Tired Of Waiting For The Sunrise

Calum thought the ocean was beautiful the moment he dived underneath it's fragile blue waves. The sunlight danced through the water and shed a hazy golden light through the salted waves, making the shells sparkle and the sand glisten. He couldn't believe the amount of color that the ocean shore exhibited, bright pink coral and deep green seaweed. He watched the ruby red crabs dig into the sand and the schools of fish with ever-changing scales catch the light of the sun, the way the water grew into a deeper blue the farther away it was. He liked how it was warmer closer to the surface and got colder as you swam down. He liked the way the water felt smooth against his bare skin, like soft silk curling around his arms and legs. He was amazed by it. He still is.

But it's a little harder to see the beauty in it when he's perilously aware of all the dangers it holds. He knows how there are creatures that are merciless, that have strong jaws that wouldn't hesitate to close themselves over him. He saw how fragile the groups of mermaids were, huddled together in their clan without straying to far from anyone else. He saw how much humans affected the mermaids' lives without even knowing it, leaving nets out in the ocean and dumping their trash into the water, which can get caught in their tails. It's beautifully dangerous, the ocean is. Like thorns on a rose.

Calum is especially aware of the dangers when he sees Ashton's body still against the sandy ground, his eyes fluttered shut, cheeks flushed. The scar on Ashton's back is slightly visible from the top of his neck, the tissue shining against the light. Calum can't help but think about how he looks like he's simply sleeping, just went down for a nap. Calum hates how much of a difference the reality is.

After Joy went to go talk with Calum's father, she returned to say that she sent him away. Her eyes were glistening, shiny and slightly red. She looked slightly stunned, almost desperately upset that Calum wanted to lean in and wrap his arms around her, but then Joy told him that it was her choice. That she wanted him to go on and leave her and Calum behind.

"I did convince him to talk to the other fisherman and put up their nets back at home. Once Ashton wakes up, we can tell him we can return home. He'll be happy to hear that," Joy had said. Calum couldn't help but feel at awe at his mother. Face to face with his father for the first time in nearly eighteen years, and she had the strength to keep her distance. Calum felt proud.

After Joy left to spread the news to all the others, Calum returned to his worn spot beside Ashton, kneeling beside him and watching his unmoving body in case he even stirred an inch. Which is where he sits now, the water moving in thick waves past him as the mermaids swim around gathering their things in preparation to leave. Calum doesn't move, his eyes trained on Ashton's closed ones. He hates the fact that it's his fault Ashton was caught in the net in the first place. If he hadn't swam back in forth from land to sea, he wouldn't have attracted so much attention from the fisherman. He learned too late that all the movement under the water brought the nets closer instead of farther away. And he hates himself for it.

Calum stares off into the distance, one hand resting against Ashton's bare arm to sense any disruption in Ashton's steady form. He watches Luke glance nervously towards them every so often, his big blue eyes full of worry for his best friend.

Despite his apparent guiltiness for dragging the clan into the mess they are in in the first place, the others in the clan seem to have warmed up to Calum after his successful plan in getting Ashton free from the net. They don't look at him with such distaste anymore. If anything, they look somewhat impressed. At least thankful for what Calum did to free Ashton. For the first time, Calum feels a little bit more welcomed.

He's watching Luke gather up a few of Ashton's things when suddenly Ashton's arm moves, bumping against Calum's hand. Calum spins around, looking down as Ashton groans lowly, his eyes opening slowly, blinking hazily.

"Ashton," Calum breathes out in relief. He grabs Ashton's hand before he knows what he's doing, squeezing it tightly as Ashton blinks up at Calum. His eyebrows pull together as he slowly sits up, lifting a hand to press against his forehead. He glances around.

"Calum," Ashton says, but his voice raises as though it were a question. He glances around him in surprise. "I'm-- the net. I got out."

"Calum got you out, actually," says a small voice behind Calum. They both turn around to see Luke, who has a smile spread over his face and a small green basket full of shells and sand. He puts it down and shoves some rocks inside to keep it down, then he rushes to Ashton's side. "I'm so glad you're awake! We were so worried."

Ashton accepts the tight hug from Luke, but he glances over at Calum, locking eyes with him. "Calum got me out?"

Luke pulls away so he can look at Ashton. "He did. He went up on the boat and convinced the fisherman to let him cut you loose!" Luke flashes a big smile at Calum. The dark haired boy smiles back softly, avoiding Ashton's eyes that continue to stare at him.

Calum slowly drifts away from the two of them, allowing them both to keep each other company as he swims in the other direction, off towards where he liked to go in the early mornings to watch the ocean grow lighter with the sunlight. He felt too overwhelmed from Ashton's eyes so earnest and intense on him, like he was being studied. He can never tell what Ashton's thinking.

Calum rests his back against the familiar rock and watches the distant ocean in front of him. He admires the sunlight filtering through the water vaguely, his eyes starting to close from exhaustion. He feels like he could sleep for eternity from all the things that have happened recently. From Ashton being caught in the net, to meeting his father for the first time in his life, it's enough to make him want to go to sleep in peace.

"They told me everything you did," says a voice. Calum turns around to find Ashton leaning against the rock, his deep hazel eyes staring at Calum. He blinks in surprise, squirming a little under his gaze. "I can't believe you did all that just to get that net loose."

"It's really nothing," Calum mumbles as Ashton swims closer. He avoids Ashton's soft gaze.

Ashton smiles. "It's definitely not nothing, Calum. Neptune, you must be exhausted from everything that happened. I mean, you met your father, Cal. That couldn't have been easy."

Calum shrugs apathetically. "I'm fine. It was really not a big deal."

Ashton shakes his head, laughing a little. "Even if you won't admit it, I know it was. I'm trying to say thank you, Calum. I can't thank you enough for what you did."

Calum glances up at that, widening his eyes a bit. Ashton doesn't say anything for a moment, just staring at Calum with a conflicted look on his face, and Calum is trying to figure out what it means right when darts forward, leaning in and pressing his lips against Calum's.

To say Calum was shocked is an understatement. He almost coughs in shock, but Ashton keeps his mouth moving against his, making Calum slowly give in to the kiss. Ashton carefully wraps his arms around Calum's waist, pulling him closer.

Calum could definitely use some more air by the time Ashton finally pulls away. His ears burn red as Ashton smiles softly at him, his hands still at his waist. Ashton suddenly realizes exactly what he's done and he lets go of Calum, moving back a little.

"I'm sorry," he says quickly. "I shouldn't have done that, I just--"

"It's okay," Calum interrupts. His cheeks are still flushed. "It's okay."

Ashton blinks at him for a moment longer before nodding slowly, moving carefully beside Calum. He presses his back beside Calum against the rock, their shoulders brushing. He stares off into the distance of the ocean alongside Calum.

Neither of them say anything about the kiss, but Calum's cheeks continue to flush pink. Ashton glances over at him and notices, smiling a little.

"Tell me about Michael," says Ashton, the gentle firmness back in his voice. Calum glances at him in surprise.

"Michael?" Calum repeats lamely.

"Yes," Ashton says. "You talked about him a lot before we came here. You haven't spoken about him since. Something happened between you two."

Calum furrows his eyebrows and crosses his arms. "I had to leave him. That's what happened. I chose the ocean over him."

Ashton raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'chose'?"

"I chose the ocean. I could either stay on land with him or stay here and I chose this," Calum repeats unhappily.

Ashton stares at him in bewilderment. "You can't be serious."

Calum groans. "I know. It's horrible."

"No, Calum. You didn't 'choose' anything. You do realize this was your only choice, right?" Ashton says, staring sympathetically at Calum's frowning face. "You couldn't have stayed on land. It's not healthy for you."

"I know! That's why I'm here."

"Does Michael know that?" Ashton asks. Calum falls silent. His throat starts to close, eyes watering. He slowly shakes his head, turning a bit so Ashton can't see his face.

Ashton sighs, leaning back against the rock wall. He doesn't say anything for a moment, letting Calum get himself together before talking again.

"Why don't you go see him again when we get back?" Ashton suggests. Calum looks up at him in surprise. Ashton just smiles. "We don't need to worry about the nets anymore, do we? You can go back and see him if you'd like. If you stay safe, of course."

Calum nods, mostly to himself, and turns to stare out into the ocean once again. "Okay. I'll go see him when we go back. I'll go see him."

Silence fills the water between them.

Then Ashton rolls toward Calum again and frowns. "I'm sorry for being so rough on you since you got here. I shouldn't have been so hard on you. I know this was difficult for you and I didn't make it any easier."

Calum shrugs, looking awfully small and tired against the blue backdrop. "It's fine."

"It's not. I'm a jerk. I know that," says Ashton, "and I'm sorry."

Ashton wraps an arm around Calum's shoulders and pulls him close, letting Calum press his nose into Ashton's neck, his arms wrapping around Ashton's bare torso. Ashton presses his lips against the top of Calum's head, then he rests his chin over Calum's dark hair. He feels guilty for being so hard on him. He didn't deserve it, and Ashton knows it.

But in all honesty, Calum couldn't care less. He's exhausted, he misses his best friend at home, and for whatever reason, he was just kissed by a beautiful man with deep hazel eyes. Despite the aching sorrow in his chest, he feels welcomed and loved inside Ashton's arms. And that's all that really matters.

A/N: what we've all been waiting for :))))

hope you all enjoyed looking at all the new stories that will be coming soon! they've been sitting in my drafts for months and months so I decided to just let you all see them. bc why not

what book are you reading right now? do you have any recommendations??

im reading the heroes of olympus series currently and its amazing.

also my friend got me a shirt that has a lil cartoon drawing of newt from fantastic beasts on it and I think I shed a tear when I saw it

hope you have all been doing well. stick in there if you are in the final throws of exams. you can do it. and if you're on break, hope you're having a good time!!

thanks for reading this chapter. just a little more before this story is completed. I hope ya'll have enjoyed it so far.

i love you to the moon. bYE

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