happened and I won't ask. I know there's a chapter in everyone's life that they don't read out loud. But trust me, talking to a friend can actually help. And, I'd like to help you."
These were maybe the exact words Ajay needed, because somewhere in this world he was in search of a friend to share his pain with.
And, Mohit came along.
Taking a deep breath, he started speaking, with his eyes wandering in the emptiness that surrounded them.
"I remember playing with my sister while our parents sat there watching us lovingly. Every sunday, we went on outings and enjoyed ourselves to the brim.
It all started going downhill when one day I heard them talking about a will. And, the next day they made me sign a piece of paper.
Then, one day they suddenly announced that I would be going to a boarding school in Derhadun. They said it was for my own good and although I was sad to leave them all, I obeyed.
I was only six, back then.
The first few months, they visited me monthly, then less frequently and then one day, they never came.
I used to wait for them at the school gate, but they never came..."
Trailing off, he broke down crying bitterly with his face buried in his hand as memories flowed back to him.
Mohit knew how Ajay felt, so he gently said, "Enough for today, we should sleep now."
Ignoring him, Ajay again composed himself a bit and spoke,
"10 years I spent, waiting for them. The boarding became my permanent address. My fees was paid beforehand, and I did tuitions to support my income.
The summer vacations were the hardest, because I was the only one, left alone.
I had major depression issues and had frequent nightmares. But, I somehow managed to get a grip on myself and raise the amount required to return home.
Returning, I found that the house was deserted and empty....just like my soul. My parents were long gone along with my sister, or so the neighbours said.
So....well, now I was officially alone. Even the little flame of hope that kindled inside me all this time extinguished. I felt nothing anymore, nothing at all. I seemed to be walking through a tunnel of unending darkness...alone, all alone.
And that feeling was the final blow to the coffin, destroying me emotionally.
From that point on, I never looked back.
Returning from there, I doubled my efforts and worked towards my diploma. I even enlisted my name to the police training and got selected among many.
And, after years of experience and training, I am where I am. But still somewhere in my heart, I am searching for a family that I can call my own..."
Ajay finished off with a sigh, trying hard to keep the tears at bay.
Mohit slapped Ajay on the back and said, "Yo man, I'm here paying for you, listening to your rant and you still don't consider me family. Shame."
"I consider you family that's the reason I opened up to you about my blotchy past."
Hearing this Mohit hugged Ajay tighly and said,
"Someone made me feel that hugging is the only way you can show your love to someone."
Ajay laughing heartily hearing this and replied, "Not someone, Diya. Also, two men hugging is gay."
At this, both of them burst into laughter. And laughing and talking about the past the night washed away, as all the pent up sadness evaporated in the dead of the night.
Finally being too tired and contended they both crashed on the bed at odd angles, instantly drifting off to sleep.
You people won't believe how hard it was to right this chapter. All my hard work would be successful, if you all like this chapter.
And, I also had a bet with my goldfish.
He said this chapter would get zero votes, but I counted on you all and challenged him. Please don't let me down.
Love you all and byeee.
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