Kano State, Nigeria.
Falak grunted into the phone listening to her mother as she rants about her safety and her babies. She sometimes only sit and listen to her thinking whether the woman loves the kids more than she does. She will rant for ten good minutes about their safety before her language will twitch to her own safety. She feels like her mother doesn't love her anymore, she loves her babies far more than she's ever loved her and she is not kidding. Her mother is supposed to keep loving her like her she did when she first set her feet in the palace while she takes care of her own children, they are her children for a reason.
"...I have everything taken cared of, all you need to do is tell them to get ready. The guards are also ready, I have a few maids ready for you there. More guards are waiting for you at the airport, don't forget about anything. Take the babies' net in case those interior designers didn't have it placed like I asked. Now get off this phone and start getting ready, the sun is out already." Then she hung up the phone leaving Falak to grunt all the more.
"Get ready you guys, we leave in one hour. I don't really know why my mom insist that we go with you, I wanted some lone time with my village." She rolled her eyes though they can't see her through the phone but she wished they can so they will back off after seeing her grouchy self.
Falak decided that she is going to her village to pay her father a visit and also her step siblings. She can't just act like they don't exist when they do and her father's grave is also waiting for her visit. She is spending two days there with her children and husband. She don't even want to dive on how hard it was to convince her husband into taking the weekends off. She had to result to kisses and blackmails to take away her children and spend a whole month there without any access to him seeing them and he reluctantly agreed. She has been using the children as his weakness ever since they were born, she don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
She has already packed her own luggage along with her husband's, remaining her children's which is why she is adding additional hour for the girls. They complained that they are not even ready which is why she add it. All the Royal Princes and Princesses are going there for the weekend. Her mother said and she quote 'they need some changes' and Falak could not agree more. They really need some changes and adjustment for them to know just how the world move.
Falak don't even know how her mother did it but she said she already have some place for them to stay and hopefully, it is not some hotel where they can rest. She wants them to lie down on a mattress and keep chasing away mosquitoes in the night just like she did when she lived there. They will be using the private jet so she will take a bed for her babies but everyone is going to suffer with mattress. Just a little taste of their own medicine for wanting to tag along with her.
Especially the Princes, oh it's going to be a sight to see. Them chasing and slapping mosquitoes at night whilst squirming. Moving around on the mattress because of how uncomfortable it is and then they will wake up with backache and sour muscles due to sleeping on the floor. She can't wait for that moment. But in all honesty, she missed her life there with her friends and other people around. She also hopes to see Marawiyyah this time around. She's had nightmares about her friend being in trouble, she won't rest till after finding her.
"Are you done?" She heard Shaddad ask from behind her wearing his famous set of fog kaftan. He looks every inch handsome and smart.
"Yeah, just the last touches. Can you strap them in the car?" She point at the three children throwing their feet and hands on the bed while looking around with curious eyes. Thank God they are well fed so she won't expect any tantrum from them anytime soon, hopefully.
"Sure." He took the three babies in a way Falak is still learning how to after seven months but she couldn't. Taking them once at a time will be a suicide in her side so she stopped going for it.
Finishing the last touches of their luggage, she placed the coffee brown trolley bag on the floor. She took time to wrap a black veil in a muffler over her ink horem pants and white loose button up shirt. She don't want to wear something that will be uncomfortable while she deals with her babies in the plane. The only thing she is glad about is that none of them will take their kids except Madeeha and Anisa since their children are the young ones.
When she finished everything, she was about to take the trolley when Shaddad came in and took it from her. They made their way out of the Chamber and lock it up. She can see the cars lined outside and she mentally sighed, they must take guards and those sirens will only break her heart. The guards are going by road after they drop them at the airport then they will take them from the airport and to the village. She heard that some guards left already which is no one's work but the King's.
Her mother stacked so many stuff in their cars and even the jet. She wants them to gift everyone that lives in the village a gift and Falak couldn't be any happier. There are so many people she wants to repay for what they did to her. Especially Sani who helped her escape and even some money. She feels like no matter what she's done to him, she still needs to give him more. The man gave her his money to board a bus and those money would've helped him in more ways than she would think.
She sat down in the passenger side of the car and Shaddad at the driver's side while the three infants are strapped in their baby chairs. She animatedly talk to them whilst taking video with her camera, even without ring lights she thinks her babies are just too flawless. They keep clapping their hands and grinning, showing their gums. She couldn't stop gushing whilst they try grabbing each other's attention.
"I've really dreamt about us having a long vacation but not with our husbands. We should do that soon." Inayah sighed briefly setting her feet into the currant and golden intricate private jet.
Shaddad didn't even talk about them using his own because he clearly stated that no one can use his jet except when his wife needs it. He has marked his territory so the King didn't even ask him for his and told them to take the royal one. He made that other one with his sweat and blood, nothing can come in between him and his jet. Sometimes he feels that he studied engineering or something like that. The girls settle their longing gazes around the jet not that they've never been there but seeing all of them inside is refreshing.
"I don't have any problem with that. Let me lie the babies and join you." She kept the baby monitor on Shaddad's thigh and move to the room showed to her by Harith at the end of the plane. The room is just like any other room but only small. It has a bed, a dressing mirror and a wardrobe.
She placed her sleeping babies in the middle of the bed and round them with big fluffy pillows so they won't fall off. She smiled and took a picture of them then left the room making sure the baby monitor is on. And that is how they kept chattering around the plane excluding Shaddad who has his head deep in Tuscan sun Falak's diary. It is something she started writing when she was in India. She got the advice from Nevedita so she thought why not? And here it is in his hands.
Something caught his attention, 'Dear diary, I don't even know what to say to you and I bet you are probably tired of letting me scribble Shaddad's name. But I can't help telling you this. I saw him earlier and shun him, you won't believe it huh? I did that and I can't believe it. God, why do I have to feel like this all the time? I hate love!' and that was it so he let his head train to when she shun him away in the palace corridor.
He kept reading, smiling when she did something funny and shake his head in one of her pranks. She stopped writing when her marriage was set with him but there is also something about the laxative there. Gosh, Falak is so what she is.
'Dear diary,
My marriage with Shaddad has been fixed and do you know what? I just came back from the hospital with a laxative, it's for children but who cares? It's going to do the deed so that's all that matters. I am going to make sure he pays for making me suffer for a long time. Just seeing him visiting the toilet will let me cool off some steam.' He shook his head, Falak is weird.
Matan Fada, Katsina State.
They all pile out of the cars looking around the village that is filled with red sand all over the ground. There are people rounding their cars looking interested. They want to see who are they in those lavish cars that just parked taking a whole street. Knowing this person is probably not just an ordinary one that pays visit since there are police cars with their sirens behind. Falak could feel her heart thumping looking out the window and seeing the people she knows and some unfamiliar ones.
As soon as she got out, everyone around the place that knows her, which is half and quarter of them, gasped. This is not her first time time going to the village however this is her first time taking so many cars and so many royals. She could only force a smile across her lips and help Shaddad take Sabeeha. They made their way into her childhood home and nothing has changed except the red blocks that are about to fall off due to rain. It needs renovation.
The people in the house can't believe sirens stopped right outside their home and are about to leave to check out who is it that they want to arrest in the neighborhood. They tumble back involuntarily upon sighting Falak and the handsome Adonis beside her then the babies they are holding. Without a doubt, you will know that that person is none other than Falak, her husband and their children. But she gave birth to three children? Wow, the girl has always been lucky since she was born. Adama can't help thinking bitterly.
Adama could only watch. She's taken their father's love right after she was born, then the never ending compliments coming from the people around the village. She has everything, her mother is a Queen in some great city and the girl also memorized the holy book, something everyone wants to achieve but only the ones Allah has chosen would. She can't believe how the girl has changed from the last time she visited some years back. Everything about her screams elegance, perfection, royalty and richness. The thought brought this tinge of envy that has always been there meant for Falak, she can't help it. The girl has a way of bringing out so many bad deeds within her just by looking or thinking about her.
Falak look around the house, there are seven little children playing and laughing around none above seven, but their laughter came to a halt when they sighted them. Her immediate stepsister Raiyanatu sat beside her mother on a torn mat blue mat, the one her father died on. Her skin is darker than Falak could remember, she looks older than her age and her hand is placed on her protruding belly looking dejected and depressed. There are so many emotions welling around her face and there are also tear stains on her face. Not at all the over confident woman she's left behind some years back. She would've called her another woman if not for her sharp eyes and her birthmark just underneath her jaw, it looks like she's been stitched there due to some wound.
Beside her sat Zubaidah, her stepsister in-law looking tired and helpless. They seem to be in a heated conversation with each other and they interrupted or more like their sirens interfered in the matter. Falak wanted to go and sit down, listen to their problems and help them but there is also a part of her that want nothing to do with them like they did her some years back when she needed them. She could give them the goods she's brought and that is it. They are the reason she ran away from home, well, they helped since she wouldn't have met her husband or mother if they hadn't.
"Good morning." It is still morning, around nine thirty. Which makes Falak stop to think, how on earth did they make it so fast? Oh right, it was the jet that helped.
"Good morning, come in." Adama made a move to stand up but Falak stopped her with a hand gesture and ask one of the guards to bring one of everything they've brought so they can make it quick and leave. It was even due to her mother's insistence on giving them the goods or she would've just asked for who died and give her condolence. Yup, she could be as heartless as they were but she will be the grown up one there.
"Jam na, How are you?" Her curiosity is already eating her up and so she moved closer to them and sat down gently not wanting to take any dirt from the ground. She already gave Shaddad Sabeeha and he stood silently watching her just a little before the door. He didn't want to leave her with those people nor does he want to give them the face of approaching him so standing by the door will suffice.
The rest of them didn't bother coming in as she said she will be quick, she needs to feed her curiosity though.
"Gorko am mayi asawereji sali to, I lost my husband a few weeks ago." Raiyanatu whispered out, still shocked at the sight of Falak and her babies alongside a handsome and caring looking husband. Everything any woman could wish for and much more than that. They knew she is married to a Prince since the news has reached every crevice of their village. A guard in the palace has a wife here so he told her everything which she shared with everyone.
"Saleh o seri am nebai do, Saleh divorced me earlier." Zubaidah grumbled out, totally envying Falak at that moment, all moments.
She's always envied her even when they were friends but seeing her happy with her husband just touched somewhere she didn't want to be touched, not when her husband just divorced her for something she knew she did wrong. She hated how Falak gets the best of everything, even Mu'allim Bilal's affection when they were in the same school. The mab was clearly smitten by Falak seeing how he take her hifdh first every time but he close it up with 'she is anxious' when Falak is never anxious.
"Oh, Allah yafu mo tawo o siuti, May his soul rest in peace." She sympathized with Raiyanatu.
And now the husband is dead like they'd wanted him to, he didn't leave any penny for them and wasted it gambling on the street. Who is the one to laugh now? She has six babies with the seventh one on the way and there is no source of income from anywhere. Life has it's way of hitting you harder than you expect so drop expectations and go with the flow. She wanted to give birth to many children so she can get his money when he dies and now that he is dead without the money, what is she to do now?
"Useko, Thank you." She sniffed and Falak can't help removing the money she wanted to give the beggars outside and gave them. Each of them a bundle of five hundred. She could only smile at the happiness and gratefulness that perched itself in their faces and eyes. The way respect shone in their dilated tired orbs is enough to fill her heart with warmth, they are family after all.
"Mi anda no mi usete, Falak, I don't know how to thank you, Falak. With everything I've done to you, you still have it in you to help us. May Allah continue to reward you and bless you. I'm so sorry for everything that has happened and I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. There are no words that could justify my actions, I just want your forgiveness." Adama pleaded, her eyes misting with tears something Falak has never seen. Adama has always being strong right from the day Falak grew up and started seeing her.
"Kodume sali ai. Allah yafu'en pat, It's all in the past. May Allah forgive us all." She smiled at them while the other girls couldn't even utter a word but bowed their heads in shame and something like guilt. "I will take my leave now, there are food stuff brought to you from my mother. She is sending her regards." With one last smile, she stood up leaving the guilty ladies in front of her.
"Baki mi yejitta hokku, Before I forget, give this to Ya Siddiqa and Ya Saleh." She gave another two bundles of five hundred to Adama who nodded hastily and collect it with shaky fingers. She can't believe how gracious Allah is.
Just few minutes ago, she was thinking about what to do with her children and grandchildren when they don't have anything to eat. Her business is not working out anymore and no one in the village is willing to help them. Everyone could only think about their own family, no much money to think about any other person. She thought they were going to die due to hunger but look how Allah just changed their lives in just blink of an eye. Now she will start her business all over and ask Allah for forgiveness so her business can work out.
Falak and Shaddad made their way out of the house, however Falak bumped into a manly figure making her stumble but he was quick to caught her in his arms. He's already seen her face so he knew it was no danger holding her in his arms. His younger sister, maybe because he didn't stop his mother from torturing, maybe that is why life has yawed it's back to him. His wife couldn't give him a baby and she was having an affair with an old man behind his back. Thankfully, he caught her with his own bare eyes.
"Nanu le dendiko, Easy there." And Falak stood up knowing that voice, Ya Saleh.
From her peripheral vision, she saw Shaddad narrowed eyes filled with wrath so she bumped his arm, being careful not to let any of the babies fall. She murmured gently underneath her breath so her stepbrother won't hear what she is about to tell her husband. "Are you jealous, Statue?" She raised a brow when his eyes showed nothing short of annoyance, she got her answer without trouble.
"Ya Saleh, meet my husband, Shaddad. Shaddad, meet my stepbrother, Saleh." She introduced but that wasn't what his attention was at, nah, his thoughts are way far than where she is.
He could swear that that was the first time she's said his name and damn did it sound so sexy rolling off her tongue. He could detect the Fulani accent she added to it just like when his grandmother named him. He thought no one could ever call his name as graceful and elegant as his grandmother. When she passed away, he knew it was the end of his real name rolling off people's mouth. Here they are now, his wife saying it just the way it will turn him on. He should not think about that since they are not at home and he can't have her just whenever he wants so he cleared his throat and gathered his thoughts.
Not to talk about how she sensually and alluringly talk in fluent Fulani. Gosh, where has his brain been hiding that he didn't notice those little things way before?
"Nice to meet you." He murmured getting same answer from the man in front of him since they can't shake hands seeing he is holding three babies.
"Are they your..?" Saleh trailed off looking at the babies as they stare around the whole place as if trying to remember where they know the exact location. Just being their curious little cuties like always.
"Yes. They are my children, Sabeer, Safeer, Sabeeha." She pointed at each of them and their ears perked up like elves hearing their mother calling their names since she hardly does that. She calls them with so many weird nicknames that they can't keep up with. But they still know their names by heart.
"Allah maununo barkidina, may Allah bless their lives." He prayed looking spellbound at the exquisite sight in front of him. Falak told him she left a gift for him inside before they rush out. She can't wait to catch up with Marawiyyah.
Falak left her childhood home and gave directions to the first car in the front so they can all follow to Marawiyyah's house. She can't rest till she find her girl in her arms, she's missed the lady so terribly much. She's done so much for her and Falak could do everything to Marawiyyah, no matter how big. She can't call Fikriyah alone her best friend, even Marawiyyah is her best friend the one whom she can never forget even if the humanity is sitting atop her head. Marawiyyah has a large portion of space in her heart which no one can fill in.
Arriving at the house looking exactly like hers, nothing has changed in that house too. She got down from the car, not waiting for any of them and dashed into the house. She could see Fikriyah coming down from the car and rushing to her in fast strides which reminds her to visit Fikriyah's home though they are anything but good family. Those people are nothing short of evil disguised as human. She can't wait to see their reaction when they find out that she is married to a Prince not the lowlife like they've been told.
How are you all? I'm so disappointed seeing the comments section, honestly it broke my heart. Anyways, I'm aiming for something and till I get that, I'm not updating😁🙏 Listen to BETTER by ZAYN MALIK😭 🎶I fell in, I'm falling, I'm for you
I can't let you fall through the floor too
It's a gamble to take any more of you
(It's a gamble to take-take more you)
Still in my mind sometimes, I must admit it
Like it's a crime on trial, I got acquitted
Me and you wasn't meant, we wasn't fitted
Like it's a glove, I hated to admit it🎶
RQ; Would you rather be born to marry billionaire or to become billionaire yourself? Myself o, I no fit stay under man for money💁 you?
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