Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I can't help but ask what you think about this again because I have so much questions pending and our characters are here with the vibe. Stay with me and unravel...
*Aishatu clears her throat before adjusting her mouthpiece and smiled creepily at her characters looking at her expectantly*
There are ten of them sitting in the Royal parlour that consist of purple sofas and golden paint. Shaddad, Falak, Jabrayah, Jaiyana, Inayah, Fikriya, Asad, Humaid, Huzaif and Suwaid are all dressed to impress because the show is going to be on many television channels.
Aishatu: "Erhm, so who wants to be interviewed first?" Aishatu perched herself closer to them by sitting on the edge of the sofa.
Falak: "I will go first because I want to watch them all squirm after I'm done." She flipped her eyes to everyone around the room including the camera man ogling at her and he had to adjust his glasses.
She is wearing a black and white palazzo with strips and white button up shirt ticked into the palazzo and completed the look with matching black scarpin and veil. She looks like a runaway model.
Aishatu: *smiles and moves her journal to her face before looking up after reading the question: "How do you feel about marrying Bilal after finding out he is already married? I mean, if he's told you beforehand."
Aishatu smiled sneakily because she loves that question, and she wants her to answer with Shaddad sitting right in front of her.
Falak: *twists her lips in distaste and took a quick glance at a bored Shaddad before answering: "Honestly speaking, I would've married him because he was a sweetheart and I still think that I shouldn't have let him go. He was very nice." She shrugged at Jabrayah who gave her a death glare.
Jabrayah: *glares at Falak and said: "Once a liar, always a liar so there is no chance between you two anymore. InshaAllah."
Jabrayah is wearing one of her favorite maxi dresses that has too much flowers for Falak's liking. She wrapped her face with pink veil and was wearing pink flats, the gown thankfully closed her huge stomach. Aishatu felt guilty because she didn't like her roaming around pregnant.
Jaiyana and Inayah: "I concur!" They laughed facing each other before turning serious after seeing the camera pointing at them.
Aishatu: "Hm, What do you think about Shaddad now?" *author coughs silently when Shaddad's lazy eyes settle on her, his gaze makes her feel uneasy not to talk about her weakness, beard*
Falak: *takes a long glance at Shaddad again who didn't dare raise his face to her before facing her author again: "Shaddad is still Shaddad and I don't think about anything him."
Everyone could tell that Falak was lying there because of how she played with her heeled legs and twist her latest iPhone between her hands, not wanting to lock eyes with anyone especially Aishatu who knows her secret and everything that there is to know within.
Aishatu: *grins mentally because she knew it was a lie but settled on saying: "But are you sure about that, Falak? I mean, do you want me to tell them what you think?" Aishatu knew she is crossing the line but can't hold back.
Falak: *fixes a quelling glare at Aishatu, rooting her to her seat before fixing a fake smile and said: "Just because you're our creator doesn't mean you must know everything and so you should take another question, I'm quite busy."
Aishatu: *raises hands in surrender before adjusting her shades to look at the journal she's holding; "Okay, this is interesting. If you were asked to marry one of the Royal brothers, the single ones, who would you choose?" Aishatu inclined her head in fake curiosity.
Falak: *sighs in exasperation: "That is personal but I will choose anyone of them, they are all handsome and have their own quality."
Aishatu: *clears throat and gulped when Falak glared at her before putting a fake bravado: "You mean, you don't want Bilal anymore?"
Falak: *sighed in more exasperation and dramatically rolled her eyes: "I thought we've closed that page author, you better not bring that betrayer to my life again."
Aishatu: *rolls eyes feeling like her own characters are trying to threaten her: "I should take the next person, you all can answer the question at the same time. I don't feel like taking one person at a time anymore..."
Falak: *fumes in anger her eyes glazing red at the author before saying: "But why did you do mine first? Do you have problem with me or is it because you don't like I had a fiancee and you don't have a boyfriend?"
Aishatu: *gasps and placed a dramatic hand to her chest looking pained: "It's not like that, I just don't want to cheat on my future husband that is why." *author glares at character imagining how she will make her suffer*
Falak: *getting more angry the more the interview prolongs: "And you decided that it is cool to make me fall in love with a Statue and get engaged to betrayer and then now, you want me to what? Cheat on my future husband?"
Aishatu: *sighs in annoyance because she doesn't get why her own character is questioning her: "Falak, I want you to be quite before I erase all the happiness from your life." Author threatened and smiled in satisfaction when she did as she was told but didn't stop glaring.
Inayah: *clears throat and perch herself further close to the edge of the sofa and said: "Why did you make me feel so jealous of Falak and didn't even get to enjoy my wedding?" This brought series of laughter from Falak, Jabrayah, Jaiyana and chuckle from Asad.
While Inayah settled on black bush pants and red body hug with her black veil, matching Mary Jane heels and small bag that contains only her phone and keys.
Jabrayah: *laughed loudly slapping thighs in process and said: "You look so funny when you saw Falak that day." *keeps quite when Inayah glared hard at her*
Jaiyana: *laughed lowly and said: "I saw the imaginary smoke coming out from her ears and nose and Asad did nothing to her just because he wants to make her mad."
Asad: *looks horrified and look at his wife begging her not to agree with his insensible sister in-laws: "I did no such thing, I didn't even know she was jealous of Falak."
Aishatu: "Okay, you all should keep quite because I want to talk to the stoic princes now and find out why they are all grumpy." *looks under the glasses at Humaid, Huzaif, Suwaid and lastly Shaddad*
Suwaid: *rolls eyes in irritation not liking attention on him but likes hearing his wife bicker with her sisters: "You're the one who made us grumpy not us."
Aishatu: *widens eyes and sighed be cause he is right about that: "I just wanted to write about stoic princes and you guys make it all the more exciting and be happy I love your name or Jabrayah wouldn't have fell for you so early so be grateful for that and stop rolling your eyes at me."
Suwaid: *takes a glance at blushing Jabrayah and breath out: "Yeah, thanks for that."
Aishatu: *squinting eyes at Huzaif who grumbled underneath his breath after seeing her eyes on him: "And you Huzaif, you shouldn't have let Jaiyana suffer for your attention, I wanted to make her hate you after the first night and you should be grateful for those two beautiful baby girls. Learn to appreciate them or you won't have any more babies or, she will give birth to seven more girls."
Huzaif: *eyes opened widely and takes a glance at quite Jaiyana: "I love my baby girls more than you can imagine."
Aishatu: *eyes squinting in mischief and teased: "Aww, sappy aren't we now? What about your wife, tell us how much you love her or I wipe any trace of her in your life. She might lost her memory or die?" *author widened eyes that is filled will mischief after seeing her characters horrified gazes.*
Jaiyana: *eyes wide as saucers: "You want me dead? No no, you can't do this to me, I need to see Shaddad and Falak's children."
Shaddad: *eyes snapped to Jaiyana in bored lasers and no words exchanged*
Aishatu: *laughed loudly slapping knees and snorting: "I'm not going to kill her, nah. I don't think I have the heart to kill anyone except for Shaddad."
Shaddad: *narrows eyes at author and continue to check email*
Aishatu: *annoyed at being ignored and said: "Shaddad, when are you getting married. Three of your younger sibling are married, what are you waiting for?"
Shaddad: *annoyed and angry, seethed calmly: "when you are ready to get me married, don't disturb my peace."
Aishatu: *hissed underneath breath because she didn't get why she made him so handsome and now he is even affecting her: "Fikriya you haven't said a word."
Fikriya: *blushes when all attention got back to her and said: "I didn't know what to say."
Aishatu: *acts as though she's thinking by tapping her pen to her beautiful chin before saying: "Why not tell us how and what you feel about Madeeha?"
Fikriya: "Honestly, the woman hasn't bothered me since the first day but she tried ruining my food once but I caught her, so far I think it's silence before the storm."
Humaid: *narrows eyes and moved further to look at author: "What do you think Madeeha is planning?"
Aishatu: *inclines head to the side and gulped: "I don't know for that woman, she is very sneaky and didn't even accept my invitation to come to this grand interview. Who wouldn't accept the invitation and have tea with Aishatu?" *author sighs in annoyance and sips tea to calm down*
Jaiyana: *nervously wringed fingers before asking: "When I'm I going to give birth to a boy?"
Aishatu: *looks at Jaiyana from head to toe as though she's lost some nuts before saying: "You want to give birth after what you went through?"
Jaiyana: *sighs in sadness and hit her head behind her on the couch: "My husband wants a baby boy and I will like to give him that."
Huzaif: *eyes wide looking at his wife before the author and then said: "No love, don't do that to yourself. We have the time of the world and you can wait for more than four years, I don't mind." *kisses wife's forehead*
Falak: *looks with heart in eyes and slight envy: "Aw, look at those lovey dovey couple."
Aishatu: *glares at Falak and said: "I thought I asked you to keep quite Falak?"
Falak: *rolls eyes and huff*
Aishatu: "Just look at that Shaddad, don't you want that perfect life?" *author cooed to tease Shaddad further*
Shaddad: *sighs and rub forehead in outer annoyance and said: "It is only nauseating not perfect.*
Aishatu: *clutches forehead with forefinger and thumb seeing there is no way to break past the character she created herself: " I think this is all for today and thank you all for joining us in this ride everyone. Keep your questions coming and stay tuned, our next interview is with a whole new set of people and I hope you liked this." *grinned widely to the camera*
Everyone in the Royal parlour: *smiles to the camera and yelled: "Bye, hope you enjoyed this with us!" And clearly, Shaddad wasn't there because he's disappeared.
Badge two later and then it will be chapter 41 and 42 (double updates inshaAllah) and comment puhlease🌚...
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