Kano State, Nigeria.
Another long awaited day in the palace has arrived, the day of the naming ceremony. A lot has happened for the past seven days and Falak could only say Alhamdulillah. She wanted to rest first before the naming ceremony but her mother told her it's better to do it then, sooner than later and not to talk about everyone expecting the naming ceremony to happen exactly seven days after the babies were born like the tradition. She agreed and the day has finally arrived in front of them and truthfully, she is not looking forward to forcing so much smiles and the talks she will have to do. She wish she was Shaddad and can leave the palace and come back whenever she wants, no one will question her.
Before she even got out from bed, she could already feel the exhaustion awaiting her for the day ahead. She managed to force Shaddad to stay for a couple of photos later and he hesitantly agreed. She yawed her attention to the huge crib that has her three children sleeping soundly inside. That has been her routine whenever she opens her eyes, she makes sure to land them on her babies before going on to do whatever it is that she wants to do. She was used to looking at them like a creep all the time.
Shaddad is sleeping also but she set alarm around nine am knowing her mother won't let her sleep in when they have a huge event in front of them. She got out of bed and woke Shaddad up who groggily made his way to the bathroom with her along. After taking bath together, they made their way to the closet and changed into something casual. She took Safeer while he took Sabeer and Sabeeha. They gave them a bath like they were instructed to do. They have to sit down on the ottoman placed in the bathroom before bathing the babies. It is fun seeing the kids playing in the huge bowl.
They are not really playing but seeing them looking strangely at the water then looking around is exciting. There is no moment with them that Falak don't appreciate. She's already done one video with them cradled in their arms while she told them what happened at the hospital and Shaddad chirp in saying she gave him a fright and explained the terror he went through. She also found out that Safeer don't have the birthmark before his ear and it is only Sabeer that has it. She thanked Allah for that or she will keep embarrassing herself time and time again.
The weirdest thing she found out is Sabeer's eyes. They are the lightest shade of brown she has ever seen in her whole life. When she first saw his eyes, she shrieked and called Shaddad so he can help her confirm whether their son's cinnamon coloured eyes are really not her thoughts. He was also surprised by how bright his eyes were and since they are doctors, he knew it was normal for people to have different shade of eyes. But then again, they are no ophthalmologists. He asked one in the hospital who assure them that the baby has no eye problem.
Falak was both excited and nervous. The thought that her son might not be seeing as clearly as his siblings didn't leave her mind. Sometimes she feels like he is blind but then when he will look around or cry, she will get sense of assurance again till she agreed that that is just how his eyes are. Her mother also said that her grandmother has those set of eyes, unique and beautiful. She sighed knowing it is a family trait and maybe her grandchildren might have one too. Yep, too deep into the future.
"I think I should leave now. I will be back later for the photos, I promise." Shaddad kissed the crown of her head and did the same to his children then disappear to the closet and came out dressed in ebony set of waistcoat, slacks and tie matching it up with frost dress shirt. The way those clothes tighten around his body makes Falak's mouth to water.
When he left, she ate breakfast and feed her babies then waited for her mother to appear. The palace has been decorated, every nook and cranny of it. Not to talk about the people that are coming. Falak could only count ten of her people, the rest are all her mother's socialites and other royals. Everyone wants to attend to see the triplet born in the palace. It wasn't a small news when she gave birth. Everyone was talking about it and some even say it was a lie that she didn't give birth to triplets. As if they are the ones giving children to humanity. Asad held press conference and assured them that she gave birth to triplets and the media are allowed to attend the naming ceremony if they won't create raucous. Falak didn't like it though, they should think what they want.
Just like she thought, her girlfriends and mother barged in looking casual in their maxi dresses. They are there to get her dressed first before they do that to themselves. It is already twelve pm when she agreed for the famous makeup artist to touch her face. She didn't let anyone bath her babies and said she already did it and they should only change their outfits to the royal ones brought for them. Even she was awed at the cute little Royal golden alkyabbas sewn for them.
Sabeer has the cream one with silver embroidery along with matching royal cap. Safeer's is tan with same silver embroidery but different coloured cap from Sabir's to help outsiders differentiate them. Sabeeha's is the cutest as it is red and golden. Her small cap fit her head in the most gorgeous and cutest way to feature any baby. Falak is enthralled and overwhelmed at the sight of her children in those Royal alkyabba.
When her makeup was done, she stood up and took the first simple gown sewn for her. She was grateful that they want her to wear something light and simple first before she gets to those heavy laces sewn by Bushra Amani. Falak can never get over how efficient the tailor is, she sew her clothes in just five days and sent them from Abuja to Kano in those days. She wants to meet her one day and so does Bushra, she said she might come if her father allow her. Falak is looking forward to meeting the sweet lady and wished one of her brothers are single apart from Imad and Yazid.
Yes, Harith is married to a girl named Halima. She was his childhood crush who he abandoned when he started having feelings for. When he finished studying, he came back and found her in a serious relationship. She was almost married to some man but he stopped it at the last minute when he found out the man is a cultist. She confessed that her mother liked the man because he saved her father's life when he was fighting for cancer and it was a lie.
Harith was the one who helped the man with therapies and he knew the man was her father so he did it for free. He told her everything that happened and the marriage was set. A month later, they got married and now they are expecting her to be pregnant though they are not sure. Inayah like always said she was glowing and she might be pregnant so it wasn't confirmed. Halima is afraid of going to the hospital until she sees real sign of pregnancy like missing her period which hasn't happened.
Halima Imam Mustapha is a nice sweet lady at the age of twenty four. When she got married to Harith a month ago, she gave so much respect to Falak and her girlfriends. Falak had to stop her from calling her Ya Falak, she felt so old when Halima is older than her. They hit it off just well and like any additional member to their group, she fit in without difficulty. She is more close to Falak and Anisa though, she feels like they are the only coolest ones while the other are really loud.
Shaking her head and coming out of her reverie, she wrestled into the mint green off shoulder gown, bishop long sleeves. It is tightened around her bust then flew down in gypsy. The gown has touches of red flowers and fern so she has a modern bonnet on her head, the net closing her left eye. The bold red lipstick she has on will take everyone's attention and the killer Jimmy Choo stiletto enclosing her legs too. She looks and feels beautiful looking at herself in the closet floor length mirror.
The event has already started and the alghaita people kept blowing loudly while the guards follow behind her roaring praises to her beauty and pouring blessings to the newborn babies. She has Shaddad by her side when she left the room and the photographers taking their pictures are countless not to talk about the television channels trying hard to get glimpse of the Royal couple and their beautiful babies. Falak has never being so proud and with Shaddad beside her, she knew nothing will ever go wrong.
He's changed into white set of kaftan and babban riga that has silver embroidery almost like his sons. The porpoise Zannah Bukar cap sat calmly on his well trimmed beard. Falak has a red alkyabba embroidered with yellow golden while he has cream one embroidered with golden yellow to match their babies. They look like couple straight out from magazine, the Forbes will say the finest Royal couple in Nigeria. They sat down on the Royal throne, not the one the King sits on but another made just for them. Falak has Saber with her while Shaddad is holding Safeer and Sabeeha. When she looked at it, Sabeeha is always in his arms. Daddy's girl.
Gifts were kept beside them in many wraps that Falak didn't bother looking at. They were too many coming from most renowned people in Nigeria. She knows little of them and kept looking as the guards praise them. The Emirs of other powerful states were there, be it Gombe, Zaria, Sokoto and all the rest. There are also some governors, ministers and more chairmen lurking around with their wives and children hot on their tail. Falak is really surprised seeing those people in their naming ceremony and also took pictures with them all. Hmm, the royal kingdom sure has a lot of alliances.
Blessings were rained on them from any elder that walked past them. Traditions were done right there and the King welcomed his grandchildren the best way any loving grandfather would. He's gifted them with so many valuable items, such as the original paintings of them with their parents when they were just two days old. Falak could remember the picture taken when they left the hospital by Suwaid. There were reporters there wanting to see what is going on inside the Royal home of Kano.
She teared up seeing the love her children were getting from everyone. She couldn't even hold her children for two minutes before someone is there to take them just to look at the identical three creatures. Her eyes got blinded with lots of cameras and she has to talk about her babies and delivery to some television channels. She didn't want to but with her husband and brothers by her side, she felt encouraged to talk to anyone in front of her.
"It was a smooth delivery, Alhamdulillah. Though my husband didn't think it was seeing how horrified he was and had some weird images in his head." She chuckled when Shaddad's gaze whip to hers as soon as he heard her mentioning my husband. He thought she was going to keep it a secret, he should've known.
"How do you deal with three babies all alone, your royal Highness?" One of the reporters asked with a kind smile. He looked to be around the age of twenty something so he was not scary as some old ones.
"Well, I have my husband with me and the maids are only one call away. My mother is also a great help alongside my brothers and sisters in-law." She beamed seeing Jabrayah and Inayah's wide grins.
She was done so they went on asking the other royals about how they feel having three additional members in the family. She saw them talking to all her girlfriends, her brothers, the King and the Queen. They didn't talk to Shaddad though, knowing they won't get a thing from the next King's mouth. It seems like he is Kanye to only his Kim, Falak.
The DJ started his job and she was asked to pose for photos with Shaddad, they also danced. More like she forced him to dance with her chickens steps which earn howls and awes from the crowd seeing the woman bring her man to the dancefloor is not an everyday occurrence, not with Shaddad. He only held her close to his chest, keeping eyes on the people holding their children not wanting to hear anything weird happening to them under his watch. He can't afford that.
Her mother asked her to change into the spruce lace patterned with daisy flowers. It is sewn in bubu blouse and wrapper, the second clothe of the day. There are two more for her while the babies have only one left. She don't want them to be groped when their skin is still sensitive so she stopped her mother from asking her to change them into as much clothes as she will. Even she feels like throwing the clothes out the window but knew her mother will ask her to wear something else.
As soon as she came out of the palace to the south wing hall where the event has been held, she saw Bushra Amani walking to where she is with a wide smile. She has never met the girl only shared photographs on social media and time to time phone calls but seeing her there with that large smile, Falak knew she's got a new friend. Without thinking twice, she ferried to where she is and embraced her into her arms. They shared this hug like they were friends since forever when they weren't until few months ago.
"You are more beautiful in reality. Pictures do you no justice." Bushra Amani gushed when she pulled away to give the Princess a once over and is pleased when she saw her wearing a piece of clothe she sew. It fitted her perfectly like she already knew her measurement.
"And you too." Falak beamed, started dragging her to the crowd knowing the guards are following them but she saw soldiers too. Woah, that is intense.
The woman is petite with hourglass figure any woman will kill to have. She is a bit shorter than Falak and has darker skin colour than Falak's but, she is also fair and beautiful in her own way. She is just nineteen year old but ambitious and successful tailor with the help of her parents and brothers. She has started building a future for herself at a very tender age and manage to squeeze college while tailoring. Falak really like girls like her, showing so much passion in what you want even if it is being a shoe shiner.
"Oh my God, Bushra Amani right?" Jabrayah squealed when she saw the person Falak is dragging with her.
Her girlfriends are wearing white laces with red accessories looking every inch beautiful. The laces are sewn just like the one she is wearing, they look like Yorubas.
"Yes." Bushra Amani blushed seeing the attention they are getting on her. She didn't miss the possessive sight of her brothers behind the crowd of people. They stand out looking tall and every inch handsome, soldiers surrounding them.
They agreed to let her come to Kano only if they will accompany her and she will use the plane. She agreed, too eager to meet this princess everyone's seems to be talking about nonstop since their wedding and now a naming ceremony. She could tell why everyone talks about her all the time. She is extremely beautiful and her smile is to die for not to talk about the charisma and elegance she carries.
"I think you should just marry her and stay there in Chicago with her. Just one year and she can come back here and start her college. She can sacrifice that much for you." Falak explained to Imad who was too engrossed into playing with his niece and nephews to pay heed to what she is saying.
"I will talk to dad about it first." He absent mindedly replied, flipping the kids from the couch to the carpeted floor and Falak glare at him for not listening to her advice.
He came asking what to do about Amirah seeing he can't wait any longer, she advised him with the best advice but he is only going to think about it. It's not like she is asking him on a date. Her thoughts were caught short when the door opened and in came Shaddad looking so happy to see his kids on the floor blabbing with their uncle. Just the sight he wishes to see everyday for the rest of his life.
"Can you do that?" Falak laughed hard when he held the Huggies diaper filled with syrup shit and closed his nose tightly with his other hand.
What a sight to see. She capture it in her phone and promise to show her kids when they grow up. Shaddad only glared at her and took the disposal nylon bag, putting the used diaper in it and closed it tightly. He threw it in the dustbin and sighed, letting his nose and mouth open. He cleaned Safeer and put on a clean diaper for him. Falak said it was his punishment for teasing her earlier that morning, making her turned on then left for work because of some emergency.
When he changed the other twos, he collapsed on the rocking chair like he just finished saving the humanity from earthquake. Falak laughed hard, videoing everything that happened for the past fifteen minutes. Yes, it took him fifteen minutes to change their diapers which was their new record time. He usually take more than thirty however, she gets tired and take the job away from him all the time. The babies will end up crying, they get fondled pretty badly.
"I love you." He whispered to her lips after making sure the kids are back to sleep and won't wake up from their noise.
"I love you." She kissed him, relishing the feel of her universe on his lips and taking in everything he has to offer.
Just before they escalated, they heard a baby crying in the cradle so they sprang into action knowing one of them can wake the whole which won't be a beautiful sight to see. Shaddad was disappointed though, they always manage to get in between them and he once said he wished he has loved her way before she got pregnant to spend some much needed time together before having babies. Now he can't even have his wife to himself without them wailing.
"We are leaving the country tomorrow, alone." Shaddad kissed her lips hard, demanding and dominating, making her succumb to his need.
Their kids are already six months old so it's safe for them to leave for five days and escape reality for a bit. He's seen how tired she is and the exhaustion is getting to her so he thought about a change of environment. This can be their honeymoon which they didn't get to go, too caught up in their lives. He is willing to do anything to make up for his wife, everything and anything in his power. He's done wrong and he vowed that it will be her last time trying to build their relationship, he will do that from then henceforth.
How are you all doing? So if you haven't noticed, this book is coming an end, unfortunately. Nine more chapters and we are off to THE HEARTS REAWAKENING (Falak and Shaddad might make an appearance) and IN TWENTY ONE DAYS. I hope you will follow me there. Thank you for the endless support, I love you guys.❤😭 Check out Falak's photo up there with the first outfit.
RQ; Would you rather be born royal or be born immortal? 😂immortal please even though I love royalty like what. You?
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