Kano State, Nigeria.

It wasn't true, the last two minutes in the theater room was only Shaddad's wild and worst nightmare. Falak is looking up at him with a smile then glanced at their children in his arms. He has already said the adhaan to their ears and named them all with the names they agreed upon. Shaddad felt an onslaught amount of protectiveness and possessiveness wash over him holding his babies in his arms. They are truly his children, he is staring at them. His children, flesh and blood! Ya Allah, his heart is about to explode.

The happiness drown him seeing Falak smiling widely though exhaustion is marring her face and she clearly needs sleep but stopped herself to hold her babies. It is not easy to have natural birth for triplets, he wished she agreed for the c-section delivery and he wouldn't have had that panic thought. She has scared him when she dropped his hand like she has lost her life and gave up life, she looked lifeless then with all stress and exhaustion.

The babies move in his arms bringing his attention back to the identical triplet. He couldn't differentiate but the nurse showed him the girl in between, wrapped in pink soft fluffy towel while the boys are wrapped in sky blue one. She is the last born and he was shown the first one then the second before his princess. They have two boys and one girl. The boys are older than her, he could only differentiate them when the nurse showed him a sign on the towel that the other don't have.

"I named the first one Sabeer." He passed the first born to her and she took him, her eyes tearing up when she held her baby, her son, her first born, her eldest son and the first baby she brought to the world. The first baby she will proudly call her first child anywhere and everywhere.

God, is it legal for her to feel so many emotions at once? She feels like testing out her heart to show everyone what is going on in there. The emotions searing her heart are too much to even fix a name on one. Happiness, possessiveness, pride, love, amazements, adoration and a lot more than she will bother naming out to her mind. She finally has her baby in her arms!

"He is so beautiful and looks like the patient one just like his name." She placed a gentle wet kiss on the baby's forehead then hug him to her bosom, he was so quite. Just like the name she asked Shaddad to name him, Sabeer after countless argument on which one suits better then they remember that they have three children so he chose the second one.

"And the second one is Safeer." His voice held sense of pride as he mention the names of his sons. His children, the sign of love they created with his wife.

"Oh my God, he looks just like his brother. How can you differentiate them? I can't see any single sign that will tell me who is who except that I'm holding Sabeer in my left and Safeer in my right." She was in awe, rambling out her words with no sense. She can't see any difference in the two babies she is holding so seeing him differentiating them really got her head in a twist. She won't let him bruise her ego into knowing them more than she does.

"The nurse showed me the little stamp there is in Sabeer's towel which there isn't in Safeer's." He grinned proudly like he just answered the hardest question given to him by their teacher in secondary school which his classmates couldn't answer.

"Wow, we really need to do something about them. It is going to be so embarrassing if I don't know the difference between my own children." She kissed both their foreheads, tears are running down her cheeks but she doesn't care.

"I agree. Here I introduce, Sabeeha." He placed his princess in between her two older brothers in Falak's arms.

"Ya Allah, she is so beautiful and she looks like them too." Falak groaned at the end and sobbed but that didn't stop her from kissing Sabeeha's forehead countless times.

Even the girl manage to pull out the identical looks like her brother if not for her different towel and more darker arched brow, she would've thought she was also a boy like them. Her brow is more arched and darker with more prominent nose, her lips puckered in a bratty way. Falak knew right away that she is going to be daddy's girl without any doubt. She will be protected by both her father, uncles and brothers, how beautiful. She will be so annoyed living with so many males, her uncles and other cousins.

"And they all have the character like their names you know." Shaddad said from beside her when he sat down next to her on the bed and rounded his arms around her shoulder to help her gain the energy to hold her babies. She is still weak and the babies need to be in the Neonatal intensive care unit.

"Yeah, Sabeer looks like the patient one amongst them, Safeer is just handsome and like the mediator he will be while Sabeeha will be an epitome of beauty like her name." Falak grinned looking at her bundle of happiness in her arms. She can't believe she brought them to the world.

The felicity bubbling inside of her is too much to get them out in words. She could only stare at them adoringly waiting for either of them to cry so she can feed them. She freaked out when she first saw the breast milk some days before, lactation. Shaddad confirmed that it is normal for her to notice that and she was so shy when she asked him about it. It is better for her to ask him than go talk to any outsider there. He only cleared his throat and said it is normal and nothing out of ordinary, she didn't show her face for the rest of the day while he get to tease her about it whenever he could, finally something he holds against her.

While staring at them, she fell asleep and Shaddad took them from her, he placed them in the cradles situated by the other end of the room. He knew about the other royals impatiently waiting for them outside to share the good news and also see the new additions to the family. He just wants to spend time with his wife and children, how he wish he didn't tell them about it till much later into the day when he is tired, well, used to staring at his children to his hearts content, if he ever will be.

He also needs to clear away his head from those horrible thoughts of dead Falak that he had. She should really stop being so stubborn when it comes to her health. He is definitely going to share what happened to her so she can scale just how much concerned he was. He felt his heart literally drop to his stomach at the tremendous image flashed before his eyes again. Ya Allah, he needs to pray to cool down his head and since it's only two in the morning, he can pray peacefully in one of the hospital rooms to Allah to never make thy horrendous memory come true.

And it is also a Friday night which means a bonus for him. His prayers will be sent straight like an arrow that doesn't miss it's target. He will pray to Allah to make sure that horrible thought he had never cross his mind again. He will make sure to pray for his children's safety along with his wife's well being. The doctors informed him that they don't need anymore care as they are healthy like any other children. He has Allah to thank for that too. It rarely happens but it happened, only if Allah wills.

"She is asleep." He informed his family members when he opened the door and found them all sitting anxiously and impatiently waiting for him.

"We can see the babies though." Asad made his way to the door and didn't wait for permission before barging into the room making his way straight to the three white cradles silently not wanting to wake a tired Falak which is very unlikely as she is dead tired to even hear the commotion going on.

"Wow, Masha'Allah." Those are the only words that filled the air as everyone take turns seeing the baby and picking each one while Shaddad grumble the names out to Asad so he can tell the others. He can't stay to tell everyone their names when all he wants them to do is disappear and let him be with his wife and daughter.

"Such beautiful names. Falak is so in love that she named them all with S, aww." Inayah cooed at Sabeeha, she's been holding her for a long time already, totally obsessed.

"I know right. She told me she would name her first child with S even if she doesn't get married to Yarima." Jabrayah smiled in awe at Sabeer who pushed his lower lip and move around a little before stilling again, going back to sleep.

"Cuteness overload." Inayah can't get over the triplets as she kept changing from one baby to the other.

"You guys are fussing over the babies and not me." They heard Falak's tired voice from the hospital bed. She has a small smile gracing her lips at the sight of her brothers, sisters in-law and children getting so much love from everyone, just the sight she wants to see.

"I was waiting for you to wake up. Now sit up and breastfeed the babies. It is not good for them to stay hungry for more than four hours. We are all about to leave to get refreshed and come back. I have so much to talk to you about but first, feed my grand babies and rest." Her mother rambled, taking Safeer from Humaid's arms and pass him to Falak who was quick to search for the badge in his towel, there isn't so she knew that is Safeer. God, this will look so embarrassing to other people.

She started searching his body for any sign that will help her differentiate one brother from the other. When she found a birth mark just before his ear, she let out a loud sigh but didn't last long since she isn't sure if Sabeer has it too. She rolled her eyes at her stupidness and waited for him to open his eyes which he didn't and she got frustrated. Weirdly, she was imagining him with some weird eye colour that will attract people. Yes, always up for stupid imagination and that should've been her middle name.

"A hearty congratulations from us but we have to go now. Don't worry, I am coming back as soon as I stop stinking so my nephews and niece won't cry." Fikriyah rambled, placing Sabeer on the bed next to her then Inayah placed Sabeeha on the other side. The bed has something encasing them from rolling away not that the babies are fussy.

"Thank you." Falak smiled and watch as they file out of the room just when Shaddad walked in looking every single bit yummy like he wasn't in his pajamas.

"Can you give me a little privacy please? I'm going to breastfeed them now." She inclined her head, not knowing the new father won't let a single chance of spending time with his family slip from his fingers. Just looking at her with their three children is enough to turn him on knowing clearly he won't be able to have her anytime soon. Well, he can feast.

"I'm your husband and there is nothing I haven't seen before right?" He raised a brow, daring her to say otherwise but she was too into his blunt words to move a muscle. How on earth did she manage to change Shaddad too much in just months? He talks a lot to her and he is now blunt?! She is not ready for that, no, not then. Please, the other Shaddad should come back, she needs him at times like this.

"But it's uncomfortable." She whined, pouting her lips and shrinking her brows to get her message across which was crossed because he continue to trudge into the room and took Sabeeha in his arms then sat down where she has occupied seconds before.

"Well, I will make it less uncomfortable." The gleam she saw in his eyes didn't sit well with her and when she saw his hand zipping down the maternity hospital gown she is wearing, her heart thudded loudly in her ears. Her pulse are about to run for the hills, however, she kept quite and watch quietly as he zip down the front. The zip sat just in the middle of her breasts making it hard for her to breath when he touched the swells of her chest.

He moved Sabeer closer to her right breast then moved the blue gown from his sight letting out her ample creamy breast. Seeing that she is still paralyzed looking at him, he use the hand that wasn't holding Sabiha and placed the syrup nipple in Sabeer's small lips who immediately clutch onto it resulting to her letting out a small whimper which brought her out of her trance of watching Shaddad taking matters in his hands. That man is a real Alpha King.

Shaking the perverted thoughts embedding themselves in her head, she hold her baby closer to her breast and move her hand around his soft hair. His hair is so soft, as soon as her finger try combing though them, they will slip right through and that mesmerized her. She got lost looking at her baby while Shaddad stare at the most beautiful yet erotic scene he has ever witnessed not that he's seen any.

"I think he is okay. Mom said he will move away himself when he is full so bring Safeer here." She passed Sabeer to him and he placed him gently in between them then gave Safeer to her waiting arms and just like that, she breastfed all the three.

"You need some rest and food. Are you hungry?" He asked, placing the children back in their cradle, producing more space for her to stretch her sour muscles and get some more sleep before those obsessed family members of theirs come back.

"Nah, I'm good. I just want to sleep for now but can you bring spaghetti and kidney sauce for me when I wake up?" She yawned, her eyes closing on their own accord to notice him nod.

"Sleep well, I love you." He kissed her forehead emanating a smile from her lips. She is not used to hearing him say those words with so much emotions that makes her feel that love is too small to be the word to describe their connection and chemistry.

She totally agree with him on that!

I had to add sugar for last chapter. How are you babies doing?! Ha, I got you there huh? Falak is alive, safe and sound so keep your weapons please. 😂 You guys should've known I won't ever be able to kill Falak. Anyways, how do you like their names? Thank you for 301K💃❤️🤧
RQ; Would you rather6d JN give birth to quadruplets or two set of twins? I don't even know😭 You?


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