Kano State, Nigeria.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, what have you done Safeer?" Falak called out to the two year old boy that is laughing his ass off looking at his younger sister crying because he tugged at her hairs hard. Her perfect rouge lips like her mother's set into a grim pout making her look adorable if not for the loud wails coming from her.
"Momma, dirtiee." He called back pointing at his hand clearly telling her he removed it from his sister's hair and she sighed. He is never one to be gentle unlike his brother who does everything patiently. Maybe she should've named them both Sabeer to avoid problems not that she will trade each moment for anything, she likes how they balance each other.
"Next time, don't tug hard at her hair because it will hurt her, hmm?" She explained slowly while making her way to take her daughter from the rug she is sitting on circled with her eyes blinding pinks and purples. She is surrounded with so many dolls like the spoilt brat she is.
"Yes, Mommy." He calls her with different names everyday and every time just to sharpen his words more.
Between all the three of them, he is the fast learner. He takes every word into his head and makes sure to use it whenever he wants before he understands what it means. He once called his father Statue stilling both father and mother on spot. So any bad word is not to be spoken in front of Safeer or they will hear it where they never expect to. It amazes her at how sharp his brain is and sometimes annoys her seeing he knows everything. The child has mind of a four year old, she is not kidding.
On the other hand, there is Sabeer who hardly talks and when he does, his words are calm and collected. She freaked out and blamed Shaddad for being like that once upon a time and now their child is taking after him, like what? She likes putting them together with Safeer so they can bond up and he should learn how to talk like him. She don't like the idea of raising another Shaddad after she's done with the adult one. She's had enough of Shaddads, she wants normal babies that fuss like her.
Sabeeha is the spoil brat who gets everything she wants. She turned everyone around her finger like she would in the water. She makes sure everyone listens to her whims and gets her every doll there is that exists in the world. It is not only Shaddad that has her spoilt, her mother and the King are included, all her uncles can't stand the sight of her crying so you could tell just how spoilt she is. Even her brothers will give up their food for her when she starts crying, imagine.
"You, stop crying hmm. He just removed dirt from your hair so it won't hurt later." Falak try soothing the wailing baby who isn't having it so Falak narrowed her eyes at her immediately shutting her up. Yeah, she has that mother serious look that has her children coming back to their senses.
"Good, now be a nice girl and play with your dolls, let mama cook." She placed her back on the rug and gave stern warnings to her brothers to make sure she won't wander off to another street while they are not watching her. They have the television stuck in their view so they placed her in front of them along with her toys. As if they know what they are watching, she shook her head and left.
Falak made her way back to the kitchen to finish their dinner before Shaddad gets back home. They have some videos to make that night so she wants everyone to have an early dinner before it happens. She has lost counts on the videos she has now. She asked for help from Inayah to make the videos into CDs with labels so she will be sure they won't get lost even with years passing by. She has some saved in her memory card to be more sure about the whole situation. She can't afford letting her hard work go to vain, nah, she'd turn the world upsidedown before she lost those videos.
She's cooked fried macaroni with tres leches cake as dessert for everyone. After setting up the dining table and sending off the maids to go clear the kitchen, she asked one of them to look after the kids while she go change into something attractive like always. That became her routine when everything settled down and she got her time and senses back. She cooks dinner early, take a good warm bath making sure her body is soft and smells nice then dress in some English wears or those silky gowns made for her.
She usually works in the hospital in the morning only. Taking care of three children whilst working is really not something she looks forward to. Now that she has stopped breastfeeding them, she might as well go back to work and leave them with their grandmother when she is not working. If her mother can't take care of them, she leaves them with one of her sisters in-law and most trusted loyal maids just to make sure they are not harmed.
Shaddad taught her not to trust anyone in that Royal palace because everyone is out to get their blood. He is not even talking about the maids and guards alone, even the ones with title can be out to get their blood especially his. He is the next King so everyone's eyes will be on him and now everyone knows what his weaknesses are. They won't hesitate to attack them again and again to get what they want. That is why he feels like royalty is just trouble, he can't have his children's life in danger.
He was attacked twice for the past two years but thankfully, his guards are watchful and loyal enough to not let him get scathed. One of the guards died while trying to save him, he felt terrible about it. He made sure his family are being taken cared of for the rest of their lives and his young wife is to marry his best friend who was more than willing to take her into his roof. That guilt is taken off his shoulder when his family forgive them and say 'that is what Allah has planned for him all along and he already vowed to save the royals.'
Falak was never attacked again though. Her safety and security got tightened whenever she goes, she is never one to complain though. She can't afford having her babies life in danger so she makes sure to even ask for the securities if they are no where in sight. When she was told Shaddad was the one shoot instead of the guard, she nearly faced her own death. She didn't take the news lightly so she took her car and drove to the hospital like a maniac. It was a miracle that she got to the hospital safe and sound.
She's never being so afraid in her life than she was then. She could literally feel her heart lurching to her mouth in fear and apprehension. The image she portrayed didn't leave her head till after she saw Shaddad sitting unscathed on the waiting chairs in the hospital. She felt how he did when she gave birth to her babies naturally, she never wish to see that again.
Taking a much long needed bath because each and everything her babies ate got to her maxi dress. She changed into an onyx skinny jeans and bumblebee plunging shirt. She tied the hair on top of her head, making it look like a high ponytail. She left the room after wearing a black socks, she felt cold the whole day so the socks has been on her feet since morning. Actually, she's been feeling somehow the whole week but she can't place what is really wrong with her.
"Nashida, please give them a bath. I will remove their clothes for them and keep it for you on each of their beds." She said to the gentlest looking maid that is always friendly with her children and they like her more than they do the rest of the maids. She is the only one that can take their baths without the neighbours coming to ask if anything is wrong. The sounds of her children's cry is enough to wake the whole palace up so she try avoiding that always.
"Yes, your Grace." She took the children with her and made her way to their room with Falak hot on her tail do she can bring out their clothes for them. They are all dirty beyond recognition and they hate taking baths like cats.
She grasped a denim jean skirt and dandelion shirt with tie neckline, cap sleeves for Sabeeha. She took out short jean trousers for the boys, matching it with dandelion polo shirts. They are almost matching which is what she was striving for. Shaddad likes it when they match and she did it mostly when they have a video to shot. She left their room to bring out a matching shirt for Shaddad too, knowing him, they are going to have an argument before he wear any colour.
"Welcome home, Statue." She was quick to give him a kiss on his lips and took away the small briefcase he has with him. He smiled then stopped to look down at her outfit, he grimaced. How can she just move around him like that knowing they have a long time before they get to bed?
"Thank you, Erum. But are the kids sleeping?" She didn't have time to reply because Sabeeha came running to his arms and he has no choice but to let go of Falak who grunted and glare at her daughter.
Sometimes she feels like the girl is intentionally coming in between them to show her claim on her father. Whenever she is around, she hardly allow them to kiss or flirt with each other. They will be tired in the night to make love and in the morning, Sabeeha will always be there to knock and wake them up. Sometimes Falak will throw her back to her crib and lock the door then go back to Shaddad, after she's done, she will console her till they get back on good terms.
"How are you, Princess?" He took his daughter and together they make their way to their bedchamber so he can take bath and change quick.
"Wear that shirt on the bed. No arguments please, I'm already sick." She called out to him. He was quick to turn around when she said she is already sick. What is wrong with her again?
She was never sick after the high blood pressure she had when she gave birth to the triplets. The doctor explained that those lack of sleeps is finally catching up to her and she needs as much rest as she could get. Apart from that, Falak has always being healthy so hearing that from her is enough to send his already tired self into another round of worry. He despise that whenever she feels down, that image of when she gave birth to the triplets always makes an appearance to haunt him down. She noticed that and stopped complaining of even a headache just not to worry him.
"What is wrong with you? Have you taken medicine? Is your blood pressure high again? I know the kids are really overbearing a times but what is wrong now?!" He rambled, keeping Sabeeha back on the bed and she pouted looking at her father checking her mother to make sure she is okay. Well, maybe Falak is right about her coming between them.
"Hey, there is nothing to worry about. I just am not feeling okay, nothing serious. Now go and get dressed, we have another video to shoot." She pushed him into the bathroom and took her daughter with her. Sabeeha started crying so Falak drop her back on the bed and make her way out.
She saw her boys wrestling on the rug whilst watching the TV. God, those boys really have energy of a hyperactive donkey. She shook her head and made her way to the dining table making sure everything is perfect. Sighing in tiredness, she trudged into the living room and sat down between the boys. They hurriedly adjust their shirts and kept quite like they weren't just wrestling around. She shook her her, they can act so innocent.
"We are ready, let's so." She heard Shaddad said from above her. He is wearing the shirt she kept on the bed for him, Sabeeha snuggled into his hand like always.
They made their way to the dining table, the kids try eating the macaroni with them and they did quite well with a new dish. They kept throwing pieces at each other, Falak don't have the energy to stop them so Shaddad did. She could only watch them as they play around and roll the macaroni in their hands making it look dirty. She called a maid to come and clean their hands then served them the dessert in small plates. She pinched small piece of the tres leches cake, making sure they won't spoil it.
"I don't want to see even a small crump on the floor." She narrowed her eyes at them and they nodded. Sabeeha likes speaking Hausa more so Falak explained to her again in Hausa so she won't listen to any excuse they will want to give after breaching the promise.
They move back to the tangerine living room where the camera and ring lights are all set, ready to go. She sat down by their right, Shaddad by their left like always. The kids excitedly look at the camera following their eyes around the ring lights. That is not the first time they did that but they always look intriguingly at the camera or even touch the ring lights.
"Hello, say hello." She turn to them with a smile, they beam back at her and together they yelled out a 'Hello' to the camera with a wave, their teeth showing.
Those teeth caused so much trouble when they were younger. Before those first back teeth molars make appearance, they suffered. Both parents and children suffered at that stage. They are followed by four canine teeth, that is also another trouble and story of it's own which she won't want to touch. They also had their second molars some months back which helps them chew their food all the time now. She won't have to go through feeding them softest foods so they can swallow without grinding.
"Now, you guys are just two years old. Your birthday was celebrated like you will know since it is taped..." And like always, they continue to ramble as family everyone chirping in once in a while but they let Falak do all the talkings and talk about the things that happened from the last time they shoot a video.
"I want to go and sleep now. Please ask the maids to give them a bath before they leave. No one should wake me up even in the morning. I think my blood pressure is high again, goodnight." She kissed everyone's forehead before making her way to the room only to be stopped by Shaddad's strong arms encasing her to his strong body.
"Are you sure you are okay? I think we should go to the hospital since you don't want me to check you." His eyes are filled with worry as he search her face as if looking for a clue that will lead him to what is wrong with his wife.
She don't like it when he checks whether she is okay or not. Ever since what happened when she gave birth, she is weary of Shaddad losing himself when he finds out that she is ill. He gets worried for no reason whenever he heard, saw her acting drained or fatigued so she avoids everything that will worry him. She plastered a huge smile that could blind everyone and fool everyone but not Shaddad, no, he is pass that.
"I am perfectly fine. I might just be tired after those sleepless nights, you know, their teeth and Sabeer's fever." With another blinding smile, she pecked his lips but he drew her back to his arms in a stern way. Her heart sink low to her stomach, he will find out or he's already found out what is going on.
"You are not fine. I will get them dressed for bed and meet you in the room." He let her go reluctantly, with slumped shoulders, she moved to their room and changed to her nightdress.
"Yes, and Allah destroyed them with a very gaudy sound, they are the people of Prophet Salih." He concluded and turn to see all of them sleeping except Safeer whose eyes are droopy but he started talking like he always does.
"Camel?" He questioned, his eyes now back in his father's though you can see the sleep marring his face.
"They killed the camel." And he slept, he was just waiting for him to answer his question.
It amazes him how much Safeer likes knowing more and more all the time. The more he knows, the more he wants to know about that story. They switch from Prince and Princess, to stories of the Prophets, about being Royals and then what happens in the Royal family. But every time, Safeer is the one that has his mouth filled with questions though he looks like he is more of a troublesome, he is very sharp and gifted. He started saying Mama and Dada before his siblings and you'd think he is older.
Kissing their foreheads and blowing them with some prayers, he left their room and made his way to his bedchamber. He is anxious about what is wrong with his wife again. His mind wasn't on the story he was telling them so maybe that was why he forgot about telling them what happened to the camel till Safeer asked. God, he hopes nothing bad is wrong with her again. He can't afford anything happening to her again, he just don't have the strength to stomach it all.
"Are you okay now?" He asked, eyes wide looking as she moan on the bed her eyes rolling back.
"No, my stomach hurts." She moaned again, rolling around on the bed and watch as Shaddad quickly made his way to his huge first aid kit.
She glared at him when he gave her the medicine the brought with him. She demand that he gives her Danacid because the stomach ache is not that bad. He reluctantly gave her and settle himself on the bed beside her waiting for the pain to subside. When that didn't happen just three minutes later, he went to make chamomile tea for her. She sipped the tea for five minutes and began to sit up feeling much more better. She beamed at him, seeing the relief etched on his face.
"I'm okay now, let's go to sleep." She kept the mug by the bedside drawer and cuddle him.
There is something she needs to do though...
How are you? Fine? One more chapter left guys!!! Yeah, I'm going to miss this book so much that you can't even think of. Shaddad and Falak are just out of the world, Ya Allah, I don't want to finish😭
RQ; Would you rather be able to smell things from miles away or hear things from miles away? I think hearing so that I know when they are gossiping about me😂 You?
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