"Ms. Helena, will there be anything else you require?" Faisal bowed low, delighted to see her settling in.
Helena was very happy with how Faisal had handled everything in their absence in spite of all the difficulties that Tarek might have faced alone. At least, Faisal was there to oversee anything that might hinder the process of the handing over of duties and responsibilities that now fell upon Tarek's shoulders.
"No, but thank you kindly, Faisal...for everything" She beamed at the man, who bowed even lower out of embarrassment. Faisal then left her alone since she would be together with her sons.
It had been a very long 24 hours, and everyone was exhausted by the time they came back to the residence. Tarek barely had time to get together with his mother and sibling, having been pulled left and right regarding the latest reforms Tarek had been fighting so hard to put into place.
The council may not have agreed wholeheartedly, but Tarek had managed to persuade them to see things from a different point of view. The women had found a voice and a champion in Tarek, who saw the need for education to stem beyond just the male population and extend the college overseas programs towards the female population as well.
Helena was proud of this factor, since there were more and more female scientists, doctors from similar situations who had preferred to have their education, away from the homeland systems, in order to experience life outside the tiny kingdom, bringing back a wealth of knowledge which would benefit everyone in a positive way.
Eventually, the council finished their meetings with Tarek, and he entered his quarters exhausted, but jubilant. Helena could see the sparkle in his eyes, acknowledging his triumphant return.
"I take it, they've agreed?" She enquired.
"Yes, mother, they have, thank Allah" He smiled, embracing her happily. "I sometimes wish I was a kid again. There's so much...too much to do" He sighed, plonking his weary body down on the couch, and stretching his limbs.
"Are you hungry?" Helena asked, worried for her firstborn.
"A little. Where's that sibling of mine?" Tarek grinned.
"He's a bit shell-shocked from the realisation of it all. He only started college a month ago, and he's raring to go back. I think he prefers it there" Helena confessed.
"Yes, if I was given the choice, I would have wanted to further my education back in the UK, not that Saud was a bad choice" Tarek nodded in agreement.
"I'll get Imran to rustle up some food for us" Helena rang for the servant, who immediately appeared.
"Yes, Memsaab" Imran bowed low, before disappearing as quickly as he had appeared, after Helena had given him specific instructions of the kind of food they desired.
Aamir soon emerged from his quarters, cloaked in worry. Tarek noticed this, and threw an arm around his brother's shoulders, walking him to the couch, where they both sat down.
"Aamir, I refuse to allow the council to thrust any responsibilities to you until you're ready. I know this is a tough time and you're just getting your bearings on the situation" Tarek explained, which resulted in Aamir's mood lightening up.
"Thank you, dear brother. I was worried that I wasn't going back to college anymore" He sighed in relief.
"I wouldn't rob you of your education, and of an experience of a lifetime! You're still young and there's so much fun to be had at your age" Tarek reminisced of his own college days, patting Aamir's shoulder.
Aamir balked at his brother, making himself sound so much older than he really was. "Nonsense! You had the best of both worlds, Tarek. I am envious...of You!" He teased.
Imran knocked gently at the door, before entering. Behind him stood several servants, bearing trays laden with delicious food, which they displayed upon the table for the royals to partake.
"Thank you kindly, Imran" Helena remarked, to which the servant beamed. All the servants smiled and bowed low, before leaving them in peace to enjoy the meal set before them.
"You're still young yourself, Tarek. You're just a few years older than I am!" Aamir stated. "Soon, the council will be pressing you to marry and produce an heir!"
"Umm...I'm thankfully not there yet. I'd rather concentrate on getting these reforms done first. There's plenty of time for that later. Don't you agree, mother?" Tarek shuddered – the very prospect of him getting married was not on the cards right now. He quickly looked to Helena for support.
"Not sure if the council will see eye to eye on that factor, but it's your life and your decision. Don't let anyone force you to do anything you wouldn't want to do, and yes, you are still young" Helena nodded, beaming at her boys.
During the meal, Aamir sat, lost in thought, examining his own situation. He'd just met Alex and he already felt a pull to the young Pakistani man. At least, with the new reforms, young couples wouldn't have to date in secret; more eateries and cafes would allow people to mix and mingle without having the dreaded religious police breathing down their necks. Young people could even just be friends, without having others look on in suspicion that anything else was going on.
Arab people deserved just as much love as anyone else, but due to religious order and restrictions which have held the nations back, these rules have stifled love in the kingdom and made all contact between sexes, initiated behind closed doors. Young princes would flee to London or America, just to enjoy their youth, often at a price, indulging in sexual depravity, some at the cost of their own lives even. Of course, the royal families would keep the scandals hush-hush, and pay literally millions just to have any rumours die a quiet death.
Helena observed her sons at the table. Here were two good-looking, handsome young men who were just starting to live their lives freely, and yet, being stifled in their own freedom – Tarek, whom she knew wanted to further his education back in the UK, and Aamir, who was just beginning to experience life outside. She pined for her sons to be happily independent young men, who could choose who to love and just be happy, without judgement.
Knowing how other royal families have let their oil-rich millions dictate their wayward lifestyles, Helena didn't want to have a firm rein on her boys. They seemed well-adjusted and level-headed enough to make the right decisions, and she had to trust in that.
"Mother, Tarek...I need to speak with you both..." Aamir began to say.
But then, another knock on the door, ceased all conversation, as the servants entered to clear the table, and bring drinks and desserts. But once the doors were closed, Aamir mustered enough courage to talk.
"I've found myself in a bit of a dilemma. I think I'm in love..." He whispered quietly.
"Who's the lucky girl, Aamir?" Tarek teased his sibling, who responded with a blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Not...a girl...but..." Aamir swallowed, his throat squeezing him. The young prince quickly downed a glass of water before continuing, "A guy..."
"What?" Both Helena and Tarek stared at each other, then turned to gaze at Aamir in astonishment.
"You're serious" Tarek's mouth fell open, when he saw Aamir's facial expressions change into one of seriousness.
"Well, that's wonderful! Who's the lucky young man?" Helena attempted to reach out to her youngest son, grasping his hand across the table in support.
"He's from Pakistan. His name is Alexander Murad, and he models part-time but is studying business law" Aamir replied shyly.
Tarek sat quietly, listening to his brother describe this Alex person to their mother. At first, Tarek felt some form of confusion within himself, having known his brother for so long, to have this situation arise. He had read about homosexuality, and why it was considered taboo, not only in their country but in other countries as well, and that only a handful of places accepted the union between men, including marriage. He also knew of the punishment it entailed, and for this to happen to a Crown Prince was unthinkable in their own country.
"How could you allow this to happen, Aamir?" Tarek finally spoke, the muscle in his jawline ticking nervously as he contemplated the inevitable.
"I didn't allow this to happen, Tarek, it just did..." Aamir swiped a hand across his face, his stomach churning at the thought that his own brother loathed him for loving another man.
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